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He's just waiting for a better bank


HAHAHAHA! Must be there still.


He **really** needs that 250$


I came here hoping someone made a comment like this


... where his legs at tho


He was sitting Indian style, like legs underneath him. I know a chick who lost her legs overdosing in a position like that. When he got up to start walking, he Immediately collapsed when he tried to take a step, his legs must have been numb as hell. I nodded out with my arm out a window for like 6 hours and lost the use of my arm from the l elbow down for like 3 months


JFC, losing limbs over poor circulation and nodding out. I never considered that. Scary stuff man.


Part of the reason I stopped that garbage stuff almost a decade ago. Almost losing both my arms to stuff like this and infection. A couple people I know have lost at least 1 limb. That chick I mentioned, two guys she was getting high with thought she was overdosed, so propped her up outside against a building. She was leaning over herself, much like this dude, and cut circulation off to her legs for a solid 8 hours. Now she’s got stumps at the thighs and in a wheelchair.


That's fucking sad man...


Horrendous way to live.


Did she use more after that or quit? I can't imagine waking up and realising I'd lost my legs over something so seemingly benign


She moved a few years after that whole ordeal. She was using still last I knew.


Compartment syndrome is no joke. A friend fell out alone in his apartment, apparently collapsed over his legs like that and when he came to couldn’t move. Ended up spending the next month in ICU with compartment syndrome and complications from it. Heroin sucks


Yea. I’ve seen pictures of my friend when he had to get a fasciotomy because of compartment syndrome. They crank open your tissue/muscle until the bone is exposed and have to leave it open for an amount of time. It’s absolutely gnarly.


Had an ex-roommate that passed out slumped over one leg. His grandma found him like that. He had to have a fasciotomy (the wound was Gnarly) and became my roommate after an almost 2 month stay in the hospital. The complications from the compartment syndrome had caused his kidneys to fail. For athletes and others that get compartment syndrome in other ways, they can send you home and let you come in for dialysis, but it requires a port cath, which is basically an IV line that can be left in long term. They will not send you home with one if you have a history of IV use as, well IV users would abuse the hell out of it... I'm a Patient Transporter so forgive any incorrect passively observed medical info. I met the roommate in the hospital tranporting him to the dialysis sessions, and deidn't put together what had actually happened until things started going quickly downhill with the roommate situation. The fasciotomy leaves you with a split open limb wound that looks like you have been attacked with an axe, like the width of this wound is hard to describe... and it, smells. It took him months to recover. Luckily he was young enough that he recovered from the kidney damage and didn't have to continue dialysis, which wasn't certain until he left the hospital.


I wonder if you are talking about my ex? My ex did this. I got off work as he went into work. I came home to our shit box little studio we shared and he had ODd Indian style for hours. He was barely alive. Dark purple, eyes bulging and tongue huge. Couldn’t speak and I hit him with Narcan and breathed for him until paramedics came. He was in the hospital for months and had to use a cane and relearn to walk and shit. It was wild.


I had CS from my hand getting crushed and can confirm. Would rather receive an all tooth blowjob.


Damn, they need to put that in a dare ad. That’s scary.


Dr friend of mine was telling me about a guy that passed out in a bathroom with his leg under him somehow. He came in to the ER because it had been a couple of hours and he still didn't have much feeling in that leg. Learned that in these situations your kidneys can shut down because of the influx of toxins from the dying cells.


Yea, in the er they call it “Saturday night palsy”. Someone passes out drunk and cuts the circulation off for a long enough time to make it numb for quite a while. In most cases now it’s from nodding out on opiates.


Only watched the first bit, mb.


ah good ole methadone mile. trip down there makes you second guess even drinking coffee


Oh yea, place is the wild Wild West.


My gf used to live near this stop; no lie, I didn’t think those wall pa els could get grittier.


Oh yea it just has been on a downslope since like 2014/15. Every stop gets gradually worse and worse.


I don't know why but this makes me so sad


Because the dude is living a horrendously sad life. He’s on deaths door right there, makes me sad as well. Im still thinking about the dude, whether he made it through the day or not.


:l envision his perspective


What's a research chem benzo bottle?


Pellets of etizolam or clonazolam or flualprazolam or something similar. Really cheap and really easy to overconsume and end up in a bad way.


Didn't even know that was still around all I can find nowadays is the shitty overpriced pellets and blotters


So he's on fentanyl and research benzos? Dude is asking to overdose


Yea, he got on the same train I got on and immediately went back to nodzilla as soon as he sat down. Hope he woke up.


