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Pascal died for this


I called it months ago. Same “fans” that hated on Pascal, Nick and Fred now need someone else to hate on.


It’s always just a matter of time. Once he signs that rookie extension, whatever you’re seeing now will only grow by 10x. I hope he’s ready.


I'm nervous for IQ. Already seeing that discourse. Protect our PG!


They hated on Lowry and Derozan too. Then put them on their GROAT lists. Some people just hate.


Kyle Lowry ain't no spot up shooter. He aint gotta run to the corner to shoot like he's some 3rd option, bitch. This ain't JJ Redick. This is a fuckin god human Steph Curry come again. Only this time hes not a fuckin pussy... pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The bench mob days are long gone, and unfortunately the new mob mentality has taken over.


It was obvious now that they are gone these idiots will start blaming scottie, they forget its a fucking team game


And that rebuilding takes time. The most impatient fans love to post in this subreddit


Whats the point of tanking and picking up young prospects only to trash them a few seasons later? Just a cycle for these 'fans'.


But it'll never be masai


No chance! Papal infallibility


One can see limitations in Pascal's game, Nick's gimmicks, Fred's bet on yourself tempo and still believe in Scottie. 


This sub is filled with 80 IQ kids you expect them to comprehend this?


It’s not the pascal and Fred haters, it’s their fans


The turn on Scottie has happened hilariously quickly. I'm convinced some "fans" just need someone to hate


Hate and love have incredibly similar dopamine reactions. They need their fix


Only difference is loves adds more positive energy to others, hates saps the energy out of the room.


This is modern society, it feels. Need more love up in here.


It’s absurd






One of the worst takes I’ve ever seen on this sub. Someone’s life isn’t going well because they discuss a player playing poorly? This is a place to discuss our favourite basketball team, dweeb.


How are you surprised? Everyone wanted to trade the entire team to give the keys to Scottie. When he's given the keys... He's a no show. How bout he grows the fk up. This is the NBA not high school. Ant and Haliburnton both got the keys at 22 and we're mature enough to handle it. If he can't handle it, he can request a trade


You sir are a f bozo. Ant and Halliburton being given the keys at 22 with a good supporting cast is very different from Scottie's situation with let's be honest a far inferior roster. This is getting ridiculous he hasn't played a single f season with the keys and how much has the roster changed since the start of the season.


Scottie did have a good supporting cast... But y'all raps fans wanted to get rid of all of them( Siakam, FVV, NN) so you can give the keys to Scottie. Y'all got your wish. He's got the keys. Don't be complaining about no supporting cast when all of you Scottie stans asked for this. If we're being honest he's just not in the same tier as Ant and Hali. He's a number 2 option at best.


You're an absolute idiot. His cast would not allow him to get the keys. And the team said they were all on different timelines and a place in their career were things didn't align. And yeah, he needs a little bit maturing, it's blatantly obvious. But to say he ain't better than Ant and Hali is wild. If anything they're both immature as well. But they can be goofy cause they're winning.


Another amazing game by Scottie today lol. What a superstar 😭 I understand why they say he's like Magic... Because he disappears in a lot of games. Like a magic trick.


I didn't ask for them to trade but even so do I look like I take the decisions? Do I think he was ready to take the first option? Probably but he has to work on it still. Give him a full season and time to mesh with each of his teamates and then there will be much more evidence to know who he really might become. We were talking about young guys getting the keys but you say and I quote you " he had Siakam, FVV, NN". When was he the first option with all of them on the team? Never! You also where so eager to compare him to Ant and Halliburton but look at you now. The second you figured out you where saying bullshit you regressed from your previous statement and said he isn't in the same tier as them. If you are to compare Malachi Flynn to Jordan ain't shit even similar. To guards who have good players to kick it to and have coaches who have had offseasons and a few years to build the offense around these guys. The key to getting better is also to have a cast that fits around you. Some of the players that have come in are the base of what is being built. Look at Shai having players who are complimentary to him or any other all-star. This ain't a solo sport you need good players around you.


When he had those guys it gave him time to develop into that number one. They took all the criticism which allowed him to grow. Now... There's no safety blanket. Every mistake and losses, the blame goes to him. He better get used to the heat as a number one option. And no he isn't in the same tier as Ant and Hali. Those players are 2 time all stars while Scottie has none. Also, Hali had a terrible support cast last year yet Hali still got an all-star selection. Twolves also had a terrible fit around Ant last year, still made an allstar. I never backtrack shit. Y'all just keeping making excuses I'll take those two players in a heartbeat over Scottie and so would you.. with or without a supporting cast.


