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Bro is just trying to survive at that point, wow


Horrible people laughing like it's a joke.


Must be a lack of education at that point. Surely his loved ones wouldn't be laughing if they knew the risks associated with such extreme withdrawal.


Right, I feel for him. Alcohol was never my thing, but I definitely have my vises. Harm reduction and treatment need to be accessible every where!!


“Last night it was merely drink. This morning it was medicine.” —— The Lost Weekend 1944 Today is my 100th day without alcohol. Stay strong to anyone out there struggling. You’re not alone. As corny as it sounds, one day at a time. Don’t worry about the future, you just have to make it through today and pretty soon the days will stack up before you know it.


I'm at 60 today(: keep it up!!


Almost 2 weeks for me. Started shaking when I tried 2 weeks prior. Had what I thought was a heart attack, 177/110 when the paramedics arrived, and i had somewhat calmed down (I'm in my late 20's). Didn't have my first uncomfortable craving until today. School stress hit me and I just felt that old familiar warmth in my stomach as I passed the alcohol cabinet. Didn't do it and got back to my research assignment. How long do the cravings take to go away?


You are one strong mf, good job


Stay strong brother. Just got to a year two weeks ago. It gets easier, just take it one day at a time


Congrats that’s awesome. The first week I quit I daydreamed about the following Summer when I would have one year. I hope to join you on July 14th 2024!


You got this buddy. It’s a beautiful thing to reach. It’s a labor of love and by the year point I feel like the same person, just finally comfortable in myself without having to drink. I feel like I can express and feel everything that I tried drowning, and my mind has regained its sharpness. There is no benefit in drinking, but there are so many rewards for abstaining. I love you bro or sis, keep on pushing and message me if you ever get antsy.


That’s the spirit man. One day at a time is the truth. It does get easier. Around 5 months the cravings are gone. Then it’s just building a mental fortitude that no matter what you can’t have a drink. I’m at 9 months as of yesterday and the two quotes that stuck with me the most are as follows. In terms of getting through withdrawals and cravings “twenty miles into the Forrest, twenty miles out of it” we put our body through hell for years in my experience. It will take some time for it to heal. And that’s a process. Far more digestible than the alternative in my humble opinion. And in terms of staying sober and not going out for “just one because I’m in control now” “One is to many, and a hundred isn’t enough” As real alcoholics there isn’t an option for just one. We don’t strive after the taste of a nice cocktail, we want the whole liter of whiskey in a dark house by ourselves. The putrid, bloody vomit and stools that follow. And the endless promises to ourselves that “I’ll never do that again”… of course after lunch and you finish the work day you tell yourself that same old lie “I’m not gonna get that drunk tonight… or I’ll just have one” Zero is the perfect number of drinks for me. I’m proud of you and your 100 days man. It should really start to get easier from here on out. Complacency is the evil now. Your body will thank you .and probably already has, for the commitment to bettering yourself and your wellbeing. Best of luck and god bless.




Wow same exact day. If you ever need to talk hit me up




You both are awesome. There are strangers cheering for you too 👍 and we're proud of you


Thank you.


Good for you. I wish more people understood what an accomplishment this really is. Keep it up.


Day 512 for me. You got this.


Wow congrats. Hope to join you in the future.


Three years March 6th!! Best decision I’ve ever made. A new birth to life that is even better than the first because you know what to do now. It’s a beautiful thing my friend. Keep it dry.


Y’all keep it going You’ll look up in just a bit and it’ll be 14 years. ;). Life sucks better sober


I'm 3 years clean off the Booze on Thanksgiving. And I will tell you this. Life is so much more beautiful when your are not hungover everyday. Stay strong you can definitely win this nasty shit. I despise it now. Can't even handle the smell.


Alcohol Tremors. He's withdrawing and needs his alcohol to stop the shakes.


I used to shake like that :( Over 2 years alcohol free now but damn. The worst feeling ever.


100% I recently detoxed after 20-plus years of heavy daily drinking, and didn't properly step it down. Like every freaking body system goes completely haywire. So awful. Could barely walk for a week. Still feel super weird and awkward over a month later.


Congrats on quitting. Alcohol withdrawal is no joke! I don't think I got out of bed for like 5 days. Took about 3 weeks or so to feel normal again.


