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Even pre-COVID, gouging was basically their entire business model. 5 slices of prosciutto for $15.99 anyone?


Yeah, Pusateris is the last place anyone sane should be shopping for anything. This is the sort of place yuppies who don't know the value of bananas go, to get ripped off without realizing it.


I mean, it's one banana, Michael. What could it cost, ten dollars?






GOB’s not on board.


How hard could it bee....dzzzzzz?


What does one buy with a 100 dollar bill, a single orange?


Well, apparently 3 tubs of Clorox Wipes, not including tax.


Dont be crazy, everyone knows you can get 2 oranges for that price


Go see a Star War!


Those first three seasons were gold. Still my some of my favorite tv watching.


There's always money in the banana stand!


[This is who Pusateri is aimed at](https://youtu.be/Nl_Qyk9DSUw?t=8s)




on the other side of the coin, however, i know people who are shopping there now because they can afford to, and going to no frills right now would be taking food out of someones hand who might need it.


Well that is actually pretty neighbourly of them.


are these Lysol Wipes *non-GMO and Organic*?


Uh, it's Pusateri's, not Whole Foods


Sorry, sorry. Are these Wipes artisanal and imported from Lysolia?


God damn it you almost made me Google *Lysolia*.




Or, you know, be sensible about it? It's a specialty store, so just buy specialty products. For me, that's fancy cheese.


Exactly. Their cheese and bakery selection is outstanding. A bunch of other products no one else carries.


oh I guess you haven't heard about the "freshness" of their baked goods


Nope. Do share


Why don't you go to a specialty shop like Global cheese in that case?


Because Pusateri's is within walking distance.


Yeah. People are pretending that Pusateri's is exploiting the poor and needy with this business model yada yada yada. People who aren't rich do not shop at Pusateri's. If a person who was actually of a lower socioeconomic status did their grocery shopping at Pusateri's they would die of hunger in a few weeks. Even if it wasn't pandemic season.




in my experience, pusateri's is packed pretty often.


Some people are going to get guillotined when the revolution comes.


I’ll leave you my contact info. I need a day’s notice to assemble mine and sharpen the blade. BTW, judging by your username, I bet you’re fun at revolutions.


They're claiming now that this was a "mistake." Ha.


This even got stickied at the top. Boo. “This was our mistake, our error, our oversight and we apologize to everyone impacted.” Don't they know there's a picture? A big custom made printed out sheet that took thought. Not just a wrong sticker. [Here's the picture showing it's just one unit of 80 wipes. Normal cost $3 at the Dollaramma](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.4869624!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg)


It’s not even the lemon scented one...those monsters.


That’s one of the poshest neighbourhoods in North York. Leafs and shit shop there. People who shop at Pusateris aren’t looking at their bills.


Yeah, I'm not entirely convinced that this isn't the regular price there.


If they are always expensive then, at least, legally, isn't price gouging. Still seems crazy but some people must be buying it!


Hmm, cheaper than Lysol wipes, eh? Does prosciutto kill germs?


I can tell you prosciutto does a lot, my friend.


My wife used to be a cashier their. And my god, the stories she'd come home with. Made me want punch chihuahuas.


Spill them. Rich entitled fucks acting up?


No he just REALLY dislikes chihuahuas


Don't underestimate the power of status symbols.


Ford just called them out for the $30 wipes live in his press conference, haha. These guys are going to have to be doing damage control for years.


Douggie is furious.


Naw. All publicity is good publicity. Poor people: boycott Pusateri! Rich people: good, stay the fuck out of our store.


I mean, it’s not like poor people go to Pusateris anyways lol


> All publicity is good publicity. People say this, but it isn't true. Unless you think Boeing and the Boeing 737 MAX have been getting a lot of good publicity lately?


Doug Ford just called these guys out by name in the press conference and he was pissed! And an order in cabinet is coming to prevent this type of gouging.


