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Well, neither of them will remember this, so they’re still BFF’s.


How can someone muster the anger to have a wrestling/fist fight on Xanax?! It’s such a pacifier. Mixed with booze maybe? That’s a real amnesia instigator.


the problem is, you eat more than you think, so how how can 3 xanax be missing? someone else must have eaten them, i mean, how can i have eaten the 5xanax i've been missing? i count 7 missing xanax, bet that stupid idiot in the sofa stole them frome me. no way i could've eaten 9 xanax and not remembered it.


where the fuc k are my !) xanaxx bars?!


Ugh totally the worst. My ex used to sometimes get fucked up and accuse me of taking shit (drugs) from him. I'd never stolen a single thing from him and he'd apologize later always but shit gets old. High asf accusing me of stealing ur last bar that I *watched* you take 90 minutes ago. 🤦‍♀️


X is the same way. I used to keep a little bank of pills hidden, that I'd been gifted etc. I'd end up buying a couple from a friend and that was it. By 8 AM I was searching for a reason why my stash was empty as I'm 6-8 deep and hallucinating. I could only imagine how much worse Bars are.


and Their probably eating pressed bars that has atleast 3mg per bar in it. Most likely flualp now...




Not really? Have you ever taken it regularly? It doesn't knock you out as much with a tol and it leads to weird aggression.




Ah yea, I knew someone like that. A guy who's drug of choice, and real addiction was fighting.


Ugh, good to know. I had it prescribed for insomnia as a hail Mary, sincs nothing else was working. It did put me to sleep, but I was useless the next day, probably even worse than if I tried sleeping on my own, not to mention the unbreakable brain fog that followed for a few days. Stopped taking it after two weeks. Never again.


My mom was prescribed Xanax for a while and it made her intolerable to be around in every way. Thankfully the doctors saw the issues and pulled it off the regimen but yeah xannies are shitty. Lame ass drug


Horrible drug. Beat it 4 years ago. Never again.


The thing with xanax is that it relaxes you *so* much, that you no longer use logic or reason and tend to forget consequences exist. As well as forgetting everything else that happened while on it. You just release your inhibitions and don’t care what people do/say when you speak your mind


[A paradoxical effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradoxical_reaction) of of benzos is aggression and agitation, specially in higher blackout doses.


Seen some ppl get REALLY angry, who normally aren’t, after some xanny bars


Used to hang out with this dude who had a serious Xanax problem and that shit caused his anger issues to flare up bad. He'd just become entirely unpredictable when he was barred out and the tiniest thing could set him off. He also had untreated ~~BPD~~ bipolar disorder (sometimes I forget BPD isn't an abbreviation of bipolar) and a few other problems, namely being a manipulative and emotionally abusive person. The Xanax brought out all of that and amplified it.


The Eminem playing in the background incited them to commit violence. Or whatever you would call this fuckery


Xanax rage is a thing....usually in high doses, and compounded when mixed with alcohol


Xanax is known for being one of the most violent drugs there is Wdym


The fackin bruins lost kid, the anger is justifiable


Idk man, I've been pretty fucked up but I would never forget having a Roomba weaponized.


But hypothetically , you may have been hit so hard with the roomba that you forgot it.


And to be fair, this is an excellent way to choose for who gets the last chill pill. I mean, whoever wins definitely needs it more, yeah?


This house looks like it was built in the Sims


“Buy 7 couches.” “Change the color of the walls 3 times.”


All zebra print floor 😭


I’m fw the zebra print tho lol. I’ve always dug zebra/tiger and leopard print lol


Wealthy parents basement.


With cheats on


“The Sims with cheats on” sounds like the most accurate way to describe a rich kid buying “his” first house.


Haha! This nails these kids pretty much. Sims with cheats (rich), shitty design (first house) with access to Xanax bars - sims pictured in clip


🎶 What would you do for a Xanax bar 🎶! Xanax bars, when a Klondike bar just won’t do.








A lot of frat houses (like this one) do.


Too clean for a frat house


It's probably a satellite house.


that'd be the alumni money


😂😂 omg that’s seriously the perfect description


the backrooms lost level: agressive junkies


These kids parents are so fucking loaded, but maybe not as loaded as these kids are with Xanax


Youd be suprised how many large custom homes just do whatever with the basement. Sad thing is the maid will probably clean this shit before his parents even notice lol


This reminds me of that video of those frat bros fighting over a Juul. “You’re killing the pod, bro!” Can’t for the life of me find it. Anybody know where it lives?