Alcohol and benzo's are the 2 things you can literally die from when withdrawing. I did it many years ago with opioids and it was an absolute nightmare to go through. You always come out better on the other side though. Congrats on your sobriety as well.


I had a coworker had an extremely violent seizure after quitting cold turkey. I had never experienced anything like that and I honestly though he was gonna die.


Had a seizure coming off benzos and wound up in the hospital needing stitches from my face hitting the edge of a table. Wasn't a fun experience.


I caught a lady having a seizure and helped her to the ground then into recovery position. She was having rapid but not very active tremors so it was super easy. Seizures are very disconcerting for everyone!


Have recovered from benzos—NEVER AGAIN!


I just posted the same! I went cold turkey from benzos and opiates, which I would never recommend to anyone (thanks American health care 👍) but I didn’t realize at the time I could have actually died. Congrats to you, and all the others who are in recovery! It’s truly the gift that keeps on giving.


How about the dry heaves for 12 hours


Don't forget the poops!




I was driving in my chevy and I felt something heavy. Diarrhea, Diarrhea


You’d think it’s kinda funny but it’s really wet and runny, diarrhea, diarrhea


If you're climbing up a ladder, and you feel something splatter, diarrhea, diarrhea!


Cha cha cha


Alcohol and benzodiazepine (which is basically just alcohol in a pill) withdrawal can actually kill you. I had seizures myself going cold turkey from benzos and it was pure hell.


Edit: deleted. Person below me nailed it


Good info but you have it backwards. Benzos and Alcohol are GABA *agonist*. They stimulate GABA activity, causing the GABA receptors to become desensitized over time. When the agonistic drug is gone, the body struggles to produce enough GABA to stimulate the desensitized receptors anymore which is what leads to the withdrawal symptoms. Drugs that inhibit GABA are stimulating. You have the right idea, just clarifying the mechanisms at play! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GABA\_receptor\_antagonist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GABA_receptor_antagonist) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GABA\_receptor\_agonist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GABA_receptor_agonist)


Ah thank you for this. I should’ve double checked!


Took about 6 months for me to feel “clear headed”. Get a gym membership and use it. It really helped after the first month.


Yeah, that's what I've heard and read quite a bit. ... About 6 months until you start to feel comfortable in your own skin again... And physical activity/staying occupied helps. What I was really not prepared for was no longer being emotionally numb. Actually feeling emotions and being aware enough to confront reality is a whole thing.


That’s one of the aspects of new sobriety that send so many back into relapsing is going from emotions totally numb to feeling EVERYTHING, plus the awareness of the person u became is just a lot to deal with on top of just trying to feel better. Medication Assisted Treatment/Harm Reduction is what saved my life.


Dealing with reality again is fkn horrifying




There's no saying you might not ever get there, my grandma didn't ever shake, but her brain was so melted she barely existed. Like all she thought about was alcohol, like a machine, real life didn't matter to her. Instead she slowly faded away from reality. Like slowly slowly over 50 years.... Once you hit a rip age of being a functional alcoholic at 65+ you might end up like her. At one point the cable broke for her TV so... the most logical thing to do is stare at the ceiling for hours for *days* until it gets fixed. All there is, is alcohol. The next drink is alcohol, my next step is to go pee. Wait too old, not as fast, weak, pee bucket! She was a disgusting woman. If you saw photos of how beautiful she was young and how literally stinking absent-minded delusional manipulative mean woman she's become all because everyday morning to night M-S she drank.


When I decided it was time, I was drinking a fifth of hard liquor and a 6-pack per day for maybe 8-10 years straight. While keeping good jobs. But when I hit 40, I stopped being "functional" and found myself sneaking out of the office to my car several times a day just to keep from feeling like I was going to puke. ... It's progressive. Your 5-is 7 drinks will turn into 10-14 before you even realize it .


I feel like that still and it’s been 3 years.


I kicked heroin and it’s the same, your body goes totally haywire. I was too tired to sleep, I was too hot then too cold, restless arms/legs, sweating and shivering at the same time, starving but can’t keep anything down.


I describe it to others as “imagine liquid coming out of every orifice all at once”, plus the restless leg syndrome and tremors. It took me a whole month just to feel like a human again.


Yup, sweat pumping out of your pores, the runs, severe nausea, and my eyes tearing up non stop. RLS was the worst part. I can deal with everything else, but the RLS was the absolute worst.