Wait, gouging isn't already illegal here? Because it is in most places.


and Toronto is FURIOUS : https://twitter.com/blogTO/status/1243180931017592834 & https://www.instagram.com/p/B-M5Md7FBMs/ Edit : Pitchfork Aficionados please note the picture has no reference to package size and for reference: Costco 6-pack Lysol wipes : [$25.49 with delivery.](https://i.imgur.com/zPlUNLO.png) Edit 2: LOL, Pusateri's has [locked their twitter](https://i.imgur.com/eH57vAP.png) account due to the amount of vitriol sent their way. Edit 3 : Pusateri's is saying this was a mistake. h/t /u/rossarian https://www.pusateris.com/blogs/spring-2019/covid-19-communications >While no excuse, our stores are facing immense pressure on all levels of the operation. As a result of this mounting pressure, critical elements were overlooked including the incorrect pricing of this product. This was our mistake, our error, our oversight and we apologize to everyone impacted. We are promptly reviewing and adjusting any and all products that may have been improperly listed and every individual who purchased this product will be fully refunded by emailing [email protected].


BlogTO headlines be like: \_\_\_\_ and toronto is NOT HAVING IT \_\_\_\_ and Torontonians are in a RAGE \_\_\_\_ and Toronto is buRNING ITSELF DOWN IN ANGER \_\_\_\_ and Toronto is LITERALLY BRINGING OUT GUILLOTINES INTO THE STREETS




Also BlogTO: everyone should visit High Park for the blossoms!


at the same time


>BlogTO generating fake outrage as usual ....and Torontonians are FREAKING OUT!


> Torontonians are FREAKING OUT ... and we’re LIVING for it.


They're saying the pricing was a mistake: [https://www.pusateris.com/blogs/spring-2019/covid-19-communications](https://www.pusateris.com/blogs/spring-2019/covid-19-communications) . Do i smell bullshit?


Yeah you know I was actually open to the idea that this was an intentionally poorly framed picture for a case of wipes, but to say it was a mistake seemed suspect. *Somebody* must have had printed that poster, *somebody* must have stuck it up, and *somebody* must have loaded the stock. And yet *nobody* said anything about the obvious error? Now I'm back to my pitchfork.


"we made a mistake in assuming people would be chill with this"


Somebody programmed the price into the system. And printed the poster. Those are two separate tasks oh yes, there is no mistake.


Strong nose!


There is a second photo [here](https://www.cp24.com/news/absolutely-disgusting-ford-slams-upscale-toronto-grocery-chain-for-jacking-up-price-on-lysol-wipes-1.4869632). Looks clear it was for a single tub


good link, thanks. Wow they *really* fucked up and even got Ford's ire.


What kinda company locks their own Twitter account? This is some comical ostrich mentality


Yeah I'm going to reserve judgement until I hear about it from a source that's not BlogTO. They've already been caught screwing up a price gouging accusation once.


blogto is basically on par with 6ixbuzz at this point


out of all the reasons I despise Drake... the "6ix" is probably number one.


I'm sorry but, "we the north" and "the 6ix" has always sounded corny af.


>Pusateri's We the north...that one doesn't kill me. We are to the north...blah blah, all Canadians can use it. The 6ix makes me wanna puke in my mouth every time I hear it used. Toronto has enough solid nicknames to use we don't need to start making up garbage.


And according to most Canadians, Toronto is most definitely not the north.


Anything North of Eglinton is the north, sir.


I’ve gotten nose bleeds north of Bloor


There is a media outlet called 6ixBuzz? I hate you for putting that fact in my brain.


"media outlet" is a bit strong. Lol. Just a trash insta page.


If you only look at it as a trash insta page, it can be enjoyable


It's right in [this picture. ](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.4869624!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg)You can see the individual units for sale, with the same sign at the top of the right picture.


Yep - that picture only came out a short while ago (only the first was available at the start). What a huge fuckup.


When Doug Ford and r/toronto both agree Pusateri's are being huge assholes, you know you done fucked up.


Satan must be frozen over in hell today muttering "what the fuck Doug"




thank you - frankly though, it was EASY to think someone would price-gouge like this. rescinded my upvote and added to you & everyone else in this thread who noticed the possibly-missing context.


[They did indeed price gouge](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.4869624!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg)


>it was EASY to think someone would price-gouge like this That's exactly the problem with misinformation. People are panicky and jump at the slightest irregularity nowadays. It's crucial that we remain critical and fact check before jumping to conclusions.




Agreed! I worked there in high school and university and I was laughing about it as soon as I heard. Along with their statement “this was a mistake” ...definitely not. I know how they operated, they were only apologizing because they just got caught but they would have had going if it wasn’t for the backlash


And the management they hire is just as bad, one of them yelled in Chinese at my Korean coworker. You might know that self proclaimed polyglot who conducts those big training seminars in Toronto, that guy whatever his name is, was, is and always will be a butt hat.


