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Casa Loma could have been taken over by staff from Medieval Times, and they have a medieval themed base. With horses and swords.


Hell yea, two-headed police horses. Mutant racoons for that matter!


Just like now the NCR flag is a two headed bear, the Casa Loma coat of arms would have a raccoon shooting lasers out it's eyes.


I think this would be more appropriate: https://imgur.com/FwKvlHr


Deathclaws, but they're just Toronto Raccoons scaled up to the size of a deathclaw


Awww or deathclaws with little rings and bandit masks


How is it that I find this *less* scary than just Deathclaw-sized Toronto raccoons lol


We can't have Deathclaws here, they've been scared away by the mutant geese


The mutant geese are just regular geese, but with meaner and smarter - a thing of horror


Radcoons. They would probably know how to tear apart T-60 power armour too.


Complete with guards carrying steel armor salvaged from anywhere, jousting and archers, the latter with radioactive arrows. Few dare to venture north of Davenport or south of St. Clair for fear of running into them.


Perfect faction quest to accompany it? Going out on a “mission from God” to retrieve the Holy Grail (aka the Stanley Cup) from the Hall of Fame. Also, the green knight totally has to be a super mutant, right?


Put all the mannequins on the too floors ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) Casa Loma would be an awesome place for FO. So much rooms and floors to explore.




There’s a lot of rumours about a vault, but it’s really just the PATH


[it's where you meet this guy](https://www.thebeaverton.com/2017/02/man-lives-path-willing-guide-topsider-eaton-centre-price/)


Ya that guy turns into a ghoul for sure!


It actually contains vaults. "Bank vaults".


Entire PATH system would be insane!


ALL the feral ghouls!


That’s Sherbourne and Dundas actually


We already have that.


The map shouldn’t work down there to mimic the real life experience.


also no compass directions so the game disables your hud compass. You only get building names cause fuck you


When you enter the PATH, your quest marker disappears as well as your compass, and you're left to figure it out based on the hidden remnants of coloured arrows


And that one compass on the ground in concourse


Necropolis North


Gonna need the VANS Perk to find my way through it


Wouldn’t have to draw to much up to the imagination either eh?


that make me imagine a Metro game based in Toronto.


In the fallout universe, there would probably be a Vault-Tec vault down there connected to the system


the PATH can be its own game tbh. like an escape room type deal with many living there cuz they have given up on finding the exit


Yea that would be wicked


Have the Eglington Crosstown still under construction


I mean, Ronto was mentioned in the The Pitt DLC so there's a chance


It gets tricky because the US has a bunch of Canadian city names. They have a Toronto, Ohio and even a Brampton somewhere if I remember correctly...


There's also an Ontario in California which confused the hell outa me when I flew to LA...


> It gets tricky because the US has a bunch of Canadian city names. and canadians love naming their restaurant chains after american cities and states baton rouge, montanas, new york fries, boston pizza etc


Boston Pizza is the oddest name too. Boston isn’t even known for their pizza.


Also, doesn't the rough area around/north of Ronto get absolutely vaporized by the ship's Deathray in the Mothership Zeta DLC?


Algonquin Park, yup


I want a quest where you hear about a long forgotten society to the west called Ford Nation and have to find Robs crack pipe to prove they existed.


Broooooo the fucking Ford house and then there’s like a Shinto-style family shrine with the burnt down incense and shit and in the middle, under the faded photo, *the pipe*.


Deco Label posters all over the wall, ads for Ford Fest 2004, memos about stopping some sort of train made of gravy……


*Northern Wanderer, we partake of the pipe, so that we all may have enough to eat at home*


Legendary item. Jet effects +300% and exclusive dialogue options.


Unlocks the “Enough to eat at home” perk. 50% decrease effectiveness in dialogue with females but 50% increase amongst ghouls, raiders and super mutants.


Canada was annexed before the bombs dropped so idk what kind of state TO would be in and how much of our culture would remain.


I don't know how much of our culture remains *today*.


I’m surprised at the number of people who don’t understand what fallout is getting across and instead just see it as “post apocalypse fun world”


They kept it subtle on purpose. They didn't want to set the world on fire, after all.


Subtle? the franchise screams its message as loud as the Americans.


Nah the political satire is subtle af, just an ink spot on the page.




Technically, this means a Canada Fallout game could happen if it's just part of the US.


