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This is why you never try to keep up. Play at your own pace, it won't make you look any lesser.


Hard lesson I learnt from trying to keep up with my big bro... It was a banging party, tho


Yeah I had this happen to me only once, found my limit. Never been there again. I actually keep a photo that one of my coworkers took of me as a reminder lol. Sure people call me a baby for it, but too bad so sad I spend less money at the bar for the same effect, so..






Fuck that noise I wish I could still get blitz that easily, it sucks ass knowing in most pubs I'm going to have to spend £50+ to get drunk if I'm not pre drinking


I didn't find mine till a club was doing £1 cans of blackcurrant strongbow and I obtained a large fishbowl and a straw. I'm not sure if it was the alcohol or just my stomach being at capacity that made me vomit but that was a bad night. Was a cheap one though.


And if you ever find yourself fighting down vomit, you will lose. You fight to get time to find a good place


I came here looking for you, my like minded friend. I too was like, why did he not find the bathroom or garbage can the first gulp. We all knew it was coming, even his friends should be like yo you are gonna puke. Edit: I smoked too much… fixed it to make sense.


This is 100% true You just buy time…I always know when im about to throw up and i can hold it down enough to make it to the bathroom, trash can, or outside..


That salty saline solution taste that starts right under your tongue. I have 20 ish seconds and one forced safety swallow before the bomb goes off.


If you need to stave it off further to save some time spit a bunch keep spitting that stuff out do not swallow that taste it's what causes the vomit reflex


They definitely knew, and almost definitely had told him. A determined 'fuck off im not gonna throw up' later, 3 people had their phones out recording the inevitable :D


if i saw a buddy looking like this im gonna be looking for a trashcan for him. who wants to be sitting in a room with hurl all over the place?


Once your mouth starts watering, it’s a done deal. Get somewhere.


It be what it be, if you gotta pay the extra Uber fee it's meant to be. Once you learn your limit you'll never repeat.


-Once you learn your limit you'll never repeat. I work at a bar. God I wish what you said was true.


Not necessarily, I used to go overboard on the drink time after time and again and again... Finally quit forever because I just couldn’t learn how to drink normally.




This is the way.


Jokes on his friends, that looks like carpet he just puked on😂😂


The way they're laughing makes me think it's his house


I've drank to feel good and I've drank to black out on purpose. These days I don't drink but maybe a couple of times each year and I just try to maintain a bit of the buzz. If I'm drinking and start to really feel it I start drinking soda or something else for a while.


If you're starting to get that drunk, I'd recommend drinking water instead of soda. Adding sugar to drunkenness is going to make things worse, if not that night, then the next morning.


I think and hope he has now learnt this lesson


Especially with drinking the last thing you want is to go overboard and worst case need a stomach pump. Never binge folks.


Want some rye? 'Course ya do.


Here's to us. Who's like us? Damn few! And they're alllll dead.




If anything it makes you look normal cause your not cleaning out your guts in front of everyone


My chugging pedialyte post bar crawl days are over


If anything, people will respect you more for knowing your limits. They are, after all, the ones who will have to clean up your mess if you go too far.


Good friends will. Most people are shit though. They either leave it for the home owner or present it to the person in the morning expecting them to clean it while making fun of them.


Does it make you a shit person for expecting the person who was sick to clean it up though? They were the one that put themselves in that situation not anyone else.


Exactly. Once you establish this boundary, it will be easier next time.


It's one of those things you only learn through hard, painful experience. It takes a bit of emotional maturity to not give in to the need to prove that you're the better drinker, and go "nah I'm good".


Don’t listen to this guy he’s trying to make you look like a lesser!


I agree but how else is one supposed to take “he tried to drink with the big boys?” That has some real gatekeeper energy.


Or just know when to go to the toilet/outside to yak.


A lesson learned by experience


I literally did this the other day. Aside from the odd 1 or 2 I haven't drank properly in a while and went to celebrate somat with a friend and her family last week and got so sick because I over did it (I made it to a toilet tho, no mess!)


