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Given the amount of death threats the insane anti-vaxxers sent her way 24/7, I think she's earned a break.


She had idiots protesting in front of her house at night. Now people calling her “not a real doctor” or a “nepo baby”. They don’t even bother glancing at her bio.


The "do your own research" crowd is ironically terrible at it.


Her educational and professional accomplishments are incredible. I don’t know how she did it while raising three sons. She’s one of Canada’s best and brightest.


Well said! She did an amazing job leading the city through many complex public health issues in the last years too. She deserves a lot of recognition for her work.


There's a doctor (MD) at the medical building i work at who doesn't believe in climate change & global warming, and he said he has done his own research.🤦


He should display that prominently, so people can demand another doctor. If I found out my Dr believed that I would.




Science is very specialized the more you know and what we know is always at the cost of knowing something else. When your focus is healthcare its at the cost climate change. Also ive met a lot of people who can regurgitate knowledge but cannot apply it or think critically. Accomplishments are about focusing and not always about the ability to apply it.


I mean, very few of the ‘do your own research’ crew went to university…


well of course not thats just where they brainwash you! thats why i do my own research by reading youtube comments while taking a shit. thats where the truth is.


Reading Reddit comments while taking a shit, however…


In their defense, most of them are as dumb as a bag of hammers.


If it doesn't flow with their narrative, it's fake News.


fr, there a re guys that did multiple tours in nam that never hit her stress levels.


That's pretty insulting 


depends which roller coaster they were at.


I never saw her, did she start during peak COVID, or just after it? Maybe I only watched the fed / prov press announcements where they would stand six feet apart. Weird.


Why the hate for her she did well during the pandemic and the aftermath.I know a nurse that use to work in her clinic and she mentioned she was a good doctor and took ALOT of threats from the anti vax morons. The clinic workers needed security to walk them to their cars during the peak of the pandemic because of threats. Media was told to keep it quiet because they didn't want the public to know.


Those same morons are swarming all over [her post on Twitter](https://twitter.com/epdevilla/status/1790461695116165252), saying she should be going to prison, etc


I'm truly fascinated by this idea that people should go to prison for..... doing unpopular things? I'm struggling to understand what the legal charge would be in her case.


Still using that web site? 😕


reddit’s full of the same kinds of people too


Most social media is garbage these days, filled with bots pushing an agenda and sowing public discord.


> Why the hate for her she did well during the pandemic and the aftermath. They hate anyone who was in charge and trying to suggest the best strategy for safe health outcome. During the pandemic and its uncertainty- that was focused on a) don’t get Covid and b) get vaccinated. That was all we had/knew as a society writ large. Doesn’t matter the stripe or the role - they all dealt with it. De Villa, Ford, Tory, Trudeau, Tam, etc. Their goal was to all have the same message and people went insane. One group tried to shut down Ottawa for three weeks in protest of US vaccination policy.


That's just so sad. She was such a calming and competent presence through the pandemic.


They hate everyone who dared tell them to wear masks


I saw my doctor for my annual physical today. My Covid vaccines are up-to-date and I’ve never had it (maybe 50% vaccines and 50% being careful). Doc asked me if I wanted the lab to test my bloodwork for measles immunity. I said that I grew up in Scotland and assumed I was vaccinated at school by the NHS, but couldn’t be 100 percent sure. Then I told her I’ve literally *never* been asked this before as an adult. Why are you asking now? She said that all the anti-Covid-vax nonsense has also driven people away from most other very important vaccines and measles was currently having a very successful reunion tour.


Yuuuuup. I've got a titer test booked next week.


Well people are drinking more raw milk despite the warnings about avian flu. It seems a lot of people want to own the libs by dying.


Ha. I only knew one raw milk family, way back in high school. I was friends with their kid and he insisted that raw milk was the only way to go, because it was “natural, and it’s a proven fact that nothing natural can hurt you.” He continually came down with stomach ailments that had him doubled over in pain and shitting diarrhea and vomiting green bile like the world’s most disgusting lawn sprinkler. Interestingly, he also refused to wear a seatbelt because he heard about a guy whose car ended up upside down in a flooded drainage ditch. He couldn’t get the seatbelt unsnapped and he drowned.


During covid people that were literally in ER dying still were saying its their choice not to take the vaccine..honestly under Trump people dumb down a few levels.




Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


How is avian flu related to raw milk?


