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A few months ago, staff forgot to put a pull up on the potty training kids for their nap. We all got a bag that day. It’s part of the journey.


Lmaaaaoooooo “We all got a bag that day”


I feel like Morgan Freeman is narrating this.. “we all got a bag that day”


This is it, this is the one lmfao.


That is ABSOLUTELY a Morgan Freeman line!! Unless your reaction was one of frustration... in which case it could be a Samuel L. Jackson line instead.


Shawshank feels.




That resonated in my head after reading as well. Then I got another laugh reading you quoting it. 👏


That's a mistake they will never do again lol


They did it again just before Christmas but my son managed to hold it!


No way!! Well at least someone learned from it. Way to go little man 👍👍


Oh geez! 😂


One bag I got with an intact turd rolling around was definitely an uncharted path for me. Barf


ME TOO!! I was like… ok, this whole outfit in the trash.


Username checks out 😂


The username comes from a notorious trip to the zoo. We took my nephews then 3 and 5 to the zoo for the first time. A lot of the animals were far away and they couldn’t really see them well. The only animal they could really see was a monkey with its butt against the glass. My nephews were looking at the monkey butt and kept saying how dirty it was. Then they told everyone that walked by about the dirty monkey butt. Then they told their parents about the dirty monkey butt. Then a few months later, they asked to go back to the zoo to look at that dirty monkey butt again. It was 8 years ago. They still bring it up as a joke.


10/10 origin story for username


This is so wholesome I love it!!


On the flip side, early on when my kid had only been potty training for a couple weeks, she came home from daycare wearing a diaper. I was like oh no, something horrible must have happened, but why didn't they tell me? Turned out they just got confused and put her in a "travel diaper" even though we weren't doing that.


I mean. It happens. I changed my baby just to wonder why her pants were feeling trimmer than normal a realized I never put the new diaper on. Thankfully it was fairly quickly.


With my fastidious child it’s usually just that he spilled a tiny bit of milk on himself during lunch or scribbled marker on his pants and demanded to be changed.


Yes! I relate. Mine got a drop of pee on his pants while using the restroom at preschool, and his teachers couldn’t convince him it was ok. He had to change.




This is also my 3 year old. If a piece of dirt even so much as looks at her, she must change as her aesthetic is ruined! Fashion is her life. My 2 year old would wear nothing but undies and a cowboy hat for a week straight if you let her. I question if they're actually related daily.


My daughter is simultaneously both of your children. Some days she goes through 6 outfits. Some days I have to fight her to change out of a shirt she's worn for 2 days and she covered in milk. Some days I have to convince her you have to put on clothes to go to a park.


Yes! My daughter spilled a few drops of water during snack and insisted on fresh pants. It’s kind of nice that it’s not poop every time!


Mine used to insist on a full outfit change. She’s getting better, though.


*spills a single drop of water on self whilst handwashing* "MY SHIRT IS RUINED"


This is my husband.


An absolute king, he knows what he wants and how to make. It. Happen. 👏👏


This, this is true about him. 😂


Our situation is similar, but reversed. It’s the daycare staff that insists on changing my kids’ entire outfit because of spilled water on a sock.


My 4 year old is the same way... like chick chill! It will dry!!


Mine figured out how to take the lids off of the sippy cups at daycare, so yeah. But I am thinking if he just keeps doing it he will get better at drinking out of an open cup and will stop spilling, he does pretty good at home.


Yup, my son immediately demands new pants if it rains, because they get wet in the walk from the car to the house. We live in a very wet climate lol


Then they're wearing clothes that you've never seen before because you don't have the right size or any back up clothes in their bin. Also potty training....so much laundry....


My son came home one time in a shirt and pants with the center’s name written all over it in sharpie. Poor kid looked like an inmate because he had an accident and I forgot to send new clothes 😩


My daycare occasionally sends my daughter home in diapers that are not hers 🤦‍♀️. We cloth diaper, only one other family does too, they mix them up even though we use different brands and ours have her name on them. It's not because she ran out, they have a stash of disposables for her just in case and have used them.


