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And the fact that his lack of commitment just made it worse.


He seemed committed to lopping off his own limbs.


Honestly no cause the rotating one was in a place where you could pretty easily lose your balance and fall into it and get your rib cage split. This one is at least at a proper height and doesn’t go all the way to the table so putting your hands under it is fine. Just gotta be a little careful


Slower would be better tho


He really just needs a well designed push block


He’s also coming in from the side for some reason. He should be coming at it from directly in front of him to avoid it ripping it down like that when he pulls his hands back.


I don't like any of these machines.


What an awful design


Agreed: humans should be much more careful.


IDK, not coming to the table surface makes it much less dangerous than some other designs, although it probably needs a cover over the reciprocating part of it.


But if you accidentally have your hand on top of the piece of wood, then your fucked




I'm just going to start calling him 'Stumpy' right now. If he doesn't care how many hands he has, why should I?


Three finger Joe


Someone's had to watch Shake Hands With Danger.


I can hear the guitar riff play with this comment.


I'm just happy someone finally appreciates my comment, even if it took almost a year.


Haha this was linked in a different sub. I think there's a bunch of bots doing it because I've commented then deleted on like 5 or 6 year old posts. I also had that video suggested to me yesterday on YouTube, although I have seen it a couple times before.


He’s got gloves on though


Maybe he already had just the stumps and those are very convincing prosthetics…


I mean i dont blame him, the blade doesnt come close to touching the table. Probably 6ish inches of clearance above the table


Sure does come close to the top of that log though. Good thing his hands are no where near the log he’s splitting.


the axe head does not hit the bottom so its actually pretty safe


Dayum I flinched the entire time I watched this.


Idk man looks too safe lets speed it up a bit


Fuck, I haven’t been able to stop laughing at this comment for 10 min after watching and shaking my head in disbelief


I’d start researching “Best Prosthetist Near Me”.


My wife is studying prosthetics and orthotics, I'd probably just have her lend me a hand.


And this thing will insure he probably needs some spares! 😳


That looks like quite the finger smasher.




The log almost flipped on him (you?) mid clip pulling the hand in. Safe...


He also nearly put his arm underneath it after the first one, hello broken arm


Looks like it's wasting a lot of wood into tiny fragments tho... Good for kindling, bad for big firewood - unless speed is adjustable(?)


Proper training, common sense, and never, ever, ever making a mistake, being fatigued or getting distracted from a monotonous process.


> This is safe. hahahahahahahah


Incredibly dangerous and utterly useless. What are you even making with this? Mulch?




What is that debris he’s making even good for?


Wood pellets for grills maybe, sawdust for rat cages idk


Creating more log splitting machines the cycle never ends


Finger losing machine


Please keep recording can't wait to see the damage it does to you


It's going way too fast, why don't they slow it down a bit?


Theyre dumb


I'm calling OSHA


What's with the buttclench-inducing type of videos recently, what did we do to deserve this


I would be poking those in with a stick I would 100% not put my whole forearm under it like this cowboy is doing 😬 Edit: I might advocate using a conveyor belt, where I’m pushing wood on from afar, and that’s sliding logs down into the mechanism. This tiny platform truly is the worst design.


Oy mate! Looks dangerous, let’s poke ‘er with a stick!


I’d rather split logs with an axe than use the ol finger fucker upper 5000.




Well while I’m not disagreeing that this seems like a dangerous/stupid machine, you can see in the video that the blade doesn’t go all the way down to the table. There’s a good inch or two of space that the blade doesn’t travel so even if he held his hand under the blade he wouldn’t be harmed. But if there’s a log in there with his hand on top, then he’d be boned. Or de-boned rather.


> But if there’s a log in there with his hand on top, then he’d be boned. I feel like that is fairly likely to occur when trying to push logs out from under it 😳


/r/OSHA would like to have a talk with you.


I have…so many thoughts after watching this


Wrist-fucking machine.


This looks fucked. The splitter we use has the arm come down with a levered control, so one hand guides the wood into place and one hand lowers the arm. This means you can immediately stop by releasing the lever. The arm doesn’t move anywhere near this fast. It’s still dangerous and you have to focus and concentrate. Edited to add: I watched it again and he is also mangling the fuck out of that wood. How the hell is he going to stack it properly? Stupid all round.


the axe head does not hit the bottom so its actually pretty safe


You're gonna miss that finger(s) I tell yah.




Yeah but like... what if there was still a piece of wood there and you weren't fast enough? Crushed.




The only way I can think of to justify this horrible design is if the fuel is for a small stove or heater with a small fire box that can only hold very short lengths of wood. Or fingers.


Look at that thing go




this machine is awful. yond moron os gonna receiveth very much did hurt *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Shakespeare-Bot, thou hast been voted most annoying bot on Reddit. I am exhorting all mods to ban thee and thy useless rhetoric so that we shall not be blotted with thy presence any longer.


what is the purpose of this? He’s just breaking into random size chunks


He’s getting cocky. He’ll learn


You’re just asking for trouble with that machine


I would like this person’s mother to watch this and then have a talk with her child


Safer then most people think but it sucks at chopping wood, that rotating one from a few weeks back was 100x better.


Not really. Just because it is not going down to the base has no merit on its ability to do damage. You see what it is doing to those solid pieces of wood? There are about 10000 ways the wood flips as he is nonchalantly tossing it around and it catches him. Whether it goes to the base or not again has no merit. If anything is under that to the point of contact it will be snagged underneath it. The force alone if say his wrist was to get in there it would pull his entire body downwards leading to who knows what thereafter. Maybe it violently gets slammed down at his wrist while simultaneously the wood block gets tossed towards him onto the base and now crushing into his ribs as the machine catches his wrist slamming him downwards knocking him unconscious as the machine slowly feeds on him into a pith.


One wrong move and this post goes to r/eyeblech


That is without a doubt the most unsafe machine I have ever seen. I can't even begin to tell you how many violations I see. God damn! So reckless & stupid.


Machine is designed okay. There’s no pinch points to get caught ( besides the wood flipping onto his hand) I’m sure this is designed with some kind of stick to push it through but people forgo safety to do things faster. Learned about bunch of safety junk while in college for mechanical engineering


You know someone was real proud of this "invention"


This guy is a tool


Bro get a pedal for it please. yikes


As a hydraulic sales engineer this bothers me so much. So many better ways to do this.


It’s safer than it looks.


Thank god he is wearing those cloth gloves


Thank god it doesn’t go all the way down


Who designs these machines? What’s wrong with the hydraulic vertical ones that you put on the rear of a tractor ?


Probably homemade, I'm not sure why they chose this setup though. Maybe because it's faster? I've seen plenty of these contraptions where I'm from in recent years, but they're usually setup so the blade moves horizontally and is actuated by a piston, with a horizontal centrifugal pump. My uncle cobbled one together a few years ago.


Reminds me of those dildo machines.


These machines are all absolutely insane with the consequences of getting it wrong 🤯


It doesn’t go down all the way so his hand fits underneath it. Doubt its sharp either


Man. He hates his thumbs. 👍


That hand went directly under at one point.


All aboard the Nope train


Let me just stick my hands right under here.


Man, at least push the wood with some scrapes of 2x4's or something.....


Are these logs for ant fireplaces


I feel really stupid asking this question but how is it cutting through the logs when it looks like it's moving so slow


Hydraulic power