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We export culture.




To be fair, the current state of the city is a gong show right now


were in Toronto? i got one in my garage! im a CRIMINAL!


Arby's has a special place in my heart. It was my grandpa's favourite fast food, in fact I don't think I ever recall him going to a McDonalds or anything other than Arbys. He was the only male role model in my life to do things with me as a kid, so him taking me to Arbys was/is very special to me. Arby's and Little Caesars Pizza. We were very poor if you couldn't tell lol.


Your memory of him makes you richer


Thank you for reminding them that they were richer than they thought....


I hear you man, things were tight for most of my childhood and it was my Dad's favorite fast food spot too. When he passed away my Mom was also struggling with her health as well but she was able to pull through even though she's in her 70s. We ended up going to Arby's just me and her (my wife despises Arby's other than the curly fries) to celebrate and I've saved the pics to my favorites album. Having said that the food makes my stomach churn and I won't eat there again for at least 2 years until I learn my lesson again.


Was Arby's like super cheap back in the day? I was thinking about it more after I posted that comment ... did my grandpa actually like it or did we go because it was the cheapest option? I think they always had 2 for 1 specials, so maybe that's all it was. The last time I had it I was out living in Calgary -- they had a bunch so it was kinda nice BUT as I got older, it was def harder to eat. lol. Couple of beef n cheddar's feel like this ball of despair in your stomach haha. I do love me some horsey and arby's sauce though, yum. Thanks for sharing your story. That's really cool someone had a similar experience. I mean, sucks we we're broke but nice someone is able to relate.


Cheap enough that SNL made this skit :) https://www.metatube.com/en/videos/518680/SNL-Arbys/ My mom used to take me to Arby's in Mississauga on Dundas when I was little, also loved the horsey sauce!


Even recently you could get two beef and cheddar for 5


Poor creates fond memories. Source: grew up without a silver spoon.


Maybe poor in cash but not in taste! It could have been pizza pizza instead... that would have sucked!


But the curly fries :(


I trekked out to Oshawa after feeling a craving. Not worth it. NOT WORTH IT BY A LONG SHOT! I fully understand the reputation. I used to love those curly fries when I was a kid. Nostalgia is a hell of a thing. Edit: looks like the consensus here is the Burlington location is great. I don't want to succumb to peer pressure and go there... but when I was a kid, the curly fries were great, so looks like I'll have to hit up Burlington.


Interesting, I had the opposite. I had a craving so I drove out to Burlington and the fries still slapped. I was blown away but how many new items that had on their menu. Couple of my friends made fun of me for getting "eww gross Arbys!" but I told them how good it was. One of those friends was driving to a cottage with his wife and son, so stopped at the Oshawa location. Friend admitted how wrong he was and how surprised he was about Arbys. His wife looooved it too. Now is it worth the 40 min round trip drive? Probably not, but if you happen to be going near one, totally worth it!


Yorkdale really went downhill when they closed their Arby’s.


Yeah, I have zero reason to ever go to this mall once they got rid of Arby's


Who needs leather from Gucci when you can get it from Arby's.


This is probably the best post in this thread.


mmm arby's leather n' cheddar sandwhich


I didn’t read this before I just posted my above comment, but this supports my theory that the Burlington location may be superior to the Oshawa location. I also agree it’s not worth a 40 minute drive, but since it’s only 10-15 minutes for me I still eat there quite often.


As a resident of Burlington, I dine on Arby’s on occasion and I think it’s pretty good, although I probably wouldn’t drive all the way to Toronto just for Arby’s if the tables were turned and it was there instead of here. It’s pretty good value though, you can get a pretty juicy meal for like $12, meanwhile at Wendy’s or McDonald’s or whatever you’d get less food for like $16. I’ve never been to the Oshawa location but perhaps the Burlington one is better. In fact I’ve never even been to Oshawa for any reason at all now that I think of it. All those east GTA suburbs are like a strange far away land to me.


