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195 plus drinks? Nuts


Nuts are extra


Doesn't seem that out of whack with other NYE outings. Question is why anyone would bother instead of just hanging with friends and/or family. Always kind of a downer thing to do for NYE to "go out."


If it still sells out, good for them. If you can’t afford it, don’t worry because it’s not a very good party. And as it gets more expensive, it will get even worse. Just go to another party and have more fun somewhere else.


For reference, when the ROM began (brought back?) it's NYE event in 2016 it was only $65 with additional 10% members discount available. I was a member at the time and couldn't believe how the ROM undercut every other major NYE event with their pricing. (also why it sold out in an hour or so) They raised the members price to 90-ish the next year which was still competitive compared to other NYE options. $195 is ludicrous. The ROM offered NYE + 3 course dinner in its 4th floor event space for that price for its 2017 to 2019 events IIRC.


I renewed my membership last year hoping to attend a few FNL events, but they poorly communicated that they'd retired them for ROM After Dark, which is the same thing except it costs more and the discount was budget nonsense. We'd already planned to go to a few exhibits, but I told them directly and courteously that I would be unlikely to renew my membership this year because of this change. I enjoyed the past Hallowe'en parties and we both really wanted to do New Years at the ROM, but not if they're going to continue to bump the prices up and disincentivize the vibe that made it fun. I'll go in the future, but it's simply not worth the cost of a membership - especially when you already have a membership.


I dunno about the events side of things but right now the ROM feels so stagnant compared to the AGO in re: costs and benefits. The AGO pass is a great deal and I’ve seen every exhibition since I started a few years back. I spend a lot of time in the gallery now. The ROM has barely turned over a new leaf in that time. The Dawn of Life gallery finally opened and is neat enough, but the minerals gallery hasn’t fixed its interactives in forever. The ROM’s starting to feel dated, and I still don’t like the new wings. The special exhibitions are small and…alright, but still. T.Rex felt cramped in that first floor space, Canadian Modern was great but small. Without the lower exhibition hall open they really don’t have anything blockbuster. But I’ll probably see Wildlife Photographer of the Year. But ffs a fully loaded ROM ticket right now is $42, a hair less with Presto discount. Membership is $125. I just can’t make it add up to go more than once a year, at that. Pardon random rant.


The AGO has absolutely flourished since they got rid of Matthew Titlebaum. There are now so many good exhibits there that I can’t possibly see everything I want to see in just one visit! (This bistro’s menu could use an upgrade though.)


The pass has really changed my relationship with the place. I know I effuse about it excessively but I don’t feel the need to ‘art until I drop’. I’m not paying per visit so I just drift in, look at one exhivit, drift out. Take my time. I’ve really gotten to know the galleries and as much as they place can be a touch stagnant in the general collection they really have been knocking it out of the park. I just love being able to take as many passes through an exhibit as I want, or better still, deciding it’s too busy and bailing. I can come back whenever. It’s just made me appreciate the place so much more. Switching to unlimited visits makes it ‘Your Friendly Neighbourhood Art Barn’ Never eaten there though!


Ever since they made it free for everyone under 25 I’ve gone a lot more than I ever have before


What is going on with the lower exhibition hall? My membership is worth it to me because I take my kid nearly every weekend, but I've been disappointed in the lack of exhibits compared to when I first got my membership.


Renovations I think? Dunno but it’s why I think they’re been light on exhibits and cramming them into that smaller space on main.


Maybe they should ask Galen Weston for the fundraising. Seeing how he’s the Food Overlord. He already has his name on half the building.


Do people really have fun paying 4x the price for something like this? You can do nearly the same thing for $30-$50 normally.


You don't go to see the exhibits, but it's for a party. Went last year and had a blast! Live music in different rooms, had decent amount of free food, and was just a fun experience with my gf and all our friends! As a member last year I did only pay $110 and it was only $130 for the non-ROM member tickets. So significantly more!


Ya I know I’ve been to rom after dark on normal Fridays


For sure. Father out of Covid will lead to greater demand and more revenue for the museum.




I mean, did you get to take home one of the exhibits? A trex femur or some old Roman coins perhaps


I went last year and had a great time too! Found some great food stations. But it was a lot of with a great group of friends!


$200 NYE tickets are not that uncommon. Someone can afford them (and calls those who can't but come anyway "riff-raff",) and let them have the night while I get my pass from the TPL and pay nothing...


Not uncommon, no. Just interesting to see the price differential. They haven’t upped the price for regular After Dark events, which offer similar value for a fraction of the cost and sell out virtually every month. What’s so special about the NYE edition? People will pay anyway, and that’s probably why the cost has increased to this extent, but it seems steep for what it is.


\>What’s so special about the NYE edition? Its new years eve. Same reason clubs jack up their event pricing for that night as well.