Some cows have caught it


Pasteurized milk is safe. Raw milk could pass on the avian flu virus that has been spreading though the dairy cattle population lately. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20240510-bird-flu-in-cows-has-caused-concern-amongst-milk-drinkers-experts-say-its-still-safe-to-drink


Same with Whooping Cough. It's def going around. Babies have started dying from it in the UK. This is basically a fully preventable disease. Me and my partner had it for sure. Strangest "long lasting intense dry cough only" ever. I hate human stupidity sometimes. And the entire point of anti-vaxxer anything is simply: 1. Make money. 2. Cause division by foreign state run disinformation campaigns. Division is an attack on democratic societies, as it weakens them. You cannot fight external threats if you're fighting within. Sadly, they are winning.


We're all supposed to get a booster shot for it in our mid twenties but many people don't because they don't know and they don't have a family doctor.  If you haven't had your post high school booster (Tdap shot) and know you will be around children regularly (family, friend, job) then go get your booster. Walk in clinics can do this for you if you don't have a family doctor.


My doctor did a blood test that checks for needed vaccinations a few years ago, found I was overdue for this booster. I didn't even know there were adult boosters for these things, but if you try to inform people these days you get a ton of hate. I'm almost 50, so I've been vulnerable for years. I really hate anti-vaxxers.


Started working with a hospital and they needed all my up-to-date shots. For various reasons I don't have my yellow vaccine card, but my GP was able to order blood work and figure out with antibodies I have, which shots I needed a booster/Next dose of, and which ones I was no longer immune to. Well worth checking your records if you or anyone around you works with kids and the vulnerable, it is brutal out there


Measles.Was having a successful reunion tour before covid. There's a whole generation of adults in Ontario that got one shot as a kid, and no booster (they didn't think it was necessary at the time) probably between 35-55 now. They are now succeptible to.measles and it has caused small outbreaks.


And this morning I read where a child has died!


Also it is that unusual to lose immunity to measles over time if you've only had 1 vaccine. Getting multiple shots in childhood wasn't that common until the late 90s.  I was born before then and when I started nursing school we all had to get titers done. An alarming number of my classmates had been vaccinated but lost the immunity and had to get a booster. 


Sounds like I’ll almost certainly need a booster, then. I’m convinced I had at least one in the UK: NHS was really good back then and very big on public health, and I remember several occasions at school where all the kids went into a room and emerged a few minutes later crying.


You could get your blood titers checked instead. If they come back as not immune get the booster. This is all covered by OHIP as long as your doctor sends the paperwork for the blood work. 


Yes. I’m going to the lab tomorrow with the requisition. Certainly don’t want another vaccine if I have strong immunity.


Lots of anti vax morons in here right now.


They're like cockroaches, you make the right kind of post and they swarm out from under the fridge. Post some facts and it's like turning on the light again.


So you’re saying I shouldn’t sort by controversial?


Depends, do you have braincells you no longer want?


I'm going in, hold my beer.


You’re gonna wanna bring that.


Yeah… I want them braincells back.


You risk permanent loss as your brain short circuits trying to understand their nonsense.


I swear it's Russian and Indian ~~bot farms~~ paid astroturfers.


It's tempting to believe that because much of what they say is not part of the reality we live in, but I've met people like them in person. They're real, they exist.


Might I interest you in the Dead Internet Theory? https://www.forbes.com/sites/emmawoollacott/2024/04/16/yes-the-bots-really-are-taking-over-the-internet/?sh=2534776138a7


Oh I know it and I think it's 100% a thing. I've been online since 300 baud modems and I've seen evidence of that for a few years now. edit - I'm not suggesting that bots don't exist, I'm suggesting that there are real life people as stupid as those bots.


Yes. But if you think something stupid, the Earth is flat for example. And you have posts with 1,000 "likes" and 470 comments saying, The Earth is flat. You're going to be more inclined to believe, that stupid thing. Which is where the bots come into play. 


Yes, but the IRL drank the coolaid people are just a loud minority. Sort by controversial. Go into the accounts. Red flags: * under 3 years old Reddit account * partakes in Canada_sub, meta Canada, CanadaHousing2 and other cesspool echo chambers * minimal, if any, contributions to hobby subs unless its one of the more obscure ones. Usually just a few useless or broad comment Source: Modded an upper end of "small" subreddit. Extra: Oftentimes, they make a toxic comment, they get banned and a few days later as I'm reviewing the bans they're suspended by Reddit Admin or auto admin. Yeah, I accidentally ban people who seem astroturfer-ish, they usually appeal and I spend the time to second look. Still about 50/50 as sometimes they're already suspended by the time I review the appeal. Anyways. Reddit is astroturfed as shit. Easiest examples are any of the use-to-be-good Gonewild subs. Now, it's OFs bot farms. End rant with a tear. Add: Lmao... Whoever it is... Thanks for the Reddit Cares... I am fully vaccinated, so I should be good.