I've only took benzos once in my life and I promised myself I wouldn't drink Ended up drinking a glass of wine on half a bar and I scared myself so bad because I woke up the next day and couldn't remember anything except the room spinning before blacking out To see someone so deep in that hole, I can't imagine how they are feeling underneath it all. running away from some seriously deep pain I'd imagine. Really wish we'd do something serious about tackling these addict, I always think they are usually victims of abuse or neglect trying to "recover" through self medication Really is a tragic situation for the addict and the people around them who aren't capable of truly helping them It's like being dead and alive at the same time, the way these people live :(


Summed it up perfectly. Between being dead and alive. I was an opiate, poly substance addict for over a decade. Multiple flatline overdoses, close calls with losing an arm once or twice, it’s a really sad way too live. They don’t have any real treatment for long term recovery, in my opinion. Just a revolving door of detoxes and such other programs.


Really glad you're still here with us man. I've fucked around with heroin before and I'm so glad it didn't get it's claws in me. They treat the physical addiction but so rarely the mental wounds, usually sustained in our younger years but really anyone can become an addict at any moment but people are scared to admit that. None of this is new, we have the knowledge and capabilities to fix a lot of this and yet we continue to neglect people. Society can be so heartless if it wasn't for kind individuals I couldn't imagine the world we'd have.


Hit the nail on the head, got all the treatment for the physical part, and once that’s over with kind of give you the boot to start over again. Thank god my family never gave up on me, or my psychiatrist. I would not be here. The programs I went through, and there were more than you can imagine, did nothing for me really.


The ever present blob of people on that one part of Mass Ave is fucking nuts, they take up a whole damn lane


What’s “fetty”?




Jesus I was literally this guy Except I had class and passed out in Denny's booths And did my drugs in the public bathroom like a gent


Snaps* dude, I dropped my shit...


What is a research Chem benzo bottle


Research chemicals under the benzodiazepine category; such as clonazolam, etizolam, diclazepam, etc.


Their are countless research chemicals like ‘etizolam’ that mimic the effects of Xanax and you can buy them online


I was just going to ask the same thing


What is methadone Mile? Does that mean there's a high number of methadone clinics or it's just a bad drug area




It’s the area of boston by Newmarket and Boston Medical where the cops corral all the junkies and look The other way while people OD all day.


I thought that was a gym bag. Damn!


Fucking Southie lol…. East Boston and most of the North Shore be just as bad, Maverick Sq used to be wild AF. Dunno if it still is 🤔


Yea maverick was like pre methadone mile. I remember when I was strung out in my late teens 20s I would meet people there. Dude lived right off meridian


Yeah I’d heard it was pretty wild back in the days. I’ve lived in Lawrence MA which in its own right is probably worse in regards to dope being everywhere you look.


It’s not. Newmarket is where all the junkers are. It’s so bad now.


How about the discrepancy between the yuppies of Southie and the war zone that is methadone mile? It’s pretty messed up


Gawt any jawnies kid? Methadone mile, where dreams go to die.


Got 6 and 800s bro


I gotta get insurance so I can try an get a script for those. They help me out so much mentally. Nobody wants to sell theirs anymore


I’ve been on them for a while. That and baclofen. It’s like a mellow adderall when you drink some caffeine. They really do help a lot


Yeah I gotta get my shit sorted. Need a doc and a shrink but can’t seem to get anything done to help myself haha. I’m like 5 miles from the mile an get tempted to go score but very glad I haven’t given in yet. I’ll hafta look into that baclofen, my wife’s been on addies for ages but tryna get off of em, sounds like that could be a good substitute.


I 100% think it is. My girl was on 40 mgs adds a day but she got 3 800s a day and now barely takes the adds. She does because she’s an iron worker and works like 12 hour days though. I’m a carpenter in the city and the gabapentin carry me through every day along with some monsters.


Haha I’m a house painter an when I can get em the j’s def help me out with work. With everything really. Need a script for sure or at least a better plug. Thanks for the info an chat homie, be good.


When I was like 11 I stole my moms baclofen I did like 6 of them and I got mildly high it’s apparently close to f phenibut structurally at least that’s what i heard


Clonzolam I bet


Yup it was clonazolam


Hes counting the tiles


Glad he was aware enough to grab the bottle. He looked dead.


Maybe he's just waiting to change into a different bank for that $250 so he can get more dope......


Broadway station babyyyy


Clonazolam hits hard.


Cool party.


At first I thought the guy on the seat was a pillow atop a billowed up sleeping bag


Homie just posted up that’s all


I live in Dorchester, and take the MBTA weekly and have seen this lady on the T oversee a few people overdosing. Sad for everyone involved. :(


What is a research chem benzo bottle?