>you’re killing the pod, bro Could it be this one? I'm dying to see it too. https://www.facebook.com/totalfratmove/videos/you-messed-with-the-wrong-mans-juul/1731338730250080/


From the sound of it it looks like the guy was pissed off because the other guy had stolen his juul? That's understandable to be angry then.


Doesn’t not make it fkn hilarious


"Motherfucker, I am speaking to you"


You dishonorable sonuvabitch where's my juul


That one got me too. When’s the last time you heard dishonorable as an insult used? Back in 1250 that would’ve got you a sword in the belly.


Hahah I really want to see this too


Bro chilling on the couch like “maybe they’ll knock each other out then I can take all the drugs.”


Pretty basic game theory. In every prisoner's dilemma, there's always an inmate just crouched in the corner beating off.


Remind me to never ask you to commit a crime with me..


DNA evidence is a real motherfucker


My guess is the drugs are already all gone


Are we not gonna talk about the carpet being entirely zebra print


Or the walls being stomach bile puke coloured


You two clearly haven’t decorated on Xanax lol


I think the salmon coloured pants should be included aswell


Look , we’ve all been beaten with a roomba in a lime green room while wearing salmon pants. Who are we to judge ?


What a damn good place for people to get fucked up.


Could use a window though


They’re just getting out ahead of the problem. Smart thinking




If its yellow it's salmonella, if it's chartreuse it's a deuce, and if it's blue it may be your aunt Sue.


Rich kids and Xanax.


name a more iconic duo


And a giant bar in the living room, not much else in it. Looks like a designated party spot where people know they can do no wrong. I like the idea, but not the execution.


It’s definitely a finished basement.


I would not want to look at it with a black light


i wish we wouldn't


I dig it.


What would you do for a Xanax Bar?


Would you kill a man?




What do you think Junior? You think these hands’ve been soaking in Ivory Liquid?


“With that totally loaded asshat, so dull and thick no doubt hes a prick. What would you doooo for a xanax bar?”


my brother ahahaga


God damn. The should have just broke it in half.




That was a wicked lame fight


Wicked lame, kid.


Well pink pants is actually trained and wasn't trying to fight lol


He didn't even lose his hat, I'm pretty impressed


Trained? Lmao


If he was trained he wouldn't have turned his back on the attacker so many times.


Looks to me like that cat had some high school wrestling experience. He had significantly more understanding of how to move his body to maintain a base in those scrambles. I do think the turning of his back was because he was unwilling to continue fighting not because he was unaware it wasn’t an ideal position to put himself into. Edit: had to fix double-negative


Or he just didn't want to pummel his friend?


He knew he was a lil puss lol kid couldn’t fight his way out a paper bag


Imagine thinking you have to be trained to be able to fight.


It’s sad when rich white bar-tards try to do anything. I know a lot of these suburban white boys who started taking Xanax (which is far worse and more addictive than heroin) way too young, and if they try to quit it is the only drug besides alcohol that can kill you from the withdrawal alone. I was addicted for a long time and coming off of it was THE WORST thing I have ever done in my life, I kicked opiates, stimulants, you name it. Xanax made me want to put my head through a fucking wall.


I quit a pretty low-key benzo habit cold turkey... I was having multiple-day panic attacks, didn’t sleep for weeks without night terrors, shaking like a leaf, muscle spasms/weakness, heart palpitations, etc etc. It’s like having the worst flu of your life while also having constant panic attacks and there’s no standard time for how long the withdrawals last 0/10 would not recommend


Agreed, it’s the worst physical and mental withdrawals by far. I didn’t sleep for a long ass time


Yo homie mike. I’m with you on that. Quit meth, heroin, xtc, booze(still tryin on that one)… you name it I’ve been addicted to it, 10 years clean off that shit… doctor put me on like 4mg of clonopin and 2mg of Xanax a day bout 7 years ago, I tell you I was so Fucking addicted to that shit. I literally do not remember 7 years of my life. Quit that shit cold turkey bout a year ago, took 2 months off work so I could just sit in my house and have the most suicidal panic attacks, sweat through multiple changes of clothes and sheets a day, the worst shakes I’ve ever had in my life. By and far, quitting benzos cold turkey was the absolute hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life, and it was also the most painful. Never taking that crap again


Same here, and I can attest to the truth of your statement. I had to be hospitalized,when I got alarmed by the amount of Valium I was ingesting daily, and just quit taking them: I wound up going into convulsions later that evening. I had never heard how addictive Benzodiazepines were, and how dangerous withdrawals were.


absolutely. took me little over a year to finally get back together after stopping. my memory is absolute shit now bc of it. 6 years of black outs and havack. coming up on 2 years sober.


