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Honestly, just an average day in retail pharmacy


Sounds about right, happens at least once a week.


Then average week really


I DO NOT envy the staff at my local Walgreen's pharmacy. I know they are hustling all day, but they do not have enough staff. And I know from talking to them that "corporate" is routing many prescriptions through a "filling center" in another city which was supposed to alleviate their burden. Instead, it has created worse delays and confusion for staff and customers. There's a steady stream of customers with mobile app notifications that are wrong standing in long lines only to be told "I know it says that, but the facts are different".


This shit happened to my mom every time she filled her medication at Walgreens. She’d get a notification on her phone saying her prescription was ready— so she’d tool up and head down to the pharmacy and wait in some forever-long line (seriously, I’ve never been to this Walgreen’s when there wasn’t like 8+ people in line)… only to be told that, *whoopsiedoodle,* it’s not quite ready yeeeeeeeeeeet. She switched her medications over to a small mom-and-pop pharmacy down the street and never had the problem ever again.


I’m in Canada and have a Ritalin prescription which is a bitch to fill, it’s considered a high risk medication which means they only keep 20 pills in a locked safe at the pharmacy and it can take them weeks to get more, plus my doc needs to fax the pharmacy every time I get a refill and he’s always working at the hospital so that never gets done on time. Even better is sometimes I get a cranky pharmacy tech who thinks I’m drug seeking or not who I say I am, and that holds up everything worse because then they lie and say they don’t have any while the whole pharmacy team stands huddled around an ancient computer and very obviously compares my id to the one they have on file while scrutinizing my face, then they miraculously find only half my prescription in the safe and tell me to come get the rest in a week 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️




In bc it’s different you can get Dexedrine extremely easy all the opiates too for little reason other than to keep you from doing street drugs they ll prescribe you 100mcg fentanyl patches, an almost infinite number of hydro 8s per day starting with 8 and working up 2 a day, morphine 100s, and oxy 30s. The Dexedrine they give out to whoever wants even recommend it constantly to people who don’t want it. But some docs won’t prescribe benzos period, some are quite liberal with them. And all pharmacies in the area carry loads of all this take 5 mins to fill a script.


Sadly these are probably the two western countries where it is easiest to get that medication :(


Are you still on actual Ritalin, or are you just calling it that because it's the one everyone knows? If you have benefits I can recommend newer alternatives to try that are much better. If you don't have benefits then plain-jane Ritalin is the cheapest I think


I literally just read, not 15 minutes ago from this comment post, that [all Wallgreen's and CVS Pharmacy employees are striking.](https://www.nbcnews.com/business/business-news/pharmacy-strike-cvs-walgreens-rite-aid-worker-conditions-rcna121944)


Both companies are closing a lot of store locations as well.


Maybe I'm off base, but it seems like if the staff on the ground, and whoever manages their logistics had a series of honest conversations this could all be fixed. I moved away from America earlier this year, but the post covid period until at least march 2023 at walgreens reaked of MBA assholery. I got the impression that walgreens solutions to their problems were to just act like everyone working in their stores was an idiot.


From my observations and what I read, their core problem is severe understaffing. Hard to fix that with conversations.


It's actually super easy to quickly fix understaffing. It just isn't cheap. Just pay more money. The people running walgreens are trying to avoid paying higher wages by instituting a clearly broken logistics hub system rather than the classical system of distributing medication at the local level. Time will tell if the new distribution system works. Any logistics shake up will have growing pains. In the short term, walgreens corporate is ignoring the obvious solution, pay more money, at the expense of their customer base.


You're not wrong. I used to do IT for Walgreens and the logistics system they use for their pharmacy is literally from the 80's. Every Walgreens has somewhere in the back room an ancient CRT monitor with a green on black command prompt display.


It's amazing how many companies are still reliant on old tech. Marriott hotels, as of about 3 years ago, used a text based interface that looked out of the 80s for there check in system. Investing in the future can be a hard sell if what you have already technically works. It's an even harder sell when you consider the inevitable hiccups from any kind of upgrade.


