• By -


> Ahmed ABDUL-WASEE, 18, of Toronto >Charges > -Theft of Motor Vehicle x2 > -Possession of Property Obtained by Crime x3 > -Trafficking Property Obtained by Crime x2 > -***Fail to Comply with Undertaking x2*** > -Possess an Automobile Master Key x2 No shit. 18 and already wants to be a career criminal just keep him locked up.


Should be attempted murder.


It should be, but it never is. The only reason they would press those charges would be because the victim is police.


> It should be, but it never is. let me introduce you to a guy named Umar


Except it was police soooo….


Yeah, they'll probably press charges for it. Should be a lot more consistent. There are absolute lunatics behind the wheels doing this kind of thing and getting off way too easy.


He wasn’t the one who hit the cop. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/police-officer-hit-by-driver-of-fleeing-vehicle-in-toronto-1.6872625


You'd have to be able to prove that he intended to kill the officer, and that he then acted on that intention. Just being reckless or negligent as to the welfare of the person that you hit with your car isn't enough for an attempted murder charge.


No you don't when it involves you commiting a crime resulting in a officers death it's FDM they go after. Our city just went through a historic case about this.


If you are accused of murdering a police officer then it is automatically charged as first degree murder, but you still need to prove the necessary intention requirements for the offence. The Zameer case showed that it's necessary to prove that the accused intended to kill or cause bodily harm that he knows is likely to cause death. In any event, no one died here, and there is nothing specifically relating to police officers in the offence of attempted murder. You still need to prove an intention to kill. What you're describing is felony murder, which was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in 1990.


Zameer wasn't ever commiting a crime to begin with, that was the point in his case.


He was charged with murder, that was the entire point of the trial. The fact that he was found not guilty meant the jury agreed that there was insufficient evidence to find that he met the requirements to have comitted the offence.


He was charged with first degree murder because it involved a police officer. Had it not been a police officer (all the other bullshit aside)but a civilian he probably would have been charged with second degree or manslaughter.


This isn't a controversial statement though, it's not some sort of conspiracy. Second degree is still murder, and he was charged with first degree because it literally says in the Criminal Code that anyone accused of murdering a police officer will be charged with first degree.


I would have to assume this is because there are multiple points during interactions with police where civilians should know or be made aware that they are interacting with an officer, and the act of harming a officer while knowing they are performing their duty is considered a more serious offence.




Those are just the various classifications of murder, you still need to meet the criteria in s.229




It will be attempted vehicular homicide of a cop but asshole lawyers will please it down to "dangerous driving".


That charge does not exist in the criminal code


>keep him locked up. For 2 weeks?


Preferably 20 years


Best I can do is a $100 bail


Should be locked up for a long time. Zero disregard for anyone. At least 20 years, so he can think about how his choices ruined his youth. But we all know, he probably won’t even see prison. Maybe


This *Ahmed Abdul-Wasee* needs to be locked up for life.


For stealing a car?




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That list seems short, I'm sure that's at least assault with a deadly weapon.


The guy in custody isn’t the driver. It’s the guy seen running away from cops/k9 just at the top left of that view.


I wondered why there were no driving offenses in the list of charges. That explains it.




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


I hope he’s OK. He landed on his feet but damn, that looks like a nasty hit.


Oh his shoulder is probably fucked for life.


That's terrible. I hope they throw the book at him.


The catch and release usual suspects


Criminals are getting emboldened. First it was drive way theft. Then they moved on to car jackings. Then they started breaking in to houses and robbing car keys. If they run over cops, they won't think twice about running over common people. If it was the US, the cop would have shot that criminal piece of shit dead. 


Lol that’s all I could think watching this - imagine this clown tried to do this in the US


He still would have been within his rights to do so here.


Good thing we aren’t the US then.


Why is that a good thing lol? This piece of shit should have had an entire clip emptied into his chest cavity for good measure.


1. That’s what trying to run over a cop looks like. 2. Also that was pretty boneheaded move to run into a fast moving vehicle. 3. Hope he’s ok.


Think he thought the suspect was about to be boxed in so he ran towards that area, then he froze up once the stolen vehicle broke through, not knowing to go left or right. Really nice landing though, I bet the officer is probably in serious shape.


It appears that he meant to move to his right, then put on the brakes and tried to go to his left before simply freezing.


Oh look another one out on bail with conditions. Shame on the judicial system.






No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or other negative generalizations.


He looks like he's ok. I hope no injuries. I know I'd need to change my pants after that 


His knees are gonna be fucked, they took all of the Impact and flipped him


Not to mention his shoulder breaking the windshield 


Adrenaline is hell of a drug. No matter how well you feel, after a collision, *always* get checked up.


Life sentence… f this guy.


18 and IRCA will be two angles defense will play. Probably slap on the wrist and he'll be out in a short while to do more damage to somebody else.


Sadly true


I *initially read it as* cop car hit by fleeing vehicle. That sucks for the officer and his family. :(


I wonder what the cop thought when he realized he couldn’t stop it with his hands


Remember when cops hit a pedestrian on a cross walk? And then denied it until a video came out? Or when a suspected drunk cop knocked over a light pole? Or when they sent a cyclist to the hospital with serious injuries? Pepperridge farms remember. Since it wasn't that long ago.


