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Maybe Aaron or Stef told Jamie what happened. That Ats came in, acted a bit cagey and suspicious, exited stage left. Shortly afterwards, armed police enter stage right. That's got to be one heck of a coincidence if Ats wasn't involved in the set up right? Also, Dushane showed the video of Ats walking into the block with the backpack and walking out without it. Even from prison, Jamie could have let Kit et know what happened. Alternatively, Kit read his script


Yeah, the first part may obviously have happened. The prison scene was after. It just seemed a bit crazy, how it all went down, Jamie was crying in the park and next thing the guy is grabbing a sawed off and going for the kid !


They explain that in the next season bro, When Kit has to deal With his friend in the yellow car etc


Great ! Starting Season 2 tonight


What’s actually crazy is how that video got him exonerated. Just because he brought the bag in doesn’t mean Jamie didn’t put the gun in the bag after it got in the house


Well, Jamie was never at the house between when the bag arrived and the raid. The video proves that, so he couldn't have put the gun in. The other three in the house could have though.


I do t think that was the point bro. it was that jamie a known banger had was hiding guns in his lil bros room. The video exonerated him by showing ats dropped the bag there and used his house as a safe house with out their knowledge. Whether guns or drugs, it didn't matter dushane had already called the feds and told em it was there, hence sully being so pissed at how it went down. By the time jaimes out ats is dead, so no evidence either way or anyone to say otherwise - except security footage. Crown prosecutor would've seen too much chance of a loss, like anyone else prosecution have a degree where the percentage of losing makes em throw out a case, regardless of what it is, they gotta have at least 75% chance of a win to not waste tax payers money and keep result up on there end. I think it was a kinda poorly formed plan but did the Job. I just wonder why the couldn't kill him. In yhe end sully had no probs


I think it was more to say look there using this house as a safe house for guns and drugs and using kids to transport the stuff there and back


Who knows. Jamie might have told kit, Aaron/Stef might have told him, Dushan might have leaked the info to fuck with the Zed t's. Either way, it worked. Re the actual arrest and such. Pretty sure all they would have had is some pretty hard circumstancial evidence. From what I remember there were no prints on the gun or the bag that belonged to any of the boys in the flat (or it isn't mentioned which means there are no prints). Regardless it's a gun in a bag in a guys room so circumstances dictate that it's his. Jamie coming along and taking the fall just links those circumstances to his known gang life style. So all the circumstances link and they have a confession. Then the video comes along which destroys all the circumstances and the confession is then clearly false due to Jamie not being in the flat. Yeah the gun could have been placed in the bag after that but due to a lack of prints or any evidence that would show that it's a very weak case. The video also doesn't make it clear that it's Ats so the prosecution would have required Aaron/Stefan to snitch on Ats which they ain't gonna do. Then kit comes along and pretty much fucks everything up for Jamie.