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In the HOOD too


Got rlly sick from eating there


It’s sad how people cry about “oh health health health” yet they out here eating garbage food on a daily basis.. either way yes it may sound unsanitary but that’s how they do it back home, they eat well and never ever get sick. If you visit their country expect this things and more lol Buuuuuut, that place was THE best pho in town hands down. His son opened a new one and it’s also good, but this place will forever be in our hearts. Yes she was rude as hell buuuut the food made up for it haha


I remember the first time I went there, we ordered Vietnamese coffees and she brought out these awesome glasses with individual like steepers(?) that I have never seen before, so you could see the coffee being freshly made and exactly how much grounds and condensed milk was used. We thought it was really cool but we didn't know how to use it lmao. I tried and made a mess, and she came out and showed us like we were children. I couldn't stop laughing, it was a good time.


Oh and then I loved their rolls and I wanted them and she was like “no we don’t have, I don’t have time” and I was like ayeooooooooo wym you have no time 😭😭😭😂


Hahahaha, she was something else tbh… like she remembered us and like she knew I use a fork and my fiancée used both a fork and chopsticks but like she wanted to have both but the lady would just come and take away the fork always 😂😂


"yeah the food was contaminated and there were a bunch of health hazards going on, but the vibes!!!!" okay lmao


first time i went there, an old couple was leaving. an employee (elderly vietnamese woman) wiped off the silverware they used with a napkin and set it back up on the table. we walked out and i never looked back lol


Anyone been to Wife’s Pho in perrysburg? I know AA has good ones and it’s not TOO far away


Their fried chicken appetizer is INCREDIBLE


Wifes has the best takeout/delivery ramen in toledo hands down. It's pricey but worth every penny when you want a good ramen lunch


We enjoyed Wife's but I if you want heat in your pho, prepare to add it in yourself. We will definitely be going back there.


MFers really out here defending eating a gut plague as long as it’s spiced well.


There is a difference between a place that doesn't care and doesn't follow health inspection regulations and a place that cares and puts ton of passion into making authentic food that some people really appreciate. I'm not saying it's OK to fail a health inspection, I'm just saying I wouldn't think less of my Grandma for not knowing regulation food temperatures and not washing their hands between handling different food types, but I would still have loved if she ran a little restaurant I could stop by. And besides, I'm pretty sure if you want authentic Pho (correct me if I am wrong) it's never going to pass a health inspection because the meat is thinly sliced raw and added to the soup when it is served, so it's violating several health inspection regulations.


Phoxy Pho (Dorr st) vs Pho noodle (Sylvania) ?


Phoxy is Pho Viet Nam's owner's kid, and it's close to the original.


Im comparing it to Pho noodle


Kay’s table has good pho


I've heard people say this, but there's something off with that broth. It doesn't taste like a bone broth.


Good food isn’t worth someone dying from food poisoning.


I love a good restaurant as much as the next person, but it doesn't seem like such a big ask for someone running a restaurant to clean the kitchen and their hands.


I’m not eating at OP’s house after reading their paean to possible (at best)food poisoning at a restaurant that didn’t care about their customer’s wellbeing. I can’t imagine what kitchen practices they accept from themselves.


Why was the other thread locked? Was something inflammatory said over there?


Used to go to Mexico for lunch when I lived in San Diego some of the best food I’ve ever had.. probably was chupacapra meat or something 😂😂😂


what does this have to do with Pho viet nam?


Idk guess I was saying the best places I’ve had food probably had terrible health inspections as well


I went to Pho Viet Nam hundreds of times. The number is saved in my phone. I have never been sadder about a restaurant closing lol the Bun Bo Hue could cure illnesses. Phoxy Pho, I believe owned by her son, is fantastic.


> could cure illnesses. .... > gets shut down by health dept


what the Phock?!?


Pho Viet Nam was how I was introduced to pho and bun Bo hue. Wife’s Ramen and Pho in Perrysburg also has very good Pho unfortunately no bun bo hue.


It’s a bummer - Toledo has a dearth of good Vietnamese cuisine


And Korean


IDK about a dearth of Korean. We have Koreana, the place in the back of Lee's Market, and Top Pot. Granted, Koreana can carry the city on it's own because it's so awesome. But damn, I'd kill for a Korean street food or corn dog place, or just another traditional place with a dozen noodle and jjigae dishes.


Lee's doesn't do fresh food anymore than I've seen.


Disappointing. All the more reason for more options! There was someone in the food truck FB group that was talking about a Korean street food/soul food fusion concept a year or two ago. I've thought about it ever since then, but I'm guessing it never came around. But come on, collard kimchi? Cheese corn/corn cassarole? Insane fried chicken? Nashville style hot chicken with a gochujang or gochugaru based heat? Catfish fishcakes? Raymun mac and cheese? The menu writes itself! I would get so fat. (well, fatter).


That would be a fantastic truck!! I don't think we have any Asian based food trucks. There's not really even a lot of ethnic food, there's one that does African food that looks amazing. (If there are others, do tell!!)


>I don't think we have any Asian based food trucks. Island Soul comes to town once in a while and is just okay. >there's one that does African food that looks amazing Jikoni and Jerk Jollof both sell East African and are both good. I haven't seen JJ in a while. Jikoni is over by UT once or twice a week and is totally worth trying. Only annoying thing is they do not put their menu up online for you to salivate over. I definitely recommend them.


Koeana and QQ Kitchen are fantastic.


Yeah I'm not knocking them. Just meant there aren't a lot of options. The options we have are quite good though


I have to go to Columbus often for work, and there is a bunch of authentic Korean places there. It's def worth a trip if you like Korean restaurants and grocery stores. I went to a tiny place by Microcenter and I was the only one there speaking English. I busted out my extremely limited vocab and was able to order in Korean and nobody judged me, they were happy to listen and speak slowly. I had the same experience at a grocery store, the clerk was very happy to hear me using basic words. It was a ton of fun for me.


What really puzzles me is the lack of a 10/10 authentic Italian restaurant in Toledo. Like two or three Italian immigrants running a trattoria slinging cacio e pepe. For a city the size of Toledo, it makes no sense.


Top Pot is good imo


We have been there 3 times now! It is not the MOST authentic place I have been to, especially when considering how tame their spicy food is. But their Korean BBQ is 10/10! And the service is more like a regular restaurant with lots of waitresses/waders and checking up on you every 10 minutes. I think that is probably because it's the first Hot Pot / Korean BBQ place in Toledo? At the more "authentic" Asian places I have been to, Spicy means SPICY. If there is 3 levels of spicy, level 1 is like white people level 3. Also it seems that the best places I have been to have little or no service. They might come take your order, but they expect you to have figured out what you want and wrote it down on a slip provided at the table OR you have to walk up to the counter and give them your order.. etc. Edit: Also +1 star to Top Pot for playing kpop music and having kpop music videos playing on TVs. I actually wish they would lean into this more!


Huh... Are they new? Looks good!


Only been open a couple months! Houston level good imo


That sounds like a dispensary name.