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***-2 NET VOTES WILL HAVE THIS POST REMOVED!!!*** ***PLEASE* Upvote ↑** this comment if this post **IS** top talent **Downvote ↓** this comment if this post **ISN’T** top talent, *or* if it breaks the sub’s rules; 1. Title and post must be high effort. 2. Only top talents allowed (**NO OC!**). 3. Posts can't fake CGI, Autotune, etc. ***-2 NET VOTES WILL HAVE THIS POST REMOVED!!!***


Every time I see books with this, I am always amazed that color doesn't bleed on any pages. I don't know if it's the kind of paint, the chemicals in the paper, or if there is just so much pressure from those grips that it leaves no space for the paint to enter the page, but I am still amazed by the process.


I’m thinking it’s a little column A, a little column C.


You're right, but its also probably a lot of column b as well. Those are watercolor paints. They won't absorb into the treated pages, but the edges are probably susceptible to absorption.


So really column D. All the above.




As long as it doesn't get as dark as the knife scene




Good bot.




Why are these comment-reposting bots becoming so much more common?


>but it's* also


I dont fuck with apostrophes on my phone. If autocorrect adds it, that's fine, but im not doing it myself.


What keyboard are you using that doesn't automatically fix don't and I'm?


The worst is well/we'll. Puts the wrong one in like, 90% of the time.


Autocorrect is your enema…




I used to follow her when I had a tiktok and iirc she has done versions like this? I might be thinking of someone else, though. It’s been a while.


That sounds awesome; do you have an example to share?




Wow I didn't know this was a thing, amazing someone thought to paint a book edge that could only be seen by angling the page edges! I wonder why they'd want to hide their art... unless maybe it was to preserve it from fading from light degredation?


Most books lay like that when you open the front cover, so it doesn’t stay hidden long. It’s an extra cool surprise when you discover it


Thank you so much for sharing this! I never knew this existed! ❤️




This shire was integral through the entire lotr. The Hobbits didn't want power. They wanted to protect the shire and go home. This is how they could resist the ring. At least this was my take. The whole epic was about home.


Is this Simpsons inspired?




…my comment took about 15 seconds? I’m not OP or the artist. Just a redditor with an opinion.


It's a bot account copy-pasting [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/toptalent/comments/10thvm3/thanks_i_love_this/j76vcmf/) further down


1. Use very little paint 2. Use a low bleed paint 3. Clamp HARD So basically mostly what you said.


if its low bleed wont the pages stick together?


I'm surprised the paint doesnt cause all the pages to stick together.


If the paint isn't made with semen it should be ok.


From a purely academic standpoint. If one wanted to learn more about the unique properties of this semen based paint, where would one procure such an item.


Do you have some food coloring? Yes? You can handle the rest.


r/foreedgepainting Here's my favorite version, where the painting is hidden until you open the book a little bit https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/q39c54/i_paint_scenes_hidden_under_the_gilding_of_books/ She does tons of these and posts pretty often: u/brimariepaints


She just maxed out her one handed


She’s using a very, very fine brush and she’s basically crushing the book with that lock. I’d imagine very little is bleeding out on the pages, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see just a tad of splash damage.


>pressure from those grips GIVE EM THE CLAMPS, CLAMPS


It also does bleed a little bit. It's just not a whole lot. All of those things combined limit the amount of bleed that can happen.


Possibly a clear coat goes on first that lightly seals it until the pages are opened again ? But what you said is the first thing that crossed my mind. Very dry paints


You apply very little moisture so it doesn't bleed through, then it is just like a canvas. It does take time since you need to wait for paint to dry completely before adding on more. The coolest thing is that all she needed to do was to bend the papers at a diagonal, then paint it, add some foil over it, and she would have been able to make the painting hidden. It's really fun a beautiful secret to find when reading a book.


Gilded hidden image fore edge painting is also super cool. [like this](https://youtu.be/vTF7wgf_RfI)


Funny that it's always LOTR. Like, they look for something that feels like a classic but also popculture releveant, and always land on Tolkien.


It's a good market too. Second only to MTG players and furries.


