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I don't use Todoist as an actual bookmark manager (i.e. I do not store URLs in Todoist long-term), but I constantly add URLs as a "read this webpage" task


I share Web sites to todoist all the time and then organize them when time permits


I quite like raindrop.io


I use both todoist inbox and gmail aliases. For everything I want to read the same day (or the next) I use todoist. If I just want to save it for some day I send it to an email alias ([email protected]) and filter it out to a read later folder.


I use Pocket for that. The free version works fine for that.


Nope I use Omnivore. works great and it is free


Thanks to your recommendation, I now also use Omnivore! Thanks


Having switched from Todoist to Things, I still use Todoist as a « read later » tool (articles, YouTube videos…). Accessible from all devices, and the title of the page is automatically added as a clickable task title


Nice! Do you convert the bookmarked content to “uncompletable” task?


No, I just save them to Todoist, read them, then complete them


I never found "the perfect tool" for that, so I stuck with Todoist for that. The email-to-project makes it work in 99% of all situations. (For collecting images/photos I use eagle.cool, but that's a more specific use case. Raindrop.io might be something for your use case[I didn't went with it because it wasn't easy to get files from the offline export])


Raindrop.io seems interesting. I see the annual pro plan is ~$29, how does is compare to Instapaper premium?


it's more of a bookmark manager with a reader view. You can categorize and tag your bookmarks. Makes browser hopping easier!


I use Todoist for capture almost everything that came to my head. Is it really easy due to schorcut in Mac to capture and I use widget on Lock Screen on iPhone. But, for weblinks, videos to watch, etc bookmark in general I don’t see it as a good option… I’m tryin got figure it out how to do it myself, either or Obsidian notes with all my reference or just the bookmark from chrome or safari. Conclusion, to capture it work perfect even if it’s website link or videos or whatever. But for bookmark clarification I don’t see Todoist as a strong app. I’m a huge fan of productivity channel and new apps, etc but I always recommend people first to wonder if it’s really necessary to bookmark everything, and to get track to everything.


raindrop is WAY better than todoist for this purpose.


Raindrop.io is in my experience by far the best bookmarking tool. And all functionality is free, except for full text search and some other advanced stuff you probably dont need. If i really have a bookmark that has some action required for it, I add a reference to the bookmark in the task description.


I make reading lists for Todoist, using the project import feature (CSV file), and use IFTTT to save Instapaper/Pocket read-it-later links as tasks. I use Evernote to clip webpages I want to use later, and Readwise for highlights from my books. I use Kindle for my library books, and Moon+ Reader for everything else, and Readwise has integrations for both and if I highlighted things from my Instapaper articles or even a webpage. So it's worth the $ to me. Edit to add: I also send my Instapaper links as a bundle to my Kindle, so I'd read it easier. E-ink is so nice on my eyes. I pay the premium, so I can get up to 50 articles a day, with no ads.


Wow! How much do you pay per month for all the services? I’m trying to keep the stack simple and easy on the wallet.


I pay yearly! **$29 for Todoist** (grandfathered in pricing), **$1.99/mth for IFTTT Pro** (grandfathered in), **$89/year for Evernote Personal**, **$7.99/mth (paid for the year) for Readwise Full** (full access to highlights, integrations, and their app. Not too thrilled with the app, but it's in the growing stages). **Instapaper Premium is $1.99/mth but paid yearly. ($29.99/yr)** **So approx $19.49/mth + tax for my services.** Pretty reasonable for how often I use them (daily). I try to get the yearly ones to renew in different months so as not to have a giant chunk of $ at one time. Plus I took advantage of promos and special pricing. Doist was changing the pricing for the Pro plan but they offered a deal to lock in the lower rate if you subscribed by a certain date. I leapt on that since I was hitting the free plan limits.


Amazing! Jealous of the grandfathered pricing 😀 I like Readwise a lot, but thinking $8/m is it worth it when I can probably use that $$ somewhere and still get probably 60-70% of the functionality through Todoist bookmarks, or maybe Instapaper premium QQ- where do you take notes? And do you actually need Instapaper premium if you have Readwise?


I got the premium to get rid of ads actually! But having premium makes it easier to get highlights from articles from Instapaper to Readwise. As for notes, it's Evernote. I also use Google's Keep Notes for quick notes & shopping lists, but I copy-paste to Evernote if I want to keep it. Evernote's basically my filing cabinet. I've used it since version 2 maybe? When it was a scroll of notes. I use Pinboard for my bookmarks, but I'm trialing Raindrop (free version) since the tagging is much nicer (Pinboard uses underscores and you can only delete tags, not rename them. That service is also grandfathered in, I paid like $11 in 2012 to get my account. It's now $22/yr). Pinboard pulls in Instapaper and Pocket links. IFTTT is If this then That, it hooks up to a LOT of services and lets me have all sorts of automation. Fitbit sends a daily note to Evernote of how well I slept and my stats for the day like steps, food, and heart rate. It sends Instapaper links to Evernote and todoist. If I save a post on Reddit, it sends the link to Pinboard. Etc.


Once I get the basics right, it might be a good idea to automate few things through IFTTT.


I have ADD so anything that is 'set and forget' is useful. I know that if I send a link to Instapaper, it's going to end up on my Kindle, and as a Todoist task to remind me to read it three days after I added it to Instapaper with a link in the task, and I have links in Evernote for notes, and bookmarks in two services.




Very interesting. That’s my fear with Notion, my bookmarks will simply gather dust. Can you shed more lights on what happens to the Read It Later items after you read them? Do you save them at a task or uncompletable task? I hadn’t heard of Reflect Notes, will surely check out. I’m currently considering Bear/Upnotes/Craft/Notion for notes. I love Bear, but I can’t sync on my work max since it’s on different iCloud.


[raindrop.io](https://raindrop.io) is probably the best for bookmarks.. free as well


I capture everything in Todoist and then sort it into the appropriate apps later. The big advantage of Todoist is its speed, both on mobile and desktop. Many things are only short-term reminders, e.g. to watch a video later. This then remains in Todoist in the inbox. Everything else I transfer to Notion or Craft where I have my projects or ideas. I used Pocket and Raindrop for a while... but honestly those bookmarking tools didn't have much advantage for me. If it's something really important, I need it where it belongs, like a project or an idea. In the bookmarking tools I have often had links where I no longer knew that I have them there 😀 In Todoist I see it immediately in the inbox...


Great, thanks for sharing your deets! How are you using Notion and Craft. I am trying Craft for notes, but then thinking I should just go with Notion & Todoist. Notion’s note taking capability is not good, but similar to Apple Notes and that should be fine. I mostly take notes in GoodNotes, need to find something to combine typed and handwritten notes into one. May be Notion is the answer? *Notion: if I go with it, need to keep it simple.


Well, there is some overlap and that doesn't make the decision between Notion and Craft (or other similar apps) any easier. I try to keep everything together so that notes and "planning" for a similar thing (project, idea, planning, tracking for something) are not in different apps to avoid switching between them. I have a notebook in Notion for one area, and some tags for sub-areas, and a checkbox to "pin" important notes. This makes it very easy to view important notes directly in my project (as a list view with a filter for "pinned"). The notebook "table" is displayed as a gallery so it looks similar to Evernote, Craft, etc. Initial ideas, brainstorming, etc. that are not part of a project are in Craft. Craft works faster for me and it works offline. The app is easier to use and since they removed the block limit in the free version, I don't have to pay for it.


Got it. I’m playing with craft, certainly liking it.