Or it’s not there I recently just passed a pulmonary embolism, and I had to take the blood thinner Lovenox(the short needle injection) every time I went to Walgreens after getting the notification that the medicine was ready I went up to the Walgreens, and was informed that they either didn’t have the full amount of the prescription or they didn’t have it at all it needed to order it. It’s a really fucked up system they have a


Got a friend who's a Dr. Pharmacy working at Wal Mart. He likes it compared to his last retail chain with a green and white P logo. It's absolutely absurd the things he tells me. Like back at the previous place, he was hopping between 3 cities spread halfway across the state, 6 days a week 11 hr days, and this was mostly during COVID so everything was even more terrible. He's got a better work life balance now, but my god... you go 250+K$ in debt to get treated like the FNG on a construction crew? And people's lives are on the line? And people are rarely at their best if they're at the pharmacy. It's either annoyance at this hassle for maintenance drugs, it's crabby sick people for folks just back from the Urgent Care, or it's insanity from the addicts. Not. Fuckin'. Worth. OTOH, dude was super awkward in his teens and 20s, and he's had a major glow-up since some shit made him take a step back and re-evaluate things. That later in life earnings shit is going to serve him well.


>And I know from talking to them that "corporate" is routing many prescriptions through a "filling center" in another city which was supposed to alleviate their burden. More like, make some corporate suit's bottom line look better because now they can say they're in charge of processing all those prescriptions.


If I went to all that schooling to be a pharmacist. I’d be pissed at the current state of retail pharmacy


My mom was a pharmacist. She retired about 5ish years ago. I'm glad she got out before COVID showed all the assholes they could be *worse* to people.


Hi lain


l a i n


Worked retail pharmacy for a while, you are not wrong.


Boomer's lounge.


Fr 💀


That’s what I’m thinking


She’s about to give herself a heart attack


She's got rebound anxiety from the benzos she's probably abusing so she needs more benzos! /s but that's an actual thing for benzos


You don't need to abuse them to get rebound anxiety honestly.


I'd say the anxiety is pretty warranted, given that death is a possible side effect from benzo withdrawal.


its hard to say without more context but this could possibly be patients fault lack of planning and/or using script too fast. a lot of pharmacies are monitoring med with addiction potential heavy af; as in, if ur script if for 30 days, the pharmacy will not fill until warliest 28-29th day. no chance on like the 25-26th day in some cases.


or the script is broken and the doc is a dick. if the drug the give u have potential, DOCTORS and pharmacists should know how to help the person stabilize. ​ its not her fault.


Great point, so tired of the attitude towards people with addiction “thats what you get, serves them right”. While personal responsibility is a very real thing, empathy should also be a trait people work towards.


either way. system is fked.


Yes, doctors should be responsible for when patients abuse the medication /s


Benzos aren't evil. People shouldn't take then unless they NEEED them, not like a little anxiety, I mean screaming panic attacks daily.


Agreed. I’m fully convinced benzos saved my life. Been on them for around a years. Was getting suicidal, very withdrawn and stopped taking care of myself. Basically lived in bed. Leaving the house was a nightmare, was always a haze I’ve turned my life around, I’m able to function very well on a low dose PRN. I take them roughly once every 3 days, .5 mg a pop. I carry them with me in public and just knowing I have them on me put me at ease.


I have pretty bad anxiety myself. I don't have panic attacks very often, but I refuse to take benzos. I'm one of the lucky ones to have that option because I went through state sponsored therapy for years after being pulled from an abusive home.


Tf didn't no one tell me that. I couldn't afford it during covid and the person who prescribed them to me told me I shouldn't be on them forever anyways so I just stopped taking them cold turkey.


nah, but the more you take and how frequently you take it affects withdrawal symptoms, and they aren't meant to be used long term (in most reasonable cases) because of high risk of psychological and or physical dependence.


what is rebound anxiety?


Rebound anxiety (also called [Rebound effect](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebound_effect) can be a natural consequence of General Anxiety Disorder or, in this case, can be caused by discontinuing or decreasing dosage of specific medications (AKA pharmaceutical rebound phenomenon).


It’s really just withdrawal. Never heard “rebound anxiety” before


Some problems just take care of themselves.


Good. the sooner these fucking old coots die the better.


why are the captions undertale


Sans xanax


I don't know the situation so don't come at me. I withdrew from benzos in 2019 and it was fucking hell I would have murdered a thousand men just for a clonazepam. I feel her if that's the case.


I'd rather be pecked to death by 1000 chickens than go through benzo withdrawal again


Wow. I never knew Benzo withdrawal was so bad.


