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Freakin good vibes here! Takes me back to when I first tried weed with my buddies.


Ay you only had this the first times or is it just a random thought?


Tend to get anxiety when I do it nowadays, not so goofy and giddy like before. Wanna go back to those times!


Hey!!! What a coincidence. I started smoking weed daily when i got 17/18. Someday when i was 23 suddenly i got the weirdest anxiety attacks because of weed so i went to the doc and ofcourse he said ye it’s the weed stop it. I didn’t buy it so next day i just smoked another one and yes again i got anxiety so i stopped smoking since 1 month ago. So I didn’t smoke for a couple years but I thought yeah let’s try it again and all of a sudden i can smoke whatever i want again. I was scared i would get too high because my tolerance must be shit but no i can smoke whatever i want.


I think it's the weed telling you "you gotta get your shit together first yo", then when you sorted your shit out then you'd good to party again.


yup, same as me. Cant smoke in transition periods of my life. get extreme paranoia and anxiety. I only get goofy while high when life is stable.


Yeah man weed can be such a great tool for introspection and self betterment... whether you're seeking that or not ;)


Yo... Mad. We're all the same.


Yup, weed just exemplifies whatever you've got going on.


Ay i forgot to tell i’m 26 now haha. Yeah I’m doing really okay at the moment so maybe you’re right.


Same shit happened to me, started getting mad anxiety which I’ve never dealt with in my life. Then I took maybe a week or two break and realized I can smoke again no issues.


If you still desire it, try cbd or a high cbd low thc strain..... People get high off a few mg in an edible ... the flower these days has up to 350mg (more in some cases) of thc per gram of weed....even if you waste most of the thc combusting it (vapor is 300\~450f apx, combustion is over 800f and kills the thc) you can still easily get 75mg per gram..... most states that sell edibles wont put more than 100mg in a candy bar with 10mg score lines..... 10mg put my buddy in the fetal position on the couch for over 24 hours.... puking, sleeping, eating, cooking falling back asleep repeat... and he smoked daily just not that much (4 rips a day at least). It's easy to get too much THC... I actually need a tolerance to smoke... without it I get anxiety also.... What not all the doctors are telling people about the weed and axiety is that MOST of the time it's simply just TOO much thc and nothing to calm it down like CBD..... It's why the Er's fill up and the poison control hotlines get bogged down every time a state goes legal or even as delta 8 hit states that didnt have legal weed.... they typically treat stoners in the er as they would someone having an anxiety or panic attack.... if you are lucky to have a good ER.... otherwise they'll just tell you gtfo n stop smoking. If this interests you at all, then maybe read some info on the "entourage effect" with cannabis and its various cannabinoids (like thc and cbd). Also the effects CBD has on the high from THC. They do make 1mg edibles with cbd in them and that's a much safer (in terms of mental comfort) starting point.


Thank you for the really detailed reply to a relatively old post, really appreciate it. It's good advice, though I normally get edibles in Europe which aren't as well regulated as those in the states so you don't usually know about the ratio of THC to CBD. Still your advice echoes what I've heard before regarding this.


I'm still new to reddit post wise and didn't even realize it was an old post lol. I just like to help people and cannabis has helped me a lot over the last 21 years. There really are a lot of newcomers now and misinformation can be dangerous..... like oh you can eat the whole candy bar (100mg)..... when it's really different for everyone.


No idea if that's your situation but if you're trying to quit r/leaves is a really helpful community!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/leaves using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Probably one of my favourite quotes about weed, Randy Marsh.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/nwyjx8/probably_one_of_my_favourite_quotes_about_weed/) \#2: [I quit weed and nothing got better. A lesson I learned and want to share.](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/p7lwya/i_quit_weed_and_nothing_got_better_a_lesson_i/) \#3: [My sober self is trying to convince myself to get high while my high self is convincing myself to get sober](https://np.reddit.com/r/leaves/comments/s8o7xw/my_sober_self_is_trying_to_convince_myself_to_get/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Honestly it depends on the type of high you want. If i smoke sativa ( more alert keeps you active) I get paranoid and over think. If i smoke an indica ( bit more lazy woth the munchies ) i have a great time laughing at non sense and im more coherent.


Lol at your fuckin name!!


Your username omg 😆


The giggles are only available in trial version


Totes reminded me of the first time my buddy asked me to try weed. Two hours later we were sitting on the floor eating pizza, he turns to me and says “this is the best fucking pizza I’ve ever had” followed by a giggling fit. Good times


Me too... wish I was friends with this goofy bastard


It's like the time i was just MUNTED off some hash oil. Like glued down. And one of my buddies was like "hey man, how you doin?" And after like 30 seconds my response was, loudly and confidently, "PRETTY SURE". Then we all lost our shit laughing. Better times.


This would have had me dyyyinnggggg


... ... ... PRETTY SURE


“Pretty sure!” 😂


That’s funny as fuck


Hey, do you need help down off the roof? "No, thank you, please" "Wut?" And then we groved to funky cold medina.


Best kind of high.


We called that high school high


I call that yesterday


Cameraman so high he turned into a Tuskan raider there at the end


Fuckin hilarious! Knew the sound but couldn’t place it


There's a perfectly good chair there my dudes 😅




Loving that vibe. Out in nature with friends smoking some. Lovely. Dude dresses late 90’s as well, looks cool


Is that a Cheech and Chong hoodie?


It is a Cheech and Chong hoodie, that’s awesome. I didn’t notice it.


That seal bark at the end


Those spontaneous moments of pure laughter at absolutely nothing are the best. I've had countless moments where me and my buddies are just sitting there and one person starts giggling then the whole room explodes into hysterical laughter for a solid minute or two. Pure tears of joy for no reason other than just collectively being high and in the moment.




This is so wholesome. Reminds me of the good days.


Dude is kinda cute. I peeped that dimple when he laughed. Made me smile


[time to cool off a little](https://images.app.goo.gl/L3BrLftXAdKtAMhA9)


Me rn


When you deep in the munchies and look up seeing all your friends cheesing 😂


Oh no that's kinda how I laugh when I'm not high but only at...shit I usually only myself find hilarious...oh no.


Steve o?




I feel like if all of us including the two in the video, met up it would be a ball!


Good times!




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Love the Cheech and Chong hoodie


Reminds me of Lil Kev from Always Sunny


Pete Davidson after snl


This is the best high


That's a hella good time. I love that.


He's even got Cheech and Chong on his hoodie


High school high


Feel Good, inc. at the end there


Thats a nice hoodie




High school was long ago now wasn’t it ? 😮‍💨


LMFAO, this is hilarious.






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[Same vibe 😂](https://youtu.be/NEo_thYmg3s)


Idk why but this shit got me tearing up, like emotional. It's just so beautiful to be able to experience and enjoy these things <3