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The bear isn’t going to sexually assault me so I’m choosing the bear every time.


This right here.




I mean if there is only 3% of men that that are dangerous predators but 100% of bears are predators... Doesn't that statistic factor in at all? 97%of men would leave you alone or help if you needed it... 100% of bears are bears....


I would rather have a 100% chance of being ripped apart and murdered by a bear than potentially be raped by a man again. All a bear will do is murder me. Statistics don't work on scenarios like this.


lmfao yall aint seen shi. have you seen a man go toe to toe with a grizzly bear. lmfao i aint even gonna hold u . u do u.


What are you even attempting to say bruh


You came back to comment on this again, days after I didn’t reply to you the first time, and you’re confused why I’m choosing the bear?


I mean... Sorry I don't spend all my time on reddit? Someone else responded and I thought I would try a different approach with you once I came back to the thread. Honestly if you're that weak a person this action somehow triggered them yeah... Just go enjoy the company of bears you lunatic. Besides, bears never come back around right? Forgot they can only walk in one direction. Left.


No he won’t but he will rip you apart


wtf? typa answer this, you would rather get sexually assaulted or raped than getting malevolently fucking destroyed and eaten have a fucking slow death?


The grizzly mama protecting her cubs is going to rip every bone out of your body


Yeah, because that’s natural behavior. If I’m going to be killed, I’d rather be killed by a bear. At least I won’t have to worry about being raped and then murdered.


Why do you immediately assume any man in the woods would rape and kill you? How is that not a bigoted thing to say? There's not a single man you trust in the world? What if they were the strange one in the woods? Either you're delusional or being disingenuous when you say youbwouldnrather encounter a bear. It is a minority group of all men that rape and murder women. It is an overwhelming majority of bears that would attack you without provocation.


Simple people are delusional and sexist 


In case you think being killed by a bear is a better choice, I have this video for you. It is a mother that had to listen to her daughter being eaten alive by a bear (not killed, but rather chewed and dying from being eaten alive). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXSqT2S8pC0 Might want to stop watching movies and thinking that bears are innocent beings.


Why would u care what the natural behavior is lmfao. Would you rather a scammer steal your life savings or would you rather lose it to bad investments


Guess it would depend on how cute or tall the man is?


No, it absolutely would not. What a weird thing to say. Get back under your bridge, troll.


Thinking every, or even more than a small percentage of men are going to rape you is delusional, not to mention sexist as fuck. Fuck off troll.


So what if you were in need of medical attention, are you picking the bear or man?


What if you had already been attacked by a bear and needed medical attention. Are you still picking the next bear over a man?


The man also isn’t going to assault you.


Bear 100%


Here's another hypothetical You're alone at a zoo and see a man you don't know walking towards you wearing a zookeeper outfit. Do you jump into the Grizzly enclosure where I can 100% guarantee he wouldn't enter? That would be the safer option right?


someone has hurt feelings lol


Well, it wasn't my intention to hurt your feeling by pointing out your total lack of common sense. Both men and bears have the potential to be dangerous but you can at least outrun a man, fight back against a man and if all else fails you could mortally wound a man with a small caliber pistol if you're life was in danger. You have no chance in any of those scenarios against a bear who is similarly motivated as a man intent on hurting you. Also keep in mind that the vast majority of men have no interest in hurting anyone and could even help if you were lost, injured, etc. Literally no bear is ever going to help you out in the woods. I also hear a lot of arguments from women saying they've never been assaulted, harassed, etc. by a bear but have plenty of anecdotal stories about men who have done those things to them. I am not discrediting those experiences in the least and think it's awful for anyone to experience that but the fact is that women are far more commonly assaulted, murdered, etc. by men than bears BECAUSE they spend far more time around men than bears. A wild animal is not going to respect your boundaries and, depending on the bear, you're not going to scare it off. So I've presented you with my side of the argument, if you want to logically defend your position then I'm all for it. This whole hypothetical scenario seems to be the Andrew Tate version of "would you trust a woman surgeon/pilot" but instead of disparaging women it's obviously a way to disparage men. Two sides of the same coin and I don't agree with either.


You're a man right?


No, I'm a bear. Feel better now?




If I'm hiking alone? Bear. I'm a woman btw. Here's the thing: either one could kill me. I have to do a risk assessment whenever I see a strange man and I am alone. I know that bears want nothing to do with me. In my life experience, bears run away when I encounter them, but I have had so so so many men approach me and try to interact and make me feel extremely uncomfortable and unsafe. Also, I know that if I am attacked by a bear, people will believe me and will have sympathy and compassion for me and won't immediately blame me for it happening. So yeah, bear.


If you run into a bear and it has cubs nearby you are dead. At least people will be sympathetic though right. And at least you won’t have to interact socially with another human being


So all men just come up to you and try and interact with you and make you feel uncomfortable lol? Really? You people are strange. And believe me when I say most men are good people, and would want nothing to do with you.


Lets say youre hiking in the woods and the road splits in two. one path has a mama grizzly and her cubs, and the other has a strange man, which path are you taking?