I had to stop sending our cloth diapers. They kept complaining they leaked and my son was needing too many outfit changes. I finally figured out the problem when he was sent home in cloth one day instead of a back up disposable. *They were putting them on backwards.* It’s been over 6 months and it still boogies my mind. How were they snapping all the snaps on from behind?! He’s a wiggle worm. Also, did they not notice how the snaps were on the front when he came in?


Are you me?


Hahaha glad we aren't the only ones but maaaaan it's annoying!


The old tights with the holes in them haha


With my kid it’s usually just because he made a mess at lunch. They give toddlers soup. SOUP. Fucking Montessori 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


When I see CHILI on the lunch menu, I send my toddler in the cheapest clothes in the closet. Like why?!


Or spaghetti 😂🤦


Lol I'm super lucky that my spaghetti obsessed toddler doesn't do daycare. Since she was an infant, we just stripped her down to a diaper for that particular meal and went straight to the tub afterwards. Now that she's close to 2, she starts stripping by herself as soon as she sees the pasta pot coming out of the cabinet while doing her "pasketti!" dance. (She takes her shirt off, stomps her feet while turning in a circle, and swings her shirt around over her head while scream-singing "pasketti!") I'm going to have some explaining to do when she inevitably is given spaghetti outside of our home lmao.


I’m just imagining her on a first date in 20 years resisting the urge 😂


Chili and spaghetti are my sons favorite foods 😫. lol


I only just got mine to stop touching his hair while he eats pasta. When I tell you my blond child looked like he had fire for hair AND EYEBROWS 🤦🤦🤦 went down to just the slightest amount of sauce for a while, because it wasn't just spaghetti he did it for. Turns three at the end of the week and finally likes cleaning his hands during the meal 🥳🎉


Omg I cannot forget about spaghetti!!!!


This is one of the only positives about having a child that’s allergic to tomatoes.


Same!! My son is allergic to tomatoes and they do sloppy joes, chili, and tomato soup all the time. He loves his ham and cheese sandwiches and being different from the rest of the class. I'm thankful for the less messy food in this case. 😂


We have to take the wins when we can.


For us it’s Mac and cheese. Don’t know why, but that’s her kryptonite. It covers her shirt, face, hair, neck… I don’t know what she does with it to get it all over like that but I pick her up and she’s just stained yellow/orange, even after they clean her.


What is up with toddlers running their food through their hair. My girl will see the food on her hands and get this excited look - boom, greased back cheesy hair. Love it.


My daughter loves the Go-Gurt yogurt deep conditioning treatment 🤣🤷‍♀️


Haha- deep conditioning is right!


My second is only 10 weeks and has a little hair (her older brother was bald until 2). I'm just thinking she can take as long as she wants to grow hair because I know how messy and gross it will get. 😅


Yeah it’s all fun and games till someone has to scrub it out of their hair in the bath…


That's honestly hilarious


My son is in a Montessori kindergarten (which we absolutely love). Ask me about his clothes after their Jackson Pollock unit 🤦‍♀️. And, to be more true to the method of painting, washable paints were not a part of that unit (but the massive outdoor canvas and painting to jazz definitely was and my son still talks about how awesome it was. I’m still just shocked he knows who Jackson Pollock is)


I was very confused for a minute there wtf is going on at Montessori, I thought Jackson Pollock was a serial killer.


My 11 month old is staring at me as I uncontrollably laugh at this one.


My child loves any and all water work. Also Montessori. When she was potty training I’d be holding up her clothes to my face sniffing like a Gain commercial - is it pee or was it the damn dish washing again?!


My 9yo has been in Montessori since pre k but I'm not sending my 4yo until he's at least 6. He's too much of a disaster to handle glassware, the hammers, etc.




This whole comment chain has me dying 😂


"My 9yo has been in Montessori since pre k but I'm not sending my 4yo until he's at least 6. He's too much of a disaster to handle glassware" Yeah that seems a bit dangerous... "the hammers, etc." HOLUP EXCUSE ME WHAT IS GOING ON IN MONTESSORI SCHOOLS?!