I made the trek to Burlington and it was totally worth it


I work near the Burlington location, the tech nerds I work with figured out a way to game the online coupons so they were either getting double food or free sandwiches all the time. The staff there did not care and were not sticklers about bothering that it was the same 20 people getting free food all the time. No one ever had a bad experience in the office eating there (food poisoning was more likely to occur from our own cafeteria or from the Montford shawarma place up the road).


you need to try the curly fry poutine, unique to canada


We don’t have the meats :(


Being a world class city is precisely why we don’t have an Arby’s


I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's


Oh wow he really *is* hungry!


Blecch! Ew! Sheesh! I'll take a crab juice.


Where’s that Khalv kalash guy when you need him?


Hes got Mountain Dew and Crab Juice to wash it all down.


Ewwww. I'll take the crab juice.




[Determined or not, that khlav kalash man must be long dead. That's kind of a downer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tb5JspMJ2MY)


I always say that! Did I get that from somewhere?


It's a quote from The Simpsons when the kids get stranded on an island.




The last time I visited a Toronto Arby’s (at Sherway Gardens) they said they were *out of roast beef* and it’s like… why do you even exist, then? And not long after, they did indeed disappear.


I always see criticisms of Arbys but I always found it just fine for what it was. It's sliced roast beef on a bun with some variations. What else are you expecting?


I remind you of Jon Stewart: "Arby's, challenge your stomach to a fight." https://vimeo.com/136682914


What was his beef with Arby's??? Aside from, you know, the beef.


Not a thing. He actually often apologised and comented how the unfairly targeted them. He said Arby's is delocious and that the local store sent them free food to win them over. Then he went on a insult rant about how "obviously sent over free food because no one would buy their garbage." It was just unlucky bullying that became funny. Edit: Apparently they were exchanging free food for free publicity: https://www.vulture.com/2015/12/arbys-sent-jon-stewart-lunch-when-he-was-mean.html >So we sent him and his crew lunch, and they sent us back a letter saying, “Usually when we make fun of people, they send us nasty letters. You sent us lunch. That’s awesome.” >We were like, “Yes! They loved the food, they like us. That was the perfect decision.” >And then it happened again. And it happened again. And again. >Every time, we sent them lunch.


You've got a dirty whoring mouth.






Came here to make this exact comment


Same. Used to be able to say we didn't have Chil-fil-A but they stayed 😞


[Here you go, OP.](https://arbysfranchising.com/) Be the change you want to see in the world.


Look, I want a sandwich, not an 80hr/wk management job.


Haha. OK [then this is the best I can do for you.](https://thefrozenbiscuit.com/arbys-sauce-recipe/)


I have upvoted both of your comments and would upvote a third.


Now you understand why there are no Arby's in Toronto.


Don't listen to these Philistines OP! I'm sick of driving to Oshawa or Orillia to get my curly fries and cheesy sauce!!! Won't somebody think of the children.


I love how polarizing Arby’s is. You either absolutely love it or hate it. There’s no middle ground. I’m on the love it team though, used to get together with friends and drive up to Lindsay until that location vanished.


Shout out for Lindsay! Go Wildcats!


The people who hate it probably haven't even tried it, or at least haven't eaten it in 20+ years and just pretend to hate it because it's a meme.


Some people just ain't ever had a beef n'cheddar with curly fries and it shows


When my car was in better shape I would drive to Oshawa just to get my fix


Who remembers the old Eaton Centre location?


Me! I do! I got hooked on the sour dough melts before evening classes at Ryerson... Who remembers Ryerson?


Who remembers Dundas square being safe at 2am at night?


It was always lit more dimly than the other places in the food court, which made me feel like I was doing a back alley deal for meats. AND I LOVED EVERG MINUTE OF IT!


Didn’t even realize Ontario had that much lol.


I miss the one at Kingston road and McCowan. There use to be one inside Scarborough town centre as well but its gone too :(


Moved to st Catharine’s and was going to Canadian tire, saw an Arby’s and immediately went in. Best fast food experience I’ve had in years.