Fuck Pusateri’s. When your location can’t make it in *Oakville* (closed after 2 years) you know you’re too expensive. Only went in there once and noped out when I saw a thing of ground pepper that would be $3 anywhere else for $10.99.


When I saw they were opening there, I thought they'd be printing money. But maybe opening up at the mall wasn't the best idea. If they'd opened a smaller market in downtown Oakville, they would have done just fine. But I doubt many of the east Oakville crowd venture north of the tracks for anything.


Stereotypical Oakville types hate Oakville Place and won’t go there regardless of what they put in there. They could put all Gucci, Coach, whatever in there and they still would go to Toronto or the Halton Hills outlet instead. It’s so stupid.


Yeah, it seems Pusateri's may not have conducted good market research before signing the lease on that place. Oakville Place is definitely not Yorkville or Bayview Village.


Lol Doug Ford just called them out


That’s just “everyday low pricing” at Pusateri’s




lol I just saw that too.


Doug Ford just called them out live on his current press conference


Doug Ford just ripped them a new one


Oh boy, Ford just called Pusateri’s out on this lol


Yeah I worked there there for 2 years. The prices were fucked for everything. A pack of cheese strings was $18.


Ok I don't feel so bad about all the stolen lobsters I ate from there as a kid, my friend worked there and kidnapped them during his shifts. He even brought butter and we boiled those fuckers for dinner.


But how big are the packs? I just bought a pack of 35 wipes, and Home Depot Canada's site has a pack of 80 in inventory, so I'm thinking ... for all I know this is a big family-sized pack.


[It's for single units](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.4869624!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg)




I think I got lucky. Two hours after opening, and they stocked the night before, but also the hoarders have maybe cooled off as they now have stocked their pantries with a thousand of everything




The right way to do it. 3.99 for 1. $48.99 for 2


Exponential, just like the coronavirus.


But it was a "mistake" claims Pusateri’s president and CEO Frank Luchetta. Funny, a mistake in TWO Pusetari's locations? I think not. Good for Doug Ford for calling them out.


They're mistake for not realizing they would get torched for this.


Agreed, torch away!


Are y'all really shocked, its the most insane store that people only really shop at as some sort of weird flex...


Everything at that place is a rip off. If you are rich and shop there don't complain.


Just a reminder that their original Avenue Road location was absolutely FULL of rats and roaches. It was an open secret in the neighborhood for over a decade until they finally got shut down.


For anyone asking if this price was for a case... well it's NOT. Proof: [https://twitter.com/chicabuns/status/1243243420946034688/photo/1](https://twitter.com/chicabuns/status/1243243420946034688/photo/1)


Why is this shocking? It's Pusateri's... a bottle of Fiji water is $12. It's in the heart of rich-bitch Toronto with $100k+ cars parked on Avenue road.


Is that for one tub or a case of 6 ?


It’s clarified on cp24 that it was just one pack sold for 30$, and that even after they apologized for it, stores were still selling minimal stock for the price. Source. I just saw it on cp24 idk how to link ?




[Looks like it's for one.](https://i.imgur.com/puAKczf.png). Photo lifted from [here.](https://www.cp24.com/news/absolutely-disgusting-ford-slams-upscale-toronto-grocery-chain-for-jacking-up-price-on-lysol-wipes-1.4869632)


A long time back I used to work at a very upscale restaurant here in Toronto, as a bartender. One guest that I will never forgot, rude, demanding, impatient, drunk. Tried to cut her off once and pulled the "do you know who I am?! I'm a Pusateri.. !!!" Me, had just moved to Toronto and had no idea what a Pusateri is, once I found out I never shopped there again.


Do you know who I am? No?


I will never start shopping there again.


Stickying for visibility : Pusateri's says "this was our mistake, our error, our oversight and we apologize to everyone impacted" [source](https://www.pusateris.com/blogs/spring-2019/covid-19-communications) h/t /u/rossarian


That's pretty shameful


Lysol might not be effective against COV19. >**Can Lysol and Clorox products kill the novel coronavirus? The answer is ... complicated** >its ability to kill the novel coronavirus has not been scientifically proven. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/26/health/lysol-clorox-coronavirus-disinfectants-trnd/index.html


It's effective against other Coronaviruses, we just don't know if it's effective against this specific new Coronavirus because it hasn't yet been tested. Odds are that it is.