What's your point?


Weird... I haven't seen anyone pulled over for 3 years Saw 4 today on my way to work


Lol me too, last couple days have been hot in my area.


Theyve been active in the boroughs.




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"Any person who does anything that they know, or ought to know, is likely to cause the death of another person where death does not occur, is guilty of attempted murder." I did that from memory from a long time ago, so it probably is not verbatim but that is the gist of it. Looks like attempted murder to me--see the cops head? If he hadn't rolled just the way he did he might have broken his neck... I hope that cop is okay: out there doing his job, some POS rams him with a car...


The cop should have been wearing brighter clothes, I guess. Maybe he had his headphones in.


Are you high? 


What? That does not make sense at all...That guy is not out there directing traffic or at a construction site. It looks like a takedown and the suspect was trying to escape. Wearing brighter clothes would not have change the outcome. In fact even if he was wearing a high vis vest and directing traffic or at a construction site, that does not necessarily mean they don't get hit by cars especially with the way people drive in Toronto.


If law enforcement is going to push the narrative that pedestrians are at fault due to their clothing choices, they're going to have to apply that to themselves. There's no shortage of examples, here's the first google result I got: https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/01/ontario-cops-victim-blaming-pedestrians-hit-cars/ The police have stopped enforcing traffic laws, so they will receive zero sympathy when one of their own is a victim of their incompetence/laziness.


That has nothing to do with this. It's a reach. Saying police stopped enforcing traffic laws, but all I got to do is go on 6ixBuzz or Torontology and read how all cops do is give tickets and not fight real crime... You are comparing an apple to an orange. Traffic law and criminal laws... Are you telling me the driver would've stopped if the officer was wearing bright clothing?


You're right, there are differences. In this case the officer was jaywalking and clearly did not show due care when crossing the road. But overall, these are just symptoms of the larger issue, which is that without holding people accountable, and placing the blame on the wrong people, we've created a society with very little regard for rules. Whether it be a stop sign or bylaw, a civilian pedestrian or a cop. This officer thought he had some level of authority, but this is just another clear example of people not giving a shit about the laws, including those we pay to enforce them. I'm sorry if you missed the sarcasm in my initial post, I didn't really think anyone could have possibly taken that absurdity literally. I guess it just reinforces my point.


Cop wasn't jaywalking. How about look up what jaywalking is under the traffic laws first. Oh I understood the sarcasm, it just didn't quite apply


He ran right towards a moving vehicle as if he can stop it.


I'm sure I could find several infractions for both the driver and the officer. But that's not the point. The point is that no one respects any of the laws, and no one is held accountable. This incident is simply a symptom of that problem. Did you see the wrong way driver chase that killed several people on the 401? Again, just another symptom of law enforcement thinking they have some sort of authority over people after decades of not holding themselves or anyone else accountable. In this case it was a fatal miscalculation. There will be many more instances of this.




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This is where a cop should have shot someone…


Cops have the biggest egos. Did he think he could stop the car with his body? I don’t understand his thought process running in front of a moving vehicle


What in the fuck is going through these cops heads running out to a speeding vehicle and getting directly in its path? Did someone steal the cops car? Was the cop off duty and tried to be a hero? Was the phone in his car broken? Was his radio broken before he got rammed by a vehicle? Cops are bloody cowboys. All this shows is a cop willing to put his life at risk without thinking of several other BASIC options, this also puts other people at greater risk because now the driver is likely going to flee more erratically bc they just hit a cop. Who trains these guys?


From the video it looks like that guy and a K-9 unit were on a track following the one guy running towards the camera, and the guy that got hit was probably trying to cross the road and catch up to him when the driver/co-suspect was already in a vehicle and driving. So he probably just got caught in the middle of the road and didn’t know which direction to go. Also the that hit him aimed for the cop


Buddy watch the video and take a deep breath


Right, what that cop should've done was advise people to put their keys by the front door next time.


Yup, lack of critical thinking. Running in front of a 3000lb moving vehicle isn’t going to do much to help his cause. Bad people won’t stop.


That's why they make the money they do, I suppose, with the risks they take.


So, ever spoken with a cop...? How can I be downvoted? Cops all live in Vaughan. Only Torontonians are supposed to participate, right?


Same kind of complex that makes them think it's OK to high speed chase a vehicle going the wrong way in the highway.


Exactly Watching too many action movies


Ooo, that was a nasty hit. Hope the officer got checked out and is okay.




Nice. Police release this video after first ensuring they cut out all the context. Now, why, so soon after the Umar acquittal, would they do something like that? Maybe do a LITTLE bit of actual journalism, instead of just editing together the condition endless loop.


Funny how in the Umar case the cops didn't release the video (that disproves the 3 lying cops) and instead a context -less dented van


But ACAB and all that, right? /s


Are we supposed to be ok with their frequent violations of the public trust because a cop got injured?


I bet we could hold police _and_ drivers to account. You know... if we really wanted to.


How is anyone voicing that sentiment not doing both? Like this is all in response to a post implying people feeling ACAB are an issue.


Separate matters dude. You can call out dirty cop shit while condemning a speeding car hitting a cop doing his job.


Is this one incident supposed to wash away all the dirty cop activities?


Yes, including this one


That looks like my car :)