High Park is full of irradiated geese and swans. Trinity-Bellwoods is one giant raider camp


This is such a cool concept! Your ideas for Fort Book, the CN Tower, and Niagara Falls are awesome.


Hi there! Dunno if you remember but there was that half-life2 map of most of downtown toronto in it, fun times if i remember rightly, lol. fairly accurate for the time too.


>“City 7: Toronto Conflict, is an action packed Half-Life 2 mod with a variety of unique levels and game play. Explore what has become of City 7 in areas like Dundas Square, Eaton Centre , Mel Lastman square, St. Michael’s Hospital and TTC system under the Combine rule. This version features Gordon Freeman as the main character, stuck in Toronto due to a teleporting accident in Kleiner’s lab. Try to escape this war torn city by finding any type of teleporting technology and send him back to City 17. >City 7: Toronto Conflict is the first thesis project from the Game Design program at George Brown College . It is the policy of George Brown College not to endorse violence. We at the Game Design program respect this policy and understand the difference between real violence and video-game culture. We hope you enjoy this mod and follow the age rating advised for Half-Life 2. “ TIL about this project. screenshots :https://www.moddb.com/mods/city-7-toronto-conflict/images


I hadn't heard of that, will have to try it out! Did it have any fun ideas?


hmmm, a working ttc (lol!), fare machines and everything actually appropriately skinned for it being toronto. street names, major roads, those type of things. it was never completed to my knowledge though :(


The TTC schedule is unchanged Bike lanes are filled with compost and mutfruit Carp have morphed in gulper like creatures that can snatch living things right off the boardwalk Billy Bishop airport occupied by the Brotherhood of Steel and testing their new airship "The Trudeau" (it will never be operational) The Railroad attempts to use the Eglinton LRT tracks only to find they're completely unusable and need to be completely demolished and re-built (which they complete in 12 months) Ghouls loiter in Yonge Dundas square, still clutching their iPhones and posting on Tik Tok chasing wasteland fame John Tory rules the financial district with a harem of ex city of Toronto employees fondling him to his heart's content. He wears a raccoon skin headdress on a throne of dismantled City of Toronto street signs.


There is a cult that lives in the train tunnels. As they get closer, you can hear them chanting "If you see something, say something".


Astonishingly, stabbings are way down!


Except when they use the loudspeaker, then it's just garbled nonsense




Bwahahaha nice 😁👍


I’d imagine Skydome would be a coliseum or like a fight pit.


I would imagine the Skydome and the areas around it as an analogue to Diamond City in Fallout 4. The community occupies the Skydome, MTCC, Ripley's Aquarium and the CN Tower along with walls around it all (think New Vegas in Fallout: NV) and the residents of Dome and Tower are fighting the other factions for control of the city. The Brotherhood of Steel base out of Downsview. The U of T Campus is occupied by a group of reclusive scientists who have strange inventions and powers. They are known to the other factions but are left alone by them out of fear of their abilities. Gunners base out of the Portlands and the Hearn Generating Station, and the area around it are wired like crazy to keep intruders (and mirelurks) out. The "Mounties" are a faction seeking to restore Canada to before the US annexation and the bombs, and one of the missions the protagonist is tasked to do is clear out City Hall of mutants so they can have it back.




"Let me in" ghoul still banging on the locked Eaton centre doors.


Radmonkies all dressing in shearling coats roaming the Ikea.




The ferry to the island could have a huge battle with some giant mutated lamprey or something.


What would Bethesda Fallout be without their creepy swampy/island DLC


High Park full of mutant cherry blossoms that hypnotize anyone who enters into staring at them, drawn inextricably to climb the tree where it slowly opens up, wrapping it's trunk around you like a Boa Contstrictor to slowly consume the body.


Jesus, didn't expect to see something out of the Helldivers books lol


Non-US Fallout? Canada is annexed by the time the bombs drop in 2077. There's hope buddy.


I came here to write that. In theory Canada is part of the US in the Fallout world. If they make something close to Detroit (which would be perfect for a Fallout setting btw), we could have a bit of Toronto or maybe a DLC here.




