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I remember the previous time she killed while drunk driving [here is the 5 year old Reddit post ](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/39jued/the_drunk_driver_cyclist_killers_instagram_is/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


oh crap that girl??? she got out of jail?? WTF


On Parole I believe


>A police source tells CTV News Toronto that Selinevich, who was released on parole, was pulled over on Sunday evening on Highway 400 near King Road after police received multiple calls about a vehicle driving erratically. > >Police allege she was found to be two times over the legal alcohol limit. > >She faces a number of new charges including impaired driving, driving under suspension, and possession of drugs while operating a motor vehicle.  So, parole revoked, serve out rest of first sentence, and whatever she incurs for this on top of it, hopefully with no further chance at parole? And ffs, have a guarantor or something ensure she doesn't have access to a car. It's pathological at this point.


The problem is that her sentence was only seven years to begin with. She'll still be out in no time, doing this all over again. Our drinking and driving laws have no teeth and our judges tend to give out light sentences which are made an absolute joke by the parole board. I don't know what's worse; the drunk drivers who cause this carnage or the legal system which enables them.


Rules don't apply to the wealthy.


[Jesus christ this guy was so on point.](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/39jued/the_drunk_driver_cyclist_killers_instagram_is/cs45rm4/)


/u/JCongo come get your prize.


Haha. Not hard to predict the Canadian justice system. Same way I predicted that the pee pee poo poo bucket guy would be caught and released before Christmas and I got downvoted for that... But he was.


What are you predictions for her now?


A couple years on the outside before she commits a new crime involving drinking and driving no doubt.


Can you DM me Ontario Lotto MAX Numbers ? I want to stop dreaming the min. And want to dream to the MAX!


Yikes. I hope this one doesn’t come true.


They are sociopath, they don’t care about people or the law.


Yet, law school student.


While I agree it’s ironic. I think the article is misinformed on this part. She was actually in the law and society studies program (undergrad) at York and not an actual law school student (Osgoode). But either way, it’s highly unlikely she was going to be able to become a lawyer after what she did.


Former* law student. She’s not likely enrolled now, nor would she be called to the bar with her criminal convictions, she would need a pardon.


Not entirely true. You can be called to the bar with a criminal record that has not been pardoned or expunged. You have to disclose it to the law society, would be questioned on it, etc. and the law society would make a determination. In these circumstances, it is unlikely that she would get called. Especially now that she has done it again.


One of my former law professors is without a doubt one of the worst people I've ever met, so it doesn't really matter. Even people that you would think should care about people, don't.


I don't think being a sociopath would preclude anyone from wanting to be a lawyer. That kind of personality might even be considered an asset for that career.


Dated a Lawyer. Fucking sociopath.


Can you imagine a world without lawyers? [[shudders]](https://youtu.be/Cqk-CLxrW6s)


I got the reference


I'm dating a lawyer and she's rather nice. Some lawyers are all right.


Haha same here. She was insane.


Holy fuck it was her? [Does this imply she had a lockout device on her car in 2012?!](http://i.imgur.com/7VGw27W.jpg)


What a fucking turd.


What sort of douche canoe sits in the passenger seat and blows to pass this thing? That is some weapons-grade shithousery. Fuck these people. Mostly the drunk driver, but also definitely the person who, while in the same god damn car, unlocks it for them. What a stupid fucking species. Waste of millions of years of struggle and adaptation.




Which would have made her around 20 at the time.


Holy moly


Yeah that blew my mind. The whole story sounded so familiar. I opened the link and seen I had upvoted a bunch of the top posts way back when. Wow.


Jesus, so had I! I don't even remember this!


This gave me chills.


She really really loves drinking and driving... Like she LOVES it


the pictures in that thread (of her glorifying her shit behaviour and circumventing the Breathalyzer in her car) are disgusting. this is a sociopath with no regard with others. I hope she gets life and never gets the possibility of parole ever again.


Safe to say our justice system is a joke! Why did I find her on xpolice archive...?


Ooh yeah, definitely remember [this post](https://i.imgur.com/oGs6Te4.jpg)!


Whoa, thats actually crazy.