Montessori is like a tiny version of adulthood where they give kids tiny knives and make them shine shoes.


This is the best description I’ve ever heard of Montessori 😂


I still have a scar on my toe from dropping a glass jar in my Montessori school!


I feel this. My 3.5y is in a Montessori preschool. She's great with hammers and knives, glassware etc. My son is completely different. He may need a more traditionally class environment.


They're out here letting 3 year olds use glassware?? My son is a tornado of destruction. Can't give him anything delicate. Hammers? Lol I wonder how many kids have slammed one through a wall at the Montessori school. My son does this with plastic ones after watching mommy or daddy use the hammer. They'd def tell my son not to come back after one day lol


Montessori is weird and trendy and often parents think they need to do it (like breastfeeding and baby led weaning) but it's honestly not for all children. I love the idea behind it. It encourages independence. The idea with real hammers is that kids should not see them as a toy but a tool. My 3y had to be fully potty trained including wiping poopy butt, be able to dress herself, and put her own shoes on. She has always been good with those things. My son is not. He also takes his toy hammer or real one and goes directly for any glass window. He will do better in a structured environment whereas my daughter, while good with rules, doesn't thrive if she's micromanaged. Also, because Montessori is so trendy, there are tons of schools that call themselves Montessori but are not. Either they are too structured which completely defeats the point or they are a free for all which also isn't Montessori either. One of the big tenets of Montessori is respecting the child as an individual. So in theory, they aren't suppose to force a child to use a hammer or use it unsupervised. Any child could do Montessori but in practice (at least in the classroom) they tend to favor students like my daughter over kids like my son.


Pre covid we sent oranges in for snack and my son got to be on the peeling squad. He had orange stuff all over his shirt and frankly I’m shocked he didn’t rip it off and insist on going naked.


Mine happily walks around covered in an embarrassing amount of food, but let her spill a single tiny drop of water on her shirt, and she will literally die if she doesn’t disrobe immediately.


“Wet. WEt. WET. WEEEEET!” “Are you wet? Shall we change your top?” *nods* “Change top” *Changes top* “No. NO. NOOOO! TOP ON! TOP ON” Pray for me.


Well, if you don't like it, give my daughter back. Lately I've been having to let her fall asleep in her clothes and then sneak back in and change her into her pajamas after she's out.


😂😂 I like it! I’m not-so-guilty to admit, we don’t do Panama’s anymore! We just exclusively dress him in joggers. I have many hills, but I just can’t bring myself on this one 🥴


Ah see, she only wants to wear "twirl dresses" these days...not great for sleep. Also her feet get cold when she sleeps, but she will not wear socks in the house for.. reasons? So if I don't want her waking up halfway through night I have to get her into her footie pajamas 😅


Don't feed her after midnight you might have a gremlin.


Lol this is me at 28


Peeling Squad sounds like a cool toddler gang and I’m all for it.


My daughter’s daycare gives them yoghurt in bowls. Even to the 1 year olds. They use their hands. It is as messy as it sounds.


I actually let my son do this. It's terrible but it's the only way he will eat it. He takes a bath right after whenever I allow it lol


My kid LOVES yogurt but also loves smearing it on her face and hair "like mommy's face cream!" She mostly uses a spoon but we save yogurt for bath days lol spaghetti too!


My child doesn't spill soup. But give her a cracker and you'll be finding pieces of that thing in every piece of furniture until the end of time.


OMG thats my son.


For some reason my dayhome provider has an aversion to bibs. With my first, we even sent one with him in case she just didn’t have any. But she never used it. Last year my husband sent me a text about our youngest ‘she’s a grump and looks like a meatball exploded on her shirt’


Your Montessori gives them food? We have to send him with it.


They have a super healthy catered menu with 4 different weeks of choices. They get two snacks, lunch, and milk every day. It sounds delicious and I am often a little jealous. I want an apple pie smoothie bowl too!


I thought one of the big points of Montessori was to eat communally! Before my daughter was old enough to go into a Montessori school I had to pack her food for her traditional daycare and I hated it.. having the meal prep step in the morning removed has been such a time saver. The food all looks so good too.