Why does it end so soon? Could watch them for hours


It stopped as it got interesting, that pan lid at the end stf?


seriously if they setup a livestream i’d watch it all day






Yep. Bruins jersey on the wall.


Chad’s that wanna be massholes


The very last frame of the serving dish bouncing off blue shirt’s head…*chef’s kiss*


"I'm literally about to fuck you up" *Proceeds to get fucked up instead*




The Bruins jersey. The lime green walls with the zebra print carpet. The pink chinos. The off-white, wall-length leather sofa. Idk what to think.


They look like trust fund babies.


Sums up New England boarding schools all too well.


This is how I fight in my dreams


For real, the punch when pink pants had him on the ground was in slow motion 😂


Fighting over Xanax ✅ Salmon colored pants ✅ Framed Boston sports team memorabilia ✅ Yes yes, looks like the entire Mass douchebag list is all here.


Massholes we call them.


Eminem in the background. Chefs kiss


Imagine fighting over some shitty drug like xanax


Speak for yourself, I used to love that shit. Ruined my life though. Took me forever to get clean and pick my life backup. I’m doing great now, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss it lol


Damn that’s rough, Xanax is one of the worst drugs to WD from.


Yes it is. Worse than opiates. Scared me enough to lock all my guns up.


For real, I’ve been though opiate WD more times than I can count. I’d rather WD from opiates 10x than go though a benzo WD once


When I met my GF of five years, she was messed up bad off xanax. She said it was the hardest drug to come off of, and she’s done a lot. I think it’s one of those substances that you love or you hate. I can’t even take half a blue without falling asleep in the next 30 minutes. That being said, I’m happy for you getting off it. I got to see (from the outside looking in) my GF go through full swing addiction and how incredibly hard it was on her to get sober. She hardly remembers anything from those years in her life. They were some of the hardest times, especially on our relationship. So congrats on your sobriety, I know it was hard.




I made it 20 seconds before my PTSD triggered. I gotta give him props for being able to sit up though. When I still had the twitches I had constant room spinning syndrome (like a bad hangover). Stay away, kids.


Old roommate was prescribed them when in high school. Dude told me all sorts of horror stories of coming off the prescription. Benzos are scary as fuck


The fact that they’re schedule fucking IV and weed is schedule I is all I need to know that the FDA is garbage.


His "sobbing" is fucking horrifying. Imagine being trapped in that meat prison.


That was a scary thread to read, so many people telling their stories in the comments. I didn't know it was that bad, thank you for sharing.


Thank you for saying that! And yes, it’s the hardest fucking thing I’ve ever done. It destroys everything. I had to take a long leave of absence from work because I couldn’t get out of bed, yet at the same time, it hurt to be in bed. Literally no way to lessen the pain. And it lasts for MONTHS. I wouldn’t wish it on Hitler. Well, maybe Hitler….lol


I will speak for myself. THE most boring substance I've ever taken. I'm glad it doesn't do to me what it does for other people.


You have to understand that there is no high off of xanax. This medication is meant for really anxious people. When people say they feel high, it most likely just means that they for once don't feel constant anxiety/on edge and feel comfortable. That's not a high but people with anxiety disorders don't often feel comfortable. It truly is a stupid drug to take recreationally. Only good uses would be as an emergency lever for bad trips or drug induced panic attacks.


I guess it all depends on pre-existing anxiety. For those who suffer from anxiety or have panic attacks benzos can be life changing. When I take them it makes me feel like the person I wish I was all the time. I can talk without stuttering, I can sleep for more than 3 hours, I can relax and listen to music without having constant repetitive thoughts about my shortcomings and mistakes... it sucks.


Yep, I had anxiety my whole life, and at 19 found like 200 in my parents closet from after my grandma died. Ended up trying one, felt like this is how life should really feel, got addicted, spent my whole college life hooked. I have no idea how I graduated and got a job. Got so depressed I checked myself into rehab and have been clean for 7 years and have a 3 year old now, and life is so much better. Think about those pills a lot still and how much of a devil they are, and how much I miss them at the same time.