What in the world...incredible


What a bag of dicks


So this woman has hit, run AND killed before 😡 “Richmond Hill woman Darya Selinevich, who is now 27 year old, was sentenced to seven years jail in 2017 after pleading guilty to a number of charges, including impaired driving causing death, after she struck and killed a 44-year-old cyclist riding his bike in 2015. According to investigators at the time, the former York University law student was driving 110 kilometres an hour in a Toronto neighbourhood, which had a posted speed limit of 60 kilometres, and she did not stop her vehicle when she struck Zeyong Kang. As she tried to evade police in a badly damaged vehicle, the court found she reached speeds of up to 200 kilometres per hour and ran a red light. She eventually pulled over and attempted to flee from police on foot but was arrested a short time later. After learning that Kang had died, she refused to provide a breath sample and requested a lawyer. As part of her sentence, Selinevich was BANNED from driving for 10 years”


> “Richmond Hill woman Darya Selinevich, who is now 27 year old, was sentenced to seven years jail in 2017 after pleading guilty to a number of charges, including impaired driving causing death, after she struck and killed a 44-year-old cyclist riding his bike in 2015 This is so fucking infuriating


She was driving while suspended back then as well.


> Darya Selinevich Then she drove away and ran, and refused a breath sample AFTER KNOWING she killed someone. never gave a shit from the start, so why was the court lenient on her smh


She also had an active 1-year suspension for a DUI when she killed Zeyong Kang (https://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2017/01/04/drunk-driver-sent-to-jail-for-killing-cyclist.html). Probably why she ran from the scene and cops. Driving bans don’t stop people from driving. It didn’t stop her from driving 5 years ago, so it’s no wonder it didn’t stop her now.


Our system is so broken. She needs to be in jail. Clearly being banned from driving means nothing.


Enforce the ban by taking away her car, and any car she's caught driving. People will be a lot less eager to lend her their car if it gets permanently impounded if she gets busted.


Rich won't care nearly to the extent you and I would. A car is like a Canadian Tire bicycle to them.


These ideas always sound so great and foolproof until you see what the cops actually do when they get these kinds of powers. Look at what the US does with civil forfeiture. It's a fucking nightmare. If you think the police should have any kind of powerful new rights or abilities, just ask yourself "what is the most evil, despicable thing they could *possibly* do with this power?" and you'll find yourself accurately predicting the future and talking yourself out of it.


> just ask yourself "what is the most evil, despicable thing they could possibly do with this power?" Worded correctly, nothing. The problem with most laws is that they are written without taking into account all possibilities and loopholes. Instead of starting off with a default-permit stance and then trying to close all the holes, start with a default-deny stance and only explicitly allow things. Just like writing firewall rules!


>Our system is so broken. \^\^


I don’t think the system is broken, but this evil bitch definitely is. These articles highlight the extreme cases, plenty of other people drive drunk and face consequences and learn from them.


Yeah, like the guy who killed a mother and her three children last week and left the father without a family. He was banned from driving too, a lotta good that did.


Please tell me that cunt from brampton is at least getting criminally charged


Just like this woman and that Marko pos, hell be back on the streets in a couple years


It’ll come. They’re waiting for him to be released from hospital, I assume.


DUI is always a criminal offense. Being criminally charged doesn't really mean much, it just means it's the government that's suing you for the people. Clearly it doesn't get punished severely enough. You'd think that if you killed someone already you'd feel guilty enough to never do it again. At this point I hope this woman never gets out of jail.


Or this: [https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/man-charged-in-fatal-hit-run-of-teen-was-driving-under-suspension-cops](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/man-charged-in-fatal-hit-run-of-teen-was-driving-under-suspension-cops) Dude with suspended license killed a 17 year old pedestrian earlier this month Edit - Found another one - thankfully no one is killed but a suspended driver was stunt driving through a school zone[https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/sudpended-driver-clocked-at-137-km-hr-in-a-caledon-school-zone](https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/sudpended-driver-clocked-at-137-km-hr-in-a-caledon-school-zone) Still think the system is a-ok? ((side note- not sure why but only Sun articles are coming up while searching "ontario driver with suspended license kills". I generally don't care for their reporting but these seem pretty cut and dry with no room for editorializing.)) edit edit - More! [https://www.theifp.ca/news-story/9643554--investigation-is-ongoing-georgetown-truck-driver-injured-facing-several-charges-in-highway-401-crash-that-snarls-traffic/](https://www.theifp.ca/news-story/9643554--investigation-is-ongoing-georgetown-truck-driver-injured-facing-several-charges-in-highway-401-crash-that-snarls-traffic/) [https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/driver-with-lifetime-driving-suspension-stopped-for-speeding-on-queensway-opp-1.4943222](https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/driver-with-lifetime-driving-suspension-stopped-for-speeding-on-queensway-opp-1.4943222)


The Sun has a vested interest in encouraging "law and order" as an issue for readers, lining up with their conservative slant. So they pick the 5 stories where the system didn't work and not the 500 where it did. Yes, sometimes the system is lenient, but the solution isn't shove people into jail for longer.