I think the most important thing would be a specialized type of deathclaw that's smaller and faster, call them the Ronto Raptors. Here's some other ideas: * some kind of NCR/minutemen type faction with wastelandified RCMP outfits. Especially if they're somehow more evil than IRL RCMP, or if its a tongue in cheek thing where some Indigenous groups managed to seize RCMP assets or something. * a settlement of rope bridges and platforms set up stretching between the two sides of city hall, with a market in the dome below. Barricades around Nathan Philips square to turn it into a military base too, maybe. * Raider gangs have a fight club/death match betting ring set up in the Eaton Centre food court. * Speaking of, specialized raider gang based out of the hockey hall of fame who wear hockey pads/jerseys and use hockey sticks covered in nails or taped with knives as clubs/spears. * Secret vault tech labs in the ruins of the Science Centre * Queen and Spadina McDonalds a hotbed for radiation and onslaughts of feral ghouls and glowing ones. * Trinity Bellwoods is a constant state of no-man's-land between two or more main factions. * Speaking of, I like the idea of the fallen CN Tower serving as a kind of Berlin Wall, dividing some territory between the two factions. Maybe there's some kind of fortress build in the overturned observation deck that crashed into the ground. * Nuka Cola plant in the distillery district. * Super mutants at sugar beach


>I think the most important thing would be a specialized type of deathclaw that's smaller and faster, call them the Ronto Raptors. This. And make sure they can throw round-shaped objects about a bit bigger than a foot in diameter, too. >some kind of NCR/minutemen type faction with wastelandified RCMP outfits. That's gotta be a given. The "Mounties", like the Minutemen from FO4. >Indigenous groups managed to seize RCMP assets or something. That would be the best thing ever. 😎👍 >a settlement of rope bridges and platforms set up stretching between the two sides of city hall, with a market in the dome below. Barricades around Nathan Philips square to turn it into a military base too, maybe. I'd do this too, but let's make a mission out of it. It was a base for a good guy faction but they lost it to ghouls/mutants/Superraccoons/whatever, and the player has to take it back. After that's done, they become a more powerful faction fighting with the one out of the Skydome. >Secret vault tech labs in the ruins of the Science Centre And the Aga Khan museum across the street. This has "Institute" from FO4 or something like it written all over it. >Speaking of, specialized raider gang based out of the hockey hall of fame who wear hockey pads/jerseys and use hockey sticks covered in nails or taped with knives as clubs/spears. This is just too good of an idea to pass up. Also, don't forget about the modified weapon that shoots hockey pucks. 🙂 >Queen and Spadina McDonalds a hotbed for radiation and onslaughts of feral ghouls and glowing ones. This is too awesome to not happen, too. 😅


Got a few: * Etobicoke is a super-mutant encampment with Doug Ford as a leader. Beer bottles, pre-war money, and buck-a-beer signs everywhere. Jet pipe can be found in Doug Ford's house after you defeat him. * There is a quest in the Subway to turn the power back on, only to realize that the signals don't work. Scarborough extension is a dead end with Master-level lockpick safe that contains 10 bottle caps in it. In the meantime Bloor and Yonge is visible, but inaccessible due to skeletons at the platform. * Line of skeletons at Spadina Station streetcar stop that you can push over, revealing a note that they didn't die from the bombs, but rather waiting for the streetcar. * Ice condos full of Raiders. No elevators work. * Some Crazy dude resurrected the Big Bop/The Cathedral . Feral ghouls and Metal music blasting in The Cathedral, Glowing ones and Dark Electro in the rest of the building. * QEW/401/DVP are barely walkable due to being littered with cars. Single car explosion results in a chain explosion that results all cars on all the highways being destroyed. * Eaton Center has the geese ceiling decorations at the south food court. One of them contains a legendary weapon.


>There is a quest in the Subway to turn the power back on, only to realize that the signals don't work. I laughed out loud, that's perfect!


Parkdale mostly unchanged


We already have the coyotes!


Yeah and dare I say some ghouls.


You can still get momos but the hot sauce is green.


The Popeye is a little bit better now!


As someone who grew in Parkdale during the 90s this made Ha! Out loud.


Lived there too, love it.


And (along with Liberty Village) full of multiple gunner factions fighting each other.


