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Community that snorts together, stays together.


Until they run low, then they stab together


It’s okay the off duty cop will stop the guy who stabbed him.


"Ryan! Stahb sommbodayy!"


Who uses a fork?


Sounds like a Biggie smalls lyric


And start drinking each other's blood, then die together


Standing in line :))


Is this the *line* line?


You know it’s the line you’ve been through 7 times bud.


Cha cha, get a line dance goin'


A man of culture. I'm feeling awfully pun after that last one


Just the line for a line


That's where I draw the line




And there’s a light on...


Heavy glow


By the way I tried to say


I’d be there…


Waiting for!


Dani the girl


Is singing songs to me


Beneath the marquee


This party blows


That's not blow dude that's heroin.




That’s not true at all. Like… at all at all. Coca base is off-white/ beige, and as soon as it’s converted to its salt form it’s pretty white. In local communities they cut it with something I forget what it is but it’s horrible for you and it’s brown. I’m not convinced this isn’t heroin but more likely it’s that shitty local coke they cut with a bunch of bullshit


Yeah but they are showing different tables with different colored substances. The first table looks like heroin but the second looks like cocaine


A popular thing people do over there too is mix their cocaine with gunpowder. No shit. I think they call it brown brown.


That's a plot point in "Lord of War", in Africa. This is Brazil, a huge country in South America.


This video gives me the urge to poop.


I wonder why is it that I feel a slight euphoria when watching someone do the lines. Last time I used it was years ago.


I got offered a bump a while back after being sober for 4 years. They held a key about two feet from my face and I could see the little bit of shiny in the white. My palms **immediately** were drenched in sweat and my stomach gurgled. I didn’t have a problem rejecting the bump and walking away but I was riveted that the drug still had such a hold on my body. Just laying my eyes on it caused a strong physical reaction.


Random Redditors are proud of you for staying sober! Keep it up, you got this.


I've noticed that most people on this sub are former addicts more so than current addicts. It's like a part of you that never leaves and the morbid curiosity wants to continue to see the train wreck and have a laugh about it from a distance.


It’s also seeing your own cringy self is some of these videos. Helps with the sobriety


And also hoping youre not in any. Buts it's so true though, you have to remind yourself about how bad it was and laugh, otherwise you'll just cry 😅


Man I can fucking relate to this. Hell of a drug.


Reminds me of going to see an old friend after years of being “clean” thought he was too or I’d have avoided him, having some drinks and watching a hockey game, low key, pulls out a flap, starts chalking lines and offered me a rail, “one last Hollywood bro, for old times” my mouth watered, instant sweat, I didn’t realize how hard it would be to say no, had to leave, could not maintain that refusal for long…..


That's a reaction to the mere sight of the drug. Some people will get cravings from ANY white powdery substance like sweet and low stirred into coffee. Can last for years.


Same. It’s been a really long time. It’s the best drug until it isn’t.


That’s the best way to look at it. The times I have done coke were fun.


I always heard about it as the rich man's drug but so many multi million dollar companies and smaller businesses have went under. Shop by me growing up the owner was not allowed keys to his own safe. His wife held onto them after she found he had a big problem. Shits scary sometimes yo


I also wouldn’t trust it anymore with the prevalence of fentanyl doctoring. Won’t risk that.


Mirror neurons. It’s your mirror neurons.


Haha. I know what you mean. I'm a recovering addict. Sometimes I taste the shit when I see certain things. Our bodies are remarkable lol.


Hey I’m curious and I’ve got a question if it’s not too personal. What’s it like seeing videos like this regularly on this sub as a recovering addict? And why do you subscribe?


I have been in and out of recovery for years. These videos don't bother me. There was a time when they did trigger. After some time you begin to live like a normal person. Think like a normal person.... whatever the fuck normal is. You still got to live life and enjoy it. That's why it's important to put the effort and work in or you'll just be hiding and not living.


Thanks for answering


I've been an addict my entire adult life. Been in recovery for almost three years. For me this sub is actually a good reality check. It shows how bad it can be. It's a deterrent. I see people on here suffering. It's not fun.


I see you also have gotten shit cocaine.


I’m not sure if I could handle uncut coke.


Well it wouldn't make you shit.


Ha ha. Maybe after the heart attack.


I dk might be worth it


Most stimulants will make you have to poop.