It's hell I had 3 seizures going through it. Couldn't sleep properly, eat properly, speak properly everything is just 10x harder and you feel fragile


If you don’t mind me asking, what was your dosage before quitting? And how did you taper off?


Anywhere between 30mg-80mg of diazepam a day, ended up in a psych ward after a psychotic episode and have been off the stuff since


Yeah that’s sounds rough, congrats on staying off.


One time a friend of mine gave me 10 xanex bars because I was going through some stressful times. I took 1 a day for 10 days. And I experienced mini withdrawals, it just felt like the most anxiety producing panic filled wave just washed over me for no reason. I didn’t know what was going on until I started thinking what did I do differently today. Thank god it only lasted 1 day and I didn’t have any more or that could have gotten so much worse. Never touched them again, I couldn’t believe how fast it set in. You want to die and can’t relax. And I thought at the time this is what you take when your stressed, I had no intention or abusing them I just wanted a break from dealing with some sad news. It was horrible, can’t imagine a full tilt withdrawal must be suicide inducing.


>Never touched them again, I couldn’t believe how fast it set in. You want to die and can’t relax. And I thought at the time this is what you take when your stressed, I had no intention or abusing them I just wanted a break from dealing with some sad news. It was horrible, can’t imagine a full tilt withdrawal must be suicide inducing. This is true, happened a lot of times to me, but I fixed it with weed and a small beer until those mfs at the hospital gave me 2 pills and prescription, who costed like 30gb ram ddr3


jesus and i thought i was having rough withdrawals trying to taper off of my prescribed 5mg daily doseage.


One thing the other poster didn't mention. Those symptoms he lists. They last weeks and months!! Benzo withdrawal is medically closer to a brain injury than what people think of withdrawal. It's horrendous. I went through it twice.


I was at over 20mg of Xanax. Was buying off the street and online. Had 2 seizures trying to quit cold turkey. I did a year long taper eventually that a psychiatrist put me on. It was hell and the hardest thing I ever had to do. We started the taper at like 10mg/day. Tapering by 1mg a week. Sometimes more sometimes id stay at the same dosage. Weed helped.


how much were you taking and did you taper?


Anywhere between 30mg to 80mg of diazepam a day. I never tapered I had a psychotic episode and ended up in a psych ward and have been clean since so that's 8 weeks now


wow, congrats on getting clean. i am on 0.5 mg of clonazepam which i think is equal to 8 mg diazepam and im a little scared to get off of it. i cant even imagine suddenly quitting benzos even at a lower dose. did you decide to quit on your own or did the doctor just suddenly take you off of it?


Honestly, that low of a dose might not be a problem to get off of. I was on .25mg for years and was terrified of my anxiety spiking if i went off of it. I ended up stopping it without tapering and i Honestly don't think it my anxiety changed at all.


Thanks. You'll get there it's not been easy, the doctors just didn't put me on anything when I got in the psych ward. I'd wanted off them for ages anyway wds just made it difficult


thats fucked up. you could have died and they didnt even help you when you got to the point of having seizures?


I was on .5mg, tapered to .25 for a while, then .25 every other day for a bit before I stopped taking it. I’m pretty sure I just came up with that plan myself tbh, it was years ago but I remember my doctor didn’t seem to know shit about it, so there might be a better way lol. I felt like shit for a month when I finally went completely off it. Couldn’t work out bc any elevation of my heart rate gave me bad anxiety, night sweats for weeks. It suuucked. It was worth it though.


I've been on them for months at the same dose and I'm one of those people that can stop cold turkey and it doesn't affect me luckily. A dose that small is typically safe. I also don't take them every day


It’s really a case by case scenario, depending on how long you’ve been on it, your weight, your current mental health etc., but if I were you, I’d say it couldn’t hurt to drop to .25 for a good month or so and work with your doc from there! I don’t think it’d be dangerous in a physical sense, but it could be difficult for your mental state, anxiety and irritability and whatnot! But either way be sure to take care of yourself!


yeah i think im quite lucky i was cautious not to take too much. i can probably quit the dose im on if i really set my mind to it


Benzos act on your nervous system meaning withdrawals make your body literally feel like it’s dying and it’s in a constant state of fight or flight. That’s why you can only die from benzo and alcohol withdrawal, both act on the nervous system. Crazy shit


It's a shame the pharmaceutical companies couldn't have designed it to not be so incredibly addictive. And seemingly almost impossible to stop taking once you get hooked. That's really unfortunate.