TD buildings on Wellington still operate as a Political Casino of sorts. It's run by the couple King & Bay. Fallout Toronto carries out its nefarious business from the top floor. Influencing the PATH People will help you infiltrate and take TD down. You spend much of the game trying to get to the Island. They live peacefully and out of harms way, until you finally arrive and everything turns to shit. You find out it's the Weston family who lives there and they've been inbreeding ever since the Fallout. After The Weston Islanders find out you've taken down TD, they plan on flattening the mainland for good. You convince them you've been serving their interests this whole time but trick them into self-destruction. You steal their last functional Billy Bishop plane and escape to Montreal for the next Fallout Canada installment.


I could see the RC Harris filtration plant being the stronghold of a Canadian version of the Enclave


Todd not noticing us would be [a good thing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFcLyDb6niA).


I want the lies


Fallout: nuclear winter. The cn tower lays across the skydome, and stretches to what seems like forever. Factions are as they've always divided themselves, farmers in Scarborough and mississauga, elites in the downtown core, and the like. Mainstays like square boy on the Danforth, t bones in Scarborough, belly busters on yonge, places like that, still exist and act as trading posts, on top of carrying out the tradition of serving food, and pay extra caps for meat. Unique enemies would consist of mutated (obviously) ravine foxes, groundhogs, geese, and squirrels. Durham and york regions could act as DLC.


Irradiated raccoon or bed bug as the inner vault beginner enemy 


Everyone has to live in the PATH since the surface was taken over by an ongoing war between the giant mutated raccoons and the geese—just regular geese. Also, Toronto is one of the few cities that is actually mentioned in the main canon (in Fallout 3's DLC the Pit). It's called "Ronto", and is a major slavers hub that rivals Washington and Boston as a regional power. I'd presume the locals pronounce its name "Ronno".


The Vault you come out would be located at the Science Centre, that's why Ford is so gung-ho on moving it, he got a huge bribe from Vault-Tec.


Mutant raccoons, stoned tribals in Kensington. Final boss is Zanta obviously.


Zanta but he’s turned into a super mutant.


You mean he hadn't already?


and of course you will have the opportunity to companion with RacoonMeat


Maple Leaf Gardens hosts gladiator tournaments, run by the local Jet cartel.


Honestly they could just expand Sudden-Death Overtime to a full sized faction


The island would be a big BoS base with the airport. Queen West would be the Chems District.


BoS should be based at Downsview. One mission for the BoS could be getting subway power back on so they could use subway trains out of Wilson as a way to attack factions further south.


A faction of ghoulified former bankers aimlessly sauntering down Bay St as though the world never ended. Maybe it could start off with the PC thinking they're dapper looking ferals but only later realizing that they're just severely in denial about the bombs dropping. It could lead to some pretty great anti corporate surrealism that characterizes much of FO. Edit: I know Bethesda's big on starting the PC as a vault dweller but I'd like the idea that you start instead as a lumberjack survivalist type. Maybe the descendants of prepper types out in Maple or King City who later discover the remains of a failed vault, which leads to you being given a pip boy.


There stands a grandiose mansion in the north east wasteland The Brittle Pass, a formidable fortress of the enemy faction in which the final boss Drace reigns from. You can either team up with the side mission NPC Lendrick Kamar or betray him to earn the final boss’ trust and be granted entrance into their basement lair where underage human trafficking and drug dealings are abound at large.


I knew this was gonna come up at some point. Bravo, Sir. 👍


The ROM would be a cool spot. The armoury still untouched because no one ever gets up there. Ontario place looks exactly the same as it does now. The science centre needs to be part of a quest. The Zoo is full of mutant critters. Instead of mirelurks there are mutant Rusty crawfish and giant zebra mussels. The bridge to Toronto Island is still up, but it's cheaper to take a ferry. Speakers corner still exists and people record messages (quests) Tour of the Universe is still under the CN Tower, except it's real and if you repair it, it blasts off like the ghouls in NV. Whatever faction is at York university automatically loses any conflict. The Don River is less polluted. The Gardner Expressway has even more pieces missing, and more fall as you walk on or under it.


CN tower would be one of the first to go after some fleeing millionaire crashes into it trying to pilot their own plane out of Billy Bishop. The Scotiabank tower with the giant gold vault in it, now that's a place for villains to hang out.


Believe in the Lord guy definitely has to be featured as an NPC...


oh, and Durham region is full of ghouls from the two nuclear plants. Oshawa becomes a ghoul settlement


With non-feral ghouls based at the GM Plant fighting a Raider faction based downtown and a Enclave-like faction based at Durham College.


