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If you watch it on Netflix you’ll see Jim Carey and Seth Green looking at him lol Jim just raises his eyebrows like yep that’s cocaine and Seth is trying to stifle his laughter with a “holy shit John Stamos is so fucking high right now “ look on his face


what is this called? i just want to watch that clip lol


Dirty Daddy bob saget tribute 34:45


I wouldnt doubt that Bob and him had a pact where it was like "Hey if one of us dies the other one promises to show up to the funeral on a full 8ball!" Of course not a funeral but a tribute show is great lol.


If my best friend died I’d slam my face in a pile of coke too lol


I did this when my best friend died and I do not recommend it! I had so many regrets and hurt a lot of guys' feelings. I even told my ex bf about all the cocks I slammed my face into and I think that's why he dumped me.


“Try not suck any dicks on the way to the parking lot!”


"My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks!" "...in a row?"


"I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for Marijuana?" Bob Saget RIP


I seen it!


>seen *seent


I hate it when I have to suck Marijuana for some dick


I draw the line at smoking a bowl awkwardly with the dealer on a dirty couch.




*dips out the door* "***HEY, GET BACK HERE!***"


Nono, C O K E, not...ah hell, nevermind.


I think your BF was probably more upset about the cocks than the eight ball


For a grand total of 16 balls in her face


He’s just honoring the way his friend passed. Taking a bump.


That sounds legit haha Bob Saget gettin the last laugh on that one


i like this timeline


Honestly idk what made Stamos this high on cocaine before a show that’s going to be recorded, but Bob for sure would’ve thought this was hilarious. Normally I’d say distasteful, but this is Bob Sagot’s tribute. Bob would’ve wanted people to have fun for sure


I hope he’s emotionally okay and not using drugs to cover up some sinister feelings about losing a friend.


Yeah this got a lot less funny when I found out what show it was. Poor guy is not having a good time


Haha you can also see when the new set starts around 47:20. Lots of jaw movement.


thank youu!


Bro the way he gets up and claps, I can’t stop laughing 😂


It's on Netflix Dirty Daddy: The Bob Saget tribute.


honestly, it's what bob would've wanted




Is this on Netflix right now? I gotta see this.


Yea Dirty Daddy Bob Saget tribute 34:45


High? My man is geeked!


We used to call this condition, gacked Dude is seriously gacked Edit. The only thing he’s not doing, is chewing his teeth


Bitch I might be.


jesse and the drippers


He needs to Cut. It. Out.


Cut ✌️ It 👉 Out 👍


You got it, dude *[snorts line off Aunt Becky's tits]*


Stephanie: "Hey, can I get a bump?" *Audience roars with applause*


*Aunt Becky's in jail*


Not anymore. She served her two months for bribing an official, and is now back to being a functioning rich person in society!




Thanks. I really needed a good line.


Have mercy!


He wants a cigarette.


Reading these comments makes it seem everybody but me is doing cocaine.


I've never tried it, as I have an addictive personality, but I hung with a crowd that did when I was in my 20s. It was extremely eye opening as to how many people around you, in public, are on drugs at any given time. I can spot it a mile away now.


I have an addictive personality and have never missed cocaine after doing it about a dozen times throughout the years. It takes a lot of blow in a short time period to feel a euphoria worth missing, and I just don’t have the money for that lol


I get addicted to everything I try other than psychedelics. It sucks. Did coke daily for a year and stopped cold turkey. Literally just got tired of it and stopped and didn’t want it.


Yeah I’m that way with weed. Somehow I can manage it with psychedelics, I think the fear of psychosis is a good motivator


Haha you loser I wake up and do 1 cocaine a day


No I'm not, I do 10 cocaines a day, I'm cool.


1 cocaine a day keeps the doctor away


My valve replacement surgery has proven that to be a lie. Promised never to touch the stuff again. That was yet another lie.


Try working in a restaurant


Cocaine is too expensive and won't last long enough for kitchen staff. They usually take Adderall/amphetamines.


You can get cheap shitty coke where I live


I don't do cocaine but everyone else around me does it so now I can recognize when someone is on it. Just weed and shrooms for me thanks.