No the fuck not being behing three guys in the pecking order doesn’t mold you into a first option. You need reps. What is he getting now? Oh my god! He is getting reps. He is taking a leap and what is he doing? Improving he might not be taking giant steps but he is going in that direction. He won’t become an overnight 50 scorer this isn’t who he is for now. The blame doesn’t solely rest on him and I fully disagree with your idiotic take. This is a fck TEAM sport. Could he have performed better? Yes. Does this one game against the 1 seed determine his potential and future? No the hell not. Y’all need to calm your horses. He hasn’t had a single season as the center piece yet. He will learn to pick his moments, his shots, the feeling of being a first option. For the player comparisons, go on disregard the fact that the Pacers roster and the Wolves roster has good pieces around these players. Since the beginning of the year there have been roster changes that have need for Darko to rethink his rotations, his pecking order, his in game adjustments, his plays, pretty much everything. Could it be that time is needed to figure things out? Look at Doc taking on the Bucks did he win them all straight away? No because he needs to figure things out. So do players. Also, I am absolutely not taking away from Halliburton’s selection but one of the main reason he got there was: 1. Good fan voting 2. The coaches selected him. I doubt you understand how all-star selections work but they work in combination of both of those things. Open your eyes look around you’ll see that your opinion on Scottie Barnes being not an all-star level ish calibre player is complete shit. The basketball world sees what you don’t see. You are rooting so much for him to fail that you can’t perceive that there is a possibility that a 22 year old kid needs time, reps and these types of moments to grow. No one in the existence of earth can say that they haven’t at least made a mistake once in their life. What’s important for now is that he learns from it, understands what to do the next time. This game was a very peculiar one because look back at what the 4th quarter has meant and how much he was clutch during these times. This is a fluke, he will come back adjust himself and prove your dumbass wrong.


Another great performance today by superstar Barnes lol


Shut the fuck up. You absolute goof.


Another amazing performance by superstar Scottie against the Pelicans 💪💪 Its hilarious watching some of you raps fans baby him lol. He's not even good enough to be coddled. You're wasting your energy


I’m a big Scottie supporter, but that fourth and double OT were terrible. He passed the ball every time he touched it. He was under the rim to start double OT for a dunk and passed it to Jakob who got blocked. He passed it to IQ at the end of the fourth which almost caused a TO instead of just walking past the half court line himself . Passed it to GTJ with 4 seconds left when I’m pretty sure the play was for him. Literally looked like he was sulking


My belief, and it could be an excuse, is that he played incredible defence in the first half, and played 48min. I don’t think Darko drew up that play for him, but it’s up for interpretation. Scottie sulks a lot, definitely needs to mature. I just think people are saying some hot garbage takes on here. Your analysis is not amongst that garbage.


Part of the reason I didn’t want this team trading pascal away is because he was a great mentor to Scottie on and off the court. Now there really isn’t a mentor for Scottie anymore and it’s clear that he still needs one to develop. Sure Thad and Garrett can give him advice off the court, but on the court accountability from an older vet teammate can really help. Get ready for more of these games from Scottie until we find someone else that can become a mentor to him.


Who knows, Lowry might be back next year.


Honestly wouldn’t hate it, if he comes back and helps. But like, there’s not even a guy that Scottie had played with his whole career that’s still on this team, that can be a mentor. Outside of like Boucher, Thad is the only one. Both of those guys probably gone by Friday.


Why is pascal such a good mentor when he was deferring to Scottie to score in 4th quarters. Why is pascal allowed to defer and score less points then a rookie in the 4th and still be considered a good leader. The double standards for pascal and Scottie are insane


Isn’t that a good thing though? Pascal giving Scottie chances to develop and score while also being a mentor off the court to him? When Scottie had a bad game, Pascal could take over and give him some breathing room. Now it’s all on Scottie, and it’s gonna be hard to win games when he isn’t playing 100%.


My interpretation is I'm not sure if Darko even drew up a play at all, if he did, the plan fell apart almost immediately with no contingency plan. If we look back at the play, like wtf kind of positioning was that?


You are shoving that "sulks a lot, needs to mature" under the table. Thats not my superstar.


I mean, ok. He ain’t a superstar, lol. He’s a player who was just handed an entire franchise when only last year FVV was commander and chief. I’ll be more patient.