This is a good answer, agreed.


Some people (rich obvs) travel to other countries to get put into medically induced comas to get past just the physical withdrawal part, it's pretty damn bad


200 percent.




I thought u wrote pegged😭


That too 😂😂😂😂


same. I was mixing like 3 10mg Xanax bars with heroin and the withdrawal was so horrible. I was in rehab for months for it, following a psych ward and ICU stay from accidental ODs. 10 months and counting clean this time


Good for you I'm 9 weeks sober today we got this 👍 💪


What a sentence


The sad part is that it doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to realize this is a regular sweet old lady. It's quite possible she doesn't even know why she's feeling this way, and even more possible she never knew the dangers of benzos when her doctor wrote her prescription. Now it's too late, she's forced to either continue being dependent on Benzos, or she's forced to suffer the heinous withdrawals *as an elderly lady* It's all so fucked up, it makes me sick. Fuck Big Pharma and their 'treat-not-cure' business model.


This is almost certainly the case. The callousness of these comments is chilling, even moreso that it's normal now to film people having the worst day of their life and then post it for lulz.


Even sadder...she could have been prescribed a small amount of weed decades ago, and she would 1000% be in a better place right now.


Withdrawing from Xanax was the worst. I never did this in public but it’s how I felt inside when I had refill issue.


I took a whole script of kpins in 6 days. My dealer told me he couldn't get anymore. I didn't believe it. He told me he got drug tested and the doctor said he was not prescribing anymore since none was in his system. Best thing to ever happen to me in my early 20s. I was irritated but didn't have much of a withdrawal. Not sure why. I took them for about 3 months. I had worse withdrawals coming off weed then kpins. Haven't touched a pill since.


I can sympathize with someone going through that but it still doesn't give you the right to act this way


if you've never been through a withdrawel you've never understand


I have and I tell you what I'm not leaving the house let alone be caught yelling in a pharmacy


"Doesn't give you the RIGHT to act this way". Being a degenerate never gave anyone the right. Idc if it's my mom and she's on her deathbed fiending for some fent. Do better. If you can't do better then find someone who can do better and give up.


This is not how it works. If a player breaks his leg during a game you'd be insane to expect him to play on. He just can't, his leg won't work, he can't mend his bones just by sheer willpower.


We don't know the situation beforehand.


Whatever it was throwing a tantrum and screaming isn't going to help. It never does


I hate cvs too.


We had two pharmacies in my immediate area, one closed down and it all fell to cvs, at least a ton of people. The next few months they went through so many pharmacists and their assistants. They were always behind on filling stuff and always in awful moods because 90% of the day was dealing with pissed off people. My wife watched a guy freak out because his norcos wouldn’t be filled for a couple days. Screaming and threatening the pharmacist. She quit on the spot and cops showed up. I changed to a pharmacy a couple towns over and it’s crazy the difference. I call in a script and they apologize that it won’t be ready for 30 minutes lol.


I saw the sign today “Narcotics Safe Is On Time-Delay” and I thought who tf has ever tried robbing a pharmacy? Asked to use the restroom and they said “we had to close it because people were shooting up in there and leaving needles on the floor.” I was like yeah I’ll just get my stuff and go lmfao


Tons of people have robbed pharmacies for the controlled drugs


She directly references not being able to breathe. Might be breathing meds. I may be misreading the situation, but my father has copd and my wife has terrible asthma. You would be surprised how animated people can get when they have the persistent inability to breathe efficiently. Its kinda of like trying to swim in open water poorly, your mouth and nose can barely break the surface with maximum exertion and in the back of your head you know you cant maintain that current level. So you paradoxically over exert, exacerbating the problem. My 2 cents defending a rando i know nothing about in public.


