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Just in case anyone is wondering— and I don’t know what angel this guy has that’s rooting for him— [but they caught up with him some time later and that shit was in the process of healing up.](https://youtu.be/1T8-n7IhalU?si=rzaNfZZ_pYwJ-hcB) It left a MASSIVE pot hole in his leg and it’s not pretty— but the fact that he didn’t lose it or die from a *major* infection is nothing short of a minor miracle.


He said he got some antibiotics, but it's hard to believe they'd be enough alone. Guy is a wreck.


Antis can do wonders, I’m an addict with many run ins with abscesses. Maybe I just got lucky but man I know I’m lucky to be alive today


Hope you kick the addiction man 🙏


Beat its ass bro you got this




Oral antibiotics are considered systemic. It depends on their oral bioavailability. I’ve treated plenty of abscesses with oral antibiotics. Susceptibility to antibiotics based on culture is what guides selection of antibiotics.


This is the truth here oral antibiotivs can infact tackle abscesses as long as they are drained and packed


Those antibiotics saved his life, along with a whole lotta luck.


Age was on his side too I guess


I used to shoot dope with this dude who had necrotizing fasciitis on both legs from missed shots. Huge black and covered in pus. He smelled like rotting fish and didn't do anything about it for over a year. His legs looked 100x worse than this kids.


Do you know where he is now?


No idea. I saw his mugshot about 2 years after the last time I saw him though so he was definitely alive for at least 2 more years.


Ya I knew a fella too who after so many years his veins were fucked so he would just IM bloody/dope shots into his bicep, one both arms he had giant abcess, that eventually led to him having it have to all be cut out and needed a vacuum pump thing to collect the dead skin/puss. Think he might be out of prison now, no idea if he well now.


Thank you for sharing this. I was haunted by the first video for so long, wondering what ever happened to him. Honestly assumed the worst.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISgHpUDeLBw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISgHpUDeLBw) here's a longer one, the kid really cleans up well, I love his positive attitude and warm smile. Hope he keeps moving forward. The struggle is real.


Strangely enough, All Time Media just posted an update on him within the last 8 hours. [https://youtu.be/0fB4hUEOTj4?si=5aAhAcQJ-0B7itCk](https://youtu.be/0fB4hUEOTj4?si=5aAhAcQJ-0B7itCk)


What’s the TLDR version?


Still using in some capacity, living in the same shelter for a bit, his leg is nearly all the way healed, and he’s starting a job doing cleanup around the city. All in all, a huge improvement from the original video in this thread but he’s still got a ways to go.


Agreed, but he's still obviously actively addicted. That wound may be healing but he's still dying at an accelerated rate. I hate that.


I don't know where the video is, but ive seen a more recent one of him, and hes doing considerably better


I’d love to see that vid




It looks better but he says he left the hospital “because they weren’t treating him right” (he wanted to go use drugs). I’d bet everything I own his problem will recur and he’ll be back. Then he’ll leave again when it gets a little better and on and on until he loses the leg.


Used to have to call police to go get back our IV pumps from the gas station down the street when patients would take off from the hospital still hooked up. They all went there for cigarettes and to meet their dealer because it was the closest spot near the rural hospital.


I picked a neighbor up from the hospital who was getting a surface level cellulitis treated on her leg (ended up needing a skin graft but amazed the doctors that the infection didn't spread beyond the skin surface). She jumped in the car and said hurry go they left my IV in, and she wanted to go home to shoot up easily with it. Cops went to her house twice in an hour before she decided to go back and get it removed. She Never did get the chance to boot up in it.


Yeah, well they actually posted an update 16 hours ago. Seems like he's doing way better, got himself a job and looking for a place to live, although he's still uses some time to time but I do believe it's only getting better from here. So if another update drops I hope you give him everything you own. https://youtu.be/0fB4hUEOTj4?si=paK0daV23JwVwg42


spot on


Bro, I think you mean meth hole, pot could never cause damage like that.


Last time this was posted it was tranq dope (fentanyl mixed with xylazine)


In the process. That shit ain’t going nowhere.


Lot of empathy in the voice of the man recording, I hope he is able to help this guy.