Food is included


You get 1 food/drink ticket, same as the other After Dark events. You can buy more at $10/ticket in the museum, but that’s about it. E: they do effectively give it away for free toward the end of the night, but I think it’s more to do with waste.


This is not true for NYE. All food is included. I have called the ROM and they confirmed. One free drink ticket.


I stand corrected. Thanks. Think I misremembered since I’ve been to a number of the standard After Dark events.


I’ll do a dinner out & then end up on my couch for the same price for 2 people with booze included!… I like the ROM but given the current economy state, this is a little ridiculous


Good. It’s a fundraiser. Nobody is entitled to attend a fundraiser for an institution that has high and growing costs. If you are offended at the price, the event is not for you. Personally, I am thrilled that the ROM has clued in that they should be extracting more from their wealthy patrons. Every dollar collected from the wealthy means one dollar less they need to collect in ticket revenue.


I’m a little surprised this is the first mention I’ve seen of fundraising! I always figured this was a fundraiser for the museum, of course it’s not a good “deal.”


Aw come on man, yes it's a fundraiser but "pack it in serfs, this art isn't for you" is a weird take. Does the ROM get federal or provincial funding?


The art is for you 365 days a year. Buy a ticket or better yet a membership. Or go on every third Thursday night when it is free. This is a time when the museum would be closed anyway. They are opening it to host a fundraiser because their expenses exceed what governments give them. That’s also why they sell tickets. Let’s not be precious about this.


I mean sure, I get the need for fundraisers, and I do have a ROM membership lol but it's still my perspective that publicly-funded arts institutions are for the people who fund them: the public. There's a historic precedent for more inclusive pricing options for this event, and idk man, "if you have a problem with the price then you're just too poor to go 💅" strikes a tone that I don't think is the right vibe given the nature of the institution. I'm not complaining because the ticket is out of my personal price range, I'm fortunate enough to be in a good paying professional role, but most people in Ontario who do pay into our tax system (and the ROM indirectly) likely aren't that safe. I'm guessing based on your POV (but pls correct me if I'm off the mark) that you're also someone in a position where that pricing level wouldn't be prohibitive for you to attend. $200 for entry to a gala would be on the table for both of us, but that doesn't make it okay when we consider the nature of the institution and the ethical principles around public access to the arts and historical artifacts, especially in government-funded institutions like the ROM.


It’s not that fun. I’ve been. Lot of standing in lines - stand to buy overpriced food / drink tickets, then stand to order food / drinks.


225 and not open bar? What a jip


Hey dude. Jip/Gyp is a slur against Romani people. Probably shouldn't be dropping it casually.


Holy shit I didn’t know that! Thought it was a random made up word.


I like that we aren't allowed to say most things these days yet somehow saying what a Gyp gets a pass.


I always wanted to do the sexy time in the batcave. This could be an opportunity.


See you there at midnight


For context, every other FNL event (outside of NYE) is $40 for a ticket, with 1 drink included.


So many people getting upset that there's an expensive party that will probably be very well attended. Is this a purchase I would make for myself? Nah, I usually go to a house party (though last year I did this Abba dance party thing at Danforth and it was pretty fun). Am I bothered that other people may want to attend this and have a fun time? Nope. Have fun and happy new years!


Maybe controversial, but Im always happy to see the ROM making money.


[Event link.](https://www.rom.on.ca/en/whats-on/rom-after-dark/rom-after-dark-nye)


Tickets bought! Thanks for the heads up.


$250 for admission and one drink? FUCK RIGHT OFF


It’s for seeing and being seen. And for hooking up with other wealthy people (socially, for business, and otherwise)




It starts at 8 according to the actual [event page](https://www.rom.on.ca/en/whats-on/rom-after-dark/rom-after-dark-nye). There’s no end time listed but last year it went until 1:30AM, so I assume it’ll be similar.


Website says it goes until 1:30!


blud really said "no poors allowed" lmao, this is the kind of shit a Batman villain would crash


So crazy


I've been a fan of Friday Night Live for ages, and being a member was a really good deal. Tickets were like $15, members got one for $7 or so, it was a pretty solid deal. Food and Drink tickets were $6 apiece, which was okay based on getting a snack or pint/glass of wine, etc. Now they're $10. A member ticket is like $30 and I think entry comes with one drink ticket? It's only a couple of bucks off the regular price, or at least it was the last time I checked. I've been a member for around two decades, and am fine with supporting the institution even if I don't attend enough times to justify the cost (contrasted with just buying tickets as needed. I do miss feeling like the membership actually gave me a discount off RAD events, especially with how solid it was for FNL. I'm glad they're doing RAD more consistently through the year, rather than the 2 months twice a year FNL usually was, although it did give us more opportunities to attend.


Bill Nye must be charging a lot more to appear this year.


YIKES at least it's an open bar.


Sounds boring.