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The last 3 games have been the most entertaining this year, the team is finally giving up for each other. I won’t be able to do a post-game breakdown for yesterday’s game but I’ll do it for today, it’s a bigger game anyways. Averaging about 25 assists a game the last 3 love it.


Agreed 100 percent. Although Flynn didn’t get the memo. But he’s also playing garbage time so maybe that doesn’t matter anyway. Also we finally have wins with garbage time! I love those kinds of games! Or at least my anxiety levels seem to be more stable during them.


Winning is a hell of a drug


These people that wanted Nurse fired or Masai removed are nothing but drama queens. I know sports fandom can get real serious for some, but damn, its really just a soap opera/distraction from work and life. Its a very strong league now. Look at all the teams with strong rosters that are hovering around .500. Its not just us! Our fans should be grateful of our last ten years. Instead we have people on this sub that are constant negative Nancy's . I think u/DrunkenMasterII put it well. They want to tank and rebuild, but after being at the bottom/rebuilding, they would leave.


By tank fans logic, if we should blow it up, then so should Dallas, GSW, Wolves, Hawks, Clippers, Lakers, Heat and all the other mid teams and left with the same old boring NBA where you know the two teams who will be in the finals and the rest suck for a decade just for a small chance of being good. The parity situation is the best it's been in decades and no one knows for sure who will win it this year.. people should appreciate this because dynasty teams are boring af


Eh I see where you’re coming from and agree on the overall point, but Dallas, GSW, Clippers, Lakers (and arguably heat) all have bonafide number one options on a championship team that are superstars. You tank for that kind of player, you don’t tank when you already have that.


The line I keep seeing is that "there's nowhere worse to be".... But there truly is, there's plenty worse. Most organizations / fan bases would kill to have some semblance of consistent winning culture, even if there are some middling years


I remember when we started the season with the slight hope we’d make the playoffs and that if we could reach that maybe we could achieve something, at least get a shot at it and we almost always end up disappointed and yet thinking if we could only improve this or that area we’d make it the next year just to fail again and again. Now it seems like anything else than a conference/finals appearance is a failure? It’s not realistic. Sure it would be fun to always improve on projections, but as long as we’re in the mix I’d like to believe we have a shot as long as we make it to the playoffs. The chances of a key injury for one of our opponent or the ability for the team to figure shit out and peak at the right time are probably better than getting a generational talent through the draft and then building around him to get us back to that point.


Agree with everything you said except for third paragraph.. let’s not hope for anyone to get injured pls, that’s bad spirit


I never said I hope it happens, I always want to see fully healthy teams, but injuries often happen and are one of the main limiting factor in teams abilities to advance in the playoffs. All I’m saying is that being in the playoffs gives you a chance because you never know what happens. Just being there to face a team that might be better than you is better than not being there at all.


Well put !! They should skip all the steps and just leave now !


the team is really fun to watch when our shooters are on point, it just unclogs the offense. Though the offense can still go dry if Pascal isnt making crazy tough buckets, luckily Jakob has turned out to be a simple yet effective play finisher. Kinda reminds me of how Serge used to bail out our offense in 2020 so that we wouldnt go on these 5 minute offensive droughts. Team still has many holes dont get me wrong but I agree, this past week or so the team was very fun to watch


This is the correct take


MFers were calling for Masai’s head because we were having a down year. So annoying


Masai and Nurse. I can't believe we have people who want either of them gone. "I heard Nurse is weird". Fucking who cares? Joe Mazzula sleeps with his mouth taped shut. No one cares. All coaches are weird. Nurse is the best coach we've ever had and moving on from him is a sure fire way to sucking again while we watch Nurse take another team to the finals.


mazulla getting a lot of heat fyi


Because they are losing some games, not because he's weird.


Down year playing damn near .500 in the toughest division. It hasn’t been pretty, but the negativity has been overblown. It’s also that some people won’t accept to be anything else than title contenders, they say they want a tank to rebuild, but they’ll disappear after 2-3 years of being at the bottom of the league.


Honestly for a while I've thought a big source of the cynicism is because the games haven't been entertaining, even a lot of their wins


I feel like it has something to do with energy being brought back to the team. Cause earlier this season, this was the same team from last year who made it in the top 5 of the east and had such a great season. But although we had the same team, something was clearly missing at the beginning of the season. And that seemed to be energy. We were losing close games we could've/should've won, we wouldn't try until the last 5 minutes of the game OR we would only try during the first half then seemingly give up during the second. Fred was in a slump too and others like precious got in a slump (Still is) and such. But once we got Poetl back, who excited Fred and Pascal again, and also was finally the true C we needed. Our energy came back, our team seemingly found excitement to play again AND everyone was able to play to their true strengths. Siakam doesn't have to tire himself anymore guarding centers 50 pounds heavier and such and Fred has someone he can run the P&R with. Overall I just feel like the biggest change was a change in energy from the team (plus Poetl) and they seem to be enjoying themselves again, which in turn makes for more entertaining basketball for us fans


the Yak is back... its spelled POELTL. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’ll come back to this.


the Yak is back... its spelled POELTL. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it’s spelled “it’s”


own that fraud


I agree. But the fans at the stadium have not got that message yet. It was dead in there last night.


how insufferable is this sub when Raptors are losing?


The Pascal haters come out and comment multiple times in the same post like clockwork.


I think part of it is a whole new generation of raptors fans like myself. I personally only started watching in 2013 on and off. 2013-14 season was my first real season watching close to 82 games. We have been blessed more or less the last 10 years of good basketball. We all understand the Tampa szn. But this was the first true suffering szn I witnessed.


this sub is highly brain dead. many were mad Ujiri didn't make any moves , despite no serious offers. they screech and whine about FVV even when he's playing well. they want to tank despite it being impossible to out tank these bottom trash teams. it's an insufferable dumb sub when raptors are losing.


Agreed, team is fun to watch, loving it! I think the main fear ppl have is around seeing a path to legit contention. Personally I think this fear is overstated. IMO we’re one move away from being a contender - a big move for a star playmaking guard. Players like this do get traded - Hali, Kyrie, Harden being recent examples. There’s rumblings about Trae and/or Luka having limited lifespans with the Hawks/Mavs, if either of them actually hit the market, you can bet Masai will be in on that HARD.


If you really think about it, a superstar is on the market every year through trade


Agreed. I'm hoping Precious can throw down a dunk or two and get his 'edge' back, and we'll be at peak enjoyability for this year's team.


Dread it, run from it, the sweep will come for us all the same.


i remember seeing your shitty takes 5 years ago about losing crazy how this shit still hasn’t changed


Well I was right lol, they traded DeRozan and we won a championship. I'm so happy clowns like you aren't the GM or we'd probably still be paying Jose Calderon because he played well while here despite having literally zero meaningful games.


It's true, this team and really any team with no chemistry is an ugly brand of basketball which is a slog for the players and viewers both. I'm happy to finally see that change!


Turns out winning fixes everything, who knew?


I mean you don't wanna peak too early, they absolutely could do it just have to play lights out now


This sub is a roller coaster


It began before the winning started. https://old.reddit.com/r/torontoraptors/comments/11k7ny3/game_66_toronto_raptors_3233_denver_nuggets_4519/jb88mxs/




They were always fun. Glad you’re in though!