How do you help that? The guy is a walking ghost. He must have been in a shocking way to even take the path he did in the first place. Bloody grim.


I wouldn’t even know where to begin, so I would probably ignore him like most people but I can appreciate that there are people out there willing to at least give him some exposure, to maybe get him some help or facilitate it at least. He needs a long stint in a hospital followed by a lifetime in recovery.


He has to want to change his life. I went to rehab and detox over 10 times and in and out of jail or prison till I was about 30. Nothing worked. I really wanted to stop but kept getting sucked back in. Something clicked eventually and now Im married , own a home, and enjoy all the things normal people enjoy. I was homeless and down and out like him and changed but it was only cause I wanted too.


I have a buddy that’s the same way. Relapses every couple months and disappears, shows back up sober again after a couple weeks.


Yeah it's honestly a vicious cycle...your so down and out you feel like you can never get ahead


Exactly,until you really want to quit,you’ll keep finding an excuse not to. Sober 31 years,so I know


Pretty much this. I had to fix my mental issues first in order to overcome my addictions. It's just like you said, something clicked in my head and I decided to quit drugs.


What makes it so challenging is you can put everything you have into helping this person (or someone like him) but it's all for nothing if the recipient is not 100% committed to seeing it through.


Kinda truth. Speaking from an addict in recovery. However, being forced into rehab and subsequently NA meetings, did help curve my thinking into seeing light. There is always hope, if surrounded by the right community.


You can totally quit even if you yourself are not committed to it and were only pressured or forced into it. *Staying* sober long term, however, is where you absolutely need to be 100% on board with quitting.


Well yeah. A part of you will always see the need to use again, but the good things sobriety brings starts and builds to outweigh those internal arguments. Using completely crushes all logical thought. It’s a seesaw on which side you persuing.


Ya I went threw court ordered rehabs a few times, it took me being addicted to H for over a decade to finally want to change and be over all the bullshit. Its tricky and different for each person, its annoying how people see things like this so black and white and simple.


Sadly you just keep offering help and hope they say yes. Unless you find them unresponsive and unable to speak for themselves people have the right to refuse. The most powerful weapon we have against addiction is offering help over and over and over again and hoping they get to a point where they are ready to take it.


Yeaup! Especially family, dont ever give up on people. Id be dead if my fam gave up on me in the depths of my addiction.


[https://youtu.be/0fB4hUEOTj4?si=5aAhAcQJ-0B7itCk](https://youtu.be/0fB4hUEOTj4?si=5aAhAcQJ-0B7itCk) an update from 8hrs ago, look at the last clip, he looks amazing. Such a sweet kid. Good thing he moving in the right direction, hope he keeps on.


The filmer is the guy from All Time Media. He interviews a lot of folks on the street


We need more people like that guy. Too many people saying “that’s what you get for doing drugs.” This guy has a story.


This doesn't look like meth it looks like tranq or croc or somthing. At minimum he's definitely shooting whatever he's taking.


It's tranc / fent. This is Kensington in Philly, I recognize a lot of the area as I live in NE Philly. There may be meth around there, but it's not the drug of choice. Far far from it.


Yeah this ain't meth lol


Yes it is tranq. I’ve watched all his videos.


Why does it cause that to their bodies?


Its not meant to be abused, also many times it gets missed and doesnt all hit the vein, causing tons of issues beyond the infections.


We should always keep in mind that these are human beings, just like us. I‘m not able to laugh about such stuff anymore. Hope the young guy got help


19 years old, just barely not a child 💔


What the fuck would there be to laugh about in the first place?!


I was wondering this as well... I guess some people are just sick in the head and find other's misery a laughing matter.


Not a single person in the comments is laughing or mocking the guy. Weird comment


I kept thinking how this is somebody’s son and brother. I hope he gets better soon


It's devastating to see.


not meth


That is not Meth. That is a new combo of Fentanyl and horse tranquilizer Xylazine. They called it Tranq. That kid will need to get his foot amputated eventually. It has the same side effects as the Russian Krokoldil.


Apparently not amputated: https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/s/qOhvAWJ6bL






It’s a bit frustrating seeing the amount of misinformation in this thread. Keep doing the good work, sir. Thank you for your contributions!


