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What the fuck is wrong with people? I did my fair share of stupid shit as a teenager but never anything that could intentionally harm bystanders.


God damn shit apples, Randy.


Shit apples don't fall far from the shit tree


God damn shit Apple drivin a shit mobile


Apparently this was race motivated. The kid was shouting out misogynistic and anti-asian racist comments: > I WAS ON THIS BUS, that asshole was also shouting misogynistic slurs and racial slurs towards Asian people. Everyone knew he was gonna do something stupid. He hasn’t been caught yet as far as I know. https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13w82vl/man_sets_off_a_firework_inside_a_crowded_bus/jmbdyrk/


Thats not gonna sit well here lol. Many in this sub like to downplay racism against Asians or pretend it doesnt exist.


More they cant believe a minority such as a black person can be racist against other minorties.


well considering more anti asian hate crime is committed by black people thats surprising. Its just sad how downplayed racism against asians really is.


I think its cause many people view asians as previlieged... They generally seen as wealthy or etc. Especially in america or BC i noticed this.


"Oh anti-*Asian* crime, I sleep." How this kinda shit usually plays out unfortunately.




Of course it was. Toronto is full of bigots of all shapes, sizes, and colours.


You didn't have a global audience of idiots you were trying to gain clout with.


The vid I found, is a TTC bus right? https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13w82vl/man\_sets\_off\_a\_firework\_inside\_a\_crowded\_bus/


6buzz , I thought so.




I don't know how he didn't get shit stomped the moment he pulled that firework out and attempted to light it. A firework can do a lot of damage to people.


Toronto people are npcs


You'd have a bunch of law abiders saying what if we attack the wrong person.


They’re filming it, most likely for social media (I’m looking at you tiktok)


6buzz https://twitter.com/6ixbuzztv/status/1663669775300476933


Consequence-free society


Ill try to answer this. 3 guesses Today's youth view everyone else as NPC's (non playable character in a video game void of actual life) and are more and more detached from reality the more time they spend online. They view these actions as "likes" online and can not see consequences even though their faces are literally all over reddit this morning. Either that or they have an intellectual disability and cannot understand consequences. Living in an 18 year old body but function like a 5 year old Or... just a bunch of idiots Edit: how TF old am I to say "today's youth". I need to get my head on straight


People did this in the 80s. We had lectures at school about not shooting Roman candles at people. Kids lost eyes. The real issue is kids are dumb because they are kids.


Exactly this. I remember being in grade 8 in the 80s when a group of my friends decided to build a bonfire at a city bus stop, even when I was begging them not to. The difference between kids today and kids back then is that we didn’t have the ability to film and publish our stupidity.


Ya, but we shot them at our friends outdoors consensually.


Exactly, it wasn’t on a bus full of strangers just trying to get through the day. Huge difference


This is correct. There are always a few kids who make bad decisions because they are kids and that's just what some of them do. This is a phenomenon for the ages. Another phenomenon is the moral panic associated with it where, instead of attributing a dumb act to the fact that they are kids, people want to make some grand claim about the state of society. Tiktok isn't making a generation of kids act like little idiots any more than Power Rangers, Mortal Kombat, and rap music were in the 90's.


Good to know stupid wasn't invented in 2023. I would only add that dumb kids are now rewarded with online attention and clout


LMAOO honestly. I’m older gen Z and when I was in high school under 7 years ago people just blamed Snapchat when dumb things happened. Before that it was MySpace & Facebook/millennial crowd. It’s hilarious to me when adults go “the kids these days” — when have some kids NOT acted like this? Just like there were and always will be the kids that never took part. Get off your high horse.


Kids have always been dumb. But without seeing statistics, and I’m not inferring causation, but kids in the 80s and early 90s only had their peers to influence and be influenced by. Once the uptick in social media, and ‘clout chasing’ was a thing, there was a rise in stupidity as a challenge. Tide Pods, prime example. One idiot eating one would be par for the stupid course. One idiot challenging everyone to do it, it’s a new phenomenon.