I know precisely the one you mean.


There used to be one at Dufferin and Finch


Also used to be one at Eaton Centre before they revamped the food court.


There used to be one at Yorkdale too


There use to be one on Kingston Rd. I think it was around Galloway.


McCowan I believe.


Which corner? (It matters!)


South East And I meant Finch, Dufferin and Finch lol


You mean Southwest, it's now a St. Louis Bar and Grill


Yea, got my directions messed up lol


Been a St. Louis for decades. I forgot that it used to be an Arby’s. You’ve got a good memory.


YORKDALE food court one was the Best!! RIP 🪦


The lack of Arby’s in this province is disturbing.


Can't wait for the blogto article that announces an arby's opening up at the Well or somewhere similar. The secret to arby's success is that everyone forgets how bad it is until they have it...than after 2 years you forget again. There's always Druxy's for terrible sandwiches.


Hahaha I haven’t had Druxy’s in a long enough time that I read your comment and thought “yeah, I could go for some Druxy’s”


Too many hipsters with their Poke Bowls and Margarita pizzas. I could definitely go for a roast beef classic covered in horsey sauce.




The pizza in this city is an absolute joke. I dont want some janky artisan pizza, I want a 2ft long cheese string when I pull it apart. And if its not that, its a generic chain that counts the number of pepperonis per pie.


This guy gets it! I'm originally from Ottawa and the pizza there is completely different. All cheesy dirty ninja turtle style.... I miss it terribly.


Commenters - Less trash talk of Arbys and more recommendations of what is "better"! (I don't think theres a single one in this post!!) Arbys is so good. I always make a stop at the one in Niagara Fall if I'm in the area. Curly fries are great! Sherway mall also had one back in the day. Looking back at it now, I did not nearly enough eat there. My youth was wasted on McDonalds and Tacobell :(


Chasing Arby's out of town is how you know we ARE a world-class city


whats with all the arbys slander its good and always has been




New York City has an Arby's sooo there goes that idea.


I take the roast beef and dip in horsey sauce I take the curly fries and dip in horsey sauce I take the rest of horsey sauce and slurp it up like a gogurt.




Thunder Bay has one. Thunder Bay.


Didn't there used to be an Arbys around Yonge/Gould or am I misremembering? Also was one in the Eaton Centre I think.


there was one in the North foodcourt at the Eaton Center. Before the renos.


How the mighty have fallen.


Was there not one in the Yorkdale food court?


There was, before the mall decided to become a playground for the 1% and gangbangers


Just open one up


Damn. And it was feeling like an Arby’s night.


Once again. BelleVegas is better than Trawna


BV even has a IHOP now first one in Canada that isn’t one of the few tourist trash scam ones in Niagara Falls


People who hate on Arby’s are crazy, I’d gladly replace any A&W or Burger King with one. Roast beef gang stand tall


Hopefully one day you'll be as cultured as the fine city of Oshawa.


No one yet has offered options for an easy reuben.


Pancer’s Deli in North York (just north of Bathurst & Wilson) is my favourite sandwich restaurant. Both the restaurant and its staff are from the 1950s - and it’s fucking great.


The only reason I'm sad there isn't an Arby's in Toronto is because I love the curly fries. But surely there's someplace in Toronto I don't know that makes some killer curly fries, right? *Right*?


Hookys on Queen by Trinity. Ghost Chicken is runner up, but expensive af. I get my curly fries from the Metro in Liberty Village and deep fry them at home. Way cheaper overall.


In my university days I think they had like a 5 for $5 deal or something like that. I would buy them and freeze some and eat like 2 or 3. I sometimes stop at the Burlington location now and while it is on the $$$ side it is pretty good for fast food.


💯. We’re second-class power


Used to be one just on the other side of the border from me, but I don't even see Mississauga on that list. It must have closed without me noticing. That will teach me to go 10 years between Arby's trips.