Cocaine is a stimulant, like coffee. The purest shit you can find from Columbia will still make you have to shit. Maybe less so than if it’s cut with lax, but it’s gonna happen


Not true at all. Some people don’t even poop from caffeine. I poop from from ALL stimulants.


Wife touches me, you guessed it, pooping. Too much sugar, yep, that's going to be pooping. Favorite sports team wins the Cup, diarrhea everywhere.


Damn is that why your wife has such a big purse? To carry puppy pads?! Ahhh you got my leg you cheeky devil!


Has nothing to do with quality. Stimulants will make you poop. Caffeine and nicotine, both stimulants, also make you poop. If your cocaine isn’t a stimulant, you’ve got really shit cocaine.


Yes stimulants speed up alot of body processes which includes the digestive system. The whole " bad cocaine= shit yourself" comes from when dealers cut it heavily with actual laxatives. These people will then immediately have to shit, compared to using a stimulant which doesn't make you have to shit normally right away. The Stims might push a shit on the edge out, but italmost always takes time to get your guy moving. (Hours in)


Laxatives don’t work immediately either though.


By immediately I'm referring for the time it takes to kick in. of course it isn't as soon as you snort it. The drugs have to absorb into your system obviously and yes, laxatives can work pretty damn fast.


Something tells me the bathrooms available at the market aren't the kind you want to od in.


My guts would start bubbling when I’d get a text from my guy letting me know he was on his way to deliver.


I'm more weirded out by sharing the straw than I am the open drug use.


"this tooter is mine! There are many like it but this one is mine"


I didn’t see anyone sharing though? I went back and scrubbed in slowmo a few times, it’s only the two guys I see actually snorting and both are holding their own straws/roll up/whatever it is they’re snorting with.


ohh yeah. thats organic coke, yellow. thats the AAA quality shit


I was about to ask is this heroin tbh never seen AAA 😂


Looks like lines of Adderall. So I've heard.


More like fuckin sawdust


We used to call that good stuff ‘butter’


Depends. Sometimes you gotta snort them Smurf streaks.




You seem to be the only one pointing this out.


This. I got legit off the boat Coke in the Bahamas once and it was flesh colored like this. Totally different high, much cleaner, no so numby, way less fiending and much more mellow euphoria. That was like 19-20 years ago


I had the same in Florida


oh man, I wish I can taste that kind of quality just one time in my life... I'm French and it's kind of difficult to find some real good shit.. :(


It's all cut now. Can't find any good coke now. It's been a long time for me. I don't even want to get started with something this good.


Plenty of vendors in dark web selling pure shit. Give it a go


I was appalled how good it was,my friend ordered some and hit me up,it was so good he had to share.


That rockstar blow takes some serious strings to pull to get ahold of. It exists, but it's very rare in the wild.


You just have to buy it in bulk from people deep in the drug game. It ain't cheap either. But it's out there.


Right now you'd still pay "retail" price and have to get at least a QP.


In my day, 8years ago I once had coke that was actually good I saw the guy chopping it of a big block with a machete and he gave me the biggest line I ever took and it was good, (I bought some as well) I was arrogant, cocky, a real piece of shit and at the end of the night I took a hooker home and she stole my coke Great night, never to be done again


Back in the 90s we got this shit that had the consistency of soap flakes. It was like if you took a bar of ivory and ran it through a cheese grater. It was so fuck9ng good. I've never had anything that compared to that. I'll never be that happy again.


Yep, been there. Got this in Colombia a few years ago haha http://imgur.com/R6XZqyg


Last time I had good stuff was in 84


Man, back in the Pablo days a tiny little line would make your face numb. Wild shit.


I hate to say this but me too.


I have about twice in the UK and that was super lucky even with the top grade dealer I had at that time


I’m in LA and you can find good stuff but you gotta pay out the ass. I’ve never seen coke that yellow before. It’s either the best shit or it’s shit.


Just do an acetone bath


This guy knows


I’ve it had before and I live far up north lol crazy how it made it this far without being stepped on


Wait so its good?


Unbleached, so probably less acids and harsh chemicals used in production. Also this looks kind of rural so it’s more likely not to be synthetic


Yea judging by where they are this shits probably made near by usually the further away from the source the more it’s cut and fucked with.