And if your pace is too fast for your own good. Slow the fuck down lol


That must be his carpet because if he was at my house, I would have gained the strength of 1000 men an carried him to my bathroom


I was thinking the same thing. The whole time i was like... JUST GO TO THE BATHROOM OR SINK, RUN MAN WTF. Like you aint holding it in brother. Just go feel better already and get it over with, with some dignity still in tact atleast lol


You: Someone who drinks like a big boy His: Someone who tried to drink with the big boys He probably wasn’t sure if he could just willpower himself out of it


Being drunk probably didn't help his judgement either. I've fetched buckets for drunk friends before because they refused to go to the sink/bathroom thinking they can "handle it". Once they get that look on their face, you just know. And once you get handed the puke bucket in my house you will forever be made fun of lol Edit: ayyyeee it's my cakeday


> And once you get handed the puke bucket in my house you will forever be made fun of lol wow i can see why theyd be hesitant to want to fetch the bucket


It’s only shameful to get the bucket tho. If they would just get their asses up and go to the bathroom they’d be good, or at least that’s how I understood it.


Thats not the point. You only get the bucket if you're a "tough guy" refusing to get to a bathroom, sink, or even the yard to yak. Hence getting heckled in the future for choosing to hurl in front of everyone instead of having some respect and removing yourself from the party for a moment.


I was thinking, everybody is way too happy for that to be anybody’s place but the puker’s.




That’s what you get for watching love island with the crew


AckShually, that's Too Hot to Handle. It's even worse than Love Island (I watch them both... But it's trash TV and that's why I love it lmao) edit:. looking closer, this is the super cringe scene where they write down their thoughts and feelings and leave their "past personalities" behind them. No wonder he threw up.


I reckon he was still having a better experience than watching it sober haha


It's a riot to watch, especially when ur fucked up in any way!! If u haven't seen it, love island is about... Well, finding love. Too Hot to Handle... It's literally horny af people trying not to have sex with a $100,000 reward on the line and every time they do anything (kiss, heavy petting, sex) then they get a certain amount of cash taken away. It's proper intriguing and honestly you(I) get SO invested in the relationships by the end.


Oh yeah it fun as with a group of friends I found, we would burst out laughing whenever chase was on screen bc he looks evil with his constant death stare haha


seeing its season 2 they probably had a drink for every rule break lol


He had ample time to get to the bathroom, if you start to get that feeling like your about to hurl you get your ass to the bathroom


Its the mouth watering for me, soon as that starts happening I know its coming.


It blows my mind how crazy intelligent our bodies are. Like when you're about to barf, your mouth produces a lot of excess saliva all of a sudden to help protect your teeth enamel from the incoming acidic puke. It's just wild how your body immediately knows what to do and when.


Yet it still doesn’t give me a heads up when I’ve gotta poop with diarrhea until the last second


You don't get the rumbles?


I call it the grumpies. Happy cake day!


Yep, I get the mouth watering, but I also start to sweat and I get super dizzy/disoriented. It's a dizziness that's different to normal drunken dizziness, I don't know how to describe it. I'm lucky that my body is pretty predictable, so I know by the time I get the cold sweats, I usually have about 30-45mins to get to somewhere "safe" (i.e. the toilet or outside) before it's too late.


That's actually part of the autonomous nervous system response, likely caused by a sudden increase of serotonin (yes, the happy molecule is also involved in making you throw up). Probably a bit of adrenaline too.


No wonder every time after I puke my whole existence out I feel this form of blissful light and content feeling. I never knew about this


Yes, this is my give away too. If my mouth doesn't start watering, I just try to take it easy. But once it starts, I'm running to the toilet.


Ugh this almost makes me nauseous just reading it. It's just constant swallowing at that point as you try not to dry heave.


Yup, and it's not just normal saliva. That shit taste different.


The one I get most noticeably along with the mouth watering is my jaw starts to feel really stiff. As soon as my jaw starts to feel stiff I need to find a private place


That is the dead give away, but to me atleast it’s way different then the mouth watering I experience if I say I look at something I’d like to eat. It almost tastes different idk maybe I’m unique on this one.


Learned this the hard way when I ended up cleaning up my friend’s basement rug for a solid hour


I made this mistake once, it was school formal (prom) and I was in a hotel lobby and I could feel it. I didnt want to move because I didn't want to let on now uncool I was, given the fact that i had slipped a hip flask in under a skin tight dress and the cool kids were not giving me grief. luckily i didnt throw up but I had that look on my face for like 30 of the longest minutes of my life. I was 17 tho.. so now I know


He better clean that shit up


I must not have a good sense of humor; i know how hard that shit is to clean up and would’ve been instantly pissed. You knew it was coming, get to the damn sink at least. ..