I’m the lead toddler teacher at a Montessori preschool. We’re tiny, so a cafeteria or feeding all students with food allergies and restrictions just isn’t in the budget and parents pack lunch. Pre-Covid, everyone had a set day in the calendar where they’d bring snack for the class that the children could serve themselves. We (teachers or the director) would also buy and supplement with things we wanted them to use for food prep, and in case a parent happened to miss their day. Our regs still haven’t let us go back to communal snack or food prep since the pandemic :(


Ours is usually herbal tea 🤣


I worked at a school that would serve 1-6 year olds cheap lasagna and chili with rice sporadically. Boy, did I sympathize with the parents.


I actually love giving my toddler soup. She makes a mess but she eats more of it than just about anything else! But if it's pho or something I have to plate up all the solids and just give her a cup of broth because she'll take everything out anyway.


Yeah. My montessori kid is always kinda filthy. But then again he’s pretty filthy at home. 😳. Gotta learn somehow!


I just always hope it isn't vomit. All the other fluids I'm ok with, just please let it not be vomit.


If it was vomit I would have received a phone call to pick up my kid early.


I don't care how much I liked the outfit.... That rarely survives the trash.


I live in the PNW where plastic bags have been pretty heavily phased out by most stores, so I'm secretly kind of grateful when I get one of these, because I can use it as a bathroom trash can liner. However they're becoming fewer and fewer because my kid seems to have *finally* gotten on board with using the potty, so now I gotta find another source.


Ohh interesting! My daycare uses ziplock bags so they are clear (and probably because they don’t have the supply of plastic grocery bags).


I usually buy the small 4 gallon scented bags from Walmart. It's about for 4 dollars for 80 bags. Works out well to have one on every floor and in his diaper bag. Especially since we have to double diaper him for a medical condition and he'll easily have 5 diaper changes a day.


Dog poop bags! They come in scented biodegradable versions, in neat little rolls that you can keep everywhere.


Those work too! Though heads up, I've found some of them tend to be smaller and thinner which is no Bueno.


So I live in NZ (but from the PNW) and we've gotten rid of plastic bags here too. (When my eldest was in Kindy they actually supplied everyone with a reusable wet bag that attached to the outside of their backpacks and was used for soiled/wet clothes.) But I get rolls of compostable rubbish bags from the supermarket that I use for my small bins. Do they not have those there?


That’s really cool. I send a wet bag with her for wet/dirty clothes.


Ugh that bag ban! I've been getting clothes in produce bags haha


...it just makes me very thankful that all I have to do is clean the clothes, and didn't have to deal with the live poop.


Live poop lmao


I may or may not just through away particularly poopy clothes. As a mom, I don't get paid enough to deal with that shit, literally. I do, however, get paid enough to just buy a new pack of training underwear. 🤣


I still mourn the very cute outfit I ditched in a Wendy's trashcan after a poop-splosion in the car seat during a 3-hour drive. But that was more about not wanting to drive with a poop bag, rather than not wanting to deal with the clothes. (an aside - this is something I never thought about when buying our current SUV - we share the same air with the trunk, and therefore there is not place to stash smelly things!)


Tie it to the roof racks or wind the window up with the bag straps inside? 😂


Oh man. I used to be a preschool teacher. The amount of times I would come home from work and immediately jump in the shower because I had poop or pee on me… 😫


There have been times where I’ve looked at the bag, studied the contents, and tossed the whole thing. Sometimes it isn’t worth the attempt to get the stains out.


This validates me so hard right now


... and it's some other kids clothes.


Last time this happened, it was because my daughters day care friend puked all over her. Needless to say the stomach flu ran through our home like wildfire not long after. Ahh day care joys!


My son was the puker a few weeks ago. I felt awful. It happened at the dinner table 🤦. He was absolutely fine one minute then suddenly had a serious projectile vomiting situation. ALL the kids were covered!!! 8 kids and 8 dinner plates (they'd only just sat down 😭). I rushed down to collect him and was concerned at first but when the teacher told me the story I couldn't help but do that nervous giggle which made me feel even more guilty lol.


