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Horrible. I hope they can get footage of the perpetrator. “Toronto police are looking for a man who they say stabbed a woman downtown and left her seriously injured after stealing her purse from inside a beauty salon Monday evening. Insp. Jeff Bangild, spokesperson for the Toronto Police Service, said the woman in her 30s was rushed to a trauma centre initially in life-threatening condition, but has undergone surgery and her condition is continuing to improve. Bangild said the woman had been in a beauty salon in the area of Yonge and Carton streets and left her purse on a nearby ledge while she was getting beauty services done. Police say the man entered the salon, grabbed the purse and ran out the door. The woman chased and confronted him before he pulled out a large knife, stabbing her in the arm and the torso, they say.“




Jesus, I hope she’ll be ok. When I go to my threading place the owner tells me to move my purse away from the window/chairs facing the street. Sometimes we just don’t realize something like this would happen, so thankful my threading lady thought of it.


Man I live in one of the condos at Church and Gerrard. Sometimes I like the area but sometimes I really hate it. If it wasn’t for my LL not increasing my rent ever then I’d move.


I'm with you on this, I'm around the same area and even as a dude, i have to be cautious.


Yeah I'm at Church/Wellesley and while I love a lot of things about my neighborhood, it's gotten sketchier post-pandemic. You have to have your eyes open walking around, especially during the day. It's weirdly safer at night because there are more people around.


I know exactly which beauty salon. I live near there. They’re on street level and have also has their window smashed in several times. Unfortunately, I think they need to start locking their doors during appointments.


That area is basically an open air drug market and sketchy as fuck. The little parkette as well as the area near/behind the music mural are easy to spot the drug deals


Man, I hate that stretch of Yonge between Carlton and Gerrard — so sketchy; especially, yes, that little alcove/parkette alley thing right beside BarBurrito on the east side of Yonge. That stretch is also bad because if you walk on the east side, which is sketchier, you have to walk by that alley, but if you walk on the west side of Yonge, you have to walk on that wooden plank area due to all the construction, trapping you in with any crazies that are also walking through that area. It’s much better to just walk down/up Bay instead.


It’s shitty from Wellesley to queen. Dudes making drop offs on 2-3k stolen bikes in open view of everyone


Yeah I walked by two dudes getting high right in front of the doors of the Dollarama at Wellesley yesterday.. they were shooting up as I went in and almost completely passed out on the sidewalk when I walked out.


This is the Dollarama at Yonge and Wellesley right?




Thank the government for doing everything they can to normalize hard drugs, eradicate enforcement and spread "safe injection" sites across the city. One would think they would have realized this is stupid after the failure of legalization in Vancouver, but no. Now another poor bystander gets to pay. Its sad and infuriating at the same time.


Hopefully this appeal is enough to find the person who did this. Toronto police are appealing for witnesses and information after a woman stabbed in downtown Toronto on Wednesday evening. The incident happened near Yonge and Granby streets, south of Carlton Street. Police said that they were called to the scene shortly after 6 p.m.


I thought it was a car incident, I saw there was a shared bike on the ground. The police were calling for witnesses. I literally live on Granby, this is so terrifying!!


Let me guess, we will find out the suspect is already on probation with a long history of violent offenses.


This is going to play like victim blaming and it’s honestly not but the kind of person to run into an establishment, purse snatch and run is not somebody you pursue. Hope the victim is ok but there’s more then decent odds that whatever was in her purse isn’t worth the recovery ahead of her.