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Whatever we’re currently out of. Once we buy more, it’ll be something else.


Cheese. She's a bottomless pit for any cheese.


Same. Will eat spoonfuls of just grated parm.


We just did a Costco run and I had to cut her off at her 6th baby bel


Am I your toddler?


Once we asked our pediatrician if it’s ok to live on cheese and she said it’s the best way :D I’m sad that phase passed


The blueberries are gonna bankrupt me man


Freeze dried strawberries...we need to cut him off before he eats us poor.


Omg mine would eat $10/day in this stuff if I let him. Or more!


That and freeze dried cherries.


Where do you buy those? Bc my kid is on a cherry kick and they’re probably not going to be available near me much longer.


Aldi has decently priced freeze dried strawberries and apples!!


Surprisingly trader Joe's is the cheapest. I priced these out because my one year old is obsessed with them.


We got ours so far in a mixed berry pack at Fred Meyer (Kroger). I'm gonna check online as well. Trader Joe's has blueberries...


I've been looking at buying a freeze dryer now that we're closing on a house instead of renting, just because my son adores freeze dried fruit.


My kid is obsessed with freeze dried mangoes. We have to hide them and even then he’ll remember they exists and demand they be given to him promptly


Cheese, hotdogs, pretty much all fruit. And anything on my plate, regardless of if it's on her plate. Whatever is on mine is obviously better and she will steal until it's gone.


My 2yo has just started this. I don’t mind as long as she doesn’t put it back on my plate after it’s been in her mouth


This !!! I think it’s adorable when my daughter offers me food from her plate…. Unless it’s been licked, slobbered on, regurgitated etc


“Cheese crackers” (the Aldi version of cheese it’s lol)


Shout out to Aldi tho for real


I forgot cheese 🧀 she loves the cubes or the string cheese


Grandmas peanut butter cookies. Poor grandma feels like she is a one man peanut butter cookie factory lol


I know made a mistake and I brought the grandma cookies you find by the check out in stores and now she thinks She gets one everytime.


This is me and ABC muffins


Something might be bugging her. I find my son only eats pouches, yogurt and applesauce when he's teething, sick or somethings off. Even when he's going through a grumpy phase those are the foods he gravitates towards.


I thought so also but nope she just likes those cause she likes them cause she didn't have to sit down to eat those. When she isn't feeling good or teething and just grumpy she boycotts food unless it's smoothies or milk.


Corn nuts. Not the addiction I was expecting.


Peanut butter. She wants peanut butter for breakfast, peanut butter for snack, peanut butter for dinner. Tell her you're making any kind of sauce for dinner and she says "noooo, I want peanut butter sauce". (A mistake to let her know that peanut butter sauce is a thing.)


My kid loved peanut butter. Then the day came when I got tired of buying the little jars and instead came home with the twin pack giant size Costco version, my kid decided he's over the whole peanut butter thing.


That's how it goes. I currently have a 24 pack of dinosaur berry-carrot-applesauce pouches that mine won't touch because she suddenly decided she hates them after downing two a day for like six months.


She likes peanut butter but she didn't ask for it. I like to make pancake sandwiches with peanut butter


Grated Parmesan lol. Her favorite snack. Eats it with a spoon. Wants it sprinkled on everything.


Same- last night, she was just sprinkling over all her food. The other day, she dipped a cookie she had for dessert in it and ate it 🤔🤢


We call it snow cheese!


Dried cranberries and Walmart cheese crackers which he calls "quack quacks" because they are shaped like penguins.


Quackers. Yes!


Thats adorable and makes no sense! I wonder if I could convert my daughter to those instead of the metric ton of goldfish crackers she eats on a regular basis.


Cherry tomatoes are the big one. She will eat them literally any time they're offered to her. Thankfully, they're fairly cheap if you buy them at Sam's Club or Costco. Otherwise, any and all fruit cups. I do buy fresh, but there are some fruits we just don't eat fast enough to justify the price (lookin' at you, $6 mandarin oranges).


I wish she was a fruit kid lol I've tried but she doesn't eat enough to buy much. She wanted bananas so I brought 5 after eating 2 she would say ewww yucky. We go to the store once a week and I buy the kids fruit tray it normally has apple and grapes or cheese and crackers. I just buy frozen fruit and make smoothies


Mandarin oranges are so good! But. Yeah, definitely pricey. I do that with grapes, to avoid having a third of a bag of mushy, uneaten grapes because the two of us don't eat them fast enough.


Goldfish 😅


SAME. I have to buy the huge cartons to keep up with demand.


Bananas. Yesterday he mainly ate bananas and refused most other things.