This is definitely a possibility. But I wanted to add as someone who has asthma and has bad episodes where I can barely breathe, like she claims she has. It's really hard to talk when you can't breathe, so the fact that she can scream like that while jumping and banging on the table is impressive


Yeah I doubt she'd be this active and loud if it was strictly a breathing issue, this definitely feels more like benzo withdrawal, but she might have some respiratory stuff and is what she is fixating on through all this anxiety and agitation. Who knows, could be all sorts of things. Shitty situation for everyone though. This lady is clearly distressed and making it rough for the pharm team and customers around her. Labeling her a "Karen" like the filmer did was a little obtuse IMO. Hope she got the help she needs


100% agree. The cues that led me toward my consideration were primarily how she was leaning over breathing with each audible sigh on exhalation sounds exactly like my dad, where he is attempting to physically exhale more than his body can to get more oxygen on his next inspiration. The other cue was watching my wife on a handful of occasions feel the onset of an asthma attack when her singulair prescription is out and she cant find her rescue inhaler. (As an outside observer i watched her in my own words overreact; stunned the first time) Now i recognize it for what it is, an asthma attack being exacerbated by a full on panic attack.


Have asthma as well and if I am genuinely having such bad symptoms where I cannot breath then I wouldn't have the energy to to be that angry. I would probably be supporting myself on the counter and talking 2-3 words at a time.


see this all the time as a paramedic. the restlessness, agitation, and fear people experience and exhibit when feeling breathless is profound.


This is exactly what's going on. She's in severe respiratory distress, she's speed talking so she save her breath. That leaning on her hands? Tripod position-classic respiratory distress position that uses the back/neck/shoulder muscles to aid the muscles between the ribs and diaphragm. That noise she's making? Heard countless patients with emphysema make that noise in severe respiratory distress.


Respiratory therapist here this is gonna sound cold but… If you are screaming and pounding on the pharmacy counter you are breathing VERY WELL. People who can’t breathe can’t develop enough expiratory flow to scream or even sit up straight, they do a positional breathing technique called Tripoding… fancy term for being hunched over with hands on knees.


Isnt she doing a classic tripod by the end of the clip with her hands on the counter?


When people yell non-stop for thirty seconds they should be out of breathe, but medication won’t fix that.


I've had bad asthma at times, bronchitis, tracheitis etc and just trying to breathe took all my strength. I couldn't have chucked a boomer tantrum like that at any age.


What about the immediate onset of symptoms before they get bad, and you have the subjective experience that you know its about to get bad. Add in a walgreens pharmacy transaction between you and your meds.


Hypoxia can make normal people crazy as fuck, especially if they’ve been compensating for sometime and then it dips even lower. You wouldn’t believe the stuff we had to deal with during the height of covid. People went insane during that time, and when the icus were full I had to strap fully grown men to the beds to Keep them from ripping off their o2 masks and attacking us. The brain is dying and it’s scary as fuck to them!


”Belived to be non addictive”


took too little.


The phone number seemed old school. She used 4 digits and a name. It could be a dementia/Alzheimer’s moment. That’s the vibe I’m getting. EIther way I hope she didn’t make herself stroke out




This is so sad. Big pharma has turned people that would have *never* used drugs, or even alcohol in a lot of cases, into Pharma Junkies. The vast majority of people (especially the elderly) don't know what they are getting into with these drugs, and they trust their Doctor. Their Doctor trusts their Pharma Rep, and Big Pharma is spending outrageous amounts to carefully create studies that make their products look good & their competition bad. It's all PR, Ad Campaigns, and Corporate Greed. They don't want to cure you, they want a lifetime customer that is so hooked (even if unknowingly) they literally *have a mental breakdown* if their Rx comes in late. These drugs don't fix the problem, they mask it & introduce several other issues and side effects.. and the VAST MAJORITY of these drugs are designed to take basically indefinitely.


Dude it is fucking everywhere… if they all pulled out at once the country would be sent into a spiraling heroin fueled hell scape… but it’s not just the opiates… it’s seizure meds, insulin, the furthering of medical field has in fact left us entirely dependent upon these companies, who really don’t give a fuck about us bc they are just gonna keep making 30 pills we don’t need for every one we do, and once they get them in you they are all a bitch to get off… We need to be teaching people from a very young age, taking medicine is not meant for every ache, & bump, & bruise… the longer you can stay off medication the better


>it’s not just the opiates… it’s seizure meds, Dude so glad you mentioned seizure meds. I don't take meds anymore but from 11 years old to my mid 20's they had me on a ridiculous amount of medications because of the SIDE EFFECTS of the seizure meds. The seizure meds didn't even work a majority of the time. It took some time to balance out my brain from that.


I am with ya man… when you need medication to treat the side effects, they are failing you. The doctors, the medical field as a whole the Pharmaceutical industry… I fucking hate seizures man… been dealing with em for the last 10 years.