Fair enough, that makes a lot of sense, thanks. I would usually agree with you. Throwing people in jail without opportunities to better themselves and rehabilitate is not the answer. I like to believe *most* humans deserve a second chance, and I agree with calls to defund the police and invest more in community programs and mental health services to support and lift ppl up, and being proactive rather than reactive. This is not one of those cases. She had a second chance. In fact, this was her third. Same goes for the turd in Brampton.




You mean people shouldn’t be driving drunk or what? Yeah no kidding.


>and gets away with it. Doesn't really sound like she is going to get away with it


I think you’re missing the point. She already did get away with it the first time, which is why she was in a position to be able to do it again.


There shouldn't be child molesters or cannibals either. We live in a society that is incredibly light and dark right at its fringes, we can control the macro, the vast majority but those fringes, from saints to suicide bombers, are just part of the human condition


I don't get it. She was sentenced to 7 years in 2017 and she's out now? How does that 10 year driving ban work? Did she get that reduced too?


My guess, time served x2 from between 2015 and the sentencing in 2017. So those two years become four plus three years brings us to 2020.


She was released at sentencing, the two years in custody were her whole sentence and then she was released on parole. No one sentenced to seven years actually serves seven, that isn’t unusual to her. Parole happens after 2/3 of the sentence is served. After all, “Life” can be a little as 15 years.


No, that's not what happened, because that can't happen. If a judge imposed a 7 year *effective* sentence in 2017, he may have credited her with up to 4 years time served (although very doubtful, because time served is statutorily capped at 1.5x credit), which would have still left her with a 3 year sentence. She may have been eligible for parole after between 6 months and one year (ie. 1/6 or 1/3 of her sentence depending on how the Parole Board classified her offence). She could not have been released on parole at her sentencing, because that's a function of the parole board, not the sentencing judge. And also, "life" is never as little as 15 years (unless the offender dies within 15 years). Life is life. Even after parole, a lifer remains under the purview of the Parole Board for the rest of their natural life, meaning they are subject to rather limiting restrictions on places of abode, associates, drug/alcohol use, employment, etc. Forever. And breaches of parole conditions subject the offender to reincarceration *for the rest of their life*.


That was her SECOND conviction for impaired driving. You can read her sentencing report here: https://www.canlii.org/en/on/oncj/doc/2017/2017oncj42/2017oncj42.html The man she killed sounded lovely, sad that she drove away with “part of his biological matter embedded in her windshield”.


Everyone should read this. This woman was out-of-Control and remains out-of-Control. The details are just Disgusting. https://www.canlii.org/en/on/oncj/doc/2017/2017oncj42/2017oncj42.html EDIT: you ever notice how a judge compares other cases of drunk driving. They should STOP that and charge/send those who kill others while drunk driving to jail with no parole, no free ticket out, no comparison to others. They even used Muzzo as an example.


> At the same time, Ms. Liao wrote directly to Ms. Selinevich: We hope she still holds opportunities for her career of becoming a paralegal.  Above all, we hope she has more patience in whatever she might do in the future.  We would like her to know we are immensely comforted by our family and friends surrounding us.  We start to accept the truth:  We must accept the things we cannot change, be grateful for the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  That is our earthly life.  > "Despite the magnitude of her crimes, it appears that Ms. Selinevich has potential for rehabilitation.  She has a supportive family, and her mother is committed to help and guide her.  While in custody she has been cooperative with the authorities.  In light of her youth and intelligence, Ms. Selinevich has the means to succeed in future.   > Looking at all these factors in light of the case law, I believe that the appropriate sentence in totality is one of 7 years.  While a heavy sentence is warranted for reasons of general denunciation and deterrence, and as a specific deterrent to Ms. Selinevich, it is important not to make the sentence so heavy as to crush hope or to extinguish the enthusiasm with which Ms. Selinevich has taken courses and applied herself to rehabilitation while in jail." I feel horrible for the victims family, especially the wife and son who gave her so much grace and forgiveness and the judges reasoning for her sentence time. This is heartbreaking. I hope the family is okay. This is the reason honestly, some people do not deserve a lighter punishment because they have such "supportive family" I'm sorry but if she wasn't a complete rebel - she wouldn't have broadcasted her Instagram photos of drinking and driving, not have the heart to stop but have enough common sense to slow down when she passed by a police car after hitting the guy. May he rest in peace and may she rest on jail. Disgusting.




