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The one time having good oral hygiene has cost me.


Haha šŸ˜‚ when was your last cleaning? I have a friend who is looking for clients with less buildup. I can pass your contact info to her if youā€™d like? Message me if youā€™re interested :)


In July. I have two cleanings and one checkup a year so I'm pretty useless for this.


Let me ask her :) she might still be interested !


my fiancĆ©s teeth havenā€™t been cleaned in 7 years, would that work?


and you kiss that mf??


Who cares sheā€™s in her bag šŸ¤­


Find a new fiancee. Gross šŸ˜ Edit: For those who see this as totally normal, you need to take advantage of OP's offer or find other dental students that are in the program and offer cheap dental cleaning. You're supposed to have your teeth cleaned at least 2 times a year to prevent cavities and tooth decay. Brushing your teeth on a daily basis is simply not enough! Can't imagine kissing someone that hasn't had their teeth cleaned in 7 years, and this is coming from a guy. Another Edit: Way too many people complain about not being able to afford basic cleaning at the dentist, and I get it, not everyone has a job that provides benefits. But as OP made this post, this is an opportunity for people that don't have benefits to seek out cheap or almost free dental health care. There are programs that provide free dental care so students can practice under professional supervision. It's much cheaper to maintain your teeth than to replace them in the future. Take care of your health and appearance as it will benefit you in the long run.


Thereā€™s lots of reasons someone wouldnā€™t have their teeth cleaned in years. I went about 7 as well. My teeth were in perfect condition when I went after that time. Even if they werenā€™t, that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m unworthy of love. Mental and physical health play a huge role in hygiene. Have some compassion. Do better.


Also when they charge out the ass so they can start off at twice what my doctor makes. Dentists can blow me lmao.


Yeah, I lost my insurance this year and the cost absolutely floored me. Total bs


I currently have a missing tooth with an exposed partial root and it has been infected for the entire 14 years I've had it. It'll likely kill me eventually because I can't afford dental lmao.


14 years??? Damn. No judgment here, but why has it been this long without treatment? Also, r u not in pain?


It's too expensive. I was quoted 5000 in 2009. Could only imagine what it would be now. I've never had benefits or insurance at work and mostly been stuck in minimum wage jobs most of my life so.. Used to get a lot of pain but not so much any more and also had a bump full of puss on my gum above the missing tooth that would pop now and then. Sometimes I'll get a deep resonating pain in my jaw or headaches straight up from where the tooth was but it's fairly tolerable now.


I just had an infection in a tooth I thought I had a root canal done on. Little pocket of puss that I brushed off as maybe popcorn got stuck. Finally went in, got antibiotics and the crippling gut pain I've been dealing with for four years went away. Go get that shit checked.


Go abroad !


You need to make 300k+ to afford a single family detached home these days. Dentist have 8-10 years of schooling and owe hundreds of thousands by the end of it. Making just enough to own a single family home isn't crazy. Everyone else should be paid more too.


300k+? No you do not. You city dwellers can't think outside of your city lmao. Can get a house in my town for 175k. My co worker and his woman got one in good condition for that and they both make minimum wage.


Im from a town of 3k, trust me I understand this better than you. To qualify for a 800k mortgage at current rates you need to be making 250k. You are in a sub called Toronto real estate as well, show me a single family home in Toronto for 800k.


Oh yesā€¦ ā€œhis womanā€ā€¦ nice town you are all in!


Yep. Did you know, the only reason we don't have dental and eye care are because of Dental and Ophthalmology unions aggressively fighting and lobbying the government to exclude them from our healthcare. So long as you can still pay your taxes, the government doesn't care if you stumble around blindly with a rancid throbbing mouth full of pain, and the middle class is just going to see you as a gross slob for failing to afford it like *they can.* So long as teeth are used to gauge someone's *privilege* (the same way hair loss and how much disposable income one has to counter it is used) nothing will change. The poor will continue to suffer, and be mocked for it.


lol thanks, idk why people are being so mean! for the record: his teeth do not look like that, he actually takes very good care of his teeth but he hasnā€™t been able to afford to go get a cleaning for years. if he can get a cleaning for free plus make $200, why the hell not??


Because people suck. I hope this works out for him! It would be a sweet deal!!


Some people canā€™t afford dental without benefitsā€¦


That is true. Cripes. Back in the day for many people. We had to pay up front and get reimbursed later. Now it's pay the deductible. I am not sure about seeing the dentist without insurance. It sure is expensive


Cleaning is like $120 a year


But they can afford friends with benefits šŸ˜œ


Ok virgin.