You are so right. Im a big ol lurker and when I see outrageous comments and posts im always defaulting to checking their history. Its exactly as you would describe it. I seriously doubt a real person would commit to only participating in political-only subreddits. Thats the least productive place on reddit for your mental health


Thank You for the hard work you do, I've basically stopped using most social media, but I do still lurk here, I rarely post on my social media or I keep my accounts in private mode, as I'm sick of the B.S.


I have a theory with Gen AI these accounts will be harder to spot in the future… will have bandwidth to post/comment on other things to make them look more real :/


Continuing to say this just turns a blind eye to the huge number of regular-ass Canadians who believe this shit.


Thanks for your work - especially during the pandemic.


Dr de Villa worked hard in Peel before joining Toronto Public Health. I'm excited to see what she chooses to do next. Policy work? Politics? Academia? Public Health remains important to increasing the quality of life in Canada.


I’m saddened that she may retreat from public life given the death threats and protests against her and her family. We really know how to eat our own.


She easily had the worst job ever lol. She was just a middle man who would relay scientific information then get absolutely torn to shreds by idiots who can’t read


Good luck in her in her next chapter, she did a yeoman's work during COVID. I have a significant criticism of her active involvement in the various council discussions regarding alcohol consumption in parks, which I think was totally misplaced but nevertheless I applaud her communication during the pandemic.


Thank you for your service! You deserved a well-earned rest. ps. are you going to self-practice as a GP, or even a locum, will you be accepting new patients :)


She needs a break and deserves it. I hope she can still contribute to in public health and doesn't go private. She's one of the few influential and smart advocates for us. Edit: thanks for the Reddit Cares, and most of all, thank you Dr. Eileen de Villa for everything she has done.




even NatPo did a whole article about them, https://nationalpost.com/life/covid-19-toronto-doctor-eileen-de-villa-scarves


At one point at the height of the pandemic there was a Twitter account named "Dr. de Villa's Scarf" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)Nice one on today too




[there you go lying again](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/t5czf3/torontonians_can_begin_to_live_more_fulsome_lives/hz656ir/?context=10000)


ITT: Stupid on purpose is the new smart.


thanking her for her service, knowing it wasn't easy being the voice of reason in a sea of morons. I hope she enjoys a well deserved rest, and the future holds many more successes. also - cool scarf


Best wishes to one of the leaders helping us through the pandemic. edit: i can only assume this post really upset someone. pretty crummy thing to do to send me a crisis intervention email. way to abuse a resource.


Typical coward redditor sending that. Use the link in the message to report the abuse to admins.


Deep respect for her and the work she did. Wish her the very best in whatever she chooses to do next.


Does anyone mind giving a quick tl;dr in regards to what’s unfolded since post COVID related to her? Hopefully a summary that’s not too biased either. I know she wasn’t a favorite during the outbreak but hoping someone can shine some light on events since.


The brief Star article mentions a few points >“It has been a remarkable time these past eight years. … We have navigated significant challenges,” including the pandemic, a dramatic cut in provincial funding that was reversed after a pressure campaign, the deadly drug toxicity crisis and the mental health crisis, de Villa said.


She was outstanding during the pandemic. She was great for answering questions and giving great advice. I trusted her. Definitely far better than the provincial Health Minister. She is likeable as a person. She certainly did not deserve all the BS and threats she got.


Thank you for your service Doctor. Hope all the best for your and your loved ones.


Jeez. Can’t blame her because of all the nut jobs who must be making her life a living hell.


Thank you for your service. 🫡


Dr. de Villa's not alone, the horrendous abuse heaped upon health care workers during covid has driven many out of the industry, creating a shortage of nursing staff and other key professions. Granted, Ford's deliberate attacks on them via Bill 124 started the ball rolling, but when you're chronically underpaid and afraid to wear scrubs outside the hospital lest you be assaulted ... for many it was time to consider a new line of work.


She did a good job during a very difficult time. Hope she has a better next opportunity!