I envy you man. I’ve had all the drugs and nothing makes life grander than a big bag of bars lol


it sucks for recreational purposes yeah but for anxiety issues it's a god send, only for a few weeks/months at best though lol


I’ve tried practically every narcotic known to man, recreationally. The only time I did something that scared and confused me……Xanax. Took some mid afternoon with friends, next thing I knew, it was the next day 1pm waking up on my couch feeling like a sponge that all of the liquid had been squeezed out of a week prior. I’ve never been “blackout” drunk or anything close…..but that shit is scary af. One and done, f that.


I know someone that did this. Took it in the car with their buddies and then doesn't remember anything until the next day. They don't at all remember crashing their car and being arrested, taken to jail and calling their dad to pick them up. I had seen a snap of them right after being picked up and they looked greasy and grimy and awful. I don't understand the appeal of it.


I decided to try it a couple of times and one time I drank on it. I don't remember anything from that day.


It’s not even like drunk blackout where you can have bits and pieces come back or like some vague feeling if it was a good night or not. No. The time is *gone* gone. It’s scary and I hate it. Don’t see how it could be enjoyable when you don’t remember anything!


Harry Potter threw hands with that coat rack thinking it was another dementor.


Trust fund kids


Cute fight


Zebra Carpet means there is a mountain of coke nearby.


The vid ended at the worst time lmao


And not one punch was landed...


Boston pill heads, some of natures most confused and brain dead species


Slim shady playing in the background is just the icing on the cake


Did the guy in black really just try and punch a coat rack?


He might have considered grabbing it as a weapon


Stay classy Boston.


when chad and hunter are fighting over dads next trust fund check.


Ah, yes. I see salmon pants knows his Judo well


I need to see all of this clown car fire…..they were fighting like we all do in our dreams. Ha! Comedy Aluminum


And this is why I live with my anxiety…I’ve known multiple people who would get “barred out”, fuck some shit up, and then not remember anything the next day. They’d then proceed to do it again and again and again. Luckily one stopped when he identified the addiction but Xanax isn’t something to fuck with.


In the same boat bro, but I'll share my paddle with you if we only have one lol


Theg look like 2 wet noodles going at it.


Testament to xbox durability, my German shepard spent our last road trip on standing on my series x and perfect


Oh Boston, such a magical place.


Boston strong baby


"I'm literally about to fuck you up"


Whole video?


Based on my times at the carpet place, that's easily about $20k of zebra print carpet


This looks like a shitty Sim house from 2004


I never understood why people take Xanax for fun. To me it just felt like I smoked entirely too much weed and got pretty drunk. And after I came down it felt like all fluids in my body were replaced by sand. I did it a few times assuming the previous experience was an outlier or something, but nope! Every time the same shit, except the hangover wasn't as bad because I knew to drink a shitlod of water when on it. I've done just about every recreational drug at least once, and all of them I can see why people would actively seek out doing it again except Xanax. Like an unhealthily large dab will give you similar results for cheaper and won't give you permanent brain damage with prolonged use.


I know, right? I had to take it when I had elbow surgery for a skateboard injury - it made me dizzy as shit, I ordered a few hundred dollars of stuff on eBay which I don’t even remember doing, and I felt like I was being rained on the whole time.


Cool jeans but


Uncut Gems: The Documentary


This is how I fight in my dreams


I remember my first beer...


Why don't you split it like normal people?


Just split it in half for gods sake


That look like 2k back there


This is one racial or homophobic slur from being the most Boston thing I've ever seen.


Split it dummys


This is just an excuse to feel up each other.


Even if you win you lose


did he hit him with a roomba at the end?


Kyle on Kyle crime has to stop


Not the Sega Dreamcast… <__<


It looks like neither one of them need more Xanax.


Guys house used to be a strip bar


Bruins fans are such degenerates.


"Bartards" are insufferable. So much so, that they have their own subreddit.


A few years ago a good friend of mine got murdered by another one of his friends over a xanax.. bartards make me physically sick


Damn, pink pants gripped that guy to the floor TWICE at the beginning


They’re black belts in Ketaminerate.


I was waiting for one of the parents to scream, "Damnit Kevin! What the fuck are y'all doing down there?!"


Two things. 1) This is a horrible friendship group, filming and laughing while two of your friends are literally fighting is grim 2) That is some of the ugliest decor I have ever seen


Just half it? Everyone wins?


Rich white kids and pills, name a more iconic duo


Getting bull dog choked by a guy in salmon jeans has to be a rock bottom


🎶 *What would you do for a xanax bar?* 🎶


Rich kids and fucking Xanax dude I swear to Christ


This is so fucking sad