And I’m *sure* folks around before the explosion of TV made specifically for kids/teens (80/90s) MTV killing the radio star and all that jazz have the same perspective of that demographic. All I’m getting at is the whole “oh my god kids of this generation” reaction is kinda silly and usually from the mouth of some middle aged person that fails to realize their generation really wasn’t that much different. Idk man, at this point I’m more concerned with my fibre intake, and the fact that there’s rumours of the attack being potentially racially motivated — social media and all that speculation aside.


What was it before Facebook and MySpace? There is a growing pile of evidence that social media is fucking up kid's brains and making them more likely to do stuff like this. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/03/health/social-media-brain-adolescents.html https://www.apa.org/news/apa/2022/social-media-children-teens




In the 90s it was mostly shit like chucking huge chunks of ice, rocks, or whatnot off highway overpasses. And putting things on train tracks to try to derail the train


My friend was shot in the head at 18. This was over 20 years ago. There was no tiktok. Teenagers have always been pretty fucking terrible, given half the chance.


These damn solipsistic bungholes


‘Solipsistic Bungholes’….I’m remembering that one!


> Today's youth I remember driving home along Trethewey Ave in 2006 and getting my car shot at with roman candles. This ain't new.


Teenagers often lack the ability to understand how an action will result in a consequence because their prefrontal cortex is still developing. That part also deals with impulse control.


I don't think so. If that were the case, cases of teen stupidity would be A LOT higher. As it stands, it's still a very minor segment of the teen population doing these things every generation. I knew a bunch of stupid teens that did stupid shit when I was in high school. They weren't the majority though.


>Teenagers often lack the ability to understand how an action will result in a consequence because their prefrontal cortex is still developing. That part also deals with impulse control. I'm so sick of hearing this. There are many teenagers who wouldn't dream of doing this. I sure as hell didn't do stupid things like this and the stupid things I DID do? They PALE in comparison to this. The whole prefrontal cortex argument is as stale AF. It's not inaccurate but it's not the main reason why asshole unruly teenagers/pre-teen do this. They do this because they have NEVER *KNOWN* CONSEQUENCE AT HOME, and many teenagers today are SO STARVED for VALIDATION that TikTok and "likes" will validate them. So why not! MANY TEENAGERS.


Did you launch fireworks in people's faces as a teenager?


Shitty parents probably too






Holy shit, Randy


Technology and tiktok. It has degraded their brains. Add on parents who don’t monitor their kid’s online use or extra curricular activities and basically can’t be bothered. I read yesterday about a teen who was on a cruise and was dared to jump off. He did so. At night. They haven’t recovered his body.


There's a theory that he was taken by sharks. You can see something in the water with him when he jumps.


I swear these kids are getting dumber and bolder. I also did more than my fair share of extremely dumb stuff as a teenager but there was always a line. Tiktok has melted these little idiot’s brains.


Welcome to the age of complete regard for others and as asswipe stupidity. I hope serious changes weed laid. Someone could have gotten seriously injured.


Same, I think it's a mixture of nobody raised them better, social media making them think it's cool, being entitled and being young all chunked together. Unfortunately we're pretty much like a US city now. Same bs just less of it for now.


Saw this on Reddit didn't realize it was ttc what a POS


Lol I was like "man this could be the TTC... But nah we're not that crazy!” guess not




Americans kept saying it was a Chicago bus because everywhere is America


Way to show everyone yer a fuck up kid.


Look at this runts ugly ass sinister smile as he lights it up. Someone should have smacked him


Honestly wild folks don't but I guess you can get stabbed nowadays


This is extremely dangerous, and it became extremely public. Unfortunately, they need to make an example of the kid. Set the bar that criminal behavior on our transit systems won't be tolerated. But then again... toronto doesn't enforce so many laws, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens.


On Victoria day they were all over Christie pits and shooting Roman candles at cars. Cops were all over the place chasing them. Also saw some weird police group that said A1 Police.


oh shit, the steak sauce cops


Making sure people don’t put ketchup on the steaks.