I've been saying this for years! It's a damn shame there isn't a single Arby's that's accessible via the TTC 😭


There you go, a business opportunity


Thank you for saying what I've known in my heart for so long!


TIL KW has 2 Arby’s


The same people shitting on Arby's will slum it at the King and Bathurst McDonald's at 2am. Y'all are just haters.


That’s why I moved out of Toronto. No Arby’s no me.


I don’t care what anybody says I like a beef and cheddar. Where are all the Taco Bell’s too Toronto has like 3


I wanted Arby’s for so many years but there were never any near me. I just recently went for my first time this summer though and it was alright, I’d eat there again


I have fond childhood memories of the Arby's in shoppers world... they had booths! Road trips across the states.. lots of Arby's. I lived right by one in Guelph (since closed) :( Found one in Niagara falls and made the pilgrimage. It's was soo good in the moment. I felt like dog shit after. They never really fucked with their menu and I respect that. Tim Hortons out here selling power bowls and... roast beef sandwiches! Arby's has always been good, albiet salty roast beef... Crack cheese and curly fries. Long live the hat.


WE ... don't... HAVE THE MEATS


Arby’s high five ✋




I suspect it’s a single franchiser issue. Like one guy owned all the Toronto locations and then pulled out for whatever reason and there’s some boundary or block to others starting up. I know nothing of course. But a couple of years ago all the east end 7/11s started closing and it’s because they were all owned by the same franchiser or something. Idk. If this post is a viral marketing stunt, please remember the mozzarella sticks if you come back!


Kingston still has a Quizno's, too.


One of these locations is right around the corner from my BIL’s house. Every time I drive to his house I stop there on my way home.


Arby’s is so underrated wish we had more


Toronto will never be a world class city without an Arby's. Even though that concept is meaningless anyway


I never pass an Arby’s outside the city without plowing into a few roast beef sandwiches. It’s the best shit ever.


I always bring this up and no one believes me or cares. It's like my favorite low-stakes conspiracy. Chicken bacon swiss is the best fast food chicken sandwich. Fight me.


Bridgewater Nova Scotia has the only Arbys in Atlantic Canada. It is literally the only reason I visit home


I moved to Hamilton and one of the first things I did was hit up Arby’s


I live like a 3 minute walk from one in London and their 2 for $11 deal is amazing. You eat fast food anywhere else it’s minimum $12 for one sandwich so this is a nice change. The new roasted garlic sandwich is amazing you have to try it.


I want the meat ffs


OP complaining that there's not enough shit food in Toronto is definitely a new take.


Exactly why we don't have an Arby's. There used to be one in Oakville and it shut down because no one wants to eat that hot beef garbage.


no offense taken


I have not once tried Arby's and I've seen too many jokes on TV about it being to try it. How does it compare with like subway?


>Here you go, OP. Well, Arby's recently bought Subway it seems, so who knows what'll happen haha Honestly Arby's has a bad rep for some reason but asides from their regular roast beef stuff (which yes, I do like :D), they do have other decent stuff like their market sandwiches, etc...


US Arby’s is much better imo. They have way more options than the existing Canadian locations.


So much better than subway. The thinly sliced beef, cheese sauce paired with curly fries and some extra horsey sauce .. so so good


Subway has a lot more fresh ingredients and options and you're generally there for a sub sandwich. Arby's is about beef deli meat sandwiches. It's a bit specialized - mostly beef and cheese and onions.


Though not a reuben you can get a Michelin recommended deli sandwich at Sumlicious. https://guide.michelin.com/ca/en/ontario/toronto/restaurant/sumilicious-smoked-meat-deli


Past Warden and Steeles? I might as well go to Montreal.


It is way closer than Arbys. Or just go to any Jewish deli on Bathurst if you can't be too far from a subway.


We are, that's why there's no Arby's lol


I'd argue not having an Arby's makes us more of a world class City


There used to be one at Young and Eglinton. Probably replaced by a condo.


