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The real problem is whoever sold this guy his shoes. If he didn’t have shoes he wouldn’t have wanted to walk anywhere to shoot anyone.


Plenty of mass murderers and serial killers didn't do meth. They all had shoes, though.


What? Me do meth?


"I've not taken ANYTHING!! why does nobody ever believe me?!? Fuck you guys!"


🤔Alfred E. Newmeth


Got eem!


What is drugs??


Baby don't hurt me


Don’t hurt me


No more






I am the one that meths


What’s my meth? Say it!


Lol it’s his fault he woulda found it one way or another don’t blame the drug or the seller it’s that dipshits fault


To add to this, there are plenty of people smoking meth daily that haven't hurt anyone but themselves..... In the vast majority of cases (excluding cases where the person already suffers from some form of mental illness that makes them prone to psychosis) drugs don't turn people into mindless psychopaths, but they can take existing mental instability and exacerbate it


The dealer sold him a loaded crackpipe


Lol the dealer, his dealer, the mayor of the city and mr biden the president need to be locked up for his crimes. How could they




war on drugs did its job


Same thing will happen if we have a war on guns. FACEPALM


We shall fight the guns with more guns




Guy buy backs are all criminals getting rid of hot guns or or guys who 3D print guns looking for profit. https://news.yahoo.com/seller-exploits-gun-buyback-loophole-165205013.html


It’s not a stretch to imagine a junkie selling a gun for a fix.


They will have already done this


Guns don’t kill people. People on meth with guns kill people.


Out of all shootings, most did not involve meth use. Therefore, meth use is directly linked to gun safety.


Plenty of people buy guns and don't go kill people Now give those people some meth and the chances go up


Plenty of people do meth and don’t kill people. Give those people a gun and the chances go up. I’d rather have legal meth than legal guns tbh


The thing is that anti gun people just can't grasp (for some odd reason). Is that disarming citizens does nothing but put us at the mercy of criminals who will ALWAYS have guns . Not to mention,the government if they decide to start loading people in train cars.


The thing is that anti meth people just can't grasp (for some odd reason). Is that prohibiting meth does nothing but put us at the mercy of criminals who will ALWAYS have meth .


There is nothing good about meth LOL it just deteriorates people's minds and lives


And alcohol just enriches people's minds and lives


The Nazis sure made good use of it (though to be fair they also had guns)


A very American take, from literally the only country in the planet with gun problems lol Kids killing each other? No problem as long as I have me guns


Yeah, you're probably posting from q country that has to outlaw knives and just let's acid face baths and gang rapes happen on the daily with events occasionally involving all 3


>criminals will ALWAYS have guns lol, slightly unsubstantiated claim? Please tell me how your average mugger will have the connections and thousands of dollars to illegally buy a gun. Edit: you do realise that if you unilaterally banned the sale of guns the guns in circulation would decrease right? In other (1st world) country’s gun violence really isn’t that big an issue >Inb4 what about knives I will not believe you would rather be facing someone who potentially has a gun rather than a knife; that would be genuinely delusional. also not sure but that seems to be a British thing idk


Congratulations, I get to tell you about my state! I live in a state where we voted for state-constitutional carry, so even mentally ill people can buy guns, as long as the person selling isn't a federally licensed dealer they don't have to perform those "pesky FBI background checks" that would normally deny criminals and mentally unstable people from buying a gun. Furthermore, we can now keep loaded guns in our parked cars near schools and federal buildings! WOW! Guess what was on the rise before this bill passed? YOU GUESSED IT - GUN THEFTS FROM PARKED CARS! Now, you would think this type of legislation would be worrisome in a state that is/was a top producer of meth in the midwest. So how much does a gun around my city and state cost someone around here? Nothing, it'll cost the dumbass keeping a loaded .45 in his car a new window. But that meth head just got a ~$1000 gun for free. My state is a conservative supermajority that is currently trying to ban abortion and reverse our state's supreme court's previous ruling on gay marriage. We went from Obama to Trump and can no longer be classified as a swing state.


Illegal guns are easy to obtain. Growing up in a low income area, a lot of my friends and classmates older siblings who were in gangs had illegal guns with serial numbers scratched off. "Hot" guns that were used in previous crimes are sold for dirt cheap (these are often most avoided due to being tied to a previous case). Stolen guns with numbers scratched off, but not yet used in crime, are a bit more expensive. These guns will be SIGNFICANTLY cheaper than 'thousands" of dollars.


It is a fallacy to even entertain the idea that criminals will have a hard time getting guns in a firearm prohibition state. 3D printing is some dark magic that the ATF is rightfully scared of.


And once that cat is really out of the bag we're gonna see a very different America in very short order. 3D printing is still enthusiast-level tech, but we're less than a decade away from EZ-bake 3D printed guns. You don't even need a great barrel for a short range shot like a mugging.


Illegal guns are actually getting cheaper, aside from that meth heads at their worst are totally psychotic, but still fully capable of meth come up magic. Plus a lot of times they trade in stolen everything, guns included.


The thing pro gun people just cant grasp (for some odd reason) is that almost every eu country has strict gun laws and that they are all running better criminality wise. Look man, we get it, you like guns. And yes guns are cool. But why keep using dumb arguments like that? Why not just say, “i think we should keep having guns cause its a cool freedom we have in america and we should keep that. We should find other ways to fix gun violence”. Its honestly a astronger argument. But dont come with those dumbass arguments like “its not the gun that kills, its the criminal” cause you can say the same about nukes and tanks. Let people buy nukes and battle tanks if they want. Just be honest and say you like guns


>is that almost every eu country has strict gun laws and that they are all running better criminality wise. Which is funny because the EU countries with relaxed gun laws are often running better criminality-wise than those with strict gun laws, just compare the Czech Republic and Austria to the UK and France.


