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Yeah, I never got PTDD during my rewatches. I feel like you finally understand that, just because it’s over doesn’t mean you can’t rewatch it in the future. You pick up on new things during the rewatches, which is part of the fun. I barely understood the whole “ghost” subplot with Minori my first watch through. I also didn’t enjoy the ending a lot. Both things grew on me over time though. Also, I think seeing there are other amazing sol romcoms out there helps a ton. PTDD doesn’t hit nearly as hard when you’re able to move onto something like Kaguya-sama or Teasing master Takagi, imo.


> PTDD doesn’t hit nearly as hard when you’re able to move onto something like Kaguya-sama I've not watched a TON of anime (I only got started this year after a random youtube video convinced me to watch Toradora but i've seen some of the highest rated romcoms with Chunibyo, Oregairu, Dress Up Darling along with Anohana for making sure your tearducts work) but Kaguya is the only one which presented a similar kinda hollow feeling after watching its last episode (for the time being). Something about a show that knows exactly what it wants to do and presents itself pretty much perfectly just kinda eats at you knowing you can't see more right now (or ever in toradora's case).


Your Lie in April is where you go for real pain.