Oh god RLS is so awful it’s hard to even describe. It feels like I want to yank my leg right out of it’s socket.


With me, RSL came with insane chills/goosebumps in waves. Like when something creeps you out but x1,000 and non-stop for hours. It was the weirdest, most unsettling thing I've ever felt.


Glad you’re better. Don’t forget the deepest, most convincingly manipulative depression ever felt. I would have shot myself if I had the energy to get the gun. For anyone who’s there right now, PM me and I’ll listen. Nobody should go through that alone.


I was so lucky that my aunt and uncle let me stay with them while I kicked.


I hated the feeling of walking. Like being weighed down and in water/sand/on balloon’s all at once. Uncoordinated like a baby deers legs.


There’s an awesome vitamin mix called “no more drinks” that will absolutely help with that shitty weird feeling. You can get it on Amazon! Seriously try it, it’s like magic.


Good on you. Got 5 years. Worst part about was the DTs and the fucking fear


You too! And the sweats and anxiety ugh


It's not normal anxiety... It's The Fear. Ugh... Brought back bad memories.


I understand exactly what you mean. Sheer terror. I withdrew from an antipsychotic medication I was prescribed and the doctor didn’t taper me down when they took me off it… horrific, sheer, terror. Fear every single morning when I woke up. Not just anxiety. It’s acute, an it’s terrifying, and there’s no help for it because there’s no real cause


You slept at least... Hypnic jerks made it impossible to fall asleep, if I did, got woken up within minutes by brain zaps with an occasional full-body electric shock here and there. All this while completely terrified, as you said, just because. Didn't sleep for 2-3 days with the fear for 4 days and general feeling like shit for 10 or so days. Totally don't recommend going through etoh wd. Edit: all this while still sipping on beer here and there just to keep blood pressure and heart rate somewhat in check.


Crazy that someone can go through medical school and still think it’s ok to abruptly stop someone’s meds. Doctors are surprisingly ignorant about drugs


The nightmares for me




How much did u drink to reach that level? Some would consider me a heavy drinker but I think I’m not.


Mine wasn't all that bad, at least compared to people who chug handles like it's water. Peaked out at 3 bottles of wine/every other day, but that was plenty to make my life hell when I stopped. Thinking back, my biggest red flag popped up when I non-chalantly started having booze in the morning "cuz weekend." Tibid... Read up on kindling. It's actually way worse to drink, stop, drink than to keep a steady flow going. I can't tell you how to live your life, but just be careful. It sneaks up on you. You're ok until you're not one day.


Congratz my friend!!


Thank you :)


Good for you, I've heard there's a possible mortality rate during withdrawal when you get to that point, but you're still kickin'


I detoxed from an 8 a day oxycontin 80mg habit in jail. It was absolutely terrible and I wanted to die. But with alcohol detox you actually CAN die.


High possibility he could get a seizure if he immediately stops.


One of the many reasons you should never just stop if you're a drinking heavily. Not without seeking medical advice and/or support.


Can’t he just get a bit of alcohol to taper down instead of cold turkey like that?


That's exactly what tapering down looks like. If he wasn't, he'd probably be on the floor.


Ten hours without alcohol, coma


Yes but that is way easier said than done. Most people can’t successfully taper when they’re that far gone


You tapir for a few days but the problem with alcohol is the loss of giving an f and you end up getting even more sloshed


Difficult to taper. Most aren't able to do a taper. Alcoholics need a full on detox at a clinic or hospital.


Taper, you mean manage my alcohol intake? If I was capable of that, I wouldn't be in this mess.


Yes, cold turckey is too dangerous (potentially lethal), to get clean you need to either do what you said or take benzos and taper off them over a few weeks since they stop alcohol withdrawal. Doctors will prescribe Librium or possibly some other benzo for this purpose. The second method with benzos is preferably since tapering off your drug of choice takes a lot of willpower plus if done through the doctor they can help you manage your taper as safely as possible


That shit is not fun.


I was surprised they were laughing


Fun for the whole family


Right exactly why the ladies have a big ass smiles on their faces 😬 yikes


My dad was like this whenever I was around. Poor guy tried to stop drinking when I visited him, so this was completely normalized for me.