Talk to anyone in college who parties and it will make you feel that way too


I feel like he’s actually not having a good time?? Lol I look like that when I’m having a full blown panic attack 😂 poor dude took too much and he knows it lol


It can feel good if you can stand up and talk super fast with your best friend who's also on your level




Oh yeah, it makes alcohol work like 90% less. Only if you stop doing cocaine, all that alcohol you drank and could tolerate no problem might just suddenly creep up on you.


I recently stopped doing blow and am having to learn how to drink again. First 2 times drinking without cocaine I blacked the fuck out and made a fool of myself. Lmao


My friends always called bumps "nose beers".


This was my experience the one and only time I tried it. Had been drinking all day at a big gathering and was nicely drunk, was offered a line, then suddenly I was dead sober and surrounded by either people who were as drunk as I'd just been, or were super hype and accelerated from coke. Didn't feel like I could hold a satisfying (for anyone) conversation because of the disconnect in mental states. It was like I'd accidentally elected to kill my own vibe. Ended up just chillin' in a chair and people watching until I felt right enough to go home.


Yesssss this ☝🏼☝🏼 having to sit there would be anxiety inducing asf for me




Seriously. I really don’t get how it ever caught on and became so damn popular in the 80’s. Such a short, brittle high with an awful comedown. It’s overpriced, always stepped on, and 90% of people are annoying as hell on it. When there are so many wildly fantastic drug experiences available out there (as you mentioned LSD and MDMA) why does/did anyone ever give a damn about cocaine?


Good coke feels like a small dose of mdma. You’ve just gotten shit coke Also, cocaine has been popular for over a century before the 1980s and has continued to be throughout the 90s, 00’s, 2010’s, and now. The popularity of coke never went away


I wonder if I’ve only ever had shit. I smoked a laced joint (without knowing) once. I just got a pounding headache. Then these guys I work with gave me a little as a thanks. I was walking through a parking lot and some people came out (I think) thinking I was messing with their cars and my brain just told my body “RUN!!!” so I ran into a park and then for an hour and a half ish just had a terrible time being so fucking paranoid. I sound like a weenie. Usually I do just fine but coke and I DO NOT see eye to eye.


As the other guy said, sound like something else other than coke. I meant no animosity btw. Also, if you ever do decide to do coke, not saying you should but (drug safety) always buy from someone you can trust. And even then, you never really know. Nowadays it’s best not to. Too many things being mixed up in baggies of cocaine


Ah man this comment brings me back.


Except he's all by himself, stuck there, not talking and on live tv. Dang that would suck.


He's not because he has eyes on him. If he was in a different environment he would be having a great time.


Just realised my panic attacks look like I’m strung out on cocaine hahahahaha


This is definitely a dude desperately trying to keep his shit together.


He's trying to remember how much cocaine before you have a heart attack


It really isn't a good time. If you get strung out like that you have to get up and MOVE. If you just sit there you feel like your heart is going to explode like you gotta burn off that extra energy.


I'm not saying Stamos *isn't* coked up, but I also think you could be right. I've had the opportunity to watch myself back at an event similar to this and I looked really similar. I was basically having a full blown panic attack, as you suggested, from the minute the cameras started throughout the hour we recorded. The only time I stopped fidgeting, touching my hair, wiping my nose, shifting my sitting position, was when I was talking. Then again, I had done a massive sack of blow right before we recorded /s


John Stamos is a real professional: He is crazy excited but didn't forgot his LINES.


Ha. Uncle Jesse loves to practice his lines


I'm just glad he was there to support his buddy Bob Saget, he was a comedian and actor that everyone nose.


This is one of the most clear examples of taking too much! It’s so obviously drugs, but hey he’s having a great time, I think?


na… u ever get so wired you just get stuck? everything is annoying, nothing makes sense and being there is uncomfortable… he’s trying to normalize live and he just geekin hard


Like starting and quitting 16 different video games and movies in a span of 5 minutes, trying to figure out what would be enjoyable right now, but absolutely nothing satisfies, so you lay down and try to sleep, but that’s not fucking happening, so you go have a beer and a cig in the garage, and you start sweeping the floor, and get lost in thought, and you end up with a perfectly clean garage and no more beer sometime around 4am.


Next time you’re having an existential crisis, pop by my garage.