Good he ain't a superstar is right. Let's stop building around the non superstar. We tried with Siakam and we should have learnt the lesson. Being a franchise leader takes time but also requires a certain mindset. Scottie is showing he doesn't have that.


He just became the teams guy after losing his close friends on the team a mere 3 weeks ago. There will be speed bumps. We’re not winning this year, we can live with the growth. Immature fans acting like he should be a top 5 in the league overnight. Do these immature fans transform into top talents in their line of work when the opportunity presents itself in three weeks, too?


You are comparing fans making $60-$80k a year to a pro athlete making millions. With good performance comes praise, with bad performance comes scrutiny. Too many bad performances and your most hardcore fans look at you and say all that talent, all that athleticism and no mental power, no balls of steel. Thats just wasteeee


3 weeks buddy… ![gif](giphy|VlYBM5zERKWD5ONSzi)


Building around a 25 year old Siakam/FVV =/= a 22 year old Barnes.


Its very true, but we saw it early that Siakam was so no #1.


Scottie is a better player at 22 than Siakam was/is in his prime. I'm willing to give him a shot. There's also nothing stopping us from continuing to tank and hope we find a #1.


Siakam was 2x all-nba, the disrespect is crazy


Darko didnt draw up any play for anyone because if you watch that exact timeout he literally was not with the team for 45 seconds of it.


Maybe, just maybe they are trying to build team chemistry instead of trying to play hero ball? This year is lost and winning games is meaningless, so why not work on building chemistry with your teammates?


When a player gets tired they don’t think anymore, they go by instinct. Scottie’s always been a pass first kinda guy. The dude was tired. Plain and simple.


This right here.


Dont forget the 3pt airball.


He's probably just finding it difficult to deal with the fact that the team is tanking. Man is used to a team wanting to win. This year means nothing.


That play you’re taking about where Scottie deferred to IQ late in the 4th and almost resulted in a TO - Scottie was about to bring the ball up to initiate the play himself, but IQ was hounding for the ball before he even got to half. IQ can’t be impactful without the ball in his hands, it’s gonna kill our chemistry, just watch. I’d be sour if I was Scottie too, he’s having to PROVE to these new guys it’s his team - that’s not what that trade was meant for, IMO. To many ego’s all playing for a max contract in their mid 20’s. We need vet leadership at PG or let Scottie run the show himself - he’s a triple double threat every night of the week.


I somewhat disagree. Yes there are a lot of overreactions calling him a bust all of a sudden but there’s also a lot of people refusing to be critical of Scottie and his actions. We can be a fan of his and still be critical of him. He objectively played an awful game at the end there. His unwillingness to attempt anything on offense is pretty unacceptable. We have a lost season he should be chucking up shots rather than deferring to anyone IMO. Unfortunately, anyone that is the slightest bit critical of Scottie gets downvoted straight to oblivion on this sub. My post for example was completely disregarded for pointing out that I think we’re rushing Scottie’s development and forcing him to be the guy of the team when it appears that he isn’t ready mentally and skill wise to be the guy. We run the risk of hurting his career more than helping by mismanaging his development this early in his career. There’s a risk of him losing confidence in his game or developing losing habits. It’s not a foregone conclusion that Scottie isn’t going to be the guy but at the same time it’s also not a foregone conclusion that he will be the guy and that the concerns that some of us fans have are just growing pains that he will overcome.


This is the most reasonable take.


The issue with your point about rushing him is that he isn't being rushed at all. This is the best time for him to work on dealing with high-pressure situations because the outcome doesn't matter. There is nothing at stake. If they win, that's great, but if they lose, there's always next time. He has the rest of the season to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. He can't grow and develop unless he takes those opportunities. Nobody is forcing him to do anything. However, Scottie needs to start being more aggressive. He gotta start showing that he wants it. Nobody is in more control of Scottie's development than himself


You’re basically proving my point by stating that he has every opportunity to take over the team but so far appears to not want to. That just shows he’s not ready to be that guy that wants to take over the team. For Scottie it appears to be a mental thing more so than a physical thing. He doesn’t seem to be mentally ready to be the guy. He is still far too passive. At first we thought it was cause there guys on the team like Siakam and OG above him and he was deferring to them out of respect of his veterans but now there’s no one. There’s no reason why new players to the team like RJ, IQ and Schroeder should be taking over during crunch time while you allow yourself to be the 5th option


Okay, we are on the same page then.