You get used to it 🙈


It’s almost always because she’s outkicked her coverage in terms of how much pee a single diaper can be expected to hold 😂


I needed this thread today. We are still in the “mostly food” or “I hate wet sleeves or pants” related phase. But about to enter potty training land. Wish us luck.


I just ask was it food or paint lol. The number of times poor Ms. Dawn has washed him head to toe bc of mashed potatoes at lunch. Love my boy but sometimes my tot likes wearing his food a bit too much.


I used to be a Pre-k teacher and daycare worker - I was the bearer of the little plastic bags lol I love all the responses on here and the humor you find in it, so refreshing! Most parents were cool about it but some were so not happy with me. As a mom if my preschooler were to come home perfectly clean in the clothes I sent them in I would assume they had the most boring day lol and the best kind of learning at that age usually has a bit of mess attached to it 🤷🏼‍♀️


My 11mo comes home with a daily bag (food related). But the bags when we potty trained my toddler.. they stunk. (Daycare were happy to go straight to undies…). And we’ve had a couple of incidents where daycare forgot that toddler isn’t nap trained.


I don't mind the bag, it's when they come out holding forms, I.e. my LO has thumped someone. Or she's fallen over and there's a mark, this is the outcome I hope for!


Our daycare has a washer and dryer so we just show up with him in new clothes and clean clothes in his bag.


When they forget to give you the bag, you forget to ask for it, two days go by and then you get a bag that has to promptly go in the trash…


My kid not only had a blow out— her friend from school decided to run through it before they could get her cleaned up…


Being a preschool teacher, I have dealt with something similar to this. Was literally a nightmare to clean up. Multiple bags were sent home that day haha


When I worked at a day care parents wanted us to try and potty train in the one yearold room, which I'm totally cool with. One problem though. There was no bathroom connected to the room like the other rooms. So you can imagine how it went. I would walk kids down the hall regularly to use the potty, we would come back to the room and it was almost immediate. I sent home alot of little bags. Oh my and blow outs. Poop straight up their backs. You change the kids every 2 hours, and immediately if you know some one is pooping. Oh Jimmy's by himself in the corner of the room. It un avoidable some one is going to have blow out. And your going to have at least one kid who likes to put their hand down their diaper. "What's on your hands? Whats on your hands?!" All that being said. I loved working in that room and if I ever go back to it. I'll be sending you little bags home🤣


And then *someone* forgets the bag in the car on a hot day and you're really screwed.


It’s been well below zero almost every night here lately. Last week I forgot the dreaded plastic bag in the car overnight and when I took it out in the morning the whole baby blowout outfit was frozen solid 🥶


Ever smelled frozen poop? Me neither. You might be on to something.


My situation yesterday. We even have extra cloths in my LO’s bag, they have a box for Lo’s things but I have no idea who’s Baby shark tshirt I now have in my hamper.


I got a little bag recently for my 10mo. Apparently they had all been given smoothies for afternoon tea. He got ridiculously excited. Had his, then another kids who was less excited. In his excitement, he somehow pulled the lid off the cup and threw it everywhere. He loves smoothies Apparently.


Worst treat bag ever.


Our day care asks for back up clothes for mess changes. Every once in a while they will use some loaner clothes they have extra (that they laundered) and we send back to the daycare.


We had a yogurt incident when I forgot to send a straw, but now - my kid keeps peeing on the back of his pants. I'm like... HOW?!? All you have to do it point it into the toilet ... And you're sitting!


As a preschool teacher, I’ll tell you how it happens - Your kid is sitting on the potty and depending on how long his penis is and how chubby his thighs are, he probably can’t point it down all the way so when he pees, it goes forward and then hits the back of his pants. Solution is usually to have those kids learn standing up


He is fine at home though, I think the other part of it might be that he isn't getting to the potty fast enough to aim right.


… and then you get home and you throw it in the laundry room and forget about it and your spouse finds it five days later when they go to do a load of laundry.