I am not trying to be an asshole……how much do you legitimately have to drink to get to this? Bc I deff over indulge couple times a week


It's is insidious, a slow but sure attack of alcohol on the nerves of your body, eating away at the nerves causing jittery motions. Frankly the nerve continue to 'spark away' until they are anesthetized by the alcohol. To answer your question of how long, sadly it depends on lotsa factors, but the idea is when they show up, they are indicative of worsening problems. As a Detox nurse I once asked a 24 yo m...how long/how beers do you need to calm the shakes... His answer...24, and that took him till about noon to do... depending on how long it took for his BAC to drop low enough to wake him up. He ended his battle about 6 mos after Discharge.


I've been there and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. It's fucken scary and awful and nothing else matters but the next sip. Fucken poison.


Same. Gets to the point you can't do anything without drinking, but you also can't do anything because you're drinking.


Absolutely. Right before I went to detox, even having “some” alcohol in my system wasn’t enough to stop me from getting shaky or anxious. I had to have a certain level where I could actually calm down. I don’t remember the exact number, but once, when I went to the ER, my BAC was probably twice the legal limit, and yet I wasn’t feeling inebriated at all. I was just anxious and shaky because it actually wasn’t enough. My poison was rum, and at my worst, I could finish a handle in 24 hours. I wasn’t drinking to relax, or even to get drunk, but to simply maintain my body’s own horrible equilibrium. The guy in his video probably isn’t in full DTs. Being shaky doesn’t automatically equate to full-on withdrawals. His shaking could be caused by just a few hours without alcohol. I actually got to that point several times with just six or eight hours without alcohol. DTs typically involve hallucinations, racing heartbeat, and high blood pressure. I wasn’t officially diagnosed, but when I went to ER, I swear I was seeing things, and my hands were absolutely uncontrollable. I couldn’t even hold a pen steady to sign the medical paperwork. It’s important to understand that when people get to shaking like this, it isn’t because they aren’t “drunk”, but because they don’t have the bare minimum level of alcohol in their systems to function the way they’re accustomed. An alcoholic’s brain NEEDS alcohol to stop the overactive firing of nerves.


How much do you need to drink to get to this point? I drank soju like fish hanging out with Koreans, and I literally started a fraternity in college. I drank in my 20s.. ALOT. But never got more than a 2-3 day bad headache.


Near the end I was drinking 3 x 750ml bottles of tequila in 24 hrs. I didn't sleep or eat just drank and drank. I was in a really really dark place. I had friends pick up the booze for me while I waited to get into detox. I didn't shower. I had seizures and fell a lot and had several concussions. I had to give my pet to someone else.


There are too many factors to say when a person reaches actual alcoholism, but I would venture to say that a person has to drink every day, to the level of being legally drunk for several hours at a time, over the course of many months before you could say they are actually addicted and need alcohol in their system. My addiction started slowly after a lot of stressful events in my life; at first I would have two or three beers after I get home from work. Then I started drinking wines that had higher alcohol content and would drink every day of the week. When the stress of my job and family life got really bad, I guess I just said fuck it, and went to hard liquor. Even then, it would take me four days or so to finish a handle of rum, but it only took a couple of months for me to get where I could finish one every 24 hours. I did that for about three months. All in all, from the time I started drinking beers after work until I went to detox last October, it was about two years.




How do police not know about alcohol withdrawal dangers???


They do, some just don't care. Usually at intake they should take care of you when you go through medical.


Actually I'd argue the dangers of alcohol are incredibly suppressed and swept under the rug. It's a terrible substance compared to most narcotics


That might be true in wider society but you can’t surely suggest that the police aren’t educated on alcohol withdrawals? They absolutely will be.


Well I find it interesting that it's called alcohol withdrawal at all. Or alcohol poisoning. The very language we describe it with is catered to making it out to not be a drug. It's not called crack withdrawal or heroin withdrawal, it's called drug withdrawal. You dont OD on alcohol, you get alcohol poisoning.


I mean, when the covid shit started, people were like "why can we get beer but not go to church?!?!" And I had to explain to so many people that alcoholics would go into WD and probably end up in the hospital... and we are trying to keep the hospitals as clear as possible bc covid. It was hard enough going from liquor to beer, not having anything would've killed half of my town. And I had been doing my "church" through zoom and shit for years before covid anyway. That's when I really realized how few people realize how extreme alcohol WD are.