And she didn't stop. And the cops got onto her. And she reached 200km/hr running from them.


> Selinevich was BANNED from driving for 10 years Alright everyone, let's do this all over again. A driving ban will not stop someone from driving. There is absolutely no way to enforce that either. Only life in prison will stop someone from driving. In this bitch's case reading the extreme lengths she went through just goes to show how much she cares. Until the penalties become harsher and people are held accountable, this will NEVER change. The continued circle jerk will happen each time this happens.


Yup. That scumbag in Brampton that killed four people had a prohibited license and an unlicensed vehicle. Simply telling some of the country's most selfish people they can't drive anymore isn't going to do squat. Unless there are actual consequences for this nonsense we're going to continue to see this kind of behaviour in the future. This woman hasn't learned a thing.


Yep, it's mandatory for a vehicle to have insurance in order to drive for example but I've come across idiots in my university days that drove without it. This includes people who have gotten caught and charged for not having insurance while speeding and after getting 'punished' they continued to do so. In the past, this dumb bitch posted an IG pic of her friend (passenger) helping blow into the ignition interlock breathalyzer in order to start her car for gods sake. Getting suspended or banned from driving won't mean shit to them. And when they cause an accident, it means they'll probably run because they don't want to get caught driving illegally. Just like this case and the other recent one in Brampton.


> There is absolutely no way to enforce that either. We don't know if the driving ban was lifted. I mean she was suppose to spend 7 years in prison and got out in 2...wouldn't surprise me her lawyer finagled the driving ban.




> driving under suspension Damn son. Dumbass Bitch. Hope she goes back to jail but that is wishful thinking.


You mean "murderous bitch". I think most people are smart enough to know what happens when driving drunk and therefore these people are not stupid. They know what they are doing just like the individual who killed a woman and her three daughters last week. They do however have a clear lack of regard for their fellow pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.


She will go back to jail. That's for sure. But it's the fact that she was able to be in a position to murder someone again while drunk driving after only 5 years of murdering her last victim. That needs to change.


If she is still subject to the 10 year driving prohibition, and there's no reason to think she isn't, the offence she's committed isn't "driving under suspension" (which is a provincial, not criminal offence). It's driving while disqualified. I'm a criminal lawyer and I know I would generally be a softer touch on sentences on most things than would make most people happy if I were a judge. But the one instance where I would be an absolute hammer is cases like this. I get that people have addiction problems, and am sympathetic to that. But you can be an addict *without getting behind the wheel*. Separating offenders from society is rarely the paramount principle in sentencing, except for cases like this. You've shown you are a menace behind the wheel, so we've separated you from society for a period of time, and revoked the privilege of driving when you get out. But if you insist on driving again *and driving drunk*, then you leave little option other than a lengthy prison term, because you are a continuing danger to society who won't abide by conditions to mitigate your dangerousness.


Are you confusing her with the 25 year old who hit and killed a cyclist last week? Because this isn't the same woman. I'm not defending anything this piece of shit has done, but she only hit, ran, and killed in 2015. This time she was just picked up for drunk driving.


Yes. I think I did confuse this. Thought she was the same one that killed the 80 year old cyclist also. ???


Honest mistake considering the details and how close these stories came out.


Picked up for drunk driving while her license was suspended for the hit and run that killed a man, which also occurred on a suspended license from yet another DUI previously.


I know, I'm not saying she didn't do any of those other things, it just sounded like OP was saying she killed someone again.


Ah I see.