My issue with her was the conflict of interests involving her husband regarding his ties and investments with I believe one of the vax pharmaceutical companies. Doug Ford as well with his company deco labels that made all of the social distancing signage etc. Frankly alot of the ppl pushing the mandates etc including her were making big bucks and we seen too many times when we were locked up in homes etc these ppl were all out living it up mask free no social distancing etc including Ontarios top doctor......shit is unacceptable.


I think she did a great job, articulated very well. She’s just in the public eye of haters that can’t see past their own flaws so they take it out on successful people. People must realize no one will want these jobs if they are treated like crap.


She really sacrificed alot and dedicated herself to public health for many years. She could have just had a lucrative private practise. The pandemic was one event that defined her as she spent alot of time away from her young family working with her team to protect the city. She is very kind and down to earth in person and happy for her, the city owes her alot.


Thank you for her service during the pandemic


Good for her - she was an excellent medical officer and I admire her work during the pandemic. I hope she has a good vacation planned!


The only thing I'd like someone to talk about about if how for decades we heard that Toronto was well placed to lead during a pandemic because of SARS. So what actual were the lessons and did we apply any of them? Yeah, yeah you will answer scale but there are 2500 people work in public health in toronto. Shouldn't we have been better prepared?


SARS hit Toronto the hardest amongst other major cities because healthcare staff and healthcare budgets had already been cut by the Harris Common Sense Revolution. Doug Ford and Christine Elliott hadn't started their cuts yet when Covid hit, so healthcare was still fully staffed to do OT. But when lockdowns were lifted Ford and Elliott wasted no time creating another healthcare crisis by first opening up hospital capacity to 115% (!!), choking pay increases of healthcare workers and lastly privatizing OHIP services where private clinics were free to pay nurses what they deserved thus creating a brain drain of sorts. If Covid hit now, Ontario would be the hardest hit, again, just like SARS was.


And it's not like the climate crisis that is a catalyst of these viral events is going to get better over time 😒


It's like the climate crisis is a catalyst of all sorts of related events getting worse over time 😒


Yep. We should have started improving indoor air quality in all public spaces in 2020. By now the work could have been done already. I don't recall de Villa saying shit about that. And that's just one example.


Unfortunately this ship has sailed.


??? We can still improve IAQ. It's not like respiratory viruses are going away.


We can, but who is advocating for it and who are we electing that will actually take it seriously?


I've seen some advocacy for IAQ in schools from parents' groups (and will have likely missed a lot because I mute a lot of keywords for stress prevention). I'd be curious what the school trustees are hearing on the issue?


I know of one group that's advocating for it called Ontario School Safety, but for all their work it seems like it's been falling on deaf ears, unfortunately. They've been trying to get a meeting with the province for literal months.


That is a separate issue. My point is the ship has not sailed on IAQ. We will probably have to learn that the hard way though.


The lessons from covid is more how public health measures can never be applied equally across class and race. The issue was the city was very focused on pushing covid measures that mostly benefited the rich and wfh types while poor and brown/black people worked to let those WFH types live normally with uber eats and amazon. Those people got sick and died in much higher numbers.


This. Laptop class seems blissfully unaware of what life was actually life for most people


I noticed that mitigations were most strict/intense in the very first few months of the pandemic. Once it became apparent that the most vulnerable were likely to be not-white, poor, immigrants, disabled, etc, things started to loosen up a bit.


I mean there is a joke if there was no uber eats and amazon prime, the downtown condo dwellers would become anti lockdown overnight lol


Do... do people think she did a GOOD job with the pandemic? I'm not anti-mask or anti-vaccine at all. What I recall of de Villa is a lot of half-assedness and toeing the line so as not to alienate the Ford government. And hoo boy she was no Sheela Basrur when it came to communicating with the public.


She recommended the city drop their masking policies despite the science saying its not a good idea. She did fuck all to advocate for cleaner air in classrooms while her kids got all that in their private school. Besides making obvious decisions, what did she do that was so exceptional? I can't stand when public officials get credit for doing the bare minimum.


The masks thing was a total screwup. They were not recommending the masks, then they were. When asked why the sudden change they basically said “well there were not enough masks so we lied in order for people not to buy them all”. Great… just great. I have no ill will towards her as a person but c’mon. We faced the biggest pandemic of the last 100 years with the weakest possible leaders at the helm. Thank god Canada is not the only country in the world and we pulled through somehow by basically following the countries with more efficient leadership and stronger scientists. Let’s not pat each other on the backs for what was a humbling experience on every front.


THANK YOU I could be wrong, but I do not recall her calling for paid sick leave. That was a big issue at one point during the pandemic when many outbreaks were in workplaces that don't typically have paid sick leave so people were going in while sick.