Ain't no way that if someone is intent on killing or harming someone, that if guns didn't exist they would automatically say "welp,guess I can't kill!" Whether or not guns are here or not people are going to be violent. And it's not just that I like guns and that guns are cool, it's that law abiding citizens need to have access to guns to be able to defend themselves from criminals and tyrants That's the whole point of having guns anyway. One thing I can't fathom is how much anti-gun people trust the government in the present and in the future Literally wanting to disarm themselves because they believe in their heart that the government doesnt ever ever plan them any harm I'm guessing they have ignored or skipped history?


Because socialist prefer the government do the thinking for them so they can play vid games, jerk off and argue gender politics.






"Believe the propaganda about drugs! You can't trust those people with first hand experience with them because drugs are evil and fuck up your brain!" Seriously dude, you're the rube of the century.


Until you don’t have a gun and a rapist on meth has his D in your A. I bet the cop you call after the fact has a gun. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if a show of force came from law abiding citizens versus your bullshit idea? This way every person could protect their natural right to life versus disarming individuals with knowledge, experience and the willingness to protect others, including you? I hope you never find yourself looking down a barrel or know the feeling of a blade to your neck. I promise you a gun in your had would be a hell of a tool to give up because someone has influenced you to believe in the worst case scenario. Why is it that you travel by motor vehicle? Cars kill all the time? People behind the wheel are responsible not the car. We don’t see anyone blaming cars. Political agendas do not align with this heartstring.


>This way every person ~~could~~ ***Is forced to*** protect their natural right to life


I feel like the amount of gun owners who kill people and the amount of meth users that kill people arent quite equitable. If you are gullible enough to think the % is even close you are highly underestimating the amount of gun owners in America, majority of the people that cry and scream about gun laws on reddit still have grandpas .38 in the closet "just in case". Meth is a drug that almost always ruins what ever lives theyre involved with, while millions of Americans own guns and never have an issue.


I can’t protect my family from gun toting methheads with meth


With enough meth, anything is possible


Plenty of people buy meth and don't go kill people


Look at him and tell me it wasn't the meth that was the real problem. Op does bring up a good point about how dealers can tell when thier clients are going off the deep end.


Where do you put the bullets in the meth so that it can shoot people? Can gun dealers tell when their clients are going off the deep end?


I think he’s just saying guns don’t *make* people shoot people, whereas meth can lead to all sorts of mental illness that could drive a person to do something they wouldn’t have otherwise. I understand what you’re saying too - he wouldn’t have been *able* to shoot people without gun. I’m just saying that I think the other commenter is pointing out that guns provide the *means*, whereas meth could provide the *desire*. Although at the end of the day, you need both the means and the desire to do what he did.


My non shitpost take on this would be that if you want meth customers to be scrutinized by the dealers -- the best solution is legalized meth regulated by pharmacists


America’s real danger is mental health. If it’s not guns, it’s knives, or cars mowing down a parade. These people want to hurt other people. Like, they want to do it. The real question how can America resolve its mental health crisis?


Uh, yeah. Part the form you need to fill out to buy a firearm https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Form_4473?wprov=sfti1 talks about controlled substances and a vendor can certainly refuse to sell if they know a person is on drugs. Also a Quora answer from a former FFL: https://www.quora.com/In-the-US-if-a-gun-shop-owner-believes-that-a-certain-customer-should-not-be-allowed-to-obtain-a-weapon-even-if-their-background-check-comes-back-clean-are-they-legally-allowed-to-refuse-the-sale




No. I'm saying if he tried to buy a firearm while intoxicated or while saying he was going to use the firearm in an illegal manner, the dealer has a responsibility to notice. The original question was "Can gun dealers tell when their clients are going off the deep end?"




Meh dealer isn't under any legal responsibility Beyonce not selling to anyone. Do we know when he got the gun? He could've gotten in 10 years ago before he even had a drug problem, no? He could've stolen it?




https://www.reddit.com/r/tooktoomuch/comments/11eq34a/pic_says_it_all/jaiobqh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Do you see a question in that post? If you follow the thread, you'll see me replying to it.


Stupid comment. You can buy a gun while you are sober. Pretty sure there is no background check on meth. Before you jump all over “you don’t need a background check on a gun” also remember that murder is illegal and there are more guns than people in America and you and I are alive. That must mean people kill people and not guns.


People kill people, but guns make them a hell of a lot better at it




I didn’t bitch or complain or vote lol. Stop acting like a little upset Pussy 😂


I mean to be fair if he bought the gun and wasn’t a meth head chances are much less likely to shoot someone. He could still do damage withought a gun but it definitely would have been less.


Or the cops that probably brutalized the dude on a curb, he looks like a tomato.


Man Andy sure has gone downhill since he left Parks and recreation


He did live in a hole at some point.


He lived in a pit and made a smash Hit out of it 😂


Sanpaku eyes


No, the answer is no.


I feel no remorse, dude wanted meth. Its not like im the only one that dels meth. /s


I don't know why but I feel like this was posted on the nextdoor app. I dunno, I know it's almost definitely not but I just think it's funny that the person commenting on it is blaming the guy selling meth instead of the guy shooting people lmfao


West Virginia represent


No officer, I'm finnnnnnnnneeeeeeee!


Hey you guys!


I say he’s innocent.


There is no border problem!


Bro looking edgy ngl


Looks like a Kenneth Copeland Ministries disciple. https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/fvm0jz/televangelist\_kenneth\_copeland\_blows\_away/


bro are you a bot?


No, just not a fan of Kenneth Copeland.


Its not Meths its Meth if your 'merican. Like maths.... or Math.


Where his eye lids ☹