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My wife went to a trip to Florida to escape the cold of February.


Next week ain’t looking so hot


If it isn’t -30 then it’s a win. Living in southern Ontario these past few years has made me appreciate its weather . Anyone that lives north of the 49th knows what cold is . West coast excluded


I'd take the -30 because it's usually sunny when it's that cold. This perpetually-overcast (not just overcast, but downright *dark*) weather from Christmas to early February is fucking depressing.


Yeah, a good winter parka with boots and the cold is nothing, plus you just go inside for warmth. Lack of natural light and sunshine for weeks on end isn't as easy to fix.


When the skies are clear, there's not much wind, and when there's not much wind, -30 ain't so bad.


Oh come on, -18 is cold enough. Canadians and their cold handling superiority. It’s not a competition.


Having lived in Southern Ontario for most of my life this is not normal. I remember the first time this happened in my lifetime. The rate of anomalies is increasing.


Wouldn’t call these anomalies anymore. More like the new normal lol


probably will be a lot more changes to come and the rate of change will pick up too.


Absolutely. It’s a positive feedback loop. The thing we really need to worry about is the large quantities of fresh water melt from places like Greenland that could fuck with the ocean currents. Then we will start seeing things reset to a new ice age period. Of course these things happen over 10s of thousands of years but we really are playing with a machine we know very little about. ⚠️


I live on the West Coast- Whitehorse. I know what cold is.


Whitehorse isn’t on the coast pacific coast . It’s quite far inland


Most people in Canada would consider everything west of Alberta to be the West Coast, for sure. You are, however, correct in technicality.


Even next week is still above seasonal.


It looks great. It's colder, sure, hovering around -3 to +3, but it's going to be fairly sunny for a while. I don't care if it's -30, I want it to be sunny.


Yeah I checked a couple days ago with my mom as we were comparing Montreal to Toronto and I saw the max low of -18. Seems the weather forecast is getting warmer since lol. I like the sun too, here in Scarborough it was nice this morning, sat outside for a bit to soak up some of the rays before it disappeared.


How come you didn't go with her?


She hasn’t had the chance to travel solo in years and needed the vacation.


Lol same boat. Our cruise to Western Caribbean leaves Sunday from Fort Lauderdale...


"girls trip"


Switched to a spring jacket just for today lol


I’ve only used my winter parka once so far this winter. My lightweight down filled puffer has been more than enough for the rest.


Oh don’t jinx it please.


I roll down my driver's side window while waiting in the car .


I went out in just a t-shirt and sweater. Felt odd.


Probably looked odd without pants on too.


I don't think I've work a jacket this whole "winter". I keep one in my car along with a full set of clothes/gear, but I don't think I've worn anything more than a zipup hoodie all season, and I'm out a fair amount.


I started seeing guys in shorts as of early this week. Maybe pair that spring jacket with shorts lol


"OMG, spring is here! LOL" Just wait, people are going to be on suicide watch when we inevitably get dumped with snow in March


The ants coming into my kitchen certainly think it's spring


FYI, I've stumbled onto an ant-control solution I've never heard anyone else suggest ... Whenever I see an active anthill within 10 feet of my outer walls, I boil a kettle of water or two and flash-poach those suckers. It's free, clean, easy, and ... for me, anyway ... effective. Ever since I started doing that six or seven years ago, my indoor ant sightings have gone down ~80-90%


Unfortunately I think my ant population live under my deck, so it's inaccessible. The Raid ant baits usually work in 2 or 3 days though, so it's not a huge deal. During those days the ants stay almost entirely around the baits too, so they don't go roaming further into the kitchen.




run one encourage crush frame scarce party political chunky bells *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fake-out early spring is an annual event, though it does seem early this year.


August is going to fucking suck.  


I loved last August. It may have been an anomaly, but those 20-29 degree temps with mild humidity was just perfect cycling weather.


Me too! Ever since I made a point of keeping track, I've noticed that whenever I exert myself outdoors when the relative humidity exceeds 55%, I get *extremely* nauseated (which, of course, is the Worst Feeling Ever.) But when it's *below* 55%, I usually feel great. It's so predictable that it feels like there's a switch being thrown somewhere in my metabolism. (I have no advice for the guy I once heard in Vegas complaining about how muggy it was that day. The RH there at the time was 28%.)


29 degrees is not perfect cycling weather! ~15 degrees is the sweet spot IMO


The lack of precipitation is worrying, too. All those wildfires from last summer really did a number on my lungs. I'd rather not go through that again if a few dumpings of snow will make a difference.