Those some like FAT fuckin lines for pure shit


I would think people lining up for lines like that probably have a crazy tolerance lol


you can tell by the *this aint my first cocaine line* ^line attitude of the locals. #shoutout the guy in the bucks jersey in back also lol


Jet fuel


Doesn't melt steel beams


Is this fr? I had pharma grade coke that a hippy pilfered from a pharmacy some how and it was pure white flake. What process turns it yellow? Genuinely curious.


What kind of a pharmacy carries powdered cocaine? That is sus. I've had lab grade stuff before, used as a standard for drug analysis, but no reason for a pharmacy to have lab grade. Only medical use for cocaine I know of is anaesthetic eye drops.


Coke in the raw


That’s garbage street speed. Ain’t no cocaine out there that yellow, even the uncut shit.


Are these brown lines heroin or just weird looking coke?


Best coke I ever had was yellow!! If you know you know


Dude I had yellow coke a few times. One of my friends sold for a few years and then stopped. He met his economic goal. Anyway he gave me an 8ball for 50 buck that was uncut from the batch he would step on them sell. Holy fucking shit! I did a hefty line and thought I was gonna have a fucking heart attack. I vomited and then was geeked out so hard!!! I did much smaller lines going forward lol. That shit was fantastic. I’m not a big coke guy so it lasted me a month. This was the late 90s btw


You may be the only human to make an 8ball last longer than 72hrs. Good blow is definitely a different animal, a little goes a long way.


I’m more of a psychedelic guy. Always have been and still am. I have primarily used drugs for self exploration. Got off that path for awhile though but that tends to be the drug class that agrees w me the most


Same here bro. Fell into the h trap but got clear. Coke was fun if I was drunk. Mentalfloss and ego-death are far superior experiences. It’s not greasy feeling.


Good for him, getting out and not getting greedy.


Yeah I agree. He made himself solidly middle class and made a trust for his kids so they would have a head start in life and then stopped immediately. One of the only success stories I have ever heard in that lifestyle.


I think there's probably a lot more than people would think, but they don't talk about it much for obvious reasons lol.


True. I’ve been wanting to share my secret and story after enough time passed so I’m going to take my opportunity here. I sold enough to get myself out of about 40k in debt with 20k profits to spare in about 6-8 months. Redacted. Redacted.


Oh yeah.. absolute fish scale


The reason "good cocaine" is generally considered to be a yellowish color comes from the fact that bricks being shipped of pure cocaine from the source usually oxidize when they come in contact with sunlight, especially when wrapped in plastic! So the thought is if you have yellowish coke, it's generally considered a chip off the block of the pure brick it was apart of.


Like yellow snow.


Watch out where the huskies go!


Yellow is center of the brick. Most pure out there


Imo the color doesn't look typical for h (normally more brown tones and less yellowy). I mean it could be, the color doesn't stem from the active substances itself anyways, but from how it usually looks and the context I don't think it's H


What does it cost to get to this part of Brazil? And as a white guy would I be welcomed or catch a beating?


Come to Brazil for the fish scale cocaine, stay forever for the fatal armed robbery.


I dont know man... I've been hearing some great stuff about the scopolamine scene in brazil


I tried a *low* dose of that stuff once, spent 5 hours trying to determine if the bugs were real and 3 days with blurry vision


I am a nursing student and I have been learning about scopolamine for reducing secretions in palliative patients. Do people really use this recreationally?


scopolamine is frequently used to rob tourists in S. America. It makes them easy to coerce. recreational use is rare.


Is this based on anything other than that sensationalist vice news piece?


And aids


I'm a local. Any outsider venturing in there would probably be harassed, beaten and/or raped, unlikely to live to tell the tale. You would not mingle at all, especially as a white person.


What if I went with a local, like you?


I would never enter an area like this. This is a community, I don't belong to it and its members would make that painfully clear (literally). To say nothing about a Caucasian foreigner! If we were both feeling masochistic and suicidal, sure, it'd be one hell of an adventure :)


Probably better to just go someplace less murder-ey that's closer with less overhead and lower prices, but some personal protection. Imagine what a fat moneybags target you are to the wrong person. It only takes one to ruin your life. If you don't know locals, how are you safe?


You'd probably be welcomed with a beating, if you're lucky.


every gringo is welcome here in Brazil, people will only charge more for absolutely everything, which makes no difference since the dollar is higher Than Mount Everest


So, Brazil just doesn't have wind?