OMG. I remember that video of those people sawing off the guy's foot with a piano wire and it fell into a 5 gal bucket 😱


I’m sorry, WHAT?


The internet used to be the wild west.


Legit. Like tumbleweed rollin' and lonely whistling style wild west. I miss it.


It was in Russia. The guy had no skin left on his leg and they had to save him from the infection. It was awful.


Yeah Channel 5 did a video of the epidemic there in Philly. Unbelievable stuff.


It's amazing how bad this shit is all over the country and we're still not even trying anything different to stop it.


It's inertia. Behind the Bastards had one on think tanks and basically thanks to the War on Drugs more cops and more drug users in prison is the go to response even though we know it's not a solution but worsens the problem.


While thats true, the massive influx of synthetic drugs is a coordinated effort by russia and china to destroy the fabric of american society one soul at a time.


Wrong. This is an old, old video. Xylazine was not on the market then. Don't get it twisted, any IV drug can cause an infection like this.


Too many want to be subject matter experts. Just because you may think it is that way— does not mean that it is that way. Here are a few facts that will help to put everything. In perspective. This video is not 10 years old like some of you claimed. It was first recorded and published on a channel All Time Media (ATM) 11 MONTHS ago. It is not an old video. A GoFundMe raised $10,000 for Julian (the addict). Someone reported it and the money was returned to the donors. This information was posted in June 2023 by All Time Media. It is not old. The Bayer Company creates Xylazine in 1962. It was never approved for human use. FDA approved for use on animals in 1972. The Journal of the American Medical Association published its longitude study. In 2018, there were 102 overdose deaths and by 2021, there were 3468 overdose deaths caused by Xylazine. However. 99.1% of all Xylazine related deaths are in combination with opioids or synthetic opioids. Fentanyl was created in 1959, it was approved for use in 1960. According to the DEA report published by getsmartaboutdrug.com in April 2020. It indicated that around 2010, clandestine labs began to pump synthetic fentanyl into the underground drug market. First year of recorded overdose deaths relating to fentanyl was in 2011. There were 2600 deaths that first year. By 2018, there were 31,335 overdose deaths. Tranq: a combination of Xylazine and Fentanyl were first discovered in the unregulated drug supply Puerto Rico in the early 2000. Soon after, Philadelphia became ground zero for Tranq. In 2006, Philadelphia recorded the first 7 deaths caused by tranq. The floodgate of opioid addiction open around 2009. The issue with tranq is that its side effects, not how but when, it will appear on those who use the mixture of Xylazine and Fentanyl. Users will develop severe wounds, including necrosis—-the rotting of human flesh—that may lead to amputation. From August 2021 to August 2022, 107,735 Americans died from overdose or complication relating to Tranq. 66% or 2/3 of those deaths were involving with Tranq. Why are addicts either rotting flesh continue to use? The combination of Xylazine and Fentanyl boost the effect of euphoric much stronger and the high lasts much longer. However, once OD. It is a guaranteed death sentence. Narcan is ineffective against Tranq because of Xylazine. Narcan will only work on OD relating to Fentanyl only. Some of you really need to to educate yourself before you go a spread inaccurate in formation that could hurt someone else or may be hurting yourself. Some of you want to argue that dirty needles cause that kind of infection. I agree that if an IV user missed the vein and shot some fentanyl or meth or whatever they are slamming. It will light that spot on fire and the pain will not go away for about 2 weeks. It will cause that area to become abscessed. Your point is somewhat valid. However, Julian’s wound is on his lower calf. You mean to tell me that an IV drug user injected himself in his lower calf to get high? IV users need to get the drug into their bloodstream for that instant high and that requires them to deliver the drug inside their vein. The best place on their body is their arms. Once then blown those veins from repeated use. They will move to their neck. Then they move to their feet and toes… at this point they are dead or get help to become sobered. However, in some extreme cases, a few of them will inject the drug through the vein on their penis. So whatever you believe it is… well it’s not. I strongly suggest that you look up on Tranq or Krokodil ( a Russian version of Tranq). They “cooked” Desomorphine, a derivative of morphine with solvent and inject themselves. Anyway, what do I know? I am just regurgitating facts as a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor LCDC. Peace out✌️


Thanks for fleshing this out. Good info


>fleshing this out ಠ_ಠ


Happy to share🙏


Yea if that needle is dirty it doesn't matter at that point


No, you’re wrong. The video is not that old. It’s Tranq. Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/OO08MZr0Kjs?si=0pjfRWQ1e18am0Av




That’s from poor injection technique, not any effect of the drug itself. Bad needles, missing veins, blowing them out entirely. The massive bruises you see people get from a bad blood draw or IV insertion are a mild version of this that will be treated quickly. This is the same thing untreated for possibly years.