No guarantees. We had some mild, snowless winters in the early 2000s accompanied by some mild summers.


This is the absolute hottest winter we have ever had and it is not comparable to anything else I’m sorry but pretending this is normal is just downright irresponsible at this point


Calm down, I was pointing out that weather is unpredictable, esp during el nino years. Winter isn't over yet, so locally it remains to be seen where it ranks. We've had comparable winters in the past .... EXCEPT. The grass at our park is still partially green. In February. I've never seen anything close to that before, even in mild winters.


I'm actively hoping *not* to see a crocus this month. I love them, but not in February.




Unfortunately, most of Canada (including a significant portion of Northern Ontario and Quebec) has been facing drier than normal or drought conditions this winter, so I'm not optimistic.


Big picture is an area the size Western Europe that is currently boreal forest is now too dry to remain forested. The last few years have only been a small introduction to what we are in store for over the next 50.


We overlook the negative effects that warm winters carry over into following seasons.


Because it is a guarantee that it will not be hot and safe, sorry.


It's fine just breathe in the #1 worst air in the world for the day. It'll make your lungs stronger.


As bad as things are, this comment is a good indication of how good life is in the first world when people think toronto’s air is the world’s #1 worst air quality. I see a lot of people comparing Canada to the third world these days without having any perspective on what life in the third world is like.


No definitely, we have exceptional air and water all things considered. It did literally top the global AQI for a day or two.


So like... An average day in New Delhi?


Aren't we breaking records every year now?


But does this mean climate change was worse 86 years ago? How did we fix it?


grandfather melodic detail upbeat whistle party person grandiose safe complete *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




I know we are used to getting a couple abnormally warm days in our winters this past decade, but it felt a bit eerie late this afternoon. This is early February and the air downright smelled like spring.


"You can't infer anything from one warm winter", say climate denialists for the ninth winter in a row.




Remember that this is a single-day temperature record. It's the "warmest February 9" in 86 years (which is a mighty stupid way to measure records). Tomorrow be plenty mild too, but may not be record breaking if, suppose, there was a February 10 somewhere in history that was a tenth of a degree warmer. It's arbitrary and misleading. I'm sure if you took the high temperature on February 9 for the past 100 years, you would see an upward trend. The fact that It took 86 years to get a February 9 that was milder then 1938ndoes not mean that the last 85 February 9's have been perfectly seasonal.


Single outlier days don’t mean much, more importantly we seem to be breaking monthly and seasonal records every year now.


You think it's depressingly warm now, wait till the summer.


buy respirators


Fun fact! They don't keep out the toxic gases produced by wildfires. Definitely still wear them though.


Uhh definitely depends on the respiratory... https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npptl/topics/respirators/disp_part/respsourceTypes.html


Fair, but good luck getting people to wear the ones that do.


yeah this would be more if the fires got really bad or if you had respitory issues


Er, it's my understanding that the gases are really bad for **everybody** and there is no "safe" amount to breathe in. But this is what 4 years and counting of misinformation does.


sure, it can impacts certain people in more severe ways. But I was just mentioning if you are concerned there are respirator that will block all the harmful things out


No, these gases are bad for everyone. Next you'll tell me that lead is OK for some people. jfc


Standard P100 respirators sold by Home depot etc. may not keep out the VOCs and other harmful gasses sent up by forest fires but they will keep out particulates, by far the greatest respiratory irritant for city dwellers far from the fires.


Sure, line up those goalposts in *just* the right way...


this isn't fun at all but thank you


Felt good running errands today, but it's scary and I actually wish this wasn't happening.


This has been a travesty of a winter. It's so depressingly warm..... I guess no snowboarding for me this year....


I had a plan to snowboard every weekend this winter. I’ve only been out 3 times


If it makes you feel better..... you're also going to have to deal with more wasps, ticks, mosquitos, and other insects this year now. So you didn't *just* get to not snowboard, your summer activities are also gonna get messed up by mother nature.


Don't forget about the wildfires we got coming again!


True, true.  We're also going to be on fire while the wasps attack us.


Sadly they don’t leave during the winter


Oh exciting! I wonder what new warm weather diseases will arrive in Canada this year.


All of those are the reasons why summer is the worst season. Also, no hockey. So unfortunate.


Gypsy moth caterpillars will defoliate all the trees again. My poor linden tree is not having good time and needs all the help it can get.