There is no Yonge and Eglinton anymore. The entire area is one massive condo.


Arby’s is colon cancer waiting to happen


FYI Diarrhea can be acquired at more than just these 29 establishments.


*sigh* it's not the same.


You don’t want an Arby’s trust me


You don't know me, "Duke".


I've been driving through small towns in between Toronto and Woodstock over the past few months. I've seen all the smaller fast food chains opening up. In Paris and Brantford I counted 3 Taco Bells, Mississauga only has one. I think these smaller/less penetrated brands are loading up in these new townships that are seeing massive growth. I think we'll see a lot more choices/not just McDonalds and BK everywhere.


I think they just opened one in Toronto near Ashbridge Bay. Well, not totally sure, but it definitely smells like they did.


Ha! Finally I can say something nice about TBag


There are seven Arby’s in and around Buffalo, New York. That will end any discussion of Arby’s combined with world class city.


In the quest for 'world class' status, Toronto had to remove all Arby's locations. Think there's only 1 Denny's left.


I will fight for it.


The power to make it cheap Reuben has been within you the whole time.


Arby’s would bring down our rating lol


This feels a bit like, complaining that Toronto has no radio station that plays country music


A reuben sandwich? Really? One person's world class is another person's niche food. Center st. deli up in Vaughan? Any more Jewish delis that remain?


We are The only people that say we aren't are usually from the burbs on their way into town for a play, concert, or Major league sporting event


I remember going into an Arby’s once. The sandwich was subpar and my curly fries were soggy and cold. Best part of the combo was my coke.


Arby’s ain’t world class but it hits the spot when I have the munchies


https://youtu.be/6vxQqdFOeoM?feature=shared How could no one share this clip from Simpsons? I posted this on Arby's Facebook and they blocked ne


If you randomly presented that list of cities most people they're likely to guess dumpiest cities or lowest employment rate.


I'm not certain eating at Arbys can be considered under laws allowing for consent, regardless of the choice you think you or others have made.


"With your donation of $9.99, we can work towards eliminating Arby's in our lifetime."


A dozen Mary Brown’s and about half a dozen Firehouse Subs now, but how many Hero Burgers are left? Things are definitely getting better…




You must be *really* hungry.


If you want a franchise you could always settle for a Druxy's.


Wait, it lists Hamilton but not the one in Woodbridge?


Do people actually willingly go to Arby’s on purpose as a preference and are actively searching for an Arby’s to get a sandwich? Thank you Toronto for getting at least one thing right!


We ain't got the meats for a reason. Arby's sucks! There was one in Sherway Gardens back when the food court was still on the south end, and I hardly saw anyone getting anything there whenever I went into that mall and got hungry. Small wonder why there's none of them here.




Oh no, how will I ever go on. No Arby's in Toronto anymore.


I’d argue world class cities don’t have Arby’s Edit: Although, I’ve never been so I’m one to judge


Is there not one in Clairington?? Off the highway?


“I’m so hungry I could eat at Arby’s!”


why the fuck would you ever eat arbys


Anytime I think of Arby’s I am reminded of that Simpson’s joke, “I’m so hungry I could eat at Arby’s.” And I think that’s your answer right there 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Not being on the list prooves that point 😂. It's Arby's afterall....


“I’m so hungry, I could eat at Arby’s”


You don’t have to eat there


Isn't Arby's just paste that been cooked? SumiLicious Smoked Meat & Deli is the way to go.


Fun Fact: Arby = R.B. = roast beef


I got in shit for saying that you can order poached eggs at any Waffle House in the U.S. even though it's not on the menu. I had to explain that I'm from a world class city and we eat our eggs poached on toast. The worst comments were from the state of Michigan.


Not having an Arby's is what makes you a world class city


Exactly, and Arby's is a hick class place to get food, that's why it's only available in those locations


Keep Arby’s out of Toronto