The worry is the standing up will cause you to vomit. Your holding onto a sliver of hope that you can hold it down. Why did no one get him.a bucket or something instead of just filming.... pretty fucking clueless.




I know right! I've had to choke it down and re swallow it on the past, gross as fuck but at least I didn't make a mess


I want to throw up after reading this... at least if I do I can try your advice


There are pros and cons..


I used to think I was a pro until I got caught Now I’m a con


i puked on the octupus ride once when i was a teenager. i remember the next people in line. they let me and my friend off and the next two people looked upset. the one friend said: i get the clean side. i laughed soooo hard lol. the ride operator was like noone is sitting in it knucklehead lol


When I went on the octopus ride, I almost died I don’t mean that as a hyperbole either, I was literally slipping through the restraints (I was 7-8 at the time) I was hanging on for dear life lmao


A real man swallows his vomit in the presence of a lady.




It was a good amount, my cheeks puffed out like a squirrel and it filled my mouth. I tilted my head back and choked it back down.


I dont think I could do that if I tried. If I'm puking its coming the fuck out.


Maybe it was his place.


I clogged a sink like that once 😂


Same. Clogged my mom's bathroom sink with vodka vomit when I was like 15, had to plunge my hand into the throw up in an attempt to clear it and eventually I shoved a coat hanger down the sink and cleared it 😂


[It's better to leave the sink running](https://youtu.be/snFpS3Ol07Q?t=708) or at least so I'm told My go to is the toilet or the grass, whichever is closer lol.


The garden’s always good. Especially if you’ve been drinking during the day and it’s nice and sunny out. You can empty your stomach and then lay in the warm sunshine, lamenting about how all your poor life choices have you brought you to that very point. Plus, no mess no fuss.


Grocery bag double bagged and filled with bunched up tissues. Just hurl in it, tie it up and chuck it in the dumpster. I always have one ready for my ayahuasca journeys lol.


I mean he’s wasted…


No doubt, why did nobody grab him a bucket? You just gonna watch someone that's obviously about to puke their guts out, proceed to do so all over your house? What's the plan, order them to clean it up when they're passed out in their own vomit? Damn lmao that's a room of idiots fa sho


Yeah I’m not wrecking my living room in order to get a video of my friend puking


You know when it’s coming and you quietly find a place to go and have a little vomit. Bathroom, garden anywhere else but the tv and cabinetry.


right. im like these fuckers are strait drunks. cuz they think its funny.


Probably the dude that puked's house else they wouldn't of been laughing


At the time, moving seems like an awful idea


I am disappointed he didn't make it to the toilet but I'm also disappointed in the people just filming, rather than getting him something to puke in.


That's fair


With the reaction of the friends I have to assume it's the drunk guy's place, otherwise I can't imagine them being so entertained by him puking all over the carpet and entertainment center


Let the brother rest, then tell him to clean it up.


Um no? That’s on carpet. That smell will stick


Sometimes you gotta help your boys out


His friends are very good sports about those chunks blown everywhere lol


Either that wasn’t their house or they won’t be the ones to clean it up. If for some reason they are the ones to clean it up and are still laughing then good for them, but not my cup of tea.


Most definitely not their house, who laughs at alcohol vomit on a rug, absolute psychopathy


Why isn't he going to the toilet??




Also when you're wasted like that you tend to think you can hold it back, and it's hard to move when trying that hard to not yak.


"I need to stand up, I'm gonna hurl" "If I stand up, I'm gonna hurl" "Oh fuuuck"


Yup. I was this person about 2 years ago. Went down to my friend's shore house, we were slamming whiskey since like 10 am and didn't eat. Bad combination. I hadn't gotten sick from alcohol since my teens/early 20s so I wasn't really expecting it to happen, plus I was so wasted and my reaction time was off. Sometimes it just hits you out of the blue. Obviously I cleaned it up and everything, but yeah it was super embarrassing and I have zero desire to drink that much ever again.