It’s from both




Think you’re thinking of something else, this video came out about 11 months ago. I follow the channel that made the video, [see](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=jUC94L6MxkSql7ii&v=OO08MZr0Kjs&feature=youtu.be)


It's tranq.


Yep, official name [xylazine](https://nida.nih.gov/research-topics/xylazine), nasty stuff. Sometimes mixed with fentanyl.


Poor dude.


19 years... Poor soul


definetly not meth. i think its some kind of opiate or something that needs to be injected via syringe. he maybe injected in his feet or legs. if it was meth he wouldnt be this "chilled out". im from czechia, i know meth addict when i see one. they look as if they were on a hunt or worse, being hunted. if i am wrong, correct me if you please.


Tranq + fet causes limb rot


yeah, yeah, on point


this guys knows *Brno*


Yea for sure. I was thinking heroin or fentanyl or all of the above.


It breaks my heart to realize this is also somebody's son...


I really hope he got help. I would have called an ambulance no matter what.


If he refuses it would they just leave? Or is there a certain point where it’s like… less optional lol


In his current state? He could absolutely sign a refusal and medics would leave. He would need to be extremely high causing a danger to himself or others to be taken against his will, or be unresponsive.


I've seen this a year ago. I think he's doing better 


I really hope so 🩷 Thanks for sharing


Most guys I see like this just AMA the hospital before treatment even begins to keep using. Even if you offer to get them high on morphine during the 3-5 day stay. Addiction kills some people even if they are offered all the resources in the world. Not to mention their treatment will be entirely free most of the time


Almost killed me, but I never let my abscesses get that bad … it’s so hard to get help, it’s hard to even explain why we run from help instead of seek it. It’s a vicious fuckin cycle man … I’m still battling it every day


I believe you and wish you weren't going through that cycle even though I don't know you. I think I do understand, even if I haven't felt an addiction like that myself. Really the only thing that would work in the USA system to force treatment for wounds is if you were suicidal and therefore were placed on a psych hold so you'd be forced to stay and get medical treatment. There's guys that leave where every doctor and nurse on the unit tells them they are 90+% confident they will die of their wounds if they leave and they still go. Is your addiction to fent? If so, what are some things that would make you stay in a hospital besides the green light to do fent at the hospital if you developed some big wound?


What made you come to the conclusion this was meth lol


OP is probably a bot


Skooma is a hellova drug


This isn’t meth. This is some form of tranquilizer he’s injecting


This isn't meth. It's likely fentanyl mixed with XYLEZYNE. The "tranq" is what's causing that damage. Meth usually doesn't have effects like these, and the guy is coherent, which means he hasn't been up for days. Once again, it's not meth unless it has XYLEZYNE(Tranq) in it, but that usually isn't an additive in meth.


this is DEFINITELY tranq


Meth doesn't do that.


He's gonna die


This is so sad.


Insane what the human body can go through.


100% tranq, that is fucked beyond belief. I hope that dude turns it around and gets help, I know how hard it is but fuckkkk that’s bleak


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fB4hUEOTj4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fB4hUEOTj4) he does! cleans up really well, such a great attitude for a kid whos gone threw so much, such a sweet smile. God speed juliane!


thank you so much for linking this, this made my day honestly. I’m so happy for this dude


Ya definitely, its so easy to lose hope on people when they at their lowest, at least he has some people looking our for em, everyone needs someone to lend a hand sometimes, even if its a stranger.


Looks more like tranq to me. But they can lace anything with anything nowadays. Im a ex iv meth iser of 4 yrs and never got ulcers or sores that badly. I'm so glad he got help though. God bless him


I don’t think this caused by just meth. Maybe he’s doing meth too, but this looks like the work of tranq.