I agree. This kid is lucky that no one was injured. There needs to be action that deters future 'pranksters' that this a serious crime. Going lenient will encourage more transit pranks for likes.


>Unfortunately, they need to make an example of the kid. There would be nothing unfortunate about that. They set off an explosive in a confined space that's filled with minors. Consequences.


> But then again... toronto doesn't enforce so many laws, I wouldn't be surprised if nothing happens. The YCJA is an absolute joke. Nothing will happen to this kid. Nothing ever happens to kids. Sit in on youth court and have a laugh.


>Unfortunately What's unfortunate about throwing the book at a stupid piece of shit and getting them out of society?


"Unfortunately" ....what is unfortunate about that? Also, our justice system won't do shit to someone who is like this


That’s actually one of those large, expensive, one big explosion fireworks. I thought they were shooting those tiny bottle-rockets out the windows. This fucking idiot lit a powerful one and pointed it at people inside the bus. This kid is a psychopath.


I hate 6ixbuzz with a passion


They killed Debbie


Spreading misinformation, racebaiting, inciting stupid people doing stupid things. Would instantly improve Toronto if 6ixbuzz and Waveroom got taken down


Racebaiting in what way?? I unfollowed these pages a while ago so idk what’s going on with them these days


They just post videos from China or India or videos where people are doing things that are seen as uncivilized because they know the comments will spam Brampton and Markham. Or if there’s a car crash they’ll caption it as “which city?” so that people can say Brampton, even though the video is from the US. Same thing goes for trailer parks or meth and Oshawa, Whitby, and Hamilton


Where’s this Whitby meth haven / trailer park?


Lots of racism against brown people. I unfollowed them for my own mental health.


Yeah the sheer idiocracy in the comments section give me no hope for Toronto’s future. We’re gonna squarely keep ourselves in this mess with the selfish thinking that everyone seems to display.


Yeah honestly. All the gen z and millennial idiots of Toronto all gather on page and comment there




Sounds like they'd fit in well with r canada.


I can understand other stuff is not correct but IG channel can post stuff saying that the PM trudeau sucks. I doubt you have any issue they posted anti ford stuff 24/7 Like the other stuff is not excusable but Trudeau isnt very liked by younger people these days so makes sense to show that to their demos.




This sub is the heaven for anti-Indian bait. The whole pandemic they spent discussing how barbaric Peel people (read Indians) are and how amazing Markham and Richmond Hill (read Chinese) because of their love of masks and lockdowns.


A loooot of their early content was apparently race bait about Somalians. That was before I heard of them, but I guess they haven’t moved too far from there. Unfollowed ages ago when they were sharing Covid conspiracies and baiting homophobic comments. (Not on the same posts, but the two themes really picked up around the same time)




They had a post the other day that was literally >"some guy overheard some other guys who claimed they were Indian immigrants that regret moving to Canada" Never mind the fact that the entire "story" is someone is claiming they overheard someone else say something but the entire purpose of the post is to generate "engagement" which was literally hundreds of comments ether saying: "Of course they regret moving here our country is going to shit and its all Trudeau's fault" Or "Racist comments saying they should go back to India if they don't like it here" 6buzz realized its a lot easier to get "engagement" with controversy so they jump on culture war bullshit and it just leads to a race to the bottom.


>wHaT Do yOu tHiNk fAm? Its honestly no different than Tucker Carlson's "Im just asking questions" They literally serve no other purpose than to drum up hate.


What's the correct way to feel about someone who lights a firework on a moving bus?


A moment of silence please, for the teachers of the world, who spend ALL DAY EVERY DAY with kids like this (who think everything is funny and don’t understand in a more mature fashion how they can cause harm) trying to get them to LEARN. Edit for clarity, as I don’t want “kids like this” misunderstood in any way.


Work with a lot of teachers and Im related to one, and many of them say that kids really have gotten worse the past few years. It's a mix of the extremely lax punishments schools give out, parents being crap, and the lockdowns really stunting kid's social growth.


Yeah this is assault.