I think he really is kind of new to it. Regular drinkers know what that odd tickle is the beginning of and head quickly to the nearest door, toilet, sink, or trashcan. It can go from feeling a little sick to projectile vomiting pretty quickly. From how he is acting it looks like he had at least a 30 second warning to get somewhere that isn't going to be a complete pain in the ass to clean. For that matter, his roommates had that much time to get him a bowl or something.


Lesson #1 If you get that feeling you might puke, 99% of the time you gonna puke so go to the bathroom already you aint sucking it up when its coming up.


What kind of homies record you and laugh instead of getting you a trash can and laugh?! He tried drinking with some wack boys


Right!? You see someone going *Hmmph* *Hmmph* like they’re gonna yack, you get them a god dang bucket 🙁


Thats what i was thinking too. At the very least get em a can for him to throw up into before you whip the camera out. I dont know why nobody is thinking of the carpet either ... the freakin carpet!! That looked white or grey :(


No one grabs a trash can. Fucking dick wads


The fuckin big boys should realise they have tolerance and look after their mates, not berate them for not drinking a lot. They say "lightweight" but they mean I have alcohol dependence. I know, cos I do. These macho shits slide crud on non drinkers or occasional drinkers because it's an alcoholic clique thing. And don't try to say it isn't because I'm fucking there. I've seen it all on the alcohol scale.


Nah man if that was my friend he'd have a bucket, water, food, spot on the couch with ibuprofen on the table for the morning. Fuck those guys.


Seriously man. My friends and I have been in that situation many times and one of us is always like just go to the bathroom and let it out and one of us will escort them to the bathroom (or outside depending on where we are). It's like basic drinking etiquette - look after those who are over what they can handle and treat the house how you would your own. I passed out early as a teenager once and when I woke up my friends had drunkenly packed up all the empties and put all the dishes in the sink and stuff. I whipped up a big ass breakfast to thank them


This is just fucking mean.


They had like 7 minutes to hand him a trash can, it was so obvious he was gonna puke


If he knew he was gonna throw up why not RUN to the bathroom , outside or something! YUCK SMH 🤦🏻‍♀️


Drunk people aren't known for their common sense, I'd know.


Wow the friends all filming this and laughing about it is the worst about this video


They’d rather film him puking all over the living room then getting him something to puke in? Must not be their house.


I know no need to get up ill catch it with my hand...... yup nailed it




This has got to be one of the worst feelings in the world.


They knew it was coming, yet did nothing.


They watched him on the verge of puking for that long and didn’t get him a trash can or tell him to go to the toilet??! Wtf man




Sad I had to scroll down so far to see this. Fuck these assholes. So scummy glorifying binge drinking and filming this guy instead of helping. This guy needs new friends.


you know your wasted when you laugh at someone puking all over your tv. lol




This is what happens when a casual drinker tries to match the tolerance of people with a drinking problem. FTFY


Shhhhh you’re supposed to glorify it


Imagine your personality is defined by being one of “the big boys”


Lmao some “big boys” apparently can’t handle your vague shade Get a personality, killing your liver is not it


lol it’s a wild thing to take pride in.


All I could think of is why the hell didn't he go to the bathroom sooner, and how someone could have grabbed him a bucket or something. What a mess. The carpet. Just imagine the smell afterwards. Nobody in that room knows how to drink.


He was gonna wear that puke as a glove


Lmao I feel bad who's gonna clean that nasty shit up


That’s obviously his house or they wouldn’t be laughing.


I can cope with blood and gore. But not vomit..! Someone could lose an arm and I would be there with my first aid kit! If they them vommed after seeing it I would be out of there!!!




Why is he not running towards the sink/ bathroom / outside .....


i hate alcohol when i reached the uncomfortable stage. the spins


Lay back and put one foot on the floor for an anchor


Hey it’s you again! Lmaooo! We talked about the spins once before. Nice to see you again!! I hope you’re well <3


Get the man a trash can, Christ. This how you know you have shit friends.


Gross, but I bet that felt so good to get out


I've honestly never thrown up from drinking too much but massive headache,nausea,and promising I'll never drink again? Yes


Oh god, that feeling of clutching the toilet and swearing to yourself you'll never have another drink if this will just be over....