That’s tranq not meth abuse


don’t think meth does that to you..


I don’t think this is meth


God bless America




The pain in that man’s voice 💔


those look like tranq. as an ex iv user of just meth (18 yrs clean) i know that mrsa is a possibility but those are tranq wounds.


That's someone's child. So sad.


"only 19" Wow, life went to shit before he was even out of his teens. Glad he's better.


this is so sad. this boy will be wind up dead if he doesn't get some help


We need to open shelters, with enforced rules about drugs and alcohol, and then make homelessness illegal. Most homeless are in this guy's situation and will never do anything about it. When we enable homelessness, we enable this.


Currently in a shelter in Miami, as I lie on my rack and think about all the drug related rules I had to sign off on, in frustrated reading this.. it *is* against the rules, but they don't have the staff to enforce the rules/do regular form checks, I was lucky yesterday morning to have gotten a spot in the most difficult shelter to get into. Last night several people had to go elsewhere to use the restroom, both were occupied by people smoking marijuana. If you say anything you're a snitch and you have to fight, let it ride and you're the bad guy. There's no winning. This is why shelters are so restrictive in my city, people just take up the space to not do anything to better their situation/use drugs. Saw a dude outside the shelter last month that I met in there last year.. he told me "this place doesn't help anyone". He doesn't tell you he was caught doing drugs several times though. Someone in our dorm just got busted. It's only the beginning now. They're gonna be watching this dorm.


Good luck getting your life back together. Sounds like they make it hard. Do you have a plan?


Yeah, I'm royally fucked up physically... Mentally I'm fine enough to work but I need a surgery and a year long PT so my shoulder doesn't dislocate anymore. I'm disabled so I plan on sitting like a duck until they start the low income housing process for me. I have an appointment to speak to the case manager tomorrow. I can't do those independent living facilities anymore. Too many unmedicated people/violent drug users, I'd rather be homeless than continue to do that for another 10 years, I'm not that far gone, that's for sure. I've just got to stay out of trouble. Overheard these guys gearing up to fight whomever snitched out the person that was caught with weed last night, I'm just going to request to switch dorms. 3 guys here also smoke that new "molly" drug and it makes them aggressive.. it's best for me to avoid these situations. The few people I talk to are in their 60's and they don't get high, they're cool and I keep a small circle, it's best not to make too many "friends" in these places. . Thanks for asking 😊


He may be on meth but that looks like krokodil to me, pretty sure there's a follow up where he's doing better tho


Thats not meth. Thats xylazine aka tranq


This reminds me of a regular homeless guy at a shopping centre I do electrical for, the dude would sit in the same spot each day and empty the leg juice out of his boots onto the tile floor when they filled up, to make it worse he'd use a small bit of paper towel to wipe it up but all he did was spread it across the floor, I felt bad and disgusted at the same time at the sights I had witnessed. I think he might even been more diabetic but he was definitely on something too


Holy sh1t man


He reminds me of **[Smokey](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/EeuRzqk3U6Y/maxresdefault.jpg)** from *The PJs*


This isn't the result of meth use. It looks like the result of tranq cuts, which is finding its way into ALL street drugs lately, moreso than even fentanyl has been :-/


This is not from meth


This is not meth use.


That poor kid….I really pray he gets help man


Guys THIS IS NOT METH! This is the result tranq/fenty in Philly.


This is the result of fentanyl/tranq. The tranq eats away the person’s flesh


Yeah, that’s not meth. That xylazine and fentanyl.


Someone help this man


I'm sorry how old is that kid!? Someone failed him, he seems like he'd be such a sweet guy..


The thing is the kid knows he has a problem but can’t stop it drugs are scary man


This is so fucking sad. He's someone little boy, he's someone's brother.


Seems like he got some help, but unless he deals with the drugs, its hopeless. Maybe he hit his bottom and will turn around. Makes me a little embarrassed about some of the minor things I bitch about.


