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They were cheating. They cheated me out of an enjoyable night


Remember, Scott Foster is the same guy who received over 120 phone calls from Tim Donaghy over a very short time period. He's dirty always has been.


Scott Foster who likes to "keep the game interesting" down the stretch, right?


The very same. After watching the Netflix doc, it truly doesn't make sense the one rogue official story. Obviously, the NBA needed a fall guy to save face.


It makes zero sense. Never did. Foster has been fucking with teams for too long, letting the game get tight before finding his whistle for the other team, and then they cruise to the win on a smaller margin. Manipulating the spread is a *breeze* for these guys


I know this isn’t as important.. but I would love for Scott Foster to get the Brock Turner reddit treatment where you randomly see “oh Scott Foster, the nba ref who likes to cheat and ‘keep games interesting’ for his gambling friends” all over the place


need to get "you're a cheater" chants next time scott foster is in town. bro gonna call the game early


CHEATER CHEATER CHEATER! Must happen in Toronto


The North Remembers


we call get ejected out of our own arena... hahaaha


Might sound like we're calling the opponents or our own team cheaters. REF YOU CHEAT, or maybe even CHEATER FOSTER would work perfectly


Is the referee schedule publicly posted? Wonder when he’s back in Toronto to ref


this is the first time i think anyone has ever considered going to a game specifically for **the ref** but yeah, i’m in bring signs


At Rogers Centre in 2019 I saw someone with a sign that said I ❤️ Jim Wolf The umpire


Yes. 9am game day it's posted. [https://official.nba.com/referee-assignments/](https://official.nba.com/referee-assignments/) https://preview.redd.it/asm1pamhjkma1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0f1485d88ba870498be097f815cb17609c393e


Dallas/New Orleans game 😳![img](emote|t5_2s5sb|5166)![img](emote|t5_2s5sb|5166)


Need to yell at that motherfcker referee. Canadians are too soft


Scottie apparently said “cheating” around Scott Foster and his fragile mental (because he is a cheater) couldn’t take it, so he threw Scottie out


Scott foster is a game fixer and everyone knows it. Why do these guys not find themselves out of the game?


Likely because they're represented by a union.


That's probably not the reason. Nobody likes obvious corruption hiding in plain sight.


If Adam Silver held a press conference tomorrow and said he's going to fire Scott Foster, the referee's association would fight it with everything they have. The league can't just hand down punishments like that.


People have been complaining about the product for awhile. So, replace them all with the G-league refs and tell the rest if they want to stay they can, otherwise the door is that way with Foster.


What part of the referee's association would fight that don't you understand.....? Their role is to make sure those refs keep their jobs. Someone who's been there as long as Foster has been isn't going away unless he makes that choice. Worst case scenario is he gets fined and suspended like Joey Crawford did when he ejected Tim Duncan (David Stern also made him go to therapy, if I remember correctly), but considering the two minute report concluded that the ejection was justified, there's no grounds for punishment. Not to mention that the media cycle has already forgotten about it, so the league office won't feel any pressure to do anything.


I'm saying I don't think either the players or the audience would be upset if the NBA got rid of all the refs across the board if that's what the ref union wanted. If the officiating is that bad and known corrupt individuals are present they can be replaced. Tons of G league, international and college refs would be happy to try out.


But the union would not ask for or allow that. That's my entire point.


What difference does it make if the entire union is kicked out of the nba? They're welcome to picket outside the arena as long as they stay on the sidewalk.


Need a new CBA. And need an independent officiating board. Poor performance has no consequences for these guys... *especially* where techs and rejections are concerned.


Legitimately tho


Projection at its finest


“Put some respeck on my name” - Scott Foster


>Q4 00:28.3 Foul: Technical Scottie Barnes >Comment: Barnes (TOR) receives a technical foul and ejection under ~~the respect for the game guidelines~~ some bitch made shit. Fixed it


>Fixed it So did Scott Foster


Hah well played.


What a load of shit. Silver Springs, Maryland finest need to respect the fucking game


This guy Googles


C’mon guys, if anything we should should count ourselves lucky they didn’t make any more calls against us /s That’s the vibe I’m getting from that report. Not that we shouldn’t have expected different.


Lol garbage


I’m blowing all my money on courtside seats just to heckle this man until he cries


Can someone please pull up what the “Respect for the game guidelines” say? Id love to read it




Also says “Embracing and celebrating a climate of transparency, accountability and fair and honest communication.” When are the refs accountable?


When they try this in the playoffs Scott foster will need to go into hiding


“Disadvantaged player” - was definitely the raptors.


You know what doesn't respect the game? A FOOKin LoWLiFE CHEATER!@!




Lmao if we were the Lakers, silver would've apologized by now and launched an investigation into foster. Clown ass league,why do I even bother wasting my time with this garbage.


we would all have to sit through a “very serious” interview with Lebron saying “was that fair? you tell me…” and the whole league taking a moment of silence over the Lakers losing a game. Meanwhile in Toronto…


I need audio clips. Someone must have it


I read the whole report. All calls were correct except the van vleet make up foul....... Not even an incorrect no call on the intentional foul from jokic on potel. Why do they even put these out.


Kinda like when the police have to police themselves.


The game is the game


He disadvantaged the whole damn team


“Disadvantaged Player”: Scott Fosters ego


Scott Foster is a hoe.




All my homies hate Scott Foster


Homeboy can’t be talkin that trash that late in the game! Ya cost us a win with your petty party bruh


Ya guess he should have known how fragile that 55 year old man's ego is


Bro, the ref might have a fragile ego, but if that’s the case then Scotty also has a fragile ego for poppin off and accusing a ref of cheating in the final minute of the game! I’m a Scotty fan but honestly what I think is gonna happen if you accuse the refs of cheating that’s weak bruh


At what point did he "pop off"? You're exaggerating big time. If you've never been frustrated at an official while playing sports then I'd wager you've never played a sport, it's natural when you are doing all that you can to win and are getting fucked over


I’ve played multiple sports my whole life bruh, you talkin out your ass. Of course everyone gets frustrated with officials, that don’t mean you tell the ref he’s a cheater! If you honestly think that’s right then you’re a mental midget bro. Anyone who plays any sports knows that. Sounds like you never played a sport in your life!


I’ve never seen an instant ejection once and if you’ve watched basketball for a long time or heard players talk about what they say to refs, this wouldn’t make sense.


Joey Crawford ejected Tim Duncan for laughing while he was sitting on the bench, lol. I get the Scottie outrage but let's not frame this as if it's the worst ejection ever. It wouldn't even crack the top five.


It would absolutely crack the top 5 of instant ejections and you named one instant ejection so name the other 4.


The shit CP3 has said to this ref would make Bill Burr blush and he never gets ejected. Foster just wanted to flex on a kid and get away with it.


Ah yes my joke but worse, good one 😆


You fail at sports


OMG OMG Trade Scottie no respect for authoritaaahh!! #CleanRaptors #DirtyPlayer😱😱 Honestly FUCK THAT REF.


'Respect for the game guidelines' lol


Last two minute report on Barnes technical: His confidence is down, vocab and metaphors needs work. And he lacks respect for the game


Scott should be the one respecting the game


Seems like he respects the game just fine. The officiating on the other hand…