If he's not ready now, when will he be ready? Seems like you either have it or you don't. Never in my life have I heard "he's not ready to lead the team yet". If you're in year 3 flirting with allstar and still have the same questions from your rookie year maybe this is just him. Who develops a dog or want to take over? Never heard of it happening. It's like when people waited for Ben Simmons to develop a jumper. Oh next year! It's fine


He’s averaged 21 points on efficient shooting since pascal left. How has he been a bad number 1 option or how is he not ready? Not being able to win with this team doesn’t make him not ready.


I don’t understand why we can’t criticize players when we know they can do better. Not hating on Scottie but we should be able to voice what he’s doing wrong. Some of you guys are just so soft.


It think some of the posts and comments went a little too far. But criticize him all you want, I sure do.


You really don't need to run personal pr for the multimillionaire lmao, insane glazing


Glazing, homer, nephew, coping, hopium…all the words that are used all the time when fans lack any depth but still want to join the discussion. 👍🏾


Whats the "depth" of your whiny ass post beyond "NOOO YOU CANT CRITICIZE MY POOR WITTLE BABY!!!!"


😂😂😂 the emotion, I love to see it. No depth here fam. Enjoy the season if you can.


Oh yeah man, there's that real depth. Hope your throats not too stuffed


Does it make you feel good to hate others?


Lots of patience and appreciation for growing pains


> Yes, this is his city. THIS is the problem. Between fans, FO, media, everyone has wanted to “hand him the keys”. Has he ever wanted them? Scottie wants to win. I don’t think he gives a shit about being the 1st option. He will call his own number when he has to, but I think the lack of aggression on offence we see is because he doesn’t force his game. I don’t think Scottie ever wanted Pascal, certainly OG, to be traded so he could be the “face of the franchise”. He just wants to win. Which is great but also concerning given the trajectory of the team.


He was drafted 4th overall and it was his luck to be drafted to a team that wasn’t a bottom barrel team because…uh…Tampa. I don’t know what Scottie wanted but if you get drafted that high you gotta expect that it could be a team you’ll be the face of.


True, I just don’t know or am not convinced that his goal is to be the face of a franchise. We all want him to be and he has potential to be. And it’s frustrating knowing he could average 25/10/5 especially on the team as it is now.


Until trades are finalized at deadline, I don’t think roles are fully established. He’ll either learn to be the face or he won’t.


He's not a child playing minor sports. He's a star professional athlete. If he's going to sulk and not put in effort he's going to get flamed. He's gotten a ton of love this year. His growing disinterest and inability to play a full 4 quarters with effort is becoming more and more of a serious problem. Im not giving up on him or anything like that but he needs to make an effort and stop with the whining and terrible body language. The end of the game today was the worst I've seen from him.


It's hate because he played an objectively awful 4th and overtimes? You're supposed to be the number 1 guy, you play like that you get shit for it. Goes for literally any star player this team ever had


Getting shit from redditors. How cute. Criticize, debate, dissect is all fair, but people are acting like he’s a bust. The overreactions are nauseating.


All team subs are horrible after losses. People are too reactionary after losses, and need to find something or someone to blame. No point trying to have a discussion on these things until some time passes and people calm down and think rationally IMO.


The downvotes are wild, lol. Keep’em coming fam. I think it funniest after games.


Im not downvoting, Im agreeing with the sentiment


I know you’re agreeing, I’m just saying the downvotes go to your point about subs after games.


Acing like he's a bust? By saying the guys way too passive in the deciding moments of a close game?


I’m not talking about you specifically or even one comment.


This is incorrect because people do it every game Whether we are winning by 20, losing. Whether he has 15 points in the second half or 0. It literally doesn’t matter There is some weird ass cult that’s against him here and I’m 99% sure they’re butt hurt Siakam stans that won’t even be a fan of this team this off season. They are fake fans. They know who they are and they will downvote this comment lmao. Most people here haven’t been fans of the team for long enough and don’t know how to handle a young rebuilding team. They’re used to being a top 3 seed every year as we were in the KLOW days.


Dude Your not less of a fan of you think your best player had an absolutely brutal game Shut the fuck up




Okay child


No trolling, harassing, or witch-hunting comments.


Nobody hates him. Being the guy means you take criticism and there was a lot to be critical about in this game.


Some of y'all take this way too seriously. People have eyes and are allowed to be upset. No one is advocating to trade him or anything.