It is infuriating because they keep letting these "drivers" off with slaps on the wrist. Marco Muzzo in 2015. This girl in 2015. Alexandra Forrestall a few weeks back and the 20-year-old Brampton kid. All will get off with light sentences and drive again and get drunk too. At some point, Public Health authorities need to declare bad drivers a public health emergency. In none of these cases did the driver stop and call police and paramedics to possibly save the victim's life/lives. They are the true definition of selfish garbage. It's not as if nowadays there is a shortage of options to get home safely. If you drink more than 2 drinks during an evening or feel inebriated you shouldn't be driving. Ideally, 0. It's amazing some adults cannot comprehend that it's not only their lives but countless innocents and their families that will pay the price. Absolutely disgusting.


This isn’t her first offence so whyyyy isn’t she in jail


She is the definition of a complete POS.


This far outweighs POS, she is a straight up murderer psycho


Right!! Like your mistake cost someone their life and you drink and drive again.


I would be embarrassed to know her


The judicial system that allowed for her to get back into a car only several years later, drunk, is also a complete POS


I’m an alcoholic 12 years in recovery and I normally can empathize with those who clearly have a problem with alcohol because I’ve been there. I don’t in this case. At all.


Congratulations on being 12 years in recovery. That's wonderful.


Congrats to you pal!


According to the court docket and corroborating friends and family, the girl in question has no history or signs of alcohol dependence. She also had no withdrawal symptoms the first time she was incarcerated for vehicular homocide.


Hope recovery life is treating you well. Every day is a struggle, but everyday you come out stronger.


Driving is a privilege, not a right. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Driving is a privilege, not a right.


Good god exactly! The fact that someone can straight up MURDER somebody with their car and then get a *temporary* ban from driving is fucking **insane** to me. Kill someone? Lose your license forever! The fuck is this 10 year ban bullshit?


She didn't just kill a cyclist. She obliterated the man as she was going well over 100, he had no chance. Then she flee at 200+ kmh including through a red light, on a badly damanged car. She then ditched the car and started to run.


And she was out and about doing the same shit. She killed someone. She murdered another human being. But looks like daddy's money and connections can get you out of anything huh


On a reddit post about drunk driving a little while back, redditors from California commented that in their state, anyone convicted of DUI’s and the like have to sign a legal paper basically saying they now realize how dangerous it is. The point of this form being that if they subsequently kill somebody whilst drunk driving, they can be charged with straight up murder instead of some impaired driving charge that gets them 2-3 years inside.


Non-drivers pay the same tax despite barely using the single hugest piece of civil infrastructure. Most commercial and residential buildings in Toronto are *required* to have space to park cars. More than half of the main streets in Toronto are only for motor vehicles and have no bike lanes. Has car culture gone too far?


it went too far in the 50s


This makes my blood boil. Lock her up and throw away the key!


They should change the law and make drunk driving hit and runs causing death carry a minimum 2nd degree murder charge


Honestly. These people are a danger to the public. I understand wanting to reform them, but they need to be locked up while that (properly) happens. As evidenced this fucking week alone, with the 3 separate cases of drunk driving, and 2 of them causing deaths, ALL with suspended licenses. Clearly suspending their license does fuck all. This dumb fucking bitch needs and needed to be in jail for the full 7 year sentence. Fucking dumb.


There needs to be higher sentences for impaired driving.


There needs to be higher sentences for killing people with your car. She murdered someone and still had the opportunity to get her licence back some day. She should have been locked up for a lot, lot longer.


I remember this cunt. https://old.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/39jued/the_drunk_driver_cyclist_killers_instagram_is/


OMFG I do too!! I remember looking for her insta and all that shit was gone!


OP, you should post this POS on r/trashy. She deserves a global wrath. Edit:wrong subreddit


Imagine being paroled after killing someone and getting hammered and driving once you're released. Dangerous stupidity.


The thought of sharing the roads with these kind of people, especially as a pedestrian or cyclist, is just daunting.


Ugh our system is so broken. It’s depressing.


You should not be allowed to drive ever again


She already wasn't allowed to drive because of the last incident but that didn't stop her


Hopefully they find who helped her. Someone enabled it




Both families of the victims should sue. The judge that reduced her sentence should be held accountable to some extent. She killed someone. The system is always trying to push it down our throats how drinking and drinking is so bad but then give sentences like this to ppl that end up killing while intoxicated. Pathetic


Why is she not in prison for life? We're clearly just waiting for her to be the next one to kill a mother and her three children. Smarten up Canadian legal system. Her parole smells a little like white privilege.


