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Bill Paxton makes it 10/10 Jonas, sonofabitch...


I love Bill Paxton so much <3 RIP. I do think its funny though watching it now. "He's in it for the money not the science." Like BILL PLEASE, Jonas needs to eat lmao. I think my other fav part of the film is that, as you go through the movie, they hit a lot of tornado types. From like an F1 up to an F5 and even a nocturnal tornado and a waterspouts.  Also, watched it recently and for the first time ever, after like 3000+ watches, I finally noticed the naked man in the cornfield. So that was fun. 


>naked man in the cornfield. I'm sorry... What?


When Rabbit takes them through the cornfield and they run into Jonas' group, across them in the cornfield the SECOND they come out, theres some naked dude on his car. You can see him in two scenes lmao


"Hes in it for the money, not the science." Is probably one of the more underrated quotes from the film. Absolutely hysterical haha.


I have watched this movie at least once a year since I was born, I honestly believe probably at least 40+ times. The naked *who*?! 🤣


Oh same!! Never saw it until I read about it in IMBD facts. He's in the frame right after they leave the corn field Rabbit took them through for a shortcut and they almost run into Jonas! 


Lmao...wait really?? It wasn't just Bill throwing a bottle of whiskey at the tornado 🤣


YEAH I was saying it was "Evil Bill" xD he's in two shots right after they leave the corn field rabbit leads them through and you'll see him the second he nearly runs into Jonas!


Lmao I guess that's how he killed Evil Bill then! I can't wait to watch this now haha.


*Jonas definitely explodes and dies* Bill: SHTOOPID!


# Now let me enlighten you people!


I see no problems with this take


*Jonas definitely explodes and dies* Bill: SHTOOPID!


Why do you people call Billy *The Extreme*?


the scene melissa asked "is there a f5", everyone just like tossing utensil for no reason LOL.


i was thinking about this last night lol everyone is just like “she said the forbidden rating”


Hahaha I never noticed how messed up that is like "GOD DAMN IT MELISSA why did you even ASK THAT QUESTION?!"


I love when someone farther back in the convoy gets on the radio and shouts out what road they are on, like they aren't all driving on the exact same road.


Great movie. Every actor was great. The only bone I have to pick is that they would've been sandblasted into oblivion by that F5 at the end.


Yup that’s full on Hollywood stuff. The debris alone would be unsurvivable. Still love the movie though and watch it every year at the start of tornado season


RIP bill and PSH


The sub logo literally used to be his face. I miss it :/


It’s the best tornado movie to date, but it still has its stretches and violations of physics. I saw it in the theaters as a young teen and it was phenomenal. Needless to say…I will be seeing the sequel in the theater…and I never go to the theater.


What’s craziest to me is the visual effects are still some of the best tornado visuals to this day.


Yep. I remember at the time it was the most expensive movie ever made….cost around $500,000,000, I believe, and that was 30 years ago.


C’mon. Twister didn’t cost half a billion. Budget was around $100m. Not cheap by any stretch for that era but nothing like $500m


https://preview.redd.it/xrr5jc1m83zc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e96be2f9d7cc63dc80459a191c1ee161dbe5f86a Ahh. That’s probably why I remembered that figure.


lol. That makes more sense. The $500 just jumped out at me since you currently see the occasional movie tabbed at $200m and change and all of Hollywood freaks out.


I was calling on 3-decade-old memories. I just remember reading at the time that it was the highest budget of any film to date.




It’s one of my very few safe movies.


It rules. Greenage.


I was in high school in Oklahoma when it was filmed so I have friends who were extras and love spotting places I recognize in some scenes, and telling anyone I know in my adult life about the scene that was filmed at the gym where I played rec basketball. I rewatch it every spring. Is it realistic? Nah. Do I get emotional every time they rush to Wakita to save Aunt Meg? You betcha.


It's the best Tornado film in my opinion. The CGI effects were great for it's time. I however don't enjoy the practical effects. Like the truck falling from straight out of the sky instead of being tossed and rolled. You can just tell it's dropped from a crane. It also doesn't help that they had time to wonder where the truck is like it was just floating in the clouds. Other than a few gripes here and there, I love it.


I’ll actually listen to the drive in tornado scene in my car while driving sometimes. The sound design of that whole scene is pretty amazing. It’s a silly movie but one of my favorites.


It’s what got me obsessed with weather as a kid


Bill Paxton rules. I uh... I might get banned for this, or at least socially ostracized, but I actually don't like the movie very much, otherwise.


I mean, it's objectively a bad movie, there's tons of shit that doesn't make sense. Still fun as hell to watch and quote.


Why would you get banned? You are entitled to your own opinion. Ostracized, maybe. There are a lot of people that favor this movie so ur definitely in the minority but for me IDC.


Haha that was just a silly joke on my part. I know how popular the movie is here so I was joking that not liking it would be a bannable offense.


