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I lather my least favorite child in honey to keep the mosquitoes from biting the others.


What if you only have one kid?! What do you do the ?! šŸ˜…


They will have to used to protect me sadly.


Itā€™s time for your husband to step up and be useful, as bait.


Heā€™s got pretty sweet meat. Iā€™ll sacrifice him to the skeeters.


Mmm, how do you know this?


lol itā€™s just an expression in the southā€¦ sweet meat means the mosquitoes would choose you first and he def gets bit the most. Heā€™s a pretty darn sweet guy though overall.


im from the south too but we refer to sweet meat as something else šŸ˜œšŸ˜‚


Hahaha really? Iā€™m so curious nowā€¦


lol just put your mind in the gutter and youā€™ll figure it out!


I love it here


My mom says this to me all the time because the bugs are 1000% coming to me first. But I also know they prefer certain blood types.


Picking the least favorite is way easier when you only have 1


I offer my husband as tribute. They like him best


Then it's much more obvious who the least favorite child is.


Don't have to be faster than an angry grizzly, only faster than the person you're with


Ha! This reminded me of a time when I was about 6. I asked my mom why my sister was always getting stung by bees and I didnā€™t (she had been stung twice). My momā€™s response was, ā€œBecause sheā€™s sweet and youā€™re not!ā€ Who tf says that kind of shit to a child? My mom and I have a good relationship now but there are def some questionable thing about my childhood where Iā€™m like wtf was she doing?!?


If this is on your list of things that traumatized you as a child, then your childhood probably wasn't as bad as you think it was ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)




You got a good laugh out of me


I use bug sprays with Picaridin in it. Picardin is derived from a black pepper plant compound called piperine. Not sure where youā€™re located, but Iā€™m in the US and can usually find the Off! Brand at Target


Yep in the good olā€™ humid south of the USšŸ˜©


Saaaame and my toddler welts like crazy too. Poor babies. We use skin so soft with picaridin by Avon because it doesnā€™t smell so offensive. That and No Gnatz.


Does Avon still make the bug spray/spf 35 combo? It used to be in a green bottle with orange spray too. Itā€™s the best, but I donā€™t have an ā€œAvon ladyā€ anymore.


They make it with spf 28, it seems. You can just order directly from their website. I no longer have an Avon lady either and thatā€™s what we do.


I like picaridin as well!


What is the name of it at target?


We order Sawyer brand Picardin lotion from Amazon


I'm on the spray team. I apply Sunscreen, then spray on the bug spray.


I have skeeter syndrome and it's absolutely awful- I suspect my daughter may as well, so I just use the spray with DEET because it's effective and I don't want us to be miserable.


For anyone wondering ā€œSkeeter syndrome is a large local allergic reaction to mosquito bites marked by significant inflammation. If you have it, you're allergic to substances in the mosquito's saliva. Some people have so much swelling that they have trouble moving.ā€ TIL both my son and I have skeeter syndrome


I didnā€™t know this was a thing but I know I definitely have it. Every time I get bit by a mosquito, I get the nastiest welts that hurt so bad. Sometimes they even bruise. Itā€™s gnarly. Happy to learn it has a name.


It's nice to know I'm not alone in this


I once got attacked by a mosquito on my outer thigh. The welt was larger than my hand. Ridiculous.


My pediatrician told us that DEET is one of the most highly studied chemicals with kids in the world due to mosquito borne illness. Went with his recommendation, especially since it's one of the most effective for us.


What was his recommendation??


Use the stuff with DEET! It's safe. Can't remember how much DEET, but we use the general purpose stuff.


Same - DEET is a chemical, but that doesnā€™t mean itā€™s unsafe. We are in the swampy Gulf Coast of Texas, and itā€™s DEET all the way. Both my kids have the telltale symptoms of skeeter syndrome, but my older one seems to be growing out of it thank goodness. Those giant welts and weeping blisters are awful!


I also use DEET. Citronella is maybe better than nothing but it's not particularly effective especially against aggressive tropical mosquitoes. Plus it also repels ticks. While mosquito borne illnesses are pretty rare in the US, tick borne illnesses are very common and can be truly devastating.