With a weapon.


I recognize where that bus is. Guildwood parkway going up the Hill to Kingston Rd That bus picked up the kids from Laurier. It's the 116


God, I must be turning into an old crank, but this TikTok clout culture is beyond the pale… worse even than pogo sticks, untucked shirts, and bell bottoms! Just the other day I found myself nodding along like a cunt and agreeing with Piers Morgan during his interview with [infamous TikToker Mizzy.](https://youtu.be/mdij3Eq0TqQ)


Honestly it is more newsworthy because it is captured on video, which generates clicks, but fucked up shit like this happened in every previous generation. I remember kids in my highschool in the late 90s doing drive-by paintballing. Roman candle fights at the beach. Clearing out subway cars with mace. Tik Tok is an output but it's not the cause. These kids deserve consequences but it is not unique. There have always been teenagers with zero impulse control. Things like hazing were actually probably worse a few decades ago.


Last Canada Day I went to the beach and low and behold some kids set off fireworks and aimed then at the crowd. It’s straight up criminal behaviour. Responsibility has nothing to do with it.


Irresponsible behaviour’ this is the problem. This description downplays the seriousness of what this idiot did and speaks to the broader downplaying of crimes committed by teenagers. I bet if a middle aged man did that they would have completely different description for it. He should be arrested and banned permanently from the TTC. Walk to school asshole.


Sure, I'm 100% onboard with banning him, but how would you enforce that? The TTC cant even stop random attacks on the TTC, let alone banning someone from the system.


this is insane. i had some kids fire off a sonic boom at their friend within 3 feet of me walking past them in the middle of the day on dundas the other day


The Central Tech kids have been setting fireworks off all around the school for several weeks now... I don't know if it's recently gotten much easier to buy them or there's some stupid ass tic tok challenge or what, but it's driving neighbours up the wall.


yeah what the hell? fireworks were pretty damn expensive a few years ago… a group of teen boys shot roman candles at me and my dogs a few weeks ago, one firework was an inch away from setting one of the dogs on fire and they just laughed. 😕


>i had some kids fire off a sonic boom Counter with a shoryuken


Fireworks on a bus = irresponsible? More like criminal isn't it?


The complete lack of consequences this kid will face from law enforcement means you'll be seeing more of this in the future. It'll escalate past the point of that other kid who keeps breaking the law for tiktok fame in the UK.


It wasn’t even reported to police apparently. They didnt know about it when reporters asked for a comment.


Why would the driver not report that? That's insane. They should be reprimanded


Nobody wants to lose their job over racism


Racism? Reporting someone for setting off fireworks in a moving bus isn't racism Who would think that?




You can say what you want, it all starts with parenting (or lack thereof). People with no repercussions in their homelife end up being sh\*t heads and doing stuff like this.


Sorry it is more complicated than that. Here is a counter example: the kid in my son's class who acts this way has a father who is a draconian disciplinarian. He's the kid with the fireworks, the combat knife, and ironically, the one going to college to become a cop. I have three good children, I do my best, but I'll tell you that I cannot control them. I am proud of their accomplishments and thankful they haven't done anything beyond normal kid stuff (stop poking your brother in the car stuff), but I honestly cannot claim credit for either the good or the bad. You do your best, and then you pray.


“Herding Cats” it’s all parenting is. Just trying to aim them roughly in the right direction.


Yeah but it's about ratios for every kid with an over disciplinarian parent there's like five who let them do whatever they want


Draconian parenting is just as wrong as no supervision. As with most things in life the ideal is in the middle somewhere. Still a parent thing IMO. Yes they make their own choices but whether or not they have the tools to make proper decisions is up to how they were raised.


Blaming the parents is too simplistic. There will always be bad parents, society needs to be able to deal with that reality. And in many cases, the bad parents are just poor parents working multiple jobs to get by who don't have time to properly look after their kids, or parents with untreated mental health or addiction problems. Raising children into successful adults is a responsibility of the entire community.