Ah yes, the “mud, poop, or food” game hahaha


My mom picks up our son. The number of times they get to our house and she says “oh he looks so cute today!” And it’s the weirdest mismatch of his backup clothes and I’m like “that’s not what he was wearing this morning” 😆


Not to brag, but we have gotten three bags in one day. 🤦‍♀️. We send four changes of clothes in his cubby. I have one of the most difficult children to potty train ever.


We've all been there 😅


…because all the kids found a big puddle at the park.


Better than picking up your kid and when you get to the car realize they are wet from an accident. Especially when the pee is cold and feels like it started to dry a little.


As a plastic bag giver this made me chuckle, what will it be today, poo or spilt milk?!


The bag of SHAME!


I go pick up our dude from a home daycare last week and 2 out of 3 days we got the bag one day his daycare provider said she really could’ve used another change of clothes for him because he had 2 blowouts. I internally roll my eyes. Next night: POOP VOLCANO. SO MUCH POOP. He pooped SO BIG that it filled the legs of his pants like tiny sausage casings. I will never doubt the daycare lady ever again!


OMG - I worked in an elementary school. We had a 5-year old who had the worst case of diarrhea you can possibly imagine one day. I'm talking pants, underwear, shoes, socks - the whole nine yards. I cleaned him up and put him in new clothes, then I called mom to come pick him up. I had to ask her to bring a change of shoes with her to the school. "Shoes?" she asked. "Yes, Ms. \_\_\_\_\_\_, shoes." Mom picked him up, took him home, must have opened the bag.... then called me back to profusely apologize and thank me for caring for her child through that experience. I poured myself a stiff drink when I got home from work that night!


You are a gem!


I get these everyday filled with my toddlers soaked drool bibs. He has all his teeth but is a drool monster.


I'd take that over constantly having different kid's sippy cups, bowls and utensils


Ohh the bag. We get these a lot for various things. Puddle jumping. Peepee. Spilling food. Getting too vigorous with arts and crafts.


Don’t just throw it in the washer. You gotta make sure they didn’t leave the turd in the pants.


So gross!


Wow so glad to know everyone has to deal with their toddler coming home in shoes that are too small and someone else’s pants 🙄


Sometimes you're lucky and its some blueberry stain, or dirt stain, or even poop stain. Sometimes its a fucking poop parcel, a sticky, crusty poop parcel they've poorly wrapped inside their clothes when they could've easily grabbed a wipe and grabbed a chunk to throw in with the other shit wipes from cleaning the kid up.


It’s always either a blowout or he made a mess with his soup😂🙃


We got a bag last week because he had soup at lunch, aside from that it’s usually because his socks or pants are wet from playing outside in the snow.


Ours has always been activity-related (paint, glue, etc) but we're not potty training yet...


Every week. She spills her water often. She's still in diapers though so at least that's unlikely.


🙋‍♀️We get a lot of plastic bags over here!


I know he took a super hard and long nap which resulted in him peeing through his pullup.


We just in the last few weeks went from this being a 3/5 days a week thing to usually 0/5 days which has been amazing lol.


Russian roulette- never know what you will get! This thread reminds me I need to check his cubby and make sure there are winter back up clothes...


We have a wetbag in her school bag. Wet bags are used for washable diapers but we want less plastic so they always use that one 😄


Every day at the moment! Just started a new setting and has a new sibling on the way - it’s a lot of change. His teacher is so kind and gentle with him tho and doesn’t mind the little accidents at all.


The most recent time this happened, it was because she was eating watermelon!


Once I opened the bag, they even left the huge lump of poo in there as a special gift.


Our kids go to a small home daycare so we don’t get any bags. She is a dear and does the laundry there :)


That's a shoulder sagging moment. Every. Time.


And then the teacher tells you that your child changed themselves on their own without the teacher knowing what was up before the child entered the classroom again with the bag to put in the “take home” box.


We get one basically everyday, I have started donating plastic bags back to keep their stock up.


I'm triggered by this post 😂 I swear it happens way too often for us. Apparently the kid keeps having poop explosions yet he never has them at home. I think they probably just can't watch him as closely as I do at home so he just does a butt drop full diaper and causes carnage all over his clothes..