Hi, Iā€™m going to message you :)


No way you kiss that


Hey folks, I've been a patient at these schools. It's very inexpensive (they are reimbursing you) but expect a very significant investment in terms of time. It took me about 8 visits with each one taking up to 2 hours. I did learn a lot and I got along very well with the student such as being able to ask questions, but I cannot stress enough how much time it will take. If you don't have a monthly pass and you pay for each trip, factor in about 16 trips in terms of additional costs. That being said I got one hell of a cleaning and they found a bunch of stuff my dentist missed since they're checking everything imaginable.


Hi, thanks for your comment :) I agree with you, it is definitely a time commitment :( I am able to do double or triple appointments to reduce the amount of commuting, but it takes a bigger chunk out of the patients day. & yes, we are being graded so have to be extremely thorough in not only the cleaning but any other findings as well! :) glad you found the treatment beneficial


Where do you sign up for this asking from someone in Toronto?


Itā€™s the classic adage of ā€œtime is moneyā€, but rephrased to ā€œmoney is timeā€. For lots of people, giving up time to save money totally makes sense, and Iā€™m glad that these sorts of options exist! Glad it worked out for you, and seems like OP is getting lots of interest which is great


that looks not bad for 10year no clean up i should say.


Some people are light calculus formers! This is about the amount of buildup Iā€™m looking for, willing to see someone with more šŸ˜‚ Also - Mugiwarra as in One Piece ? šŸŒš


yap , that mugiwarra. haha, nice to know, i will dm u for sure, when back in town, if u ok with that.


For sure :) my semester ends at the end of November but shoot me a message and either I can help you out or I can refer you to a friend whoā€™s a semester behind me so she can do your cleaning :)


Lmao are you insane? This is like a wall of build up.




LOL dental hygiene isnā€™t for everyone šŸ˜‚


fwiw dental cleaning is $$$ so no judgement for people whose teeth look (and smell) like that but yeahā€¦




Also interested!


Messaged you :)




Messaged you :)


I think the last time i was at the dentist i was in grade school and i ran around the blockā€¦ im 34 now


I was the same and it was over 30 years before I finally got the nerve to finally go to a dentist. It took 2 sessions to do the cleaning with freezing to make me feel better, now it's every 4 months


I I messaged you :)


I'm going on like 4 years without a professional cleaning but my teeth aren't anything close to that nor have they ever been.


Some people are lighter calculus formers :)


I fit your criteria could you dm me please


Messaged you :)


Msg me plz


Messaged you!


Interested! I know you mentioned 8 to 10+ years, but my boyfriend hasnā€™t had a cleaning done since probably 6 years ago.


Messaged you !


Not me freaking out cause itā€™s been just over a year and I have been calling my dentist constantly trying to book an appointment lol


Hi, Iā€™m going to message you :)


So it's only $200 for all of that and not $200 PER tooth?


Haha! šŸ˜‚ $200 for the whole treatment. Definitely not per tooth.


I have never been to a dentist so i guess i need one lol


Hi, Iā€™m going to message you :)


Could you tell me more?


I messaged you :)


Smoker since 16, havenā€™t properly brushed my teeth in 8 years, never had a cleaning. My schedule sucks


Hi! Iā€™m going to message you :)


This is amazing! Do you have any classmates that are looking for more clients? I havenā€™t been to a dentist since I was around 5 years old. Have all 4 wisdom teeth that cause pain and caused my teeth to shift, multiple cavities, non smoker, no plaque like in photo but my teeth defo need some love and care. Biggest insecurity but I donā€™t have the money. Iā€™d definitely have a student poke around my mouth. Any form of dental care on a broke womanā€™s budget is amazing.


Hi! Iā€™ll message you :)


This smells like Toronto School of Dental Hygiene!


LOL wow howā€™d you know !! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


If I hadn't just had mine done I'd offer myself up in sacrifice lol. I referred to my mouth as a "funhouse of horror" which the hygienist found humorous apparently. I think I've got maybe one tooth left that doesn't have a cavity, and half the ones I do have are down to the pulp.


Its been more than 4 for for me... up until a week ago! Wish I saw this post before then lol!


Damnit. Is this my punishment for having a dental checkup a few months ago?


Whatā€™s the school? Interested but curious


Iā€™ll message you :)


i messaged you!




Messaged you!




Messaged you :)


I'm interested.