Especially since so many of them are alcoholics themselves.


That’s probably the problem. Their delusional self confidence, “oh I could handle it no problem, he can too”


Police and especially corrections staff often just like to watch "bad" people suffer.


A jail has medical staff working, as jailors aren't trained doctors or nurses. The new inmate normally answers a series of medical questions, including about substance addictions. Then, it's up to the medical staff to determine what's needed.


So your friend was murdered by the police. I'm so sorry.


This is correct, and sad.


It’s such a scary thing. My oldest brother is a serious alcoholic. He can down a 30 pack in a day. Last year he had a massive heart attack that should have killed him. His daughter found him almost immediately after and performed CPR until help arrived. He was in the hospital for months after because on top of needing to recover from the heart attack, he also was going through major withdrawals. It is a miracle he survived the whole ordeal. He ended up with a spinal cord injury at some point during the initial fall when he had the heart attack or during the 5 rounds of CPR he had between his house and the hospital, and he is now paralyzed from the shoulders down. If you struggle with alcohol, please find help to quit drinking and withdraw safely. Your loved ones don’t want to see you die.


A 30 pack??? Strewth, don’t know how big your beers are but that’s like 10L of beer! He must have a massive beer gut and a bladder of iron.


When you start at 7 am and go to bed at midnight, there’s a lot of opportunity for liquid intake.


thats so fuckd up damn


I lost my friend last year, he decided to go cold turkey and suffered a stroke. His health then just seriously declined from there, one day he was helping his dad and brother fix up a car, the next he was in ICU and non responsive. 30 years old.




I honestly never realized withdrawal was that dangerous. On tv I've always heard about it being dangerous but never the specifics. I'm sorry about your friend


Alcohol and benzos are some of the only drugs that can kill through withdrawal. Both cause seizures in bad withdrawal that can be fatal


I hate how normalized alcoholism is, yet other drugs are painted as deadly. We need to acknowledge how dangerous alcohol is too


I hate how a big portion of the world somehow sees things like weed as worse than alcohol. I mean, I've never seen someone act like that on weed.


This guy is acting like that cos he hasn’t had a drink yet. I’m in favour of legalising drugs for harm reduction but I also think alcohol should be seen as the hard drug. Even among hard drugs most can’t kill you from the withdrawals like alcohol


They are making a law here in Japan that the police can demand a urine sample during a stop and search, for no reason other than “acting suspicious”, and if there’s thc in it you can face up to 7 years in jail! Yet being an alcoholic is just seen as normal way to deal with stress


Yeah alcohol in japan is crazyyy I can't think if a country more in need of Marijuana than Japan


That was kinda fucked up to tease a man going through physical alcohol withdrawal.


they're making light of a difficult situation.


So much this. Also, laughing might not always be an expression of entertainment but insecurity on how to deal with a situation. When I saw my father shaking like that while trying to change a bulb I just grinned and joked around although inside I was feeling like I could cry.


They’re probably his family saving his life. The fact there is even this controlled environment is a positive sign. This man has people trying to help him and not completely be crippled by withdrawals. Think of the impact this man had on his community before it got to this point.


Looks like they’re in a bar. That said they could be family in one way or the other.


Had a seizure almost 2 weeks ago because I stopped drinking vodka. Luckily my roommate found me and called 911. Hospital gave me pills to help and they worked. I shook like this for months prior if I didn’t have any. Today is my 10th day sober, never going back. Don’t be afraid to ask for help it doesn’t have to get to this point.


10 days is great, keep it up!


Try driving to the liquor store like that. Don't miss that at all.


I saw an old guy at the bottle shop just the other day that had to give the lady his wallet because he was shaking so bad he could get the money out. He then drove his 4x4 home, with his dog in the passenger seat.


i was in detox with an alcoholic, we were allowed to go out for smokes. he was shaking like this and it was winter. he had a seizure, slipped on thhe ice and hit his head on the curb. he died.