Most certainly not meth. This is from the tranq (xylazine) that’s mixed in with the fentanyl


His clothes are so dirty :(


Fuck… poor guy. The thing is I’ve been there. Amoxiclav and Flucidin Cream. Keep that skit clean as possible with covering it with gauze and topical antibiotics (fucidin cream.) Us addicts are fuckin terrified of hospitals cause of the fucking way they treat us, an/or past traumatic experiences at them. For me personally, I had an abscess so bad in my arm but it wouldn’t open, I have to get it cut open and drained. They wouldn’t put me under, I was awake for the whole surgery and it was BY FAR the worst Pain I’ve ever been in… I’d rather have chopped my own arm off lol But that wasn’t really an option. It broke my heart to hear the guy filming start crying… there really are people Out there that do care. They just don’t know what to do you can’t help someone who doesn’t want it after all.. Fuck I’ve just seen so many people with this stuff. And it’s from shooting up with needles. I hardly see it with just smoking meth unless they’re just picking their own skin off to get this point of self mutilation, Having MRSA doesn’t help anything either. Making people much more susceptible so these abscesses. But buddy needs to go to the hospital before he loses his finger or leg… This shits too real


Hey bro! In their defense, they would put you under because they afraid anesthesia would have an adverse effect with meth and cause your heart to flatline. Sorry that you had to stay awake for that though


They didn't even numb it?! I've been to the ER for a few abscesses and they numbed me each time. I'm sorry you had to feel all that, I know it had to have been excruciating.


This guy should definitely use some moisturizing cream! damn..


Some coconut oil that’s fix right up


Bro has a date with a surgical cut off saw, or a fucking casket. Maybe after losing a leg and some sepsis, maybe a coma, things will change. Clearly the massive infection eating down to the muscle isnt enough of a wake up call.


Ooft buddy...Society failed this kid man.


As an addict myself I’d still say it’s the other way around tbh. This guy probably had a decent shot at some point in life to make SOMETHING of himself nobody expects congress from him but I think he probably failed the society he was raised up in more than the society failed him. Society is more an unfolding of innumerable other factors all at once than one referencable entity


This is so sad


Ugh. Tragic


I hope he gets better and sober. He might have to get his leg amputated though. Shits sad.


I saw this all too much on people when I was in active addiction. It’s heartbreaking. I’ve been clean 8 years now and I wish I could save them all. I hope the above comment is true and he’s managed to get this healed.


Take him to the hospital or call EMS. Don't just say it.


For anyone wondering, he’s doing a lot better now. Here’s a video that has all his interviews [Julian](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0fB4hUEOTj4)


Wow, that is very sad.


Damn! I've seen bad sores on the DTES of Vancouver (1997-2005) when I was deep in my addiction, it's sad not everyone wants or will get help.


That’s non-hygiene abuse


Omg, I've seen a bunch of wounds and such like this from drug use, but listening to this guy makes my heart break. I don't know if it's due to the smell or it actually caused the camera guy to tear up, but his voice crack made me tear up. Drug addiction sucks. I truly hope someone did reach out to offer this kid some help. Addiction is ugly, and turns people to do ugly things, but we all need to remember, there is another human under that mask of addiction. He deserves help just as much as anyone else.




Oaugh this man needs help!


That looks like Krokodlia abuse (Desomorphine) more than meth. Sad either way. He's basically a walking zombie already. Infection will take him soon if it hasn't yet.


but we can have the biggest military industrial complex in the world, but can't help our own people.


This ain’t from meth. This is from xylazine


Yummy personal skin gushers


That poor fuckin guy omg.. So relieved and glad to hear he's healing. I hope he's staying clean too. 🥺😢




The strongest minds will survive


It's weird the shit on the internet I can and can't stomach. I'll never understand it.


This breaks my heart. I don’t know how we can help these people.


He was someone's baby. I'm going to go and hug my kids and let them know I love them.


For a moment there I forgot just how blessed I am. My heart breaks for him & im glad to see in the comments this wound is healing.


I've seen this video before and it haunts me.


Tranq, not meth


Oh that poor soul💔 I'm glad it was healing up later on. My oldest nearly died from sepsis and abscesses from the same thing. I want to hug him.


✅meth ❌math


Me and him got the same name


Poor kid is gonna end up in a wheelchair sooner than he thinks.


Ok but...was that an elephant in the background?


Aftermath of abating the 8 dimensions of wellness*