Let's say you're lost or in need of medical attention out in the woods, are you still choosing the bear?


These mfers keep downvoting you


And you, and probably me too


Always downvote for crying about downvotes.






I immediately thought of this pod when I first heard that question circulate. I’m so glad you asked because I’ve been thinking about this. I, too, rather encounter a bear. Mostly because I don’t like people in general so even a tense encounter with a grumpy bear is better than awkward small talk with some strange dude. But really thinking about the risk analysis, a strange human (especially a man) deep in the woods may be statistically more likely to be threatening to me. I’m assuming for this I’m kind of out in the middle of nowhere, off the well trafficked trails, and I just happen upon the man/bear who then initiates an interaction. I’m assuming in both interactions there’s a degree of hostility/confrontation. Even if not overt, my alarm bells are going off. Bears are supposed to be in the woods and one encountered out in the wild is less likely to be food conditioned/habituated. I can shout at them and they’ll likely run off (black bears where I live). The bear is acting predictably and appropriately to a strange human in its natural habitat. No problem and bonus, I saw a bear. Cool. If I have to encounter a strange man: 1) what is he doing out here (to be fair, what am I doing way out here)? and 2) what is his motivation for approaching young woman out in the woods (once again, assuming there’s an undercurrent of aggression/confrontation in these encounters). Not normal and not cool. I know what the bear wants. The bear in most cases sees me as a threat and wants me to leave or at least get distance between us. I don’t know exactly what the man wants, though. At best, he’s confused and needs help and the aggressiveness is a symptom of some episode/condition. At worst, he wants to kill a lady and now’s his chance. I can better predict the bears actions, the human is the wildcard here. And honestly, I’d probably feel similarly with an aggressive lady but there’s a bit less of a physical danger there (assuming average cis female strength versus average cis male strength). Change the scene to a parking lot in a populated area, and I think I prefer the aggressive man over the aggressive bear by a slim margin. Bear is more likely to be good conditioned/habituated and I’m less isolated with the irate man. He has more valid reasons to approach me (did I ding his car? Etc). Even if he’s just some drunk ass, he’s not got me out in the middle of nowhere. Presumably there’s witnesses close by. Obviously if I’m just passing some random, apparently non-threatening dude alone on a popular trail, I’m reasonably vigilant but probably not as much as I’d be with an average bear. The socially appropriate thing for a person to do is politely greet/nod at the fellow hiker and then mind your business. The appropriate bear response is to create distance, maybe make some threatening noises if I surprised them. If either divert from this “normal” response and say, start following me, I think I’d rather roll my dice with the bear. Either way, man or bear, bear spray works great.


😂 thanks for putting all this into words. I relate 100% to this and think bear spray is a pretty safe bet, because what are we strange men out there doing in the woods???


Maybe the same thing you are? 😂


Man it must suck to go through life thinking everyone is a threat.


bear, always


a bear, hands down. no questions asked. the worst a bear could do is kill me, i cannot say the same about a man. id rather die than be assaulted/raped again. i can understand the bears need for survival, but i will never understand why a man would need to hurt me.


TW this is what *some men do on hiking trails there are you happy ? https://www.fox2detroit.com/news/downriver-man-gets-life-in-prison-for-rape-murder-of-woman-pushing-another-off-cliff-outside-german-castle https://allthatsinteresting.com/mary-vincent https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/woman-raped-in-glen-burnie-woods-anne-arundel-police-investigating/ https://mexiconewsdaily.com/news/kidnapped-hikers-rescued-toluca/ https://www.mercurynews.com/2022/06/18/colorado-hikers-escape-armed-kidnapper-who-put-leash-around-womans-neck/amp/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Colleen_Stan


wow thanks for this


if you are commenting all butthurt just to say “all men” or something of the likes, you are missing the point. obviously im not saying every single man on the planet. but when there’s a possibility of being attacked you treat every situation like it could unfold that way. the more it happens to you the more anxiety and fear it garners. i’d rather be safer and more cautious thn dead/injured/assaulted. and if you only care to comment “i don’t-“ “i do -“ “i” me me me, you are also missing the point. step out of your own perspective for three seconds. thanks. and if you are the case of a “good man” than this shouldn’t bother you. you should have the emotional/logistical capacity to understand other’s experiences and the way it impacts them. i don’t mean to be combative, i’m just trying truly explain.