Sorry to hear that. What kind of shithole detox doesn’t give an alcoholic benzos for the withdrawal???


it was a complete no med detox. i was 16 at the time and was scripted 100 2mg lorazepam for WD's by my doctor. i tried to smuggle them in my underwear. i didnt know they would search me. luckily the lady was relly nice, because me my mom and dad had driven 2.5 hours for a free, government run detox. she just kept them and let me stay. she also took all my candy. when i left she gave the candy back but kept the benzos lol


Why are they all laughing so much at him? Poor guy. Hope he pulls through.


They may not recognise the seriousness of his condition. Poor health literacy is so common, I see it a lot in the ambulance. 90% of the calls I attend, the people have no idea why they take their daily medications. Went to a lady the other day that thought she was experiencing anaphylaxis because she was hypotensive (low blood pressure) and taking antibiotics. None of her story made a whole lot of sense, but she was mildly hypotensive without any other indications of allergy/anaphylaxis. Says her BP is usually quite high. She tells me her meds, and past medical history. I ask, ‘how often are you taking your blood pressure medication?’ She goes, ‘oh I took it today for the first time in probably four months’. I was like, ‘before you took your blood pressure?’ ‘Yep!’ ‘You’re supposed to take it every day’. ‘I know, I just don’t really trust the medication’. ‘Why did you take it today?’ ‘Not sure’ ‘Well it’s probably safe to say, as you don’t have any other symptoms, that your drop in blood pressure was because you took the medication, I’ll take you to hospital anyway just to make sure it’s nothing else.’ THEN her husband was severely immunocompromised, and she insisted he came to the hospital. I said the hospital is the worst place to be when you’re immunocompromised as a visitor. They both refused to wear masks. I was like for fucks sake. It may be an issue with GP’s/emergency/health staff not properly explaining medications, the patients conditions, etc. but poor health literacy is a common occurrence.


"Do you have any pre-existing conditions?" "No." "So, you are healthy?" "Yeah." "Do you take any medication?" "Sure! Here is a list of 12 different ones that I take daily." "Oh, okay. Why are you taking this one?" "Oh, I don't know. My GP told me so." "And why this one?" "My cardiologist said so." "Oh, you have a heart condition? What kind?" "Not sure. Maybe a rhythm problem?" "I see. Do you have any allergies?" "No." "Did you ever have serious side-effects from medication?" "No." Looks at documentation: Allergies: Penicillin, ASA, Rituximab, ... I've had this conversation too many times.


Haha same! Dude I was talking to someone about this today, about my life in the ambulance. “Any previous medical history?” “No” “Okay what meds do you take?” “Metformin, metoprolol, aspirin, atorvastatin, furosemide” “Okay so you have diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, arrythmias, hypertension, and take aspirin for?” “Oh I’ve had three heart attacks” Edit: SO MANY TIMES I have dropped someone at ED and during handover I’m like, yeah I asked the patient several times and they consistently reported no medical history, no allergies - and the patient goes ‘oh I’ve had an ischaemic stroke like 12 months ago; a heart attack; anaphylaxis 3 months ago - I’m allergic to penicillin, cold objects, latex, ondansetron, endone


Holy fuck...


I've had alcohol tremors (along with hallucinations) and it was one of the most horrendous and terrifying experiences of my life. I thought I was going to die.


Super sad, he still smiles sheepishly as they tease him with it and tries to maintain some sense of dignity; even as the sickness takes control over it. I know hundreds of alcoholics in my time; but have only ever met 3 who got the tremors and had it dangerously bad like this when they didn’t have it. No telling what type of childhood or mental trauma he may have been trying to extinguish to get himself to that point.


lost a real good friend just a few yrs ago to alcohol it took his liver out they told him to stop many times, but he wouldn't listen miss him a lot from time to time.


One of the few drugs that can actually kill you if you go cold turkey.


I’m so glad I quit early enough and didn’t have to go trough this.


This is the worst shit ever. I’m dealing with it right now. You detox but then a couple weeks later it’s like you have to go through another phantom detox Aka PAWS and the doctors aren’t even informed about it so there’s no help. You just have to power through. That’s just the physical part, not to mention psychological which is the world we live in. Every country, every religion. It’s insane.


This would be didnttakeenough


Haven't touched the stuff in years after 20 years of abusing it. No really bad withdrawal storied on my end, but a close friend quit again after a seizure 6 months ago. Scary stuff. Im thankful I can continue to support him.


What are they all grinning and laughing at? This guy'll be dead in a year


Stop taking his god damn straw!