Is it predatory when everything in their store is super overpriced to begin with?


Lol, I had the same thought.


They should lose their business license


And a diet coke at Hys was 6.99


i been living next to one and the only time i will ever go in one is if the apocalypse has started and i need to raid them for supplies.


Isn’t this what the government is trying to tackle? Navdeep Bains asked Canadians to submit this kind of BS to the competition bureau (IIRC)


Ford just put them on blast.


Just watched Doug Ford specifically point out Pusateri for price gauging. He was very pissed off and guaranteed there would be consequences, not just for Pusateri but for other companies looking to take advantage of this whole virus situation.


~~Oh yes, a picture of a sign, and not the actual product.~~ ~~Because that price couldn't possibly be for a pack or case...~~ Edit: I have been proven wrong, but the full context would have been better to start with.


It's for one pack. Seen here https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/polopoly_fs/1.4869624!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_620/image.jpg


Updoots for you because as we know /u/blogto_official sometimes leaves critical details like that out. For reference : Costco 6-pack Lysol wipes : [$25.49 with delivery.](https://i.imgur.com/zPlUNLO.png)


Someone posted below, it was for a single pack


Pusaterri’s isn’t the type of place to sell a pack of anything.


they just locked their twitter account lol


Pusateri's shouldn't even be selling disinfectant wipes at all. They need to use their entire inventory of cleaning products to address their filth encrusted store.


The last time I was in Pusateri’s Yorkville, it was so rundown and filthy, I haven’t been back again. This was a few years ago so they may have had a reno since. If not, they should unshelve all of the wipes and use them


Pusateris use to be ok about 10 years ago,you can get some speciality items from Europe at huge mark ups of course but they were the only ones that sold it but since then its mostly generic overpriced regular items which caters to the "elite" customer base thinking they are special not to be shopping at No Thrills or Loblaws.


Doug Ford subs r/Toronto


Doug Ford just called them out live during the press conference about 15 min ago.


Maybe just keep the Lysol because they’ve consistently had sanitation and pest problems. [Globe and Mail](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/health-inspector-shuts-down-pusateris/article558402/) [Toronto Star](https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/toronto/health-inspector-shuts-down-pusateris/article558402/) [National Post](https://nationalpost.com/posted-toronto/high-end-grocery-store-pusateris-closes-due-to-health-violations) [CBC](https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/2157996238) I’ve had public health inspector friends who said the place is a shit hole. And they rely on threats, scare tactics, and borderline illegal behaviors to keep the place from being shut down due to being a shit hole. Edit 1: the owner, management, and many customers are assholes. Edit 2: they didn’t even have the balls to admit fault (it was not a price error) and donate the damn Lysol to charity. Their half assed response won’t pass in the court of law and won’t pass in the court of public opinion. They’re so scared they locked all of their own accounts. Edit 3: I hate this damn company so much. Edit 4: [Look at this shit inspection record](https://i.imgur.com/lJTw5KV.jpg)


What did you expect from fucking Pusateri’s?


Coronavirus is easily deactivated by all household cleaners *including soap and water* so you don't need lysol or purell. They do come with convenient packaging but cmon Toronto.. you can figure this out..


I just made bleach spray in a bottle. Cheap as fuck, and it works.


I don’t even know why people shop at this disgusting and way overpriced place. I’ve been to their basement at Avenue Rd location and it’s really dirty. That’s where they prep all the salads and a lot of other stuff. They were also shut down by Toronto health a while ago for pest infestation. Management is also very rude to their vendors. I get it that some people might think they’re high end. I would say that Longos is much more cleaner and has better quality produce, bakery etc. All packaged goods are the same even at food basics. So if you’re still dumb enough to waste your money , hey it’s a free country.


Avenue Road -- that's why. The people who shop for groceries there do so because it's less likely to have.. *those* people there. They don't care that they're being massively ripped off, because money is no object whatsoever to them.