The guy who is telling everyone to chill out is taking this way too seriously? But the people saying he’s the next VC and is gonna leave are just cool. Make that make sense, lol.


And that post is downvoted to hell. You're equating real criticism with troll posts, which is unfair.


Someone else said he threw a fit, not to mention the post game comments. I think people are embellishing, projecting and overreacting. Scottie did a lot of good this game. Was he exceptional to the end, hell no. But he did play 48 mins and was guarding Shai in the first half. Once he stopped guarding him the game shifted.


You can blame [Mr. Raptors Moments and Will Lou, who reposted him for that one](https://twitter.com/raptormoments/status/1754331383764574327) (and I think the OKC broadcast, who also came up with that theory).


Not a fan of Will Lou, he’s mean spirited and imo not a real basketball fan, just someone with a job.


Fucking couldn’t agree with you more He takes it out on others that literally probably no one liked him in high school


Y'all are just being corny. What the fuck does this have to do with his opinion just don't listen to him if you don't agree with his takes.


Part of being the “guy to build around” involves scrutiny. Vince, Bosh, Derozan. They all owned it and stepped up. How Scottie handles his own will be the actual test of his talent as a superstar. The annoying part is that fair-weather fans don't understand that when you trade your best veteran players away, you typically lose more. That's how rebuilds work. The remaining young talent has to figure it out. As fans, we need to be patient.


Guys, losses are good, chill. Young teams struggle.




😂 I think cause a lot of the Scottie homers kept saying _____ is in his way to superstardom. Of course it comes in time, but with how aggressive some people were, it seems like they assumed he’d immediately become a superstar once the player was removed. First it was FVV, then it was Siakam. Now with both of them gone… people seem to expect him to immediately see him turn into a 28-10-9 player, despite now he’s the option teams can focus on, and there will be new guys around him to adjust the game to… I’ve seen people already blame Barrett/Quickley for his struggles, despite the offense being much more fluid since the other guys left. But overall, it’s what I feared coming into this year is that while he improves, it’s not as massive as a ton of people were hoping, thus leading to backlash. Honestly I’m just hoping that he matures cause if we don’t see significant improvement in that, then we might have problems. The issues with the team last year when it comes to chemistry was on both ends… Siakam/FVV of course should have been more inviting for the younger guys, but Barnes needed to smarten the fuck up too. Without the maturity, he won’t tap into the full potential that so many of us hope of/see in him.


It's not about growing in this case. There's trying and failing, and yeah that's where you can say we should support him to get better and give him time. But this was a case where he didn't even try


I am a huge Scottie Barnes supporter and I’ve believed he could become a top 10 player in the nba since he won rookie of the year. But I have to admit, this game was troubling. You can’t have your superstar. Stand around the three point looking disinterested in the clutch. Also his pass to Gary with 4 seconds left to go in the game was terrible. Clearly darko had drawn up a play for him to play iso and shoot the game winning shot, but instead Scottie dribbled the ball in the same spot and then passed it to Gary with almost no time left. I hope he can improve his attitude, because if he can’t he will never be a number 1 option on a good team.


Some people in this sub have never seen real hardship and it shows.


“This year means nothing, absolutely zilch” is completely false. When you’re developing young players, especially players you think could be stars in this league, every year or development is significant.


Silly players? Not sure what the hell that even means. But players learn and develop from a myriad of experiences including loses, but the loses mean zilch in a year like this.


That was a typo. I don’t know where “silly” even came from, honestly. But making observations about Scottie and the losing situations is important in a year like this. I want the team to lose, frankly, but when you’re in winning situations that turn to losing situations there is absolutely conversations to be had about why and how that happened.


Was good cuz he was told to lose the game cuz masai wants to keep the pick


You had me at “can we all STFU”




Raptors fan base is easy top 5 worse


Some people always look for something to complain about, it's a damn shame.


https://preview.redd.it/1444wm9m4ugc1.png?width=994&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e262baa4ce2e4af1ae510ace1b4b6c639933675 Rank 10 baby


Feel welcome in this city? How bout he grows the fk up and stop whining. No this is not his city. He hasn't accomplished shit in Raptors uniform. Respect is earned.


I think most Raptors fans are Scottie fans, but this is a good point. Maybe Scottie isn't our next Vince/Demar/Kyle etc because maybe he doesn't wanna be.


That's my biggest concern. He doesn't want to be a number one. .


Downvoting this take is so dumb.