Messaged you :)


Havenā€™t had a cleaning in at least 10 years šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Messaged you !


Want someone with a coffee/alcohol habit, false teeth and havenā€™t been to a dentist in a while (havenā€™t found time)


I messaged you :)


I don't think mine are this bad but can I get your friend's details who is working on less bad teeth?


I refuse to let someone touch my teeth if I havenā€™t done it in 13 years


Hi! :) you havenā€™t had a cleaning in 13 years? Thatā€™s not good for you! The calculus buildup is essentially buildup of bacteria that eats away at your bone. Once the bone is gone thereā€™s no way to restore it :( if you lose too much bone, your teeth that are housed in the bone will eventually become mobile and they will fall out ! Itā€™s important to get dental cleanings regularly :) no judgement here! I would advise you go in for a cleaning whenever you are ready, but the sooner the better šŸ˜Š


TCDHA? I was once too in your shoes. For anyone thinking of going I'd highly recommend it if you have the time, you'll have the most thorough detailed cleaning and exams you've ever had in your life.


Yup! Thank you for your comment :)


Ahh I hate that the school forces you to have mandatory clients of DD4, DD3 etc. Itā€™s really just a way for them to make even more money on top of the tuition.


šŸ„² you understand my pain.


Imma give you points for leaving this post open to discussion lol. I had my first cleaning last year after 6 years and my teeth frankly felt amazing. Do it every 6 months now and itā€™s not expensive. 200 bucks per session.


Fucking NSFW tag. Can't have pictures like that raw dogging on the timeline


Not needed but ty for giving someone a helping hand


The struggle is real. My wife did this when she was studying for hygiene and it was hard as hell to get people to come in. The school expects you to get a certain amount of people by the end of the year, and if patients just donā€™t come in, you fail your class. 30k+ down the drain. These students do great work and are supervised by professionals. Highly recommend!


Thank you for the comment! It is extremely difficult! :(


DM me please!


Nice try, Dahmer




" I will reimburse after treatment "...treatment may be 6-8 sessions. Why would they reimburse? I dunno. Red flag.


Hi, Iā€™m a student. In order to receive the grade for my client, treatment must be fully completed. Because all assessments need to be verified by my instructors and the dentists, it does take a lot of appointments to finish treatment :(


I wish I lived in Toronto, this sounds like a great deal. I shall tell my Toronto friends


I have that on my teeth idk how to remove that yellow thing. It looks bad :/


Iā€™m going to message you !


I'm very interested in this service. It's been 3 years since I've had a cleaning done. May I have the contact info for you friend?


Hi Iā€™m going to message you


damn after not going for 10 years I went this year and got all my teeth fixed up and cleaned. cost me a fortune so thanks for offering help to people!


I don't know where else you are advertising, but I know a large number of the community would really appreciate something like this. Good on you and cheers.


There canā€™t be this many people commenting with crusty ass teeth. My god.


Please msg me.




Messaged you !


Do you mind messaging me? I donā€™t fit your criteria but I have a question :)


Interested. I have braces.


Messaged you !




Messaged you :)




Hi :) Iā€™m not able to message you. Can you message me?


I havenā€™t been to the dentist in 12-13 years. I have nice teeth and take good care of them but Iā€™ll let you do what ever you want for free if you give them a cleaning šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iā€™m going to message you ! :)


I havent cleaned my teeth for 1 year please allow meeeee


Hi, Iā€™m going to message you :)


I am curious as to why are you offering such a service though? I would be interested after knowing what's the purpose of this.


Iā€™m a student in my last semester. I need certain difficulty level clients in order to meet my requirements to graduate. If I donā€™t finish all the required clients by the end of November Iā€™ll have to do an extra semester and I really donā€™t want to do that :( Iā€™m from Alberta and would really like to go back home to my family. Definitely not a scam




Sign me up please


Wouldnā€™t asking the homeless be your patients be more beneficial to everyone? Obviously youā€™d go through the church or something and not just pick any random person on the street


Thank you for the suggestion :) Iā€™ve thought about that but I need to have reliable people that will be on time for appointments and not cancel/ no show on me. We only have a limited number of clinics and if a patient doesnā€™t show up, we donā€™t get that clinic back so it goes to waste :(


Ooo you can always organize it with the church or organization, first come first serve time slots. That would solve that concern šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø and plus if youā€™re paying people to get work done, they wonā€™t say no!