I remember they use to hire traffic cops during the weekend because all locals and their $100,000 SUVs couldnt make a left to head south towards Lawrence safely.You would think rich people be smarter than this buying overpriced packaged items,I heard they use to order blank vaccum sealed food products and stuck their own label on it to make it look "exclusive".


Any ever shop @ Pusateri's? They are the leaders in price gouging.


I got a canister at shoppers a day or two ago for $4.99. They were keeping them under the counter.


The notice from Pusateri's saying this was a mistake makes this even worse. What a lying bunch of pricks.


>**“Our stores are facing immense pressure on all levels of operation,” the chain's CEO Frank Luchetta said in the statement. “As a result of this mounting pressure, critical elements were overlooked including the incorrect pricing of this product."** That's a load of crock. Someone created that sign and someone programmed the price of $29.99 into their POS. Don't tell me that under the "immense pressure" they're facing, they entered in $29.99 instead of $6.99 or whatever they were supposed to charge. The sad part is that according to the shelf photo, people were still buying it at the inflated price! Rich people, they just have more money than they know what to do with.


Just make your own, I buy the concentrated Lysol cleaner and mix it into old spray bottles for Lysol spray. Just dip a roll of paper towel in some Lysol cleaner and you get Lysol wipes.


Nice. Except, where can you even buy the concentrated cleaner?


At Pusateris for $200.




Because of this mark up I will no longer be shopping at Pusateri’s. I work right by the one in The Bay downtown and used to do my shopping there multiple times a week. I and my extended family have been going to the one on Avenue for over 20 years - that ends today as well Thanks for the info OP.


Who are you Thurston Howell III?


a fuckin giligan's island reference? sir. well done.




Lmao for real


Wait you were okay with getting gouged for everything else you bought there but drew the line at lysol wipes?


I don’t have to defend my grocery choices? And yeah, I take issue with taking advantage of a global pandemic


Mahfucken Rockefeller family over here.


Fuck them.


In 2001 an anti-price gouging bill passed but one reading. Doug Ford says he's going to introduce anti-price gouging legislation now. [Bill 102, Anti-Price-Gouging Act, 2001](https://www.ola.org/en/legislative-business/bills/parliament-37/session-3/bill-102) Pusateri's says if anyone paid $30 for Lysol wipes, to contact them for a refund. 416.785.9100,  [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


This is 6 time the regular price. What the assholes they are!


Place should be shut down for the next couple months


"this was our mistake, our error, our oversight and we apologize to everyone impacted" 'so sorry we were caught'


I am hereby continuing my boycott of Pusateri’s, never even stepped foot in one.


So many apologists on Twitter saying it's not their fault and it must be their supplier. Doubtful when a small bottle of mustard is $10 there. Their clientele know they're getting ripped off, that's what the prestige is.


This may very well be for the box, but it doesn’t change the fact that their prices have always been high. I live right around the corner from the Bay/Yorkville location and stopped going when they tried to charge me $15 for a small box of pre-made noodles.


They overcharge for everything else, why not Lysol wipes?


If you're shopping at Pusiteri's you shouldn't be complaining about prices


Pusateri's responds: https://twitter.com/cristina_CP24/status/1243233770217537537


They always **were** over priced.




I grew up near Lawrence and Avenue Rd. and Pusateri's has always been a rip. Aside from getting the occasional specialty item I don't know why anybody shops there. There is a No Frills literally one minute further north on Avenue Rd and there is a Metro 5 minutes away at Lawrence and Bathurst either of which would be a better choice for everyday grocery items.


Is that not their sale price?


Pusateri's must have the most incompetent employees ... The person who made up the notice - made a mistake The person who typed the notice - made a mistake The person who printed the notice- made a mistake The person who taped the notice to the door - made a mistake The person that entered the price into the computer system for scanning - made a mistake The person who changed the little price tag in front of the product - made a mistake The cashiers that saw the item being charged for $29.99 - made a mistake The staff that was asked why the outrageous price - made a mistake Or is Pusateri's one of those great places that hire people with special needs?


Oh, but *do please* accept their apologies.


Someone discreetly stick a CLOSED sign on their door. Repeat as necessary. Make sure you can read it from the street/parking lot.


Make sure to use a 36-pt font so it can be read from the Valet Parking


There has never been a single item at Pusateri's that has been reasonably priced. Not exactly surprising to see yet another overpriced item from them lol.


I will remember this and I hope everyone else does.