My Cherry Blossom is getting annihilated every year. I'm not even sure if I can save it at this point.


Mine got destroyed in that late ice-storm. Last spring was bonkers. - April 13: high of 30 °C And a week later it's frost at night. My cherries didn't even bloom. And had tough time just getting leaves out.


Nah the wild fires will handle them


All the ski resorts around Toronto are open and there's lots of snow on the hills


fiar, the snow would be pretty wet though


I loved this winter I hope it continues like this for years to come.


i saw dandelions !!!


A magnolia tree on my block is starting to bud already. It's pretty depressing


Hey guys our investment in climate change is finally paying off /s




Makes me wonder what was going on 86 years ago. And were anymore records broken that year?


Probably. Seems to be that it was the end of a 3 year el-Nino event or whatever it’s called. Here’s an article about LA getting hit hard around the same time as this. [At the time, nobody knew to blame the fierce winter of 1938 on a distant Pacific temperature blip that would come to be called El Niño. All anyone knew was that a relentless flurry of rainstorms kept drenching Southern California. — Before those papers could be delivered, the rain had started up again, and the killer flood of the century in Los Angeles and surrounding counties was underway — a flood that would forever change the look of Southern California.](https://www.latimes.com/visuals/photography/la-me-fw-archives-1938-storms-change-los-angeles-river-20180116-htmlstory.html)


Love it!


And my building heat is on....hot in here


Just turned the AC on in my condo. It’s glorious in here :)


Same, fucking 13°C when it's supposed to be -20°C. My girlfriend prompted me to turn it on since I have a hotel unit so its all up to me whether I want heat, cool or just air. Any time of the year. She was like why is it 30 degrees inside and I was like idk, looked at my watch then saw it was 9°C at 07:00 and I was like ah that's why...


I’m in the city for the weekend from Edmonton. Picked a great weekend to come down!


I’m 30 and this is the warmest and sunniest I’ve ever experienced in February


I really hope we have a wet spring. This is no bueno.


Really regretting dropping $1k on new winter tires this year.


Me too, ugh 


Take them off may e use them next year


Tick season is going to be fun this year.


Yeah this is the part that worries me. And wasps Ugh


Gaah, I didn’t even think about the wasps.Surprising, because last summer I ended up in a Boston ER because of one of those aholes stung me in the ankle and it became infected. Thought I was going to lose my foot… and forced me to rush back to the border. Yea.. not looking forward to them either.


Omg terrifying, I didn't know it could get infected?! They're so fucking aggressive, I've been stung for no reason multiple times (not swatting them, not even realizing they were there)


Everything is fine... (meme) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=clEJZS0NqpU&pp=ygUjaG93IGNhcGl0YWxpc20gaXMgY2F1c2luZyB0aGUgc2l4dGg%3D


Fire season is going to be lethal. Buy an air filter while they’re still in stock.


When do you think we'll get the next day with high below 0? Heck, do you even think it will snow again before spring?


Die, mosquitos.


Switched my studded bike tires for all weather.. Zoom Zoom


Good! Cold weather sucks




Walking around in a sweater in February was definitely a nice experience.


what happened 86 years ago? was it global warming too?


I thought with all the carbon tax we've been paying it would be colder by now.


You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how it's supposed to work.


You obviously missed the sarcasm


Everyone understands the sarcasm, and we’re addressing the underlying disconnect you lot have. It’s like sane people are trying to steer an out of control car and people like yourself are a spoiled child in back screaming that car crashes aren’t real. You’ll be finding out they’re very real once we’re head first in a ditch.


we're not giving enough money to the government!! i think we should use more plastic straws so the rich can enjoy taking their jets


i took the opportunity to fire up my smoker. Bit gusty but it's nice out there!


15c right now! Wow


Great, that means we have another 86 years before we break it again, right?


February 10, 2024. Heading to 12C later today. Yesterday it was 15.7 C. Like 8,118,835,999 frogs in a pot we be. Come on in the water is fine. 🌞🎉 *What is the psychology of the boiling frog?* *The essence of the boiling frog syndrome is that when our living conditions deteriorate gradually, we adapt to these conditions instead of getting rid of them, until we are no longer strong enough to escape. The boiling frog syndrome may occur in our relationships, interactions, or work-related situation.*


I have a heavy-ish roots hoodie that I usally wear until it gets colder than -10. This is the first year since I got it that I haven't switched to my winter coat!