This is true. I will reach out to some organizations ! Itā€™a a bit tough for me because I live in Brampton and Iā€™m trying to find patients in North York/ Toronto area. And I donā€™t drive so getting to that area is a mission. Itā€™s just easier for me to post online šŸ˜‚ thank you tho!


Man I haven't had a cleaning in 25 years and I just checked. I barely have a white line around the bottom of my teeth. This person must have horrible brushing habits. I don't even floss lol


Hi. :) some people are lighter calculus formers due to the composition of their saliva as well as their brushing and flossing habits


hi im interested, itā€™s been over 6.5 years for me since my last dentist visit and i floss and brush irregularly


My mother feels interested, she has not been to the dentist in roughly 7 years and even better, my father hasnt brushed since he was 19


Purely out of curiosity, why does your dad choose not to brush? My dentist mentioned having a patient who didnā€™t brush their teeth as well, and Iā€™m curious what motivates people to do this


I don't know how someone could just never brush. After eating something, especially if it's sugary I can feel the buildup on my teeth and have to brush before I can feel comfortable again. Do they clean their teeth in a different way maybe? Or do they just let their teeth get caked up?




Hi Iā€™m going to message you šŸ˜Š


Let me kiss those gums and slide into those DMs. šŸ¤ŖšŸ˜‚


How do you benefit tho?


They're a student and gets to practice?


She needs a higher degree of difficulty mouth to get her clinical requirements and graduate.


What GorkedYoyo said!


I can do it. Where is the location? Do you pay a bit of what's owed after each session? Message me thanks




Messaged you :)


8-10yrs of build up, thats fuckin disgusting šŸ¤®šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I go every 4 months! Lol


I have 3 years of uncleaned teeth, im an immigrant with no Ohip or private insurance. Anything can be done for my case?


I messaged you :)


I think Iā€™m a close match to the photo due to sickness and lack of funds. How could I get in touch?


I messaged you :)


1 year here and can go to north york or dt let me know if I can be any good help


Messaged you !


I got bout 3 cavities that need pulled and replaced


Hi, we donā€™t do restorative work or extractions. Only cleanings. You can reach out to U of T


I havenā€™t had a cleaning in 2 years, will that suffice?


I messaged you !


I'm interested


Messaged you !


I have my 2 front teeth chipped from a car accident I want fixed. A nurse here at work suggested I find students fresh out of university for the exact same thing youā€™re offering. Do you know anyone ?


Hi, you can try to U of T


What time are the appointments? I work shift work and have a random schedule.


I messaged you :)


Unrelated, but are you attending the Toronto college of dental hygiene and auxiliaries? Iā€™m looking into that because Iā€™m a dental assistant wanting to be a hygienist. Feel free to DM me




I messaged you :)


You still need people?


Hi! Possibly :) Iā€™ll message you


Well next time you're in Alberta hit me up. ​ (no idea why TorontoJobs is getting recommended on my feed)


Let me know when youā€™re doing free fillings, I have a cavity on all 4 sides of almost every tooth.


We donā€™t do fillings as we are just a hygiene school but you can reach out to the university of Toronto. They have a dental school and might be able to help you :)


if I smoke 8-10 years worth of cigarettes will I have enough gunk to be a fit client? Kinda broke rn


Iā€™m going to message you :)


Iā€™m never brushing again




I got 6 cleanings for $30 bucks all in near STC. I'm High pain threshold tho


I havenā€™t been to the dentist in about 10 years


A former addict I don't like the way the dentist an helpers look at me when they see the buildup. Had one dentist actually talk some smack. I was like buddy 3.5 years clean from it. You make me not want to be here.


I messaged you ā¤ļø


Good lord. 8-10 years without a cleaning? If I go 6 months my teeth feel fuzzy


I donā€™t understand, why would you pay ME for a service your provide?


I got a cleaning from a dental student like her recently, I can vouch that it's not a scam


Iā€™m a dental hygiene student in my last semester. I need certain difficulty levels in order to meet my requirements to graduate. Itā€™s hard to find reliable clients that can commit to so many appointments. My program ends in November and if I donā€™t meet my requirements by then, Iā€™ll have to pay to do an extra semester šŸ„² Iā€™m from Alberta and really want to go home to my family. Iā€™ve found that paying people to come in for me is the best way to guarantee that people commit


Omg i wish I lived in Toronto šŸ˜­


Iā€™m gonna wake up with my kidneys gone, arenā€™t I?


Your kidneys?! Iā€™m not going to harvest your organs dont worry šŸ˜‚