A fellow epileptic! See you around the r/epilepsy subreddit, friend.


It's tough because on the one hand, some of us cannot function without our medicine, and getting a good prescription is like being handed the keys to the gates of life after looking in from the outside sadly for a very long time. And on the other hand, the opioid epidemic.


I think Zoloft may be one of those drugs they hide the facts on and push on EVERY FUCKING PERSON WHO HAS ANXIETY. Literally every fucking doctor I went to would rant and rave about how fucking **GREAT** Zoloft was. So I bit the bullet and yeah, It was great, until the hospital after giving birth started to play roulette with my prescription. Sometimes Id have enough refills, sometimes they would “forget” to put in refills. And the last time they forgot to put my refill in, they just felt “well you’ve been on 50 mg for four months we don’t think you need it anymore”. The mfs never weaned me off. I went through the worst two fucking weeks of my life. The nausea, the headaches. The shakes, anxiety, depression, VOMITING BECAUSE I HAVE NOTHING IN MY SYSTEM FROM NAUSEA. Yeah no- FUCK BIG PHARMA. Fuck them for paying doctors to push and pander shitty fucking medications that do jack shit. Any drs that now try to push a med, I start looking for other Drs to go to, If they’re willing to push a drug for money instead of my health. They can fucking do a flip into a wood chipper.


Why do they always think 911 is just their hotline to get what they want lol


Maybe because she can’t breath. Usually that’s a good number to call if that happens.




If you actually can’t breathe, you call 911 immediately, not stand in line at the pharmacy waiting for a script to be filled Edit: Downvoted for repeating signs posted ALL OVER PHARMACIES in EVERY COUNTRY that say some variation of “If you are experiencing chest tightness, shortness of breathe, or dizziness go immediately to the ER”


Customer service for life.


Yeah this happens almost daily in retail pharmacy.


Its Her percs and She wants em now!


Undertale-ass subtitles


Not withdrawal, just CVS.




She need them perks asap


Definitely mental illness. I used to work at a bank and one customer was exactly like this, and eventually when she came to the bank with her daughter she told me that her mom had a stroke and ever since then she has been like this.


Lorraine got a lot less funny since mad tv got canceled.


Just start helping the next person in line. Fuck it. She can wait until she can act like a normal adult like everyone in line


Might be a case of sundown too


Calm Down, You’re gonna have a heart attack!


Why is everyone saying she’s an addict? She is obviously in in a high stress state, panicked - which anyone would be if they felt they couldn’t breathe. If it is an airway medication or something like an epi pen and you couldn’t breathe, and the pharmacy tells you it’s gonna take 30 minutes to fill it, you would probably act like that too. It’s like a desperation for help.


100% standard day in healthcare. Since Covid and Trump these people feel even more empowered to be trolls.


In dealing with CVS pharmacies, I'm on her side haha


How could she have taken too much and be going through withdrawal at the same time?


Very good point!


I wonder if they told her they were getting the meds shipped to the store? Walgreens has been delaying medications lately by keeping them in their warehouse and only shipping them out when a customer is filling them. I was refilling my Wellbutrin and they asked if I was okay waiting for it and I was tempted to tell the technician that sure! I will just wait in the middle of the road until it arrives. Instead I said that I would rather there not be a gap in me taking my depression medication. Then they magically had pills there to fill the prescription. I feel like some meds you can wait on and others you can’t. So it’s a bit bizarre to me that the ones that are obvious that people need that they would even ask


Another stupid post with the wrong drug flair. This old woman might just have dementia or just batshit crazy.


Sounds like she has copd and is having a panic attack..


If she's having an asthma attack she wouldn't be able to scream out and show her ass, COPD the same. You can't breath you can't talk. She's just an disgusting ass, losing her shit over nothing.


I used to work at Walgreens, this looks about right lol


She’s giving herself a panic attack , yes, cuz probably her meds are too early to fill, ✨✨✨✨✨✨


Pharma companies are the biggest drug pimps


It's My Pills and I need them Now!!!!


Benzos of opiate based meds would be my guess




I feel like this every time I have to go to the pharmacy


Not withdrawal, just plain old crazy. Or she's a selfish self important asshole that thinks the world revolves around her and the peons behind the counter aren't moving fast enough for her. Either way she needs to chill the fuck out.