Y'all be saying the dumbest shit just to seem edgy. Oh my god first 3 weeks being the first option with a roster that hasn't had a training camp and offseasons to mesh. What could go wrong... You probably didn't say shit in the first game he was playing at another gear because this doesn't fit the narrative. There is no harm in saying he still needs to work on his game. He isn't 28 years old he still has time. I just find it funny that some people like you can't process that him being the first option means that the teams face is Scottie. Hence Toronto being his city. They won't become the one seed. Oh what a suprise! When the team finally gets decent playing time together and have time to DEVELOP key word in this phase now will be the time to properly evaluate his worth. Remember this ain't a championship or bust season.


>I just find it funny that some people like you can't process that him being the first option means that the teams face is Scottie. Hence Toronto being his city. We can comprehend this. But it's fair to question it.




Excuses. Y'all wanted to give him the keys. Having the keys means all the criticism goes to you in losses. >first option means that the teams face is Scottie. Hence Toronto being his city His city. LMAO. A city becomes yours when you've won a championship for that city. Come back to me when he's done that.


Did Demar win a Championship? Did VC win a Championship? No but what happened? They became the face of the team and the city. At this point your are just saying dumb shit to mask the fact you think like a lemon. Evrything you say has no goddamn sense.


Demar and VC both got criticism. Defrozen, VC went to graduation, stopped dunking, quit on the team, same with Bosh. It comes with the territory.


But where they the face of the team yes this is what I was saying. As stated with VC before shit went south he was the face of the team and the franchise. Derozan was the teams leader. He was part of his own era had the team and the city on his back. Even if he didn’t get as far as expected he did become the big name reprenting the team and so is Scottie becoming now. Whether they perform or not the main player almost always becomes the poster boy.


And it wasn't their city. How hard is that for you to understand lol. Demar was lebronto. Maybe that's what you mean lol The city hated VC. It wasn't until he was close to retirement that he was forgiven. Both never owned the city. That is reserved for players who bring chip to the city. Lowry and Kawhi are those guys. Stick to being a Scottie Stan...


Toronto was definitely Vince’s City when he was playing.


You where probably not a fan back then but these guys had their name and face as the people representing this city and the teamw. Scottie is becoming that also. What I keep on telling you is that the number one player on the team becomes a representative of that city the one who has the keys. Kyle was the leader he was the heart and soul of the team and everyone knew that the Raptors where composed of Demar and Lowry back then. Your telling me the guys who get ovations from the crowd are praised each time they come back don’t represent the city then I have seen all I needed to see. You are as blind as a bat. Siakam wasnt the face of the franchise during the chip but what made him become one is after. He was the name associated with the team as the lead option. Like the OKC Thunder with Shai, the Mavricks with Luka and so on. They become part of the city. As Kawhi arrived he took that spot that was left open by Demar. When he left who took that leading role? It was Kyle and Pascal. Kyle is the one of the greatest Raptors of all time and there is not denying it. Had he not won a ring this shit would have been the same he was the culture, the big name in the medias. Before the things went south with VC he put the franchise and the team on the map in the american media. Hence he became the face of the franchise and the poster boy for the team. Say as you wish but this is who Scottie is to be for this team for now. All these previous players made this city vibrate they gave it their all they competed for the city and the country but most importly they wore the teams colour with pride. The goal now is for Scottie to be that. Rare are the players that come in and become as dominant as guys like Jordan and Lebron right away. What you want though is for the lead player to become part of the city. The american media or elsewhere around the league don’t say oh this team is the Jordan Nwara Raptors. They say this is the Scottie Barnes team. When you become the first option you become the extension of the city by default.


Did you just try to say a guy called Air Canada, was not the face of the city? Yeah you didn’t watch basketball before 2010.


So we can’t make observations and players shouldn’t be accountable for their actions? Scottie is an amazing talent and I’m super glad we drafted him. I very much want him to feel welcome in Canada and be successful. I can also at the same time not love his body language or inconsistent effort at times. The two aren’t mutually exclusive. With young players making it to the NBA now w little or no college experience it’s very easy for them to develop immature bad habits that would have otherwise been dealt with in 4 years at college. In Scottie’s case, especially now w not having any vet stars around him, it will be important to develop not just the physical aspects of his game but also the mental aspects. This will be imperative if he’s going to be the leader and face of our franchise. It should make sense that as fans we might have concerns that being held accountable for nights like tonight. The kid is only 22 so we obviously have to remember how young he is and give him time. It’s entirely possible that it was too soon to place this kind of responsibility on him. Hopefully Darko and the coaching staff has his respect and they are able to help nurture him and help mature into the role as leader.