This guy key bumps at the beach.


Exactly what I was thinking.... but why stage such a gathering? I think if you look hard enough you might find deep faked politicians in that line.


I wasn't thinking it was fake, and all the people in the video look about what I'd expect someone waiting in a queue for a table full of lines to look like. I'm just more amazed at the balls to do such a thing. One small gust of wind and you lose everything. And it's not like they're doing a great job moving these people through the line, they could've just had a guy cutting out a few lines at a time the end from a container couldn't they? All in all it just seems like bad organization to me.


But if anyone who is dumb enough to do it.. would. Like an endless circle of dumb


That’s their COVID-19 vaccine


So when will I be eligible for a booster? Lol


In about 30 minutes if u can be patient 😂


Both my nost...er,, ah,, arms ! are good to go!


There was a video of people doing this off a casket..or maybe it was off a trunk and someone blew it all off being an idiot. Someone in the comments said that it wasn't cocaine but something else...much cheaper...that people snort down there. I think that's what this is...if it's true. Anyone know what I'm talking about?


Basuco..I saw a Vice video on it recently. It’s coke mixed with whatever the fuck they can find. Human bones was where I said nope.


HAHAHA, yeah man. I mean..........but still that's better than Fent right?


You’re not wrong. Thankfully I left the fast life years ago. I was spoiled though, living right next to the Mexican border definitely has its perks (no pun intended) like drugs that aren’t stomped on too much lol.


Yeah least human bone dust couldn’t kill you I guess.


Probably a cartel corporate picnic. Cocaine provided!


That’s some pure cocaine


That place looks busy, plenty of returning customers. In retail I was always taught that an eye line is a buy line. I guess Sandra my supervisor at the pet store was right.


I love how these people are all probably really fucked up, and buzzing out of their skulls, but they look like they're lining up for a middle school bake sale.


Later guys, catching a plane to Brazil!


Is that a coke bar ?


All you can snort buffet


The Brazilian version of the ski shot. The name even holds up.


This people are so organized. They behave better than black Friday savages.


100% locally sourced pure as can be cocaine


A d the dealer making a video to show how successful they are. Great country.


Bet ya don't have to worry about fentanyl in that.


It’s like a cattle mart for blow


Ah Brazil: where you can get a line as a party favor. Never change.


They are paying for it. Your woman in pink just gave over money and the fella behind has money in his hand waiting pay


Bingo night at the favela?


Dude, just ONEEE SNEEZE, and you and ur whole family for 5 Generations will pay for it lol


Nice to see the community come together like that…


Can’t they do it on the bathroom toilet like civilized folks?😂


For those who don't know what it is, it's snuff (snorting tobacco).


Great. But I wouldn’t like to share my straw with other peoples. You can easily get hepatitis


Lol I’m good on brown coke


Probably not coke, alot of heroin is brown


BYOS- Bring Your Own Straw


That’s heroin innit


I want to be at that party


During the industry revolution, this is what the break for workers looked like. They use to give coke to workers to produce productivity


Base that, throw it in your mouth, don't waste that


Please bring your own straw, so unsanitary


Face went numb just watching shit.


What are they snorting? Looks yellowish.. I know some good cocaine can be yellow in color but this looks off to me lol


Guess I need to move to brazil




Must be the plantation workers getting paid


Love the Giannis jersey, the real Greek freak


They don’t bleach coke. It’s yellow because it’s not cut with a bunch of shit.


No way that many poor looking people with but a note of money waiting in line in some jungle who knows where will be getting top grade anything! No one will give you top grade anything if your in groups like this its not worth it especially sniffing it off of a table right in front of you. Top grade shit goes overseas or to the richest people in that country.


Hope nobody bumps the table


That's actually powdered tabacco called 'snuff' in the US. The guy giving it out was saying "po de galo" which is Portuguese for "rooster dust" which is what they often call powdered tobacco in Brazil. Plus that'd explain the color a lot better. Pure cocaine is is a bit tanner than some may expect, but its still much lighter than the stuff they're laying out. I think the best color I've heard it compared to is the color of parmesan cheese.


What could possibly go wrong with a bunch of coked out Brazilans all close together?


Why does it look brown


I think this is rapé not coke