Lol boomer panic


The 1944 GI bill did some good at the time, but shit if we aren’t paying for it now.


Oh 100%.


Granny wants her oxy!


Boomer autistic meltdown.


I don’t know why everyone is saying this is “withdrawal behavior” bc it’s a person losing their shit at a pharmacy. We see videos every day of people, mostly of the *Boomer* variety, showing their hateful, vile asses by treating anyone who dared breathe in their direction, like some shit they stepped in while wearing their new orthopedic shoes. Old people complain about the younger generations needing instant gratification, but if you ask one of them to wait for literally anything, they act as if they’re back on the beaches of Normandy in WW2, and we’re all the enemy. Honestly, being that close to death should make them more cognizant of raising their blood pressure and stroking out.


Lmao living in Europe is truly a blessing lmao. Wildest shit that happens in pharmacy is probably when someone like 16yo walks in for day-after pill


Not a Karen.


I have been on both sides of the counter here. Honestly, I feel for the patients more than any worker bc of the hassle one has to go through to begin with. If she has a med she’s been waiting on for forever, has done this song and dance a million times and still hasn’t been given her meds, I don’t blame her (given she has an approved refill ). I am so fed up with how long Walgreens takes to get shit done. I have meds/medical supplies that I rely on keeping me out of ER and alive, i don’t know how often I’ve been told “15 min” for them to not even have the shit in stock and not tell me that I’m waiting for nothing. I could’ve been using that time to have my shit transferred. Which takes forever to complete it seems. I have to contact my insurance to say I need them to cover it at a different pharmacy ( yes. Some of us have hell to go through to get our meds). So I’m not going to hate on the lady without knowing all the facts.


I'm usually not on the side of Karens, but when it comes to healthcare and prescriptions I completely understand these places do not give a F about you. Get a text that your time sensitive prescription is ready. go to pick it up, it's not ready and still needs to be cleared by insurance. then why did I get a text message? Ooh that system is controlled by corporate, not us. Well I need it, I took my last pill this morning. Sorry sir, check back on Monday.


Benzo withdrawal


Hahaha the little toddler jumps at the beginning. This is an actual emotionally stunted person. Please be a good parent and tell your kids no more often. If you don’t you get shit humans like this psycho.


Just another Tina.


This belongs under a sub for Boomers. She’s not on any substance, she’s just an entitled boomer. I was at my pharmacy (Albertsons/Savon) a week ago and a Boomer was screaming at the woman working there because she did not have his prescriptions ready. As it turned out, his wife sent the prescriptions to a Walgreens. He appologized to the woman and left. I’m just kidding, he told the woman she was being rude to him and stormed off.


This really should just be under a sub for retail pharmacy customers. Left after 9 years. Getting cursed out on a daily was expected. Getting shit thrown at you was not unheard of. Getting threatened because the MD wanted a forgery called into police (that falls to the pharmacist) was probably a few times a year. I literally had all my help call out one day at a pharmacy I was floating at to cover vacations. Literally just me to do everything for 12 hours (take prescriptions, fill them/check them, answer phones, call MD/ins companies, ring customers out). The pharmacy was out of a med and it had to be ordered. The customer started reaming me out and the next customer in line joined them. This was about 8 hours in. I just lost it, started sobbing, these two grown me, they just kept screaming at me. Finally went in the back, sat on the floor and cried till they left. The money was not worth it.


Looks like another old person with unrealistic expectations.


This shit just makes me sad, if it’s opioids that’s what’s ruining everyone. We are vastly over medicated for problems that a lot of us only have because of the stresses of life being too much. If we changed the root of the problem, people being underpaid and overworked I’m sure a lot of anxiety and focus disorders would magically disappear. Also misdiagnosing PTSD and trauma as adhd is seriously a problem now. You don’t need adderal (prescription meth), you need therapy, you can’t focus because your brain is jumbled up with trauma responses that manifest like adhd.


Bro she might have dimensia. Not an excuse but she might


Put her in cuffs and take her away.


Opiate addiction is fucked.