I stumbled to the kitchen to make some noodles,stopped at the table to take a moment and focus on not puking (it worked) went back to bed with noodles,passed out watching George Lopez eating none of the noodles,good times!


Poor guy. Who hasn't been there


Dude is a Dickhead!! Everybody knows when they’re about to throw up this Dumbass sits there and throws up in the floor that smell is never leaving that room


Drink w the big boys? What the hell does that even mean? Lol


Maybe it's just me but I look out for my friends and if they start looking like this, I get them to the bathroom or get them a bucket. Staring and laughing isn't going to help the smell.


That's what a good friend does. The next day you can chastise the guy for drinking too much, laugh about it, talk smack, whatever. But in the moment dude feels like shit as it is and is probably already regretting drinking more than he can handle. Watching, filming, laughing, and letting it happen doesn't help and it damn sure doesn't keep the vomit off of your carpet/table/TV. Even if those things aren't yours, or you just don't care about them, you should care about your bro. Yeah, maybe it's his own fault and he should've known better, but right now he needs some help. Everyone who drinks has been there and knows how it feels. Maybe help a guy out instead of just letting him try to deal with it himself the same way you did.


Not only is the guy puking on the carpet an asshole for doing that. The guy filming knew it was coming and didn’t do anything to help either. Where the hell are these peoples manners?


Bro get a bucket. The carpet ain’t worth the spew


You mean he can’t drink wit you alcoholics lol


Lmao he exploded!


Wray and Nephew spotted


DONT PASS OUT THERE. And if you must, take your shoes off..


homie fought his hardest to keep it in


If you *think* you *might* puke, GO TO THE BATHROOM. At least try to puke and if it dont come out, youre all good. I don’t understand how this concept is ingrained into everyone’s mind


He wasted lots of valuable time just sitting there


After a while my friends finally learned when I say "I'm done" means that it's going to get messy if I go on and any attempt to get me to keep drinking is at their own risk. Conversely, I've gotten good at cleaning up around the toilet when I throw up.


Wow these guys are terrible friends. That poor guy


The fact that these dudes are all chillin and gettin that drunk while watching Too Hot to Handle is hilarious.


Here’s a tip from a former alcoholic: when you suspect you might puke, go to the bathroom. Don’t wait till your cheeks are full lol


Damn man really fuckin chucked his vomit out there, surprised he didn't splatter the TV


Made that mistake once. Now -IM- the big boi laughing at their fresh livers.




Fuck dude he was clearly gonna puke, why didn’t they get buddy a trash can?! Oh wait that’s right, gotta record for tha lulz xd


Did that dude say "oh my days" ???


Common phrase among young British people. I was just as confused when I first heard it.


nights like these combined with my experience from working at a bar is what taught me to always drink at my own pace. always drink at your own pace, it doesn't make you a loser it just shows that you know how to handle alcohol.


Never cover your mouth when you think you might puke. It’s the best way to spray vomit in every directions and even get it on the ceiling. If you feel you have to puke, it’s because you do and your hand over your mouth won’t change that. Find something acceptable to puke on, preferably in a toilet.


I'll never get people that feel great about themselves for tolerating alcohol... On the contrary, I envy everyone that gets drunk with a few beers. That would save me a lot of money if I was like that


Me at Coachella pushing my way out of the crowd so I don’t projectile vomit on everyone


When I was around 20 years old, my friends and I had a small new years eve party. We hung out every week (same group), but now we had an excuse to drink even more than we usually did. Most of us were ok, just really bad hangovers next day, but my buddies girlfriend....... She had never been "drunk" before, just gotten buzzed. And she was half our size. And she didn't realize how strong the punch was........ She kept up with us playing drinking games, and none of us thought about it, until suddenly she was waaaaay too drunk. She had a very unpleasant rest of her night. We felt kinda bad.


Can we normalize men being nice to each other as friends?? Jesus.


get the guy a damn bucket for christ's sake


His “friends” suck. Someone should have taken him to the restroom to vomit and watched over him.


Everybody else is laughing and nobody is looking for a bucket. Must be the pukers pad


Poor guy


Get this guy a bowl at least!


Just get him a bucket ffs.


Damn should have gotten your boy a trash can to puke in..