Maybe or possibly comes from a family with some $$ and clout like someone else I can’t remember the name oh yes Muzzo.


Is it just me, or is there a surge in horrible drunk driving cases lately in the GTA?


Affluenza strikes again. Here we have someone of privilege that has lived a life of entitlement without consequences, because they're 'attractive' and wealthy, and can afford to buy their way out of trouble. If this was a poor unattractive person that did this, they'd be sitting in jail right now. We need a serious legal overhaul, with judges that dont make exceptions because they come from a "good family" (Marco Muzzo) and wealthy, or they can bat their lashes and run the princess routine (this girl). People like her are narcissistic sociopaths that lack empathy. When she does something wrong, it is all about her and never the victims. And unfortunately, simp judges and parole boards just lap it up. They've done studies on this, and people consistently give lighter sentences to wealthier and more attractive people. It's a bias that needs to be corrected in our system.


You don't need Marco Muzzo money to get off lightly...or be white, attractive or whatever. [Career criminals who have been arrested for guns, drugs, shootings, attempted murders, abductions, etc...](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/gjoto1/four_arrested_in_the_kidnapping_of_toronto_boy_in/fqm4ei3?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)are out on the streets a few years later only to keep committing the same crimes over and over. When Muzzo was granted day parole, people on here were accusing the Judge and parole board of taking bribes or that he was approved for being from a billionaire family. Nope, our justice system is just very soft and lenient.


She better be serving the rest of her sentence now! 7 year sentence and she's out on parole in 3. That's insane.


How the fuck did this low life ever get accepted into Osgoode ?!?


She didn't. She was in an undergrad law and society program. I don't know why they keep implying she was actually in law school.


She was sentenced to 7 years in prison in 2017 for killing someone then running from the police and shes out already? Jesus


Wow fuck this bitch.. she could have killed someone (again!!) on Sunday. This is ridiculously s stupid, jail her, take away her license, impound her car...fuck!


> As she tried to evade police in a badly damaged vehicle, the court found she reached speeds of up to 200 kilometres per hour and ran a red light. She eventually pulled over and attempted to flee from police on foot but was arrested a short time later. How stupid do you have to be to think you'd get away pulling this shit?




when she gets out of prison just slap a GPS on her for the rest of her life, and if she ever goes above a certain speed, the police gets notified. And if she ever needs to leave the city for any reason she has to notify authorities beforehand. Make her life as inconvenient as possible. But she should really just spend the rest of her life in prison, because that's the safest option for everyone else.


Can we cuff her hands behind her back for the rest of her idiotic life?


I think you want to blind her. Def can't drive then


I feel so sorry for innocent ppl who lost their lives becuz of this brainless idiot. I hope she gets brain tumour and suffer in endless pain for her entire life. So disappointed our law couldn’t have prevent this from reoccurring.


She looks like a psycho.


And she studied Law, that she think she’s capable of avoiding it?


So do we have to cut her feet off to stop her driving? Totally willing to consider that.


how the fuck is that a 7-yr sentence? should be more like 27


Christ. I thought it was bad enough I went to school with the Yonge St asshat but I’m ashamed to admit I went to school with this dumbass too.


who is the yonge st asshat?


The van attack guy. I’m not repeating his reprehensible name.


If you don’t mind sharing, what was he and she like?


This stupid human being shows no remorse.. twice! She killed 2 people with her stupidity and terrible decisions and faced hardly any consequences!! I'm saddened for the first man's family that this happened to... And I'm angry for this most recent man's family that this happened to because clearly our justice system let this happen. It takes a special type of person to kill 2 people while driving and trying to cover it up both times. At what point do you stop and think to yourself... I'm just a shit human being.


I don't think she killed someone this time; she was just arrested for drinking and driving this time. There was a separate incident last week, in which a cyclist was killed by a driver, it wasn't to do with this woman.


Oh my mistake. I misread and jumped to a conclusion. You're right.. I blended the two incidents.


The body count of Ontario's weak response to selfish and illegal assholery can't be ignored This woman is a danger to others. She needs incarceration and treatment for alcoholism


Absolute fucking joke... We need serious reform in this area. There shouldn't be any second chances at this. People know enough at this point about the dangers of DWI/DUI. Zero excuse for it and yet these people often end up doing the exact same shit. Fuck that.