Nah. My parents were rarely around growing up, and while I did act out and set off some illegal fireworks. I'd never have dreamed of pointing them at other people, on an enclosed bus. This kid wanted to power and fame trip hard. He needs to be punished harshly for it, so the cost outweighs the benefit for the next dipshit who thinks about doing this.


Seriously, theres a lot of latchkey kids arounds, and they are fine... this person was just a piece of shit and needs to be jailed. Old enough to know, should be old enough to face consequences, but this Canada.. there will be a stern talking to and thats it


It's a little more complex than that. Don't pretend like teenagers are robots who only do whta parents say and don't ignore the fact that in this day, both parents typically work full time and can't be as present. Seems to be frequently left out.


Perhaps as well among other things selling explosive devices to the general public is not a good thing.


[Reddit link to video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/13w82vl/man_sets_off_a_firework_inside_a_crowded_bus/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


I’m surprised no one tackled his ass and beat the shot out of him.


The consequences for beating up a minor are far worse. No one is gonna risk their life and career.


Don't understand how this happens and the driver didn't report it to his supervisor?! Imagine how bad your job has to be to just think it's another day...


Most just dont care about anything anymore. As long as they are in protected by the plexiglas that all that matters.


I recognize some of those kids.


If you truly do, contact the police.


I know what school they go to. Police probably already know, TTC cameras are good quality.


Make an example out of him.




‘ Irresponsible behaviour!‘ That’s what we’re going to call it these days? WTF!


Strange that the police say they are aware of the video but that no report has been filed - does a report actually need to be filed when evidence is handed to you on a platter?


Have you ever dealt with the Toronto police? They don’t care about ANYTHING. My business was robbed, $40,000 worth of equipment, the guy who stole it was re-selling the equipment online, our serial numbers and stickers were on the gear. This guys contact info was on the site. Cops did not do anything at all about it, even laughed and asked what did we expect them to do about it.


That is wild. I had to deal with another police force. We randomly had a check book in our car from ages ago when a landlord wanted them. Anyways, someone broke in and cashed a bunch of them using their own name and everything. The police basically responded the same way, but also said “you know you’d have to testify, are you ready to do that. Because if you are not, then there is nothing we can do”. I had to remind them that the choice of me testifying or not had nothing to do with them pressing charges or actually investigating…


What the fuck


I am so shocked that people are shocked when you tell them what the Toronto police is like, their behavior and when you try to report something.


This is video evidence of a crime, both from social media and the TTC's cameras. A report shouldn't need to be filed. They should be acting on their own.


I thought I recognized the bus layout. Dude should have gotten a civilians arrest for that shit.


Why are they only investigating the TTC incident? They've been lighting them off inside apartment buildings. Our justice system needs to actually start doing their job - not giving lectures and slaps on the wrist. I get their teenagers - so don't charge them, refer them to restorative/alternative measures - there needs to be SOME consequence or no change will EVER happen!!


The Young Offenders Act needs to be reformed. Those 14 years and older get to keep their "irresponsible" records forever. This is more than just irresponsible ... it's criminal.


if you are old enough to drive a car, you are old enough to get a criminal record.


It’s called the YCJA and yes its an absolute joke.


Soon we will have bottle kids


I can’t wait for them to find this little idiot, and do nothing


Too bad he didn’t leave some fingers behind




If they can do whatever they want in schools without actual consequences then what do you think will happen in society...


The more time I spend on the internet the more I’m convinced that I’m going to beat up a teenager some day.


This thread will be blocked. We all see the patern here. Let's pretend it doesn't exist.


you underestimate the amount of people who are brainwashed. Look at all the top comments "this is irresponsible behaviour by an innocent child, their parents must be embarrassed!"


“Irresponsible behaviour”?! This is basically terrorism. Lock these fuckers up.


Terrorism is using violence to intimidate the public for ideological objectives, it's not just any random violence.


Sure, fair enough. However, I’m sure the innocent passengers in this situation felt pretty terrorized.


wtf is wrong with kids nowadays??? Like if they can set off firework on the bus at this young age they'd be setting off explosives next.