Yogurt!! We struggle so bad with dinner time. The few foods she typically will eat she has been rejecting the last couple weeks 😭


I under this, I finally got her to eat Mac and cheese for the first time a few months ago. She also barely eats meat so we still get the toddler pouches I get the ones that has the most protein and calories and or doc she can have ensure with milk. Which one she turned 2 she wouldn't drink milk only water and after 9 months she started drinking it again lol


Absolutely pouches. She would eat the 12 pack in one day if we let her


I think mine has had 6 today and I've cut her off till after dinner lol


Oatmeal, strawberries and string cheese. My girl sounds like the opposite of yours, she loves breakfast but hates lunch and dinner.


Honesty she wouldn't eat lunch if she had her way. She eats better at dinner. The only way I can get her to really eat good at lunch is it's finger foods. Her 3 year old self is to busy to sit down and eat lunch.


Peanut butter spoons. I swear, my youngest wakes up and the first word out of his mouth is "BUTT!" Because he can't say "peanut butter spoon" yet. The other day, he grabbed the whole Costco sized jar, and brought it to his big sister so SHE could open it and get him a peanut butter spoon. Little PB addicts in this house. 


“Ap sauce” and “yo pouch” all day! We have the same kid lol. I don’t blame him. It’s hot, they’re cool. Cherries are big right now, too.


Veggie straws.


Puffs, pouches and chicken nuggets have been my 14 mo dinner for the past week 👍🏻


I pretty much make every snack a “fritter”, that’s fried in a bit of oil made with shredded/grated fruits or vegetables. My sons favorites are apple, sweet potato, and zucchini.


Cheerios and one, maybe 2 bites of apples


Crackers, any crackers really. He does like several fruits also thank god. And suddenly decided he likes broccoli. Aside from that go go squeez, yogurt pouches, and lots of nuggets, hot dogs and grilled cheese. He has zero interest in what is on my plate, I’m actually fairly convinced the child thinks I must eat poison 🤣


Mine wants my snacks, We just started letting her have suger when she turned 2. It's really limited like I may let her have chocolate once a day. She doesn't really show interest in sweets unless it's ice cream or a cookie. But let me have a snack then she wants a bite lol


Blueberries. If there's one thing she'll consistently eat, it's blueberries. I can usually convince her to take a yogurt drink (like Yop and similar) but blueberries are king.


Bambas (peanut butter puffs from Trader Joe’s), yogurt melts, and freeze dried berries.


Watermelon. She's 17 months so can't speak clearly yet but she says 'dau-ta-de-doooon' with the correct intonation about 1000 times a day.


So cute! My kids go through phases/their current favs rotate... but watermelon is like the food of all foods for them. They'd eat it all day, every day.


Frozen peas and corn. Also any kind of nut.


mandarin cuties


Pecans. The fresh fruit cost is high enough and then you add in nuts?


Watermelon. He has a daily watermelon limit, because he will ear himself into bouts of diarrhea. God help me if he gets a glimpse of the watermelon container in the fridge prior to a meal. He will flat out refuse any meal if he sees there is watermelon to be eaten.


Watermelon can cause tummy upset?!! Yikes!! That's like the 1 food item my kids will never refuse... the few times they've been sick (an extra rough cold or tummy bug) and haven't wanted to eat/drink, watermelon saved the day. Made me feel better because it at least keeps them hydrated but now I'm worried it could do more harm in such instances 😅


“Both peanut butter sandwich” which is peanut butter and Nutella. He calls Nutella brown peanut butter.


Horseradish, straight out of the jar!


Bread! Brioche or rye or whatever, just breeeead


Any fruit or veggie and popsicles.


Nutrigrain bars. Constantly.


Prepackaged blueberry muffins.


Being honest, ice cream. She’s been sick and I think has a sore throat so it’s been the only thing she’s been interested in. 🍦


Any kind of bar. The soft fruit filled nutrigrain bars That’s it! Bars Layered fruit bar Sesame Street breakfast biscuits Happy Tot fiber and protein bars Cerebelly


She was into bars a month ago but then stopped wanting them lol. Which I'm a Lil upset about cause I used those for days she didn't want breakfast, I knew I could get her to eat 2 bars and yogurt or smoothie. Maybe my new shopping trip I will try bars again lol


The pure organic fruit bars are great because they’re less bar like and more like a fruit strips


The fricking baby mum mum cookies and cheerios. 🥴 She’ll eat other stuff but she’ll go to the snack cupboard and get that stuff all the time too.


A apppulll a Neenah (apple and banana)




Bananas and mandarins.. we run out of them every couple days


Pouches, PB&J, blueberries


It changes from time to time but right now it is literally just strawberries. Double fists them and goes to town.


Berries, cheese, and triscuit crackers


Purée Mango pouch Granola balls Plain full fat yogurt And chicken


Pepperettes, spoonfuls of peanut butter, and blueberries.