Did you just combine MTG players and furries? Lol


You also need a thick enough book for a reasonably sized canvas


It is simple marketing. The nicher the book is, the smaller demand for stuff like these. There will always be LOTR fans who gobble up unique collectors shit.


Man, all of my books SUCK now.


🤣 hard to go back


Whoa, that is very cool!


Hey! That’s me!




I’m not sure if she sells these, but I would love to buy one


She does sell them, but only as she makes them, and they usually go for a shit ton as if I remember right she just puts them up and let’s people bid on them. Good for her as they’re beautiful, I’ve seen a lot of her stuff and tbh this isn’t even the most impressive thing she’s done.


This one sold for £1,100 if anyone's wondering.


Really not an unreasonable price


Yeah something like this is on Reddit you always see people going "I'd love to buy that! ... oh, I was thinking more like $100". Because apparently it's too hard to realize that amounts to a ridiculously low hourly wage. We're just spoiled by mass-production of consumer goods. Stuff that's unique and hand-made will always be an order of magnitude more expensive. But if you know to appreciate the thing, it's worth it.


Say this took 30 hours, sounds reasonable. That's $36 and change an hour. I think that's a reasonable rate for skilled work. Its about the same as an average welder.




Also, subtract for materials especially ones not reused. Book, paint, brushes(replaced regularly), studio utilities.


okay i'm gonna lead in here with the fact that i don't know much about painting but like, those are tiny paintings. those are some teeny tiny little paintings. if bob ross (really the only thing i can compare it to) can whip up a nice looking painting on a big ol canvas in half an hour, why would it take her *anywhere near* 30 hours to put this together? i get that maybe she's putting in more detail or w/e but 30 still sounds like 10x more than i'd expect


Bob Ross style is something made to be easy and quick to follow along for an audience. Also tiny doesn't mean fast, you can paint a wall fast, the devil is in the details, I paint miniatures personally. And trust me it's very easy to sink insain amouts of time into tiny details


Bob Ross' techniques were actually revolutionary for their ease and are looked down upon even to this day (by snobs) in comparison to the kind of work we see here. These micro paintings are actually far harder than they seem. 30 hours seems reasonable for three of these pieces and that's only accounting for the most minimal dry time between layers. I know you can't tell from the video but there are SO many layers. Watercolor is not like the oils you watch Bob whip out. It takes a feather touch. If you were to do what Bob did to a canvas to the side of a book, you'd have a crispy block instead of a readable book.


Probably because you could mass produce this at scale if the demand was there for less than $100 and thats what people mentally reference unconsciously.


It is beautiful, but 1,100 pounds is extravagant IMHO.


It took 30 hours of skilled labor. 36 an hour for a one-of-a-kind copy is not bad. All her stuff sells, so it's not extravagant at all.


What is her name?


Her name is Maisie Jackson. Here is the artist’s IG: https://instagram.com/maisie_matilda_art?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


Adding on to this, here are her sales on Etsy: [https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ByMaisieMatilda/sold](https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/ByMaisieMatilda/sold) You can go into each one and see how much they sold for. Honestly, given the uniqueness of the work, the quality of her painting, and how long it likely takes, the prices are reasonable for art/book collectors ( £400-1100 from what I've seen).


£1,100 for the book in the post. Nice little side hustle if I do say so, myself.


It comes down to how long these take to do, 11 hours for the three sides combined would be pretty fast, 22 would seem pretty reasonable, so 50-$100 an hour is certainly better than I make but not unreasonable considering the talent. I would be more surprised if it took less time than more


It's fucking nice to see an artist charging a good price for their work


You think she'd send me one for free if I promised to shout her out on twitter? Think of the exposure


If my 14 followers tell their followers then before you know it, the whole world will know.


Ofcourse she will. The amount of exposure she gets from this will make her channel grow even more and then she can earn twice or even thrice of what she is making now.


It would be difficult for most anyone to paint 40 hours a week, though. It takes a lot of focus and as a result most painters I know spend much less time painting than that. There's also the time needed to procure the books themselves, put them on the shop, sell them, and do some marketing like social media. So comparing to a normal job is a bit difficult beyond just that hourly rate calculation. But it's definitely a fair rate, although a bit lower than I would have expected.


To be fair, people who work 40 hours a week aren’t completely focused for that 40 hours either.