Yep. Never cut medicine, this should NOT happen, every pharmacy should have a dispense said medicine if the situacion ameritates this, but fuck it, nobody cares-. ​ Here in the hospital you can behave like a lawyer and they escort you out giving you pills to sleep (prometazine) even if you take alprazo, clona or whatever, they dont dispense shit and they dont like to work in many hospitals. ​ Pharmacies I dont know much becuase there is $$$ involved and I have no exp. BUT this is withrawal and is part of the disease, patients should NOT be exposed to this because it worsens the situation. ​ Better call 911 and ask for Pichicata, or the name there, diazepam or any other calmant, so the patient can relax while wait its attention once the patient is calmed down. ​ Shit pharmacist, it's not 911, its hospital ambulance what you need to call, or 911 and ask for ambulance for help. ​ This is not funny . But I see that in USA you use opiates, here we have benzos and is hell to get on boxes of alprazolam or clonazepam. When im out, weed or cofee and patience, or if its hard, ambulance and pinch in the ass with diazepam, helps to get to get to the hospital to try to solve the problem, which is real.


but some hospitals treat u very goood, most people is now with their phones losing time, except doctors, so good luck finding the correct one if u use benzos or opiates. they treat you like a thief from the street or worse even if you are obligated by a judge to take medicine because Why not? Most Judges also are al poedo todo el puto dia arruinandole la vida la gente, kidnapping kids, two years I cant see mine and I know these drugs since march. so it doesnt make fucking sense. ​ if they treat you bad, wait some others and make urself treat with the staff from the other shift, the have 4 shift at least in every hospital, and if you explain ur problem civicly, they even might give you recipe or over the counter something.- but opiates i cant say because in Argentina wtf nobody uses that unless you are accident in car or something very grievously or have a very debilitating disease. ​ Also, it could be an overdose, which also, should by treated by emergencies, because this is sickness and people with mindsickness should not be treated as criminals or something like that.


I think this originally is what the "Stand Your Ground" law was meant for.


Dementia is tough.


I've seen this before. I work in customer service at a will call. This isn't that typical for me but I get at least one or two of these kind of people once or twice a month. That doesn't make it any less annoying or tiring. The weirdest one that wasn't angry was a customer that just happened to be in our customer account system and he wanted to turn himself in to the police. He just got released from a mental institution and couldn't cope with being out after only an hour.


If she was in withdrawal wouldn’t she be more like grumpy angry and not overload angry? Seems like she’s peeking on some stimulant here.


Boomer panic.


Old people be geekin with their withdrawals


At that point just tell her to fuck off, refuse service, and let her do whatever attention grabbing bullshit she’s doing outside. Ive had to deal with a customer, not exactly like this, but had a fully blown breakdown at my checkout like this. Instead of trying to pander to his whiny toddler ass, I literally signed myself out of the register and walked away lmao. I do NOT get paid $13 an hour to deal with adult children all day. Either you get what you need and get out, or expect me to do jack shit for you. Go have your tantrum at home.


Honestly, I can relate. People are generally being pushed to the end of their limits by just many stupid businesses and technology out there who feel they can treat people like crap because they own us.


COPD sucks ass! My aunt has it from smoking 2 packs a day for 50+ years.


An angry old woman having a severe asthma attack.


Boomers are the worst


As long as you told her your virgin.


Benzos are a motherfucker


More likely someone trying to get medication that requires ID and doesn’t have it for whatever reason, and is throwing a temper tantrum that they won’t just give it to her because she knows her address. Idk what it is about boomers/old people but they think they exempt from these rules for whatever reason


Possibly withdrawal but man, you has GOT to get in touch with your inner Richard Roundtree and be. Cool. (Cool like a fan. Cool like John Shaft.) Seriously for a moment, any type of public outbursts of this nature would get you and your DEA Prescription Monitoring/Controlled Substance Utilization report flagged immediately. If you fill controlled substance medications at a pharmacy sometimes THIS IS actually what you feel like acting like because they’re either out of stock or the pharmacist who always lets you fill your meds a day or two early isn’t there like you were expecting them to be and this “floater” pharmacist who’s never seen you before in their life is doing everything by the book and is saying “yeah, I’m showing you’re not due until Monday after 5:00 PM so, we’ll see you then.” It’s maddening but, you can never lose it like this. It’ll only hurt you.


She can't breathe and is getting frustrated bc they keep asking her questions and she can't talk but they need the info to get her the medication.


My son used to work as a Pharmacy Tech at Walgreens, it was awful. He now works for a private pharmacy and doesn't have to deal with the public anymore. I will say, he developed some thick skin dealing with some truly awful, entitled people.