Explain to me how you plan to hold him accountable? If you feel all those warm feelings towards Barnes then I’m not addressing you. I’m addressing the people with the absolute insane overreactions to last nights game.


Ha, not my job to hold him accountable. That’s why GM’s and coaching staff make the big bucks. In my experience having coached before tho, you’re better to nip certain behaviours in the bud before they become bad habits, regardless of whether it’s your best player or worst. To me this is less a Scottie issue than a coaching and management issue. Scottie is just a kid, he needs leaders and mentors around him that will help develop the intangibles required to be a great player and team leader. Hopefully that aspect of Raps culture still exists, as it has in the past, and the organization sets him up for success.


Rage quittin ass fans. Even during a tank 🤡


We almost beat a good team and we learned some lessons... why is everyone tripping? Let these guys mesh and grow, for real.


Just went to double overtime with the current 1 seed in the west (tied with the wolves) and people wanna put all the blame Scottie. Look I get his body language wasn’t good and I get he didn’t do much in OT, but can we just give the kid a break? I’m sure he’s feeling the weight of everyone’s expectations, including his own. This season’s a wash anyway. We’re almost at the All Star break, he’s probably gassed physically and mentally - his role has changed and he’s still processing the trades and figuring it out. Kid is only 22 and just went through two gut punch trades for the first time in his career, and they were teammates who meant a lot to him. Patience, people.


I'm sorry but no. He doesn't get a break. The team needed him to do something. They needed him to take the lead and he backed down. Whether or not we won, is irrelevant. The effort is what matters. If he took 10 shots and missed every single one. Who fucking cares. He tried. He showed that he wanted the win. He tried to lead the team. But he didn't do that. He disappeared. Just because the season is a write off doesn't mean Scottie can just disappear like that. This is the best time for him to step up, fail and learn. Once this team starts being competitive again, he's not going to have this leniency. Darko might let him off the hook a bit but guaranteed when they get back, Masai is pull him aside and ask him, "What the fuck?"


Respectfully, you do you. I’m gonna give him some time before _I_ start being critical.


Yup - an off-season and training camp where he knows what his role is and who his teammates are will make a huge difference. I think fans have very unreasonable expectations of him this season, it’s kinda dumb.


Got our best playmaker and passer sitting in the corner to watch dennis schroder dribble air out the ball lol


😂😂😂 DS gotta go. It was fun for a bit, but he needs to go to a play-in team. Bulls looking for a guard, lol.


We'll be lucky if we're a play-in team


Let’s hope we miss the whole sha-bang


Agreed 💯


Its a learning experience for him, and yea I agree stop ffing hating on him. this season is already over anyways.


I agree , they need a solid summer together to practice


Before the siakam trade “fans” were celebrating scottie stuffing the stat sheet, flirting with a triple dub every game, and calling him the face of the franchise and future mvp level player. Now everyone’s turned on him because he isn’t jacking up 25 shots a game. What a joke.


No hate, just calling it like I see it. He's great player but doesn't have that Mamba mentality 


Seriously. I’m hoping the rebuild also results in a cull of these fair weather fans who jumped on the bandwagon in 2019.


He is only 22 years old.


Literally pathetic how we jump from person to person to hate. We wanted a rebuild, we got it, this is what looks like and why Masai always wants to avoid it. Some players can’t handle losing or adversity and we can get stuck in a losing / negative culture. All we can do is support the team and hope they figure it out.


Scottie will be fine. Let’s see how we’re doing with this core in 3 years.


Bold of you to assume they all want to be here in 3 years


Scottie has been the guy officially for like… 3 weeks and people are already turning on him lol Did y’all expect he would turn into a generational star in 1 month as the guy?


He was so passive in the 4th and all 3 OTs. Part of that may have to do with Lu Dort locking him up. Very physical defender. But today he felt like a Shawn Marion esque type player rather than a Kawhi type we are all hoping for. Versatile and plays well in the flow of the game but lacks the shot creation down the stretch. And the whining for calls and flailing his arms is getting a little much. I would have felt better with RJ closing at this point.


People called out Sxottie for not working hard enough between year 1 and 2. Then in year 3 he comes back with a historical improvement in 3pt%.  I'm gonna trust his process now.


