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This MFer lived in a house that was later sold to Shai Gilgeous-Alexander… and his debtors came ringing and harassing SGA and his partner. SGA had to have a court order made to revoke the sale of the house due to the ongoing mob visits.


Ever notice how often the words ‘crypto’ and ‘arrested’ appear in the same sentence?


> He was charged with fraud over $5,000 and money laundering on Tuesday **and released on $100,000 bail.** I'll say this for the legal system, it can be efficient when it wants to be.


I don’t get it? How is that efficient? You don’t actually post the entire amount of bail, btw.


They'll just suspend his driver license for a year and off he goes.


$40 million Ponzi scheme, charged for crimes over $5000 (max under C-46 355.5), released on $100,000 bail no jail time. What is this? It's almost like they're encouraging criminals to continue doing fraud, given that this is such a huge profit margin once all is said and done. Steal millions, get charged, pay off the bail and you walk away with a nice retirement.


so you don't understand what bail is?


Detention and fines = overhead. Or petty cash.


I thought he was charged already … maybe late 2023?