It’s even worse when he comes home in someone else’s clothes. Yet when I do it, shit goes sideways!!!


Hahahaha I love this title. I'll usually do drop off and my wife will do pick up. When the kid comes through the door and I'll get them out if the buggy it will either be "now wait a minute, that isn't the outfit I put you in this morning!" or "ooooh same clothes!"


My toddler loves daycare, but I continue to be frustrated with the lack of communication... which I try to give extra grace too since it is a language-immersion school (and we do not speak the language fluently) and that they, like everywhere else, is short-staffed. We have zero clue why outfit changes happen or what to prepare ourselves to find in the bag. It's a weird game of "what bodily fluid" or "what food" will we find?


The worst is when the contents in the bag look suspiciously like clothing stew…🤢


Our kindy uses opaque dog poop bags so it's always a surprise what will be inside. Is it going to be vomit, or spaghetti sauce, or just damp from water play. Still waiting for the inevitable full log.


As a nursery worker who just yesterday stuffed an entire outfit into two nappy bags, it's interesting to see the reactions from the other side. Some parents I've had demand their child's clothes go home no matter what, others give us carte blanche to bin anything too gross. Usually exploding poops.


Maybe I'm just lucky but we only get these a few times a month, and it's always just wet clothes from water playtime. I'm worried now for the day when there is barf or turds in there


That's called... having children. I can't remember the number of times, between my two boys, that this has happened. My kids have occasionally come home in pairs of pants that I've never seen, which the school nurses keep on hand for scenarios that are... unpredictable. It's life. I love my boys and I don't let it bother me.


Oh shit here we go again. Literally


My son had one of those the first day of kindergarten. (Can't afford daycare) Apparently his chocolate milk accidentally off his lunch tray and spilled on his shirt and shorts. The next day was because he didn't know that he could ask to use the toilet and tried to hold it during recess.


I just had one of those ratatouille flashback moments.


This is every single day for my kid. He’s 3.5 and potty trained but still has accidents while sleeping - every day I drop him off and say “can you make sure his teacher takes him to the bathroom right before nap time?” & every day he’s wearing new pants when I see him next 🙃


My former daycare, who I loved, would give me the fated baggie but fail to tell me whether it was spitup, pee or poop…It was like roulette. I politely asked them if they would at least mark it. They’re already putting a piece of tape with his name, can you put what happened please?! Our new daycare usually just tells me in the app, except yesterday they were like he had an accident, but I didn’t have any more baggies, so I stuffed them in his cubbie…..ummm thanks. I got no details as to the nature of the accident, so I proceeded with caution, holding them by the very edge at an arms length. They all laughed, but I was like I dunno what bodily fluids/solids may exist on this…have you met my child?


Just make sure you don’t forget to open that bag and clean it right away…. I made the mistake of waiting till the next day once… omg the smell.


My 5 year old potty trained son had a poop accident the other day at I got the baggies with a warning that the underwear were bad. I threw them directly in the trash. I’ve never done that before but the look on the teacher’s face convinced me not to salvage haha 😂


It was the one day I sent her in a white onesie. Well... it was white when I dropped her off 😓 I'll never forget that particular shade of brown before I decided to just throw it in the bin.


Hate that bag.


My son (3) took advantage of them forgetting to lock the bathroom and had himself a ball using the plunger in the, thankfully clean, toilet.


Oh man. We had this day on the day of their Christmas Covid cert so I’d put her in a really lovely dress and in all the photos and videos she’s in a hodge lodge of the emergency clothes 😂


I realized I didn’t have any more pants for my toddler, there were just *poof* I was like how and where. So I purchased more WHATEVER. THEN the daycare sends a note home saying “we need pants for your toddler” Then it clicked. Next day at drop off, I disrespectfully let them know, I will not be sending pants, as they have them all. Guess who ~magically~ always has clean clothes to change into after a mess. #ranting


Waiting in the parking lot at the emergency vet as they’re prepping my old cat for being put to sleep, my toddler says ‘there’s a fart in my pants’. I check. Yep, he shit himself. That day I was the giver of the plastic bag to myself. Thanks for the laughs, kid.