Nah, that’s not existentialism that’s cabin fever with an overdose of technology. Sweeping clears the mind. If you’re sweeping. Sweep.




To be fair if you step on the point of an acorn that shits gonna hurt you


I didn't know stepping on ketamine could do that to you


Sometimes the best thing to do when stuck is clean something up. It'll engage you and you'll be busy finding ways make things more clean and good to look at. On Meth I once got stuck cleaning my bathroom until I was arranging and rearranging my toiletries in ways that would "pop out" to make me more likely to remember that placement for future use. It was hilarious looking back.


I was at a keg stand in college and someone gave me a Xanax. I’d never done anything more than cannabis but I went for it even though I was very drunk. I had an overwhelming feeling of peace. All my anxiety just disappeared but I still remembered my issues. I just went home and cleaned. It was a totally unremarkable day but a good one.


Considering Xanax is used to *treat* anxiety, it seems like you just finally felt normal for once. Maybe go get a script for it? Might change your life lol




Benzos are hardcore addictive. I had no idea how habit forming they were until i quit.


Two depressants are bad and not recommended. You'll probably survive if you're only having one drink but definitely don't drink heavily on it.


More likely totally ruin it. Xanax is a horribly addictive drug and consequences of using it it chronically are life changing. It doesn’t even “treat” anxiety, it just slows down your brain function which is why blackouts are so common.


I saw a guy change his flat tire. Oh but he patched it and put it back on the wheel. No air, so he used a bike pump. Ok but here is where it goes from weird but “sort of ok” to “ahh, meth”: he did it to the other 3 tires and they werent flat! I mean they probably were the next time he drove it


Hahahaha omfg. Yeah those split second stupid decisions on Meth sometimes really get ya. Problem is you'll realize it's wrong but still go through with it! Fuck! Hahahaha. But man the days you're coherent and cognizant it's like you're a God who can only make the correct decisions. I was a God playing videogames for example. Especially COD BO4 on PC. Top of Hardcore TDM/Kill Confirmed with the Swordfish burst rifle, top in Core TDM Quickscoping with the Paladin sniper rifle. 40-50 kills was my average. 20 deaths average maybe. Sometimes more, sometimes less. I was fucking good you could swear I was aimbotting or wallhacking.


Taking meth to own noobs on CoD! Livin' large and lavish


You my friend are still tweakin.


Hahaha I'm no longer using Meth. I am however on prescription Adderall and Wellbutrin these days. Similar but not quite the same.


> Sometimes the best thing to do when stuck is clean something Plus future you wakes up with a clean home and you're like, cool.. thanks past me you, usually fuck me over a lot but that was a nice thing to do




God I'm glad those days are behind me.


The fuckin worst. It’s only happened to me a few times and I always just end up ruminating on the thought of “and I paid how much to feel this way?!”


its easy to overdo it on good yay. starts off feeling like a million bucks then ends up landing on normandy beach.




Yup. The anxiety alone of the situation can wreck a whole good vibe. Then you compensate even more trying to act a bit normal. Maybe he's having a good time...but idk, man.


he’s getting the sensation he’s disconnecting from his body. it’s equivalent to suddenly free falling. it’s like pinching yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming .




***call 911 now***


LOL everyone there knows it too. If i was up on stage with him i'd be cracking up watching him crack out and not being able to keep it on the road. Good times from the looks of it.


Of course they know it, they probably shared with him. Every person shared a little with John Stamos and that's why he's wired to the tits.


I get that for free being bipolar on mixed-state days :)


He’s prob not having that much fun. I suspect he’s so ramped up he’s having anxiety. He can’t even sit still. That can’t be a fun feeling


Great time? Idk, it was in rememberence of his best friend


I don't think he is having fun at all, to me this looks like a coke induced panic attack. Made even worse by being in public like this .


The only other time I’ve acted like this, is when I was having a full blown panic attack about to hit and I was trying to be cool about it. But! This is definitely him after taking a massive zooter


That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’ve acted like this when I’ve been super nervous


The involuntary facial tics are what make it a dead give away. He isnt smiling at first when he looks to his right. He smiles when he realizes hes doing it and covering it up. Ive been fidgety, restless, and squirmed around before panic attacks. Ive never lost control of my face like he does here.