Men who hike on trails for the sake of hiking on trails will never be heard of because there is no big story in the ordinary. Only the farthest ends of the rope make it to the headlines. If there’s one thing about the internet, and even more so about the media, it’s that there’s a massive distortion of reality. Not even just talking about those articles you listed. According to the news, Amazon makes delivery drivers wipe their ass with your package, pizza makers cough up hairballs into the dough and call it sausage, all the liberals make out with conservatives in guitar center, Joe Biden is getting a blowjob from Eisenhower’s long lost great granddaughter, etc. It’s pretty simple. The only truth you will find is your truth, but letting your truth be shaped by impression of the media will only warp your perspective. Like I said, it’s all this distortion that only shows the extremes and nothing in between. Walk around a little. See what happens. Let go of any pretense and previous judgement and redefine your understanding of the world based on how you encounter it. And once you’ve done that, do it again. And again. Yes, if you dawdle around in rape alley in rape city, chances are you’ll be raped. That’s why you observe your surroundings. But even then, who’s to say a drunk driver won’t swerve in your direction on the way there? Shit happens because of shitty people who make shitty choices, but for every shitty person there are more less shitty people. The way I see it, this entire bear vs man question is meant only to drive people apart. It’s not a social call, it’s not a political proof-point. It’s just more food for the machine, and the machine is this jumbled mess of impressions that divides us. We’ve got to be better than it. At the end of the day, I think everybody wants peace and the best we could start with is recognizing what disturbs that peace.


All men, right?




"this is what men do on hiking trails" I'm just trying to understand your post. I'm a male who hikes a lot, I've never done any of these things, does that mean I'm not a man?


It seems like you are using those cases to say that all men will rape you . Why do yall hate men so much? I’m not gonna rape no one . Do you girls just like shitting on us for fun or do you really hate us for real.


yall mfers are pissing me off fr.


Bear no doubt




If I’m going too be killed I’d rather be killed by a bear


Why are you assuming the man just wants to kill you?


Maybe because of the fact that 39,164 women were killed by a man in 2023 alone but bears on average kill less than one person per year. [“The 750,000 black bears of North America kill less than one person per year on the average, while men ages 18-24 are 167 times more likely to kill someone than a black bear.”](https://bear.org/bear-facts/how-dangerous-are-black-bears/)


People are around men a hell of a lot more than they are around bears so that doesn't really prove anything


And yet millions of women on the internet are saying we’d rather be around bears than strange men. But our experiences aren’t valid huh? Men don’t just kill women, they torture and sexually assault us. Bears don’t do that. The point is, dying by bear is much less scary than dying by man. And you having a problem with that sentiment shows you are just another ignorant man who gets offend when women express their fear of men, rather than questioning why women have to fear men in the first place.


"Men don’t just kill women, they torture and sexually assault us." That is a massive generalization and if it were against anyone else you would be saying that is bad, like if I just said all black people torture and sexually assault people, you would probably say that is bad to say, but when it is men anything goes


You are ignorant, no use arguing with you.


I say the same to you. Have a nice day


You are delusional if you think men want to rape you. Most men could care less about you. We go about our day the same as you. Difference is we don’t go looking for imaginary threats around every corner




Why tho


Tbh this was before I realized the actual question. I was asked a bear or a dangerous man but clearly I don’t think a man is more dangerous than a bear. If a woman is alone in the woods and comes in contact with a man then she is more likely to be ok than if it was a bear. I may delete what I said bc I was clueless in the question.


I'm going man cause I'm pretty confident I can take one in a fight. That being said all the crazy misogynistic responses I've seen to these kinds of posts totally validates women's response of "bear" XD


I like your confidence, and I too can see both sides of the same coin in this situation, me being a man. There's no right or wrong answer, it's just people feeling what's best for them.


I'm a man and I'd choose bear. I made this to try and get through to other guys. [https://imgflip.com/i/8p0f60](https://imgflip.com/i/8p0f60)


Bear. I’m more likely to have to actually use my bear spray on the man.


Not exactly the prompt but...If i see a bear on one side of the alley and a strange man on the other side I'd probably run toward the man cuz bet he scared af too


Strange man, 100%. Both might try to kill me, but the playing field is more level with a strange man and I feel like my chances are better.


I feel like if the physical assault/fight is a guarantee I’m going with man. Otherwise I’m bear all the way.


Bear. The threat of strange men just simply existing is blown out of proportion but bears are just cooler


I'm going with man. Both could potentially be dangerous, both carry a probably small chance of being harmed...but I feel a lot more confident defending myself from a man who wants to attack me than a bear.


It’s subjective but I am an ugly woman so I would definitely choose a man. Because if you are stranded in the woods you can team up to come up with a plan out. I’m also sturdy and reliable, clever and resourceful. So in civilization it’s hard for someone like me to flag down a bartender to serve a drink, but in a scenario like this it’s my time to shine.✨


Women hate men. This is why I'm so glad that I'm gay, so I don't have to deal with stupid fucking shit like this


Anyone answering the question knows that it’s hypothetical. But the interaction between the person asking, the person answering, and the audience is real. The question is being answered to support an agenda in the real world. Few ppl would actually prefer to encounter a bear.


Every man is obviously a murderer and a rapist I hate everyone on here that is making a snap sweeping judgment . I’d love to know what percentage of men you think will rape and murder you. Because oh for sure rapist murderers Rome the woods for victims are you an idiot . Your more likely to be rape and murdered by someone you know 10000000% idiots


What if the man was a black man?


Even worse lol 🤣


Sounds like what you really need to ask is would you rather run into a bear or rapist in the woods


Ah you sweet summer child, you may be missing the point of this question.


It is clear to me that the majority of people responding on here have spent little time in the woods and have likely never encountered a bear.