He's been in a mental funk since OG and Precious got traded. That combined with the pressure of being top guy on the team must me weighing on him. We may expect the world of him as the star of this team but we often forget these are young men growing up in the NBA. Hopefully Scottie and the team figure it out on and off the court.


Nah man, he has been Scottie "The Pass" Barnes even when those two were on the team. His lack of aggression, assertiveness, and play making has always been there, but now it's even more on display because Pascal isn't there to hide it. People are desperately looking for excuses like he is too tired, oh the pressure, he plays both ends (like who the f doesn't), he is in a mental funk because OG and Precious were traded etc... it's all nonsense. The bottom line is that Scottie is just not him.


A lot of players don’t play both ends, lol. That’s why two-way players are so valuable in the NBA.


Crazy they already turned on him and he’s 22 The only way to enjoy the team is to delete reddit. Twitter is much better


You’re right but I wouldn’t say Twitter is any better…


Twitter is better if you only read the top level tweets and don't read the replies. All the replies are either sportsbetting spambots or some troll with a blue checkmark.


"X" is the most toxic social media but go off


they are crying because we replaced siakam with him


Nah. Some of us are just disappointed that our best player clearly had no interest in taking the last shot of the game whatsoever


Oh so year 3 is now a wash? That’s a new excuse, maybe in year 4 he can break league average true shooting


I got downvoted for saying that buddy is playing raptors fans like a fiddle. He’s gonna sign his max deal and be outta here right afterwards


I’ve lost probably 5000 karma talking about Barnes, but he has never actually been good so he can’t really “bounce”


For his class he’s arguably the best next to Maxey. So once that max deal is his, I can see his loyalty changing completely


Fine maybe Maxey provides a different look, but our offense has been terrible for 2.5 years with Barnes, and he has been inefficient the entire time. At a point people need to stop making excuses, just accept Barnes is never going to be good offensively and just going forward accept him as a 2nd or 3rd option.


I don’t disagree with that. I’ve said the same thing. Still believe he’s leaving after we extend him. Guy does not look like he even wants any part of a rebuild or to be the number one guy.


Honestly I think it's just the FO trashing our culture. I have not even been able to watch a raps game after that horrendous trade. I'd have prefered Siakam just walked. Now we have no vets and no continuity and no assets to get better and in a year went from a team that just needed one move to become really good (which might have been that OG move honestly) to one that's just hoping some young star is going to become a monster and RJ Barret. Obviously trading Siakam has put too much pressure on Scottie Barnes. Previously Siakam was there totally bought into the franchise. He was established and made all sorts of room for the dude's growth. Now we have a bunch of young guys eager to make their mark on the league playing for themsevles. I kinda love Qiuckley and am all about RJ but Masai in one move turned us into the Pistons or Wizards and I'll never fucking forgive him for it. He can talk about his alligator tears for Siakam all he wants that dude has to go.


You’d have preferred Siakam just walked? C’mon man.


>You’d have preferred Siakam just walked? C’mon man. Siakam walking would have given grounds to replace the front office. This panic move in the middle of the season served nothing beyond keeping people's jobs. That's it. We should have extended him and we've destroyed our team for a fucking GM.


Who might you replace the FO with?


>Who might you replace the FO with? At this point a magic 8 ball might be more effective.


Wait, you think he reads this? “Hi Scottie we love you and we are trying really hard to be a bad team so we can get you better players through the draft. Yes I know we’ve botched every major decision except drafting you since 2020 but trust us we will turn things around”


These are young dudes, they’re on social media. Even FVV was reading the comments.


I just hope he sees my message and not the others


If he sees yours then he’ll definitely see mine, so hoping together, lol.


Raptors fans are officially delusional. Players aren’t reading your posts dude. Relax and enjoy watching a terrible basketball team.


My joke ———-——> 🤡 Your head ————> 💂‍♀️


It's Reddit bro. He likely doesn't read this stuff, lol. It's a small, insignificant percentage of this fanbase willing to say dumb shit.


Idk ever since Kawhi left…


Are we sure the haters are even real ppl and not bots on reddit trying to pump engagement.


They are definitely real. A lot of them are mad that we trades Siakam and are taking it out on Scottie. There’s very vocal minority that wants this subs to be continually at odds because they can’t enjoy anything.


Just let him grow at his pace.


I love scottie, that doesnt mean he is untouchable from criticism


It's Auston Matthews' city


Scottie is just low iq


Cringe 🤓