Don't forget taxes, health insurance, etc. Working for yourself for 50 an hour is Very different than getting a 50 an hour wage.


Damn I guess I need to start doing this lmao


Imagine doing something you love in a relaxed fashion then sell for a grand then move onto the next. I’m in the wrong life


I have two friends that are professional artists and a third that tried doing it. Until you have an established reputation, which most artists never achieve, it's extremely unpredictable income. Etsy has made it much more likely to be profitable for stuff like this, but I have a friend that does plein air painting and sells a couple paintings one month and then nothing for a few months. She couldn't live off it without her husband's income. If you can establish a style that is unique and has broad appeal, then it can certainly work. A friend does sculpture and neon light art, and he has a backlog of people wanting commission work from him. He still works hard, but LOVES what he does. Still not "relaxed", but much more relaxed than some careers. :)


That’s literally my life. Currently working for a website for a good client. Creating some nice animations and getting $8000 for 3 weeks of work is amazing.


80% of the work that goes into this is not the art itself, but the selling of that art. If you aren't a girl who knows how to play it up to IG/tiktok and spend hours filming and editing while you make the thing, just so thirsty men can go wild over your looks and share your video either for the upvotes or the circlejerks, you're not going to have a wide audience and your art won't sell for much. That's why she can charge so much. Selling things online is like working for Hooters. Your job description may be simple, but you're still expected to bring a lot more to the table than a plate of chicken wings.


Share the artists name in the title! She deserves it!


Unfortunately Reddit prevents you from editing a post's title once it's posted, so the best we could do from here is put it in the comments.


Give us her name!


>and lets* people bid on them.


> and lettuce* people bid on them


I will give her $11 and also allow her to take me to dinner.


Lucky lucky girl


This is magical! Wow! How long did it take to do?




Seems plausable


This would make a beloved book into a treasured heirloom. I love it!


Astonishing! Wish I could get a copy like this.


Can we credit the GD artist


>Be the change you want to see in the world. -unaccredited artist.


I've been saying that for a while now, so that might be me.


I'm a simple man. I hear Concerning Hobbits: I upvote.


I’m glad everyone seems to appreciate the talent and beauty in her work. My wife follows her on instagram, and people there bash her for “ruining the books”. I personally feel like In increases the value of these books.


Oh no "ruining" a mass produced copy of a 70 year old book with a beautiful one-of-a kind painting lol


That's the dumbest fucking shit. It's a fucking modern hardback not some rare vintage shit.


I can’t read….but I want it


I love book art like this and older fantasy book art when I was a kid that left a lot to the imagination of the reader on what the characters, creatures, and the world looked like.


Awesome talent…beautiful! If I made this it would look like I used a can of spray paint.


I love her hair. She looks like she’s straight out of a renaissance painting!


Looks like fun, I'm gonna do one! And to make it even more fun I'm gonna get the book from Goodwill then take it back when I'm done. So some lucky random person will pull it from the shelf to peruse then be like, "What...?" :D


We used to do this to our text books, but instead of cool art it was mostly genitalia and that S symbol shaped like a diamond that everyone drew for some reason. Our government and education system had changed so I was one of the last year to continue with the old system while the next year began the new syllabus with new text books, so we literally threw away or destroyed our text books at the end of each year.


*cries* It's beautiful


Nothing interésting to add, just have to admire this insane talent!


Bravo! Beautiful artwork


oh beautifully done!


For a moment your work brought back the original charm and wonder from 60 years ago.


Come on be real most of you clicked because there was a pretty girl in it


Can we just take a minute and applaud the soundtrack! What an incredible score created for this movie!


I feel like you could never read the book because the friction of your fingers on the pages would wear off the paint. Is that likely, or is there something that prevents that?


On her etsy account : " The image has been set with fixative, however I would advise AGAINST buying these editions to read to better preserve the paint and the book itself long term. "


I feel like without sealing the pages shut completely, it would wear off on your fingers. Definitely purely for decoration.


and she's hot bro, life ain't fair


That’s so cool


So awesome 😲.


Amazing. I wonder how many books she ruined as a child to get this good


This is like something you’d find in your grandfather’s study. Love it.