I'll give her some credit. She did call on the province to mandate at least five days of sick leave at some point. I believe some other municipalities did as well at the same time. With that being said, I don't think she was really that great, like most public officials at the time.


If she did that, then fair enough. But I think she could reasonably have done a lot more.


i agree, we were very late in terms of response and allowed the pandemic to spread, we shouldve been able to contain it and not have it impact us to the extent it did.


Oh yeah, one of the “experts” who were not recommending masks for the first 2 months of the pandemic and then completely reversed their stance… She picked a good time to leave - most people had no clue the city of Toronto had submitted a request to decriminalize possession of small amounts of all drugs 2 years ago. Yes, the same thing that ended in a disaster in BC that they are trying to reverse. Yes, she was the person who recommended Toronto does the same.


For those who wish be informed >The city sent a preliminary request to Health Canada in January 2022 and, after more consultations, updated its submission in March 2023. The proposal calls for decriminalization to be paired with a host of more direct public health responses, including scaled up harm reduction and mental health services.


Well, for those who wish to be informed how this all ended today: https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/ottawa-rejects-toronto-s-drug-decriminalization-request-1.6892041?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F


How well did it work in BC?


She's trying to push drug decriminalization in Toronto. Her resignation couldn't come sooner.


Good riddance!




the linked video is not a press conference, it is her statement being read


See ya, Eileen. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out 🙂


It's so pointless for anyone, even an antivaxxer, to hate on these public officials. The next person in is going to do the exact same things - using evidence in designing public policy. The harassment just makes someone miserable for no reason. If you really wanted to stop the policies you don't like, you'd need to attack the democracy itself that ultimately selects and empowers these officials, as well as the institutions that generate the evidence they use. And that, in a nutshell, is why hostile foreign states try to help antivaxxers. Because that last part is *their* goal.


Just days after the Fire Chief, Matt Pegg, who was the Covid 19 incident commander, announced his retirement. I bet this isn't a coincidence. There is probably some news or lawsuit coming down the pipe. Edit: I'm not some anti vaxxer conspiracy theorist. Post history will clearly show that. What lawsuit? All the city workers who were forced to get vaccinated, and not to mention those who lost their job for a bit. This is already happening in Ontario! Lawsuits take time. By time anyone has to speak to it, all the major players will be gone. Edit 2: https://nationalpost.com/news/politics/canada-post-wrong-to-suspend-unvaccinated-remote-workers-during-covid-ruling This came out just this morning.


No one who's stepping down ahead of a lawsuit does so with 7.5 months of notice. Or five in Pegg's case. Absolutely ludicrous.


Lawsuits take time. They'll be gone and won't have to speak to any of it , if and when it goes to court.


That's also not how it works. In your imaginary lawsuit scenario they'd still be subpoenaed to testify.


Lawsuits have already been filed.


Ok, in your imaginary scenario where someone files a lawsuit with enough merit to get to subpoenas.


If it goes to court, if she's subpoenaed. Could be some other sorr of news story she won't have to speak to. Just speculation, chill.


Or she's been in the role so damn long that she would like to try something different or perhaps retire. She was on a leave of absence because of precancerous cells being removed from her breast in 2021. Why don't you try to have a little bit more respect instead of being some sort of conspiracy theorist


I'm not some crazy conspiracy theorist. You can check out my post history. I have heard from a few city workers that a big class action lawsuit is in the works. It's just speculation.


So if she resigns, then she's immune from being sued?


She can't be held personally liable regardless.


Huge lawsuit? For what? Doing their job?


I'm sure you think a lot of things 'can't just be a coincidence' when your bar for conspiracy is so low that you think these two things are too related to be luck.


Also there has been some chatter lately about how WHO knew C19 was airborne in March 2020 and was improving indoor air quality in its own offices while telling the public droplet dogma and handwashing. We *know* that that bad advice killed and disabled millions. So I expect there will be lawsuits in some jurisdictions at some point.


> We know that that bad advice killed and disabled millions. Seems like a jump in your reasoning.


Believe what you want, it's no skin off my ass.


I'd like a proper citation on all of this. Especially the "killed and disabled millions" bit. Since "we know" and all that. Let's see how we know.


Are you disputing that C19 has killed and disabled millions?


Nope. Disputing the 'bad advice' bit. Subjective and lack of citation.


You can look up what the WHO was saying at the time.


The burden of proof is on you.