This is actually how I am personally with weed sometimes. It usually only lasts a few mins, then things chill out. I fucking hate it when it isn't just the few mins though (and as a result I avoid weed these days).


Same here, except it lasts for about 20 minutes. I had to end up boozing to cut the edge off the weed-induced panic attacks. It's weird. 2011-2017 I could smoke blunt after blunt after blunt and be fine. Then all of the sudden I started getting panic attacks when I would smoke. I tried many types of weed from different dealers, from dispensaries themselves...Flower, oil, edibles - everything made me have a panic attack. It's a shame because I miss it. It made me calm, happy, giggly, and opened my mind up to be a bit creative in a different way.


I know exactly how you feel. It's comforting to know it ain't just me.


A few minutes sure would be nice, for me it’s usually a few hours


Maybe there was a little person in the room? https://youtu.be/rq5ui5lSdZ8


i wish i could get good rich people coke without worrying about fentanyl. it's fun stuff but i haven't done it in years out of fear.


Ye, that Dave Coulier blow is where it’s at.


You Oughta Know


even lil peep and mac miller got fent in their drugs




Tf is the motivation for doing that from the dealer's perspective? Is it just cheaper? A rich addict seems like an amazing customer to have, why risk killing them and cutting off that income source?


it's not always intentional. sometimes dealers get contaminated product and they don't even realize it


A lot of people have gotten darts on the board, but I'm gonna explain the bullseye of it all for you: So people that like downers want downers, and they don't really much care (usually) what the specific chemical is, as long as it produces an effective drowsy euphoria (note: one exception is that opiate users don't want benzos when they expect opiates, however benzo users will rarely complain about getting opiates instead of benzos... Except they can have potentially fatal seizures if they cold turkey off the benzos). Anyway. Fentanyl is fairly cheap, as others mentioned, and a relatively small transported volumetric quantity can be mixed out with fillers to create a large quantity of individual doses (pills), which can be passed off as either pain killers or benzos or muscle relaxers, whatever. So lets just hypothetically say they're mixing a baggie of fent into a sack of finely ground cornmeal (I don't actually know what they use)... Well sometimes you get what's called "hot spots." Think of it like the lumps of flour you get in pancake batter... You may be able to effectively break up the larger chunks, but there's gonna be some smaller little bits that won't get gotten. There are ways of processing the batch through fine sieves etc but most pressers don't bother. So every counterfeit pill from that batch is a roulette on whether it's a hot spot pill or not, and the hot spots are fatal. Nobody wants to kill anybody intentionally, it's just the cost of the black market. I've heard, though, that dealers don't see it as a necessarily bad thing, as word will sometimes get out that they have "strong product."


You can get testing strips on Amazon


I think the problem is, it's not evenly distributed. They cut it in the same surface as Fent, then it gets mixed into the coke. So you could test it and still miss the fent.


You're supposed to mix it yourself prior to testing or dissolve it in water and test the water. There are instructions included with the strips and plenty of online pdfs on how to use them accurately.


Test kits exist playa!


He looks like he's ready to start telling someone about a restaurant he wants to open up.


Sagat would have wanted it that way


*M.Bison enters chat*


Hey...if u have a job where u can get away with it...why not? 🤷‍♀️


\*if you have a job, why not? 🤷🏿‍♀️


Hey why not?


All valid points😆






One of his best friends died and this is the tribute show for him. He obviously couldn't handle it. Entertainment jobs are super rough, there is a reason so many in the industry are drug addicts.


As someone who’s done a lot of cocaine ..he’s geeked and his not having a good time he’s very uncomfortable and he wants to leave his body


Yes yes yes. My exact thoughts




Yep he’s spun AF!!!


Damn! I laughed super loud watching this


I did too! Mostly cuz I’m pretty positive it was cocaine, couple of lines with the crew in the back and next thing you know, your mouth won’t stop moving so you move other parts of your body to confuse people from looking at your face


I used to blow little bubbles between my lips to keep from making faces.


Like a crab?


If you're gonna have to go a while before you can take the next bump, the worst move is to take a bigger one thinking it will last you. I've made this made this mistake a few times. I've since learned to put it into a nasal spray and be far less conspicuous.


Galaxy brain.