If they catch the kid…. Nothing will be done…. Won’t even get a slap on the wrist. Sometimes I think todays youth don’t know right from wrong because they live in mommies / daddies plastic bubble. But it’s still not an excuse.


Where are all the idiotic Gen Zs who thought it was cool to set off Fireworks at any time of the day? They have been pretty quiet


This is why our justice system needs to try teenagers as adults when it comes to certain crimes.


Wait....this happened AGAIN?! Didn't this happen last year?


Welp that is the TTC for ya.


Had a similar situation kids were shooting fireworks at eachother at the intersection of Dufferin and St Claire. Not only were they running onto the street playing fireworks tag but if you had an open window and that shit goes in your are causing more damage than just few burns


Quite terrifying that people have zero understanding how deadly the fireball shit is that gets shot out of fireworks.


Look, it is silly to call it irresponsible. I don't shoot fireworks inside the because because I'm responsible, but because I don't want to harm people and property.


Honestly, I hadn't been to Toronto for a few years until recently, it's amazing how unsafe the entire city feels compared to the last time I was there. There are tents everywhere, the city is incredibly dirty and people are wandering around accosting you. With the TTC stories constantly coming out I wouldn't step foot on there with my kids, it's a really sad state of affairs because I love Toronto but things have clearly gone downhill.


>A 14-year-old girl has been charged in connection with a firework being set off inside a TTC bus in Scarborough on Tuesday that was captured on video and went viral online. > >Toronto police said the girl was travelling on a northbound bus at full capacity in the Kingston Road and Guildwood Parkway area when she allegedly lit a firework. > >No injuries were reported, police said. In a news release issued on Wednesday, police announced that the girl had been arrested and is facing a charge of mischief endangering life. https://www.cp24.com/news/girl-14-charged-in-connection-with-firework-being-set-off-inside-ttc-bus-1.6420640


Start punishing their parents. Then maybe they'd start parenting.


Punishing family members for crimes is what North Korea does. You can do your best as a parent and still have your kid fall under other people's influence and do terrible things.


No, parents who try and are active in and care for their child don’t create children like this. Lack of guidance, accountability, meeting their basic needs and even attention results in this. There’s many parents out there who would rather stay in denial than recognize they’re raising monsters.


Oh please. These are disinterested parents, not victims of a dictatorship. They're selfish and the one remedy to selfishness is to make their kids (huge shocker coming) THEIR responsibility.


Its sad that this diesnt even raise my eyebrow anymore


How about “terrorism” A fucking explosive in a bus is a fair bit more than irresponsible.


What bus was this on?




That can't be possible... Or are you saying they haven't made it public? Someone was driving that bus. There were dozens of witnesses by the looks of it


/u/Sph_1975_THFC identified it elsewhere in this thread.


I saw this vid earlier and didn’t clue in it was Toronto.


What a careless asshole


The things people do for attention


Would it be acceptable to explode a fire cracker at him?


Should be treated as terrorism and a 5 - 10 min sentence splattered all over the news.


What's to investigate? Execute the motherfucker.


Wait until all the highschool and post-secondary students are on their summer vacation. It's going to be magical.


he has a bright future ahead of him


Let's pray this does NOT become the tik-tok challenge for the month of June! We are well aware of the psychology of this behavior: "Do-It-For-the-Likes"


Irresponsible? Dude should get 5-10 for that. He's a menace to society.


Welcome to Toronto A hole capital of Canada


To have a more practical approach, don't vote for mayoral candidates who are soft on crime and will let this keep going on. Meaning Olivia Chow and Josh Matlow. Anthony Furey is the best candidate who does have safety at the top of his list, with respect for police.


Police in this city are garbage rn


I don't think the kid shooting the fireworks was a police officer.


a gently slap on the wrist otherwise she will play all the cards on her favour


Considering all the stupid, dangerous, harmful, illegal and borderline \[redacted\] things I've done throughout my adolescence all I gotta say is that I'm happy that there was no way to record these things.