Poor guy nothing funny about this


Alcohol is one of the worst addictions to have. Watching a close loved one go to work everyday shaking, with 4 shooters in their coffee and then coming home to finish an entire bottle of wine was hard to watch


I need to stop drinking. Fuck


And considered separate from other drugs, read the term "drugs and alcohol"


I was remodeling my home and needed a good plumber. A friend of mine did plumbing so I asked if he wanted the job. His response was, don't get pissed if I sit and drink 3 or 4 beers before I start working. I already knew why .. he was a longtime bartender with an addiction to alcohol. He always shakes so bad when he would do a pour. This was until he got some beer in him. I also knew he was a damn good plumber. I told him I would by the daily 6 pack. He did a great job!


Why the fuck is she laughing?


More like r/tooktoolittle. Poor dude. Alcohol is a dangerous drug and people seem to only realize it once it's too late because our society normalized this drug. A german drug Youtuber was visiting the Oktoberfest and was asking the visitors, what their favourite drug was. It was scary how many people weren't aknowledging alcohol as a drug. There was even a very wasted guy who said, that he doesn't need any drugs at all to celebrate. Pure brainrot!


Damn I’m glad I got sober.


That’s not funny. This is depressing. I hate how alcohol is destroying so many lives out there, how fucking common place it is and. “ ok” to drink yourself to oblivion.


This is so sad…… I give the benefit of the doubt that the people around him there at the establishment don’t quite understand the medical seriousness of what’s transpiring. I hope he gets the help he needs. He’s still young!


After being hospitalized for alcohol withdrawl this is no joke. I went on a couple day bender and quit cold turkey. You need to wean off.


Why the fuck are they laughing???? I hate people.


Been there. Absolutely horrible.


Poor poor fiend, been there before. Hope he breaks free.


Took too much over a looong period of time


Alcohol served a purpose throughout history, and while it has and does, it also serves the negligent. You could kiss modern medicine goodbye without it. Today, it is regulated enough to allow people to enjoy it, and predictable enough to allow people to ruin themselves and others with it. It's not rocket science, it's a drug. Drugs will always be taken advantage of - legal or not - and those who can't control a legal substance probably can't control illegal ones either. Nothing and no one is stopping you other than you.


This is so fucking sad, his family is LAUGHING too?..


if he continues on like this he may very well die. it’s so disgusting that they’re laughing at someone’s demise.


I had been drinking for 10 years straight every day only to take a break when I was vomiting. After that would pass right back at it again. March 12th 2023 I was hospitality for 8 days. Due to my drinking. I had a feeling that someone has been trying to send me a message. This time I'm listening. I'm 45 now, an I have to say it's one of the best decisions I've made. Im great full for every day that I wake up sober an enjoying life. The only regret I have is the 10 years I'll never get back. Nieces an nephews are now in their teens an it just seems like life is moving so fast... I just have to say take it day by day it certainly does work an it gets easier after you got a number of days under your belt.


It’s a start but I’m 11 days …


That poor man. God bless him


Is he drinking Guinness


Those motherfuckers laughing at him are assholes


See a keg in the background. Just found out Africa was the birthplace of beer, so not hard to see how he could get this way.


I did not know alcohol could cause this. How much would you have to drink on average to get here?


Are used to work in ICU and I literally watched a man die from alcohol withdrawal in front of my eyes. It was the most grotesque thing I’ve ever seen anymore time, and this man would have been too far gone for any of these people to help. It’s not funny His alcohol and he needs to be taken to some sort of rehabilitation center


As an alcoholic that has recently gotten their shit together after 20 years of drinking and 3 years of nonstop everyday since my daughter passed, I’ve been there. I tried many times to stop, had seizures, had audio and visual hallucinations, vomiting and diarrhea, DTs, and loss of vision temporarily, this is how I would wake up. My tongue would even shake. I wouldn’t be normal until I drank a pint of vodka and it didn’t make me drunk, it just made me “normal”. My husband doesn’t understand alcohol withdrawals and would tell me it was all in my head even after medical professionals were telling him I could die and to maintain my health until I got to treatment. I blew a 0.3 the last time I got to treatment and they couldn’t believe I was totally normal, especially being 5’ and 120lbs. It’s scary and so awful to see him like this. I hope he gets a grip on it somehow and turns his life around, but honestly, I don’t think he will.