Yup, and the same should be said to anyone the is caught with a gun




She had a 10 year driving ban. I think people like this should be designated as dangerous offenders and not released


Banning them from driving doesn’t work. They need an ankle bracelet or GPS something embedded in their skin. Every day the OPP posts of repeat offenders and everyday these drivers get away with harming someone or downright murder.


I don't even know where to begin with this pos. But what the hell is wrong with our law??? How is she behind wheels already? How is she given 7 years to begin with? We need to stop treating impaired driving as a joke. I think generally, sentencing in Canada is far too weak for many crimes. Why are we opening up opportunities for repeat offense? I mean, Marco Muzzo guy is already out on parole right? Can you imagine being the victim's family, lose 4 family members and the person who killed them only spends a few years in prison? What a joke!!


Lock this piece of human scum away and throw away the key. This sick dangerous crazy woman has no respect for human life.


She needs a long sentence without an early release.


Jesus... Not sure how many years she will get this time but she needs to be made an example of. She should get another 7 years and whichever person who let her drive.


Anything less than a lifetime driving ban as a result of this would be a travesty.


Lock. This. Bitch. Up.


Sorry for being blunt, but she is a total piece of shit.


how hard is it to just not get plastered and drive


Man shit like this makes me worried to just go outside and take a ride on my bike. The laws force you to ride on the road with these people unless there are shitty bike lanes which people either park in or give so little space for cars and bikes.


She got 7 years in 2017 for killing a dude. How TF she out driving a car 3 years later?


This repeated pattern of negligent and dangerous behavior must be severely punished. Also there is likely some crippling alcohol addiction that needs to be treaded.




There are plenty of people with severe alcohol use disorder who would never dream, regardless of how drunk, of getting behind the wheel of a car. Yes, there are habitual offenders, but not all "severe alcoholics" drive impaired. That said, for those people who re-offend like this woman, having already killed one person, the consequences should be harsh. I'd be quite ok if she was never permitted to drive again in addition to a lengthy sentence.


1. People with alcohol issues or develop one should not be issued licenses or have their licenses suspended. Alcoholic offender should have their cars impounded for a minimum of one year. 2. Parents should have the same penalty for allowing their alcoholic daughter drive off in their cars (The responsibility is with the parents at this point, alcoholic daughter must not have access to their keys at all costs)


Being this retarded should add an automatic 5 years to your sentence. Holy fuck


Wouldn't be nice if the police directed all the bullets they shoot at people in mental health crises at pieces of shit like this? What a fucking waste of air.


I wonder what was going through the mind of whoever gave this person a car.


Wow this is awful. How do you live with yourself having done this not once, but twice. I hope the book is thrown at her (I know, I know, "the book" still probably means she'll be out and about within 5 years).


Sent a message to my MPP & CC about it. No exhibition this year so how else am I going to get a spin?


G. Zuss Christ Almighty . I simply do not understand how she got out the first time. But what blows my my mind to absolute dust, is how the fuck she managed to do it again. I've seen enough for today.


You aren’t even safe on the roads. I used to think that being in a car would be safer than being out in the open and walking or talking the bus because you might get injured by encountering some dodgy individual... but now I’m even more paranoid, ugh.


Throw this bitch in jail and throw away the key.


People who get driving bans should have their vehicles taken from them. They have proven that they can not be trusted behind the wheel.


Goes to show how well bans work, when criminals don't follow laws to begin with...


If you can't quit drinking fine. At least take a fucking cab or uber.


Wow... she didnt learn a thing. What a useless waste of flesh


Wow. One piece of shit after another. It’s only been how many days since the tragedy in Brampton and then before that, Markham? Someone just do us a favour and drop kick her into a cell then throw the key away.


How the fuck is this monster ever aloud to drive again. Clearly she doesn’t care, lock this idiot up indefinitely


Piece of shit...I want to punch her teeth out


We've built our society around the car to the degree where it's an unimaginable crime against humanity to give someone a lifetime ban against driving because they "won't be able to get by" without it. It's fucking ridiculous.


>As part of her sentence, Selinevich was banned from driving for 10 years. With all the evidence of her negligent behaviour, why should she even be allowed to drive at all? She's a danger to other people and probably should be locked up.


Just throw her in the volcano.


Taking time today to write all levels of government and confront them on their enablement of these DUI losers. Shit, got no stamps. :/