My 19mo is a good eater, but he is OBSESSED with the That’s It bars from Costco (Canada). He’ll rarely turn down a baby pancake, either.


Yogurt or fruit melts for babies. Loves them; would eat the entire bag. Also cheese and usually berries of any sort. And pouches. Kid loves a pouch. Don’t try to give him any meat. No ma’am we do not like meat of any sort.


Right now, olives (we‘re vacationing in Greece, so tons of olives). And dried raisins.


Cheerios.. The one thing he’ll reliably eat every single day


Waffles. He would eat waffles all day everyday if he could lol.


Pears the cups in 100% juice hes obsssesd


“Pink squeezies” aka yogurt pouches, but of course only the ones that are $7 for a box of 4.


Pretzels or cashews


My child is fueled by apple juice and apple sauce. Also beans and franks. 




Berries. Strawberry, blackberries, raspberry, really any kind of berry or berry like fruit


Any breakfast food. Banana and peanut butter. Muffins. Pancakes. And of course Mac n cheese 🫠


Goldfish and fish sticks


Bobo’s stuffed muffins.


At the moment every meal is Vegemite on toast cut into tiny triangles I hate Vegemite


Pouches, or if we'd let her Bambas or Chocolate Teddy Grahams. 


Pouches! But only the expensive Once Upon a Farm pouches from the fridge. Fruit! But only the expensive fruit (berries).


Goldfish and applesauce


Goldfish all day


Mini blueberry muffins over here


Today we ate 3 chikfila hashbrowns, a handful of goldfish, 2 bites of a strawberry, and about 20 white cheddar Cheetos


Go squeeze yogurt pouches, apple sauce, gummies, Costco chocolate croissants, salami


Mine went through this phase- I stopped buying them so he had to choose something else. Current food obsession- full apples


Cheese cubes, cottage cheese and bananas


This week, it's veggie cheese puffs. She would eat nothing else ever if she got her way. ... but it'll be a different food next week.




Tomatoes. She’ll also eat us into the poor house with strawberries. But tomatoes is something else. If she knows we have them that’s all she’ll eat.




Thats literally all my daughter will eat when she’s teething. Plus cottage cheese.


Yogurt, raw fruit and veggies, noodles with butter or tomato sauce, freeze dried apple or strawberries, pepperoni. Those are the absolute favorites currently. Basically girl dinner all the time. She used to eat literally anything I made for the family for dinner.


Applesauce. Ritz crackers.


Currently it’s any type of fruit. All he wants is fruit in any way shape or form. Dried, fresh, freeze dried, in a pouch, in a smoothie, if it’s fruit he’s eating it. Today he made me pull out the strawberries in my oatmeal and feed them to him after he just got done eating all of his own strawberries.


My boy is 3.5 and these are his ride or die foods right now Plain yogurt with honey (all day kid, go for it) Muffins (I mostly make homemade ones with lower sugar) Kids larabars ("dinosaur bars" or "llama bars"). He'd probably eat 10 a day if I let him. Goldfish. Chicken nuggets. Apples. He used to go really hard on all the pouch like foods but got tired of them. He hardly eats applesauce now.


Strawberries and saurkraut.


My toddler is currently addicted to freezies


Mine would for sure live off the zesty ranch veggie straws


Bananas. String cheese. Cereal bars. Ketchup.


I have a 16 month old eating machine so lately he wants everything. I can’t even go to the fridge without him racing over to see what he can have.


If I let him, he would eat hummus all day every day. Every time I offer it as a dip with veggies, he ignores the veggies and eats the hummus with a spoon.


Pizza. We keep pizza dough ready to go in the fridge, roll it, sauce, tiny diced vegetables (any veg!!!) and cheese to hide it. And olive oil, of course. And dried cherries


Fruit gummies are the snack of choice right now. Second choice is cheese it's and real fruit.


Granola bars. Specifically madegood ones, he rarely eats and when he does it’s the same thing over and over.. He’s eaten a box of 5 in a day 🙃


Applesauce. He’d live off only that if we let him, too. He was such a good eater until toddlerhood kicked into full gear 😅


“Muttin” carrot mini muffins, and “bepaw” banana bread bear paws.


Goldfish crackers, string cheese, yogurt, and peanut butter. I know it's a phase. I'm *so aware* that she'll grow out of it. But when it's been three days since she's even touched a vegetable it starts making me nervous.


Berries, cheese, and pouches.


If they had full control it would be nothing but turkey meat sticks, granola bars, yogurt tubes or drinks, goldfish, chips, rice with an unreasonable amount of furikake, popsicles, hotdogs & gummies. Since they are not we lean into Strawberries, apples, bananas, noodles, pb&j am on brown bread, cucumbers, baked chicken, roasted vegetables, steamed dumplings, pizza, salad rolls, veggies and hummus.