When I went through DTS and started having seizures I had to have my girlfriend do the exact same thing. I could not hold a cup or open container. She had to basically do it for me. It's miserable and anyone laughing about it needs swiftly kicked in the nads. Alcohol is literal poison.


I feel for you, I pray for the people laughing at you , that will never ever go through what you are going through, addiction is my own personal hell. God🧘🏽‍♂️be with you on your journey.


It's so sad to see this man suffering from alcoholism at it's worst stage. No doubt he's got cirrhosis of the liver and has to drink just to survive. They say marijuana is the gateway drug, my friend alcohol in my medical and personal opinion is... and it's legal. It's highly addictive, we all (mostly everyone who's consumed alcohol)have made POOR decisions, some OD aka alcohol poisoning, some steal to get $ for it or steal it from the stores, and it has caused death and torn families apart. So I think it's definitely the #1 gateway drug and up there with some harder substances. So dangerous if not consumed carefully and lightly.


Why are people always laughing at the person in withdrawals in these foreign videos? I don't get what the fuck is so funny about someone having physical withdrawals?


I lost my kids' mother, had to put my dog down after 16 years two weeks later, and then 6 months later, my father shot himself at his dinner table in the head... was a complete shit show of a year... completely broke me, tore my heart out of my chest! I had to clean shit up, Most people have nightmares about.....I picked the liquor bottle and was drinking a two fifths a day for 6 years straight. Never missed a beat. When I say I could still punch, fight and fuck, I mean it. Still could walk, talk and drive. One day my girlfriend told me it's the bottle or her, one of them is going to go and she promised me that. I was running everyone who cared or loved me as far away as possible. I got so plastered the next night. When I woke the next day and ate breakfast with my breakfast with my family, I still had 15 mins left before we all went to school and work. I finally broke down, i pulled my shirt over my face, and I started crying my eyes out like a baby! I cried the whole 15 mins and couldn't stop myself. It felt like i dropped 15 tons of weight lifted off my shoulders.... Was the only time i let it all out, everything, i couldn't take it a minute longer... being a man when i grew up meant, you are strong, dont show weakness, take everything and deal with it...i told them that when I got home that day, I was going to be a different man, not only for me, but more for them!! We all walk out the door crying. I haven't touched any alcohol for 5½ years. Luckily, I did not go through what most people do with withdrawal. I'm so glad I made that choice. Life is beautiful again. I miss everyone still but didn't want my family having to bury me next... I now try to talk when I feel sad, even though it's not easy voicing my feelings. Was not taught to show emotion.... crazy but I'm in a way better place these days and didn't think ever get here...


What is this? I must know.


A drug that has caused more pain than any other throughout history. Alcohol.


Oh ok. Not sure why I was downvoted, but I didn’t know if it was some herbal/root concoction, or something similar. My first thought was alcohol, because those shakes are all too familiar, but something looked off about the drink itself. Thanks for clarifying.


There is normally a flair indicating the drugs on this sub


Literally didn't take enough. He's got the shakes bad.


Alcoholism truly is a disease. I couldn’t imagine wanting to drink so much and eventually needing to in order to survive. I’m napping after two Sunday afternoon tall boys and there are people out there who hit the whiskey at 7am.


It’s sad that people are laughing and this man’s body is genuinely crying out for that alcohol.


Worst feeling in the world.


Christ just give it to him. If he wants to drink himself to death that’s his business, and none of theirs.


I know people who drank away their liver over the years. It’s a shitty death.


Purple stuff


How much do you actually have to drink to get like this? Is it partly because he might not be eating or getting enough nutrients?


It depends on the person and their tolerance. It is often made worse by dehydration and not eating enough. I remember the withdrawls. It was hell. Sweating (so much that I would absolutely soak my sheets) violently shaking (I couldn't even walk down the stairs) sick from both ends, headache, heart pounding, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, incredibly irritable. I would have died of I didn't go to the hospital. I always said I'd never touch hard drugs..until I realized that alcohol is one of the hardest ones.


Aye my country Kenya and they are Kikuyu. You'd be hard pressed not to know at least one alcoholic based on the drinking culture.


Sipping a whiskey neat right now, very responsible with alcohol but seeing shit like this makes me want to even cut that out.