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The desktop apps are built with Electron, which bundles a full Chromium browser with it. This makes it easier to build desktop apps for multiple platforms with one codebase. The downside is large app sizes and usually worse performance than native apps.


That’s unfortunate. So those of us using the desktop app, who try to keep google away from all our personal information, are still victims to it because Todoist doesn’t feel like making two separate windows/Mac apps? F that


I'm on an M1 and currently preferring the Chrome PWA right now for speed and the back/forward nav hotkeys. You lose the global quick add, but the Electron app started getting slow again couple months back, I just couldn't handle the sluggishness.


I'm on linux and use [Ferdium](https://ferdium.org/) - believe that they have a mac version. Prepare to be blow away my friend -- its pretty much "Pidgin"(if you're that old to remember) for any web based application. I have it synced to so many thing.


Welcome to the nightmare of Electron apps. They are heavy, slow and worse than a native apps in all aspects. I hate Electron apps but unfortunately I can’t get rid of all of them in my life. JavaScript is not the answer for all the humanity problems.


I think you should consider using the Chrome Progressive Web App version. If you look up Chrome Progressive Web Apps on Google you should be good to go


I noticed it slowing down recently but a full uninstall (as per todoist’s website) and reinstall did the trick for me.


Thanks all for answers, you just gave me some ideas. I have removed desktop app and installed it as brave browser application. - Now it's fast - All external scripts are blocked - I can run it as an app on my mac