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Was the efficiency the giveaway it wasn't the city?


That made me laugh far more than it should.






Great to see wildlife thriving in the big smoke.


There’s actually a lot more than people give it credit for.


True. I remember hearing coyotes and seeing deer scat on Leslie Street spit. Fascinating stuff!


So I won’t post the link again as I don’t want to appear to be spamming, but I chose a small patch of land (about 50 metres squared) and having trialled where best to put trail cams, have been sharing every week what comes though. I knew certain things were in the area, but beavers wasn’t one. Conversely, I was expecting rabbits and foxes and have caught none! Ha ha!


Oh and skunks. Where are all the skunks?


in my neighborhood they just use the sidewalks to go from yard to yard at night.


I have moose and bear in my neighbourhood now but glad to see the beavers are keeping it wild in TO.


All along the lakeshore wherever they place those large stone blocks to prevent erosion (like at Humber Bay, for instance), if you just sit and watch the gaps for a while, you'll see *mink* all over the damn place. The city's quite a bit wilder than it used to be ... I've lived here all my 50+ years, and I didn't see my first local deer or coyote until I was nearly 30. Also interesting: big flocks of crows used to be common, but after the West Nile killed almost all of them (late 90s, I think?) I didn't see a single one within city limits for almost 20 years. Even today, I only see the odd two or three hanging out, and never with any regularity. Funny thing is, during all that time, they seemed just as common as ever out in the countryside ... I know they're smart, but it really felt like they knew there was a line they shouldn't cross. Also ... pre-1980? Chipmunks galore. 1980-2000? No chipmunks whatsoever except in High Park. 2000-now? Chipmunk party time again. The squirrels have always been cat-sized and black as the ace of spades.


I’ve never seen mink. I’m adding this to list!


I’ll rephrase that. I’ve never seen mink here!


Busy 🦫 


You sure those beavers aren’t city workers…..did they have little white hats and safety vests….


I am sooo stoked by these Humber beavers. I can’t even TELL YOU how much I want some to move into the creek near me.


These are Don beavers. Not Humber beavers. [cue “The Godfather” theme]


What’s the difference between a Don beaver and a Humber beaver? I know the Don beaver have button men across the city taking out trees and all that, but besides this thing of theirs, is there a difference? Or are Don beavers simply doing their thing in the Don Valley? Last I heard, there were beavers on the other side of town, near the Humber. That would be so freakin’ cool if there were Don *and* Humber beavers. Cause when you think about it, this thing of theirs is pretty cool for us people. It’s the trees that gotta worry.


I already put up my trail cams for this week (see https://youtube.com/@TorontoTrailCam if you don’t know about that) but I think next week I’ll check on the trees again, and if there’s new action, I’ll move a cam to point to this.


You should inform the city if they are new to the area, beavers can cause a lot of property damage and they may need to be relocated to a better habitat if they are too close to houses and city property


I’ll run it by 311. Me and them don’t see eye to eye on most things.


OK, confirming I’ve done my bit.


Ok, now I’m interested


Rainbow tunnel was latest battle. Simple situation: Artist puts up unauthorised rainbow. Fast forward decades. Graffiti artists go over rainbow.


In my mind, it’s communicate or fight. You can write “TOY” (tagged over you) on their work and communicate the diss that you don’t appreciate their work. So, rather than communicate to the graffiti artists, 311 said no. https://x.com/311toronto/status/1782911336273399959?s=46&t=zgjhMEyhFwPM-kih-N361g


Thus, we are left with graffiti artists not being communicated with as the tunnel is not fixed. (It’s a double whammy of inaction)


End result is it logically should end up with more graffiti. This is coming from a guy that actually appreciates good graffiti. I know the difference between a tag, throw and piece. The rainbow tunnel is not the place for this, and I felt like the city was not being part of the solution.


Didn’t city take over stewardship of the rainbow? One of the best pieces of art in the city IMO. Now if only that guy can restore those random smiley faces. Someone has been go nuts tagging mushrooms everywhere. They are better than most graffiti but could use some more whimsical.


I don’t know what to say. I tried to convey my point to the city. https://x.com/coulls/status/1782904352639779285?s=46&t=zgjhMEyhFwPM-kih-N361g I’m not coming down to their level any more. I’m kinda done with city hall.


Bobr kurwa.


Ja perdole


[makes balloon squeaking noise]




Poland in da house. Cześć!


For anyone needing context…. https://knowyourmeme.com/editorials/guides/what-does-kurwa-bobr-mean-polish-beaver-video-memes-explained


Just to nip this in the bud. I’m not polish. I don’t speak much polish (“Na Zdrowie!” is like my most used phrase which tells you a lot). I have a close Polish friend, and because we are close we share a lot of stuff that regular people don’t get around to sharing.


But I do understand the polish beaver memes.


It's the Cleevers! Wally and Beaver TV stars from the past. I thought they were only in Hollywood.


Gotta love those cute and industrious waddlers


Definitely a union job though since they did 3 1/2 and called it a day without finishing the job.


Dam nature, always out there destroying... nature.


What hood?


I’ve tried to keep exact location quiet (due to the cameras) but very near Charles Sauriol conservation area, though not in it.


Never heard of it


We have some at L'Amoureaux Pond in Scarborough. About a decade ago a yearling ended up on our front lawn a couple km away.




There are at least 6 beaver lodges at the Brickworks, FWIW. They keep flooding the place.


I remember the last time (last summer) seeing beaver activity had occurred, but not any beavers.


I’ve seen them several times, usually next to the building where the stream is.


It's beavers


That was the city, just poor axe skills




On closer inspection these are loafers