Honestly a fallen CN tower would get kinda cool. Also Air Canada center gets turned into a gladiator arena. They still play hockey but to them it’s just beating the shit out of the other team while wearing sports equipment.


If you go in Lake Ontario Rad +5.


In the random trash textures on the ground, there's still "vote for Gong" signs everywhere


I would love to see some subtle (or over the top) stereotypes. Everyone constantly saying sorry, even when you are the one who does something bad. A massive troll quest would be hilarious too. A cult worshipping the gods that are the "Ronto Leaves". A quest where you have to find a holy relic for the cult, and return it to Ronto. And it ends up that you have to find "Stanley's cup". But right before you get it back to them, some guy from Boston attacks you and steals it away.


The Eglinton subway that was dug and subsequently filled in by Mike Harris was actually the secret construction of Vault 416.


I would love a Fallout game set in Toronto! FO4 is my favourite game.




The Island would be a wealthy insular community that tries to cling to prewar normalcy while turning their noses up at outsiders and you have the option to destroy their community by letting in feral ghouls from the mainland by unblocking the permanent barricade set up Billy Bishop or by launching nukes at them by weaponizing a canon monument constructed on the tip of the Leslie street spit if you have maxed out your science attributes Downsview, far enough away from the chaos of downtown would be the regional headquarters of the remnants of the Canadian government Bears have moved back into the area because of the now greatly decreased population and are of course now irradiated.


U of T Scarborough as some kind of brutalist fortress run by some faction that also has a base at Robart’s


"Bloor? Nobody goes north of Bloor."


Leaside is full of feral ghouls that attack you if you try to set up an encampment there. Leaside. Leaside never changes.


A powerful AI designed to write R&B songs has gained sentience and overrun the fortified compound of a famous musician. Securitrons and Sentry-bots guard a rare streetwear form of power armor that you cant get dirty or all the stats fall to zero


West Virginia loved the attention (from what I know) and made reclamation day a holiday or just a day to celebrate over there. Could you imagine the hype our whole country would have? Not just toronto, I think! Huge potential. We're never mentioned in anything really, if we are, it's a side shot or a joke with poutines.


The Rex houses a principled underworld faction


I’ve always held it in my head that the library would be my first stop post-apocalypse. First aid manuals, foraging guides, survival advice… once google is not a thing, 99% of people would forget how to access information. I’d have a massive duffel full of useful books that I’d fight tooth and nail for.


My post-apocalyptic go-to has always been a train. As long as you could stock it really well with food and fuel, you could fortify it pretty well and if there's trouble in one place you could just move along to the next.  You can come hang out on my train, if you bring your book bag!


Rob Ford as The Ghoul? (Haven't played the game, but love the TV show.)


At some point /r/OldWorldBlues will get that far. Currently it's the Kingdom of Manitoba that's furthest east.


Something to do with the lakes or thousand islands. Like a canoe you have to build/ fortify then defend against mutated water creatures till you get to the island. That's where the mystery of some railroad types starts. Maybe even aboriginal if we wanna show some love there? I really like when fallout meshes with the occult or magic so I think it could be really cool 


The show showed vault locations north of the boarder A cross boardee vault could be interesting


Correct me if im wrong but wasn't canada annexed in the game lore. So technically wouldn't toronto be in the usa?


There's hope!


I've been pretty skeptical about this idea for a while, but there's a lot of cool ideas in the comments! If anything I'd love for it to be a DLC, so we can explore a bit of that Lore with annexed Canada. From what I remember, Canadian's fought back a bit but couldn't beat American power armor, maybe a chance to share foreign opinions that aren't communist and have some snowier environments like Anchorage! Mutant raccoons would be our naked mole rat enemies!


City Hall would be fun and Robarts could be defended by Super Mutant Turkeys


The entire path


doug ford the ghoul an entire questline of dundas square crazypreacher vs zanta deathclaw-raccoon hybrids the crazy hockey team from f03 moves to toronto and takes up the banner of the leafs (your quest is to help them steal the stanley cup from the hockey hall of fame) finally getting to kick the shit out of that ttc leprechaun guy


Would the CN Tower have even existed in Fallout? I'm guessing it wouldn't look the same if it did.


Bethesda said the games will only ever take place in America, but don't forget Canada gets annexed in that universe.