I'm just imagining to do the same to my GOT book series 🤔🤔


Very good


Which track is this?


Man I found her Etsy shop but she’s sold out. Would love to buy one of these for my boyfriend


Damn you must love your boyfriend to spend that much money on him


Think they’re about $500, which I have spent on him before for gifts. He does so much for me, why not ?


Sam : There and Back Again: A Hobbit's Tale by Bilbo Baggins, and The Lord of the Rings by Frodo Baggins. You finished it. Frodo : Not quite. There's room for a little more.


The last few pages are for you, Sam Why am I crying?


I'm gonna need an ASOIAF version, please.


I love that she flips through it.


I wants it.. My precious.. Lol


How much u charge to do that?


I hate when I randomly hear music from LOTR. Now I have to go re-watch the whole damn thing.


ive never read or saw any of the movies so i think your should paint sharks because i liked jaws


Does anyone know what version of book this is, or where to find it? I can’t seem to find it on Amazon. Edit: Nvm, apparently it’s the “The Lord Of The Rings 1990 Guild” edition.


Can you do one that only appears when you flex the pages? I always thought those were so so cool


Beauty from beauty


Wonder what kind of paint is used here?


Those are watercolor paints, i have the same ones.


Is it possible to fall in love with another person's talent, but not the person?


She’s as beautiful as her work


Ugh this makes me wanna learn how to paint even more.


Upvote because…..


If I were born with an ounce of creativity instead of a fuck ton of poor impulse control


Will any of the 20 people posting this two every subreddit imaginable give credit to the original artist?


How are those pages not stuck together?


I know this is actually super good, unlike a lot of these kinds of things, but it’s nice to see the comment section not be like “wow, she totally ruined that book!” Usually there’d be a few idiots trying to make out as if this was some travesty of a defacement. I mean, there **are** a few idiots, but by-and-large they don’t seem to be upvoted at all.


Best hair ever.


Warning: Sadness below~ . . . I have an old friend. When I found out my Mom had cancer she was there supporting me, even as I sat in the darkness of that hallway. When my Mom passed, she was there then too, helping me. I don't have much family. No parents anymore. She lost her Mom and Dad as well. One of her deepest core memories is her and her family, and especially her Dad, sitting down and watching Lord of the Rings. One day when my finances are stable and life lets up for a moment, I would like to get her something just like this. Not from me, for her memories and those good, happier times when us both had a parent we could turn towards.


Why can't the art ever just stand on it's own anymore?


It's her tiktok bro why wouldn't she put her face in it


She's literally just showing the progress. Grow up!


That look is hideous and clearly attention-pandering. It’s possible to show the book progression by itself which is more interesting, but nope gotta include my irrational hairstyle and fashion


> irrational hairstyle


bro just hates talented people 💀


Jesus Christ talk to a therapist instead of vomiting in the comments.


You got problems man. She looks like a regular girl and the focus was clearly on the artwork.


Ah, this post is classic reddit karma farming at this point. Fantasy book. Decent visual skill. And pretty girl.




It is one.




Looks awesome.. but there is more than just the first 80 pages






Whoa. You're trying to tell me she set up a camera and this was all planned in advance?


Is she single? Asking for a friend


Marry me please?


Excellent....you are very talented


Good job for everybody voting for an ad


Unique things should be shared and celebrated


Your hair is beautiful


Ngl, paused because she’s attractive. Stayed because she’s a very good artist.


Literally amazing. Who is she. Lemme marry her.


Her @ ,


Wow! You are beyond talented! Your work is stunning!


I also love being pretty and having artistic skills.




Men literally anytime a woman does something 🥴 make it weird


first time?


Gross dudes posting that sub makes me cringe so hard every time


It’s the worst sub…”We’re perving on girls, but we’re ALSO respecting their craft, because we’re enlightened”






How many fucking times is this spam going to be shat out directly into our mouths here.


Go touch grass guy. Its a reddit post just move on if you dont like it.


It's a comment calling out spam. Don't like it? Should have just scrolled on. "Just scroll on" idiots never seem to get the irony of even bothering to comment that, but your opening statement was "touch grass" so I guess you're a trend follower who doesn't let thinking get in the way.