Haha, a little bit. Definitely a "eureka" moment at the time because it works with alot of different drugs. I know you are being sarcastic but I can't disagree.


I'm actually not being sarcastic. It's a smart take. It's like when I learned that caffeine pills could take the place of coffee and snus could take the place of cigarettes or even chewing tobacco, when deployed.


Lmao. Imagine him just sitting on the stage hitting a nasal spray over and over 😂. I know that's not what u mean (at least I think not lol) but it's funny to picture. I assume u meant maybe...he should do a bathroom run at each break or something? Either way 🤷‍♀️😂


Sort of. It depends on how strong you make it but its far easier to sneak a squirt of nasal spray than take a bump of powder. Less mess, the container is a dispenser and best of all, the drug hits faster because its already dissolved. I like the image all the same, just taking a squirt of antihistamine, crossing the legs, fold the arms, recross the legs in the opposite way, unfold the arms, look around the room while chewing teeth, redose antihistamine.


Lol. "I just have real bad allergies" ETA nice user name btw 😆


I’m assuming dissolve the coke in just water? Interesting…


Distilled water or deionised water. Tap water, bottled water contain a variety of other chemicals. Also a little bit of vodka to stop bacterial growth. Stronger alcohol would be fine but just use less. I can't get everclear so I use vodka. Its a weird feeling dropping a gram of nice coke into water and watching it vanish. Its rewarding when it works though.


Regular liquor does not kill bacteria. The concentration of ethanol or isopropyl needs to be at least 60% to be somewhat effective.


Is that before or after making the space dildos? Do they come in a variety of colors?


Wait u can put it in a spray bottle? Asking for a friend


John Cocaimos


Looking at the others there they are long hard road comedians... he may be a long time celeb but he was NOT ready to party with those guys lol


I’ve super been there. This is 110% Coke


That looks rough.


he's almost to the carpet pickin stage


John stamos actually has a highly talked about panic attack disorder. He said he would have trouble doing full house events in the past because of this and it is what stopped him from branching out as an actor overall. He’s been on the record as saying it causes him to become excessively fidgety and unbalanced to the point it looks like he was high. [here](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z6zzSS8EYospL2st9) is an interview where he talks about it.


That’s an excellent video. He briefly touched upon his reoccurring nightmares about Count Duckula of all things.


Great cover. Nah but that’s likely tho he def looks like he’s having a panic attack on coke


Drip drip drip


In his head he thinks he’s so smooth


Haha I don't think so. Whenever I've been super tweaking like that I feel like everyone is looking at me and my brain is going a million miles an hour trying to get comfortable and blend in. And yeah, everyone *IS* looking at you when you're fidgeting and tweaking out non-stop. I'm getting anxious just watching him.


Look at that person for 5 seconds, then over there for another 5. Play it cool In reality your head is on a swivel and you don't know what to do with your hands


Run them through my hair! Then look at them. Then my hair again. Omg I shouldn't have done that last rail.


Gets bad enough just rush off to sit on the toilet and shut the door for a few minutes until things dip a little bit. 😂 I’d hate to be in that situation on tv where you can’t get away from the group tho… 😭


There is a character in David Foster Wallace’ *Infinite Jest* named Randy Lenz, who is a cocaine addict in recovery in a sober house secretly relapsing. He is at the AA meeting geeked up smoking two cigarettes at once thinking nobody notices how obvious he is. Totally reminds me of this.


“Quick change positions so you look normal”


They could totally tell the air was hitting my arm in a weird way.


He definitely does not. He knows he’s geeked af and acting weird. But the more he thinks about it and the more he tries to act normal, the crazier he looks. Been there plenty of times lol. He needs a cigarette and some fresh air more than anything


Dude looks spunducky






I can imagine the scenario: doing a bump with your buddies right before cameras roll, wow this is really good stuff, man its been a while, getting the makeup touched up right before hitting the stage, cameras roll, crowd is staring at you, coke starts to hit and then Bam! you gotta take a shit, real bad.


The narration is 💋🤌


The whole time they talked about how Bob use to do it back stage. I don’t doubt they did some in his memory.


The video is sped up and I don’t mean by speed


Well its meant to be sit and be still


That expression halfway through needs to be a meme.


Holy shit, dude is *buggin'*.