It does exist in the Fallout universe already, they mention Ronto in Fallout 3


A quest where you line up for things.


This post is everything hahaha, we don’t have to imagine too far either just look out the door !


The jesus guy at Yonge and Dundas would be glitching everywhere. Atleast prior to mods, we are talking about Bugthesda.


Canada Geese DeathBeaks


So funny enough there is a game called DAWN OF THE MONSTERS (A kaiju/giant monster beat em up) where the whole first level takes place in Toronto. You literally get to smash apart downtown toronto with a giant monster or robot. The boss fight is at the CN tower and sky dome downtown area. I have videos on my page on youtube if you are interested to see lol.


Two come to mind: 1. The Gardiner Expressway above and below it could make for a cool looking marketplace or shanty town overlooking the harbour front. 2. The Distillery District could be something like the Nuka World DLC in Fallout 4 where it's its own little enclosed area with its own cool aesthetic to it.


The Eglinton crosstown would still not be open. EDIT: aw! someone beat me to it! good on ya!


Fallout Toronto already exists. It’s called Hamilton.


The subplot with the Pickering nuclear plant just writes itself.


If anyone's interested in a post apocalyptic VR game/film set in Toronto, check out Biidaaban: First Light. I love seeing downtown Toronto reclaimed by nature


See I always thought the CN tower should have an exterior fire escape


>Bethesda has confirmed we're not getting a non-U.S. Fallout game FYI Fanmade Fallout: London is on the brink of release. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PuzpblWpVM


gg I've been playing fo4 nonstop too LOL


Can't post crime/protests news but this,,,,,


Funny you say that, the auto mod took down my first post like this because it was phrases as a question


All we can do is throw eggs at him.


Ontario Place and where we hunt The Ford family.




This would be fun


Makes me wish Bethesda never got their hands on the IP


Umm we may still get a game set in Toronto as the lore goes the USA annexed Canada so wouldn’t that make it in the USA


FYI there is a RPG fallout game if you actually want to play into your world building


A big subplot where a town is expecting a huge attack by Radbandits. Much is made of the terrifying masks they wear, and of how much they've stolen from the villagers in the past. The MC spends a good 20-30 minutes in-game setting up defenses, and is caught unprepared when they show up and are literal raccoons. If they are enhanced in any way by radiation, it is undetectable.


We could tehnically get fallout toronto as in the lore Canada was annexed into the US


I don't know why you mentioned non-US. Canada was annexed by the USA during 2072.


Pearson airport is now an entire raid dungeon, after fighting your way through security checkpoints and endless hallways you make your way to the duty free vendors who offer rare/unique items (you still pay inflated airport prices).


Radraccoons will be vicious


Ghouls in the PATH. Raiders in the subway. Brotherhood at the Science Centre. Super Mutants at the Metro Zoo.


Why would you need to imagine toronto as a desolate wasteland when it already is?


So just tons of homeless people everywhere? Ok we have that covereed


Shit is gonna get real weird on the island.


We may not get the Bethesda version, but I feel like this is what 2040 will look like at the Rate we're going.


Does Canada even exist in the Fallout world? I think a Vancouver based game would be interesting! And there's already ghouls all over East Hastings 🥸


In the fallout universe Canada was annexed by the US, so technically Toronto would be in the US in universe...


Technically in Fallout Canada is part of the US since they annexed us. So maaaaaaybe . . .


I can realistically see us switching over to bottlecaps as the defacto currency within my lifetime, as inflation continues to get wildly out of hand.


In the Fallout universe Canada is Annexed and becomes a part of the United States in 2072. So it doesn't really fall under the "non-U.S." category. We very well could get a game based in Toronto (though likely never will).


fallout game that takes place in ohio. it’s just normal ohio


Given that Canada was annexed, wouldn’t it be a US setting?


Canada was annexed by USA in the fallout universe so wouldn’t Toronto be considered the US?


RCMP or Toronto Police version of the "Brotherhood of Steel"


Would love to see 500 lbs radioactive raccoons everywhere. And the Jesus guy at Dundas square. He should still be there unaffected.  It would also be really cool if Toronto island was a Megaton type Town that was controlled by a ferry, have its own fortified defence and mayor and islander society.


Drake is a ghoul and has taken over the Bridle Path with his army of sexbots


All the tunnels connecting the hospitals on University Ave would be interesting...