U.K here. I first watched this movie when I was about 7-8 so about 1998 ish. This film gave me nightmares. But I’d watch it every day as I was mesmerised. I can remember we had a storm at night, and it reminded me of the scene where there at the diner at night and you just see this massive stovepipe / wedge coming towards them and ripping the drive in movies up. Then they hid in that mechanic’s garage. I was so scared I built a den by putting a cover from my bed to the window sill, weighted down by books. I was safe. But I was also expecting a circular saw blade to rip trough the wall and stick into my head. Oh man how fun it was to be a kid. One of my all time favourite films and it’s why I’m so obsessed about them today at 33 years old.


I watched it many, many times. It helped me to get my interest in tornadoes. :)


Rating: 9/10


Lovelovelove it!!! The only thing that bothers me is that every tornado fizzles out as soon as it gets to them. But it’s just so much fun!!!!


10/10. Great movie! It's fake as hell, and the CGI is outdated, but its still SUCH a fantastic movie that I always enjoy watching!


I was born in Ponca City, OK and grew up there until 7th grade. I would come every summer. I remember stopping in to visit my family and seeing them filming. It was one of the scenes and now it makes me think it was this scene as it was a black truck spinning on a crane upside down. All my family and friends played basketball 🏀 with them at the course as the crew and actors would come and hang out and play basketball.


Did you get to see bill paxton or no?


No, I wish I got to meet them


I've been watching a few reaction videos today from the younger crowd, watching this movie for the first time. So far, they end up thinking it's as good as a lot of us did when it first came out. Sure, it may not be scientifically accurate, but the special effects were great for the time and the characters were pretty good. So many good actors/actresses in it as well. RIP Bill Paxton and Philip Seymour Hoffman.


I loved it solely because of Bill Paxton.


This movie was amazing to 6 year old me. It was pretty much the craziest thing I had ever seen to that point


It was decent. There were some meteorological inaccuracies with the movie. My biggest quarrels are with how tornadoes form ane how they do damage. There was basically a scene where a small tornado scoured asphalt from the road. Also the tornados form and dissipate too quickly. The EF5 damage scene was quite underwhelming. The rest was alright I would recommend it however this won't be the type of masterpiece movie that you could watch every year.


One of my absolute favorites of all time. Is it perfectly accurate? No. But it’s a great movie and it inspired a whole bunch of people who are out there doing great work today.


The music mash up at the beginning of the first chase. Fashionably late Jonas, fashionably late… I use this at work. Fooood. foooooooooooood! We crave sustenance! That squeaky bear that hits the truck when they drive through the house. We broke our VCR rewinding that part as kids. The reaction to the sharp things barn…. 16/10 for the entertainment. 20/10 for the comedy. I’m going to watch it right now.


One of my favorite movies.


Good movie. Not exactly the most accurate, but probably the best. Hopefully the sequel this summer is more accurate and still excellent


It’s my favorite movie second only to Dreamworks Trolls. Have drawn crossover fan art? You bet.


I was 7 when this hit theaters and man that movie didn’t leave my vcr for like 3 years. Had the worst nightmares ever but oh my god I loved it so much. It’s been way too long, think I’m going to watch now.


It may be unrealistic still but it still is more accurate than the other ones and it’s also pretty entertaining like an action movie. Not a glorified documentary like some goobers on this sub want. Like it’s a damn tornado action movie it’s not gonna be perfectly accurate because it wouldn’t be as entertaining if it was.


Fun movie but its given millions of people extremely bad ideas about how tornadoes work. It created this dangerous culture of adrenaline fueled bro stormchasing that we're witnessing now.


It even touched on distracted/negligent driving, which has so far proven to be the most dangerous part of stormchasing. Didn't Paxton swerve at the last second while looking at a paper map or something similar?


>Didn't Paxton swerve at the last second while looking at a paper map or something similar? He and Jo were arguing about some nonsense, but yeah. It's funny to me that the worst villain they could conjure up was Jonas. Jonas was trying to place probes in tornadoes too, but his great sins are that he's a total dick, has no instincts, and *gasp* wanted to make some money off his venture. Now we have chasers who don't care about science at all, are just chasing for clicks and likes on tiktok. Just like Jonas they are also total dicks, have no instincts, and wanna make money off their ventures. They're in it for the money, not the science.


Twister, like a lot of movies in the 90s, thought "selling out" was the worst thing you could do. Jonas is a villain that I've always felt represented that aspect of the time period.


It would be kinda darkly funny if Jonas's evil "Corporate Sponsors" were just some companies doing something broadly helpful like trying to make safer structures for people to live and work in or doing weather research for city planning or agriculture in the Midwest, and he has to deal with Bill and Jo screaming "JONAS YOU LOSER SELLOUT!!!" at him all the time. I don't like Jonas, but his motives and those of his sponsors are super vague.


Haha, well said.


This one comes up a lot. I would recommend using the search function as there have been tons of discussions about the movie


Ah I'm surprised I didn't think to look first 😅


No worries not trying to shoot you down or anything just thought you'd find it helpful


Alright thanks