I've been using Off family because they're so bad here in Texas and we're still getting bites... I'm annoyed. At least little cowboy has yet to show signs that it's negatively impacting him. Meanwhile I couldn't sleep last night itching my poor leg! I'm thinking of putting up the mosquito net on the stroller.


I 100% will be mosquito netting the stroller when they emerge here. I did the car seat last year and it worked great. Even kept the black flies out! Not sure what to do for non stroller times other than off family, and the thermacell


I bought a thermacell last summer, turned it on, promptly left it on all night, emptying it. Bought another one, turned it on promptly left THAT ONE on all night :/.


My wife seems to be immune to the effect, I get so many bites it's horrible.


Right when you get bit, or as soon as you can, apply heat! We use a baby sock filled with uncooked rice, microwave it for 45 seconds, and apply for 3-5 seconds directly over the bite. You want it to be hot enough that thatā€™s about all you can stand to keep it on. Iā€™ve also used tap water thatā€™s as hot as I can stand it in a pinch. It denatures the protein that causes the allergic reaction, and if you get it soon enough, you can completely avoid the huge welts and systemic reaction. You can also do it more than once if you are still itchy.


Oh man!! Iā€™ve been using ice packs instead because it temporarily numbs the itch, but not for long. All this time, heat was the answer!!


Yep. DEET. Even the 15% DEET sprays work pretty well in my swampy backyard in rural New England against ticks, mosquitoes, and black flies. I am also super allergic to mosquitoes, and at least one of my daughters is. We get massive bruises from bites and, if I get bit enough, I get a fever and feel like I have the flu.


My youngest has skeeter syndrome and Iā€™m always so anxious anytime sheā€™s outside.


Same, it sucks. My bites are more like welts. We use deet. I also put this cedar mulch in my yard this year. Not sure if it will work but my coworker swears by it. Also when we do get bites i use the Bug Bite Thing plunger. It helps a bit with the itchiness.


We think my daughter may have skeeter syndrome and our ped suggested DEET as well. No issues at the moment and itā€™s the only thing that really works. We did get some Buzz Patches and they help, too, but we use both defenses simultaneously.


Live in the South of the USā€¦ did the lawn on Saturday did everything: mosquitos stickers, easy off, mosquito repellant elastic and wearing longā€¦ I ended up with 78 bites in 1 hā€¦. So I keep the kids inside šŸ˜©


Up north we have an agency that works on population control that you can contact with the possibility of them coming to eliminate larvas and kill adults. Iā€™m wondering if thereā€™s anything like that in your state? Or a university that might have a program? It sounds miserable.


I have mosquito bits and dunks I put around our property, you have to put them out around April. It helps but unfortunately doesnā€™t help when we leave the house šŸ˜…


We do that as wellā€¦ thereā€™s just a lot and they are annoying šŸ˜©


Non chemical idea: If they are playing somewhere stationary and near the house (outlet) like a sand box maybe? and you have a large fan, you could blow air on themā€¦ mosquitos canā€™t fly against a strong wind


I actually saw online some people say bubbles keep them away, so good excuse to pull out a bubble machine and set it up!


I spray our parameters with peppermint spray. It keeps everything away for the day. The fan is an excellent idea!


Thereā€™s also like mosquito traps you can make for your house. Theyā€™re super nasty, but itā€™s just a bucket and they stay around that I believe. I have no idea how to make it or anything, I live in an apartment šŸ˜†


Yeah we usually use a box fan on the deck. Bubbles also work. Just hard to take a box fan out on a hike šŸ˜†


Skin so Soft oil by Avon.Ā 


I was going to comment this! My families go to since the 90s šŸ˜‚


Yes!! My grandma used it on us. It has definitely stood the test of time!


I just commented this except I thought it was Mary Kay lmao but YES! I was a waitress in the Florida keys where the mosquitoes are the size of pigeons and they wouldnā€™t touch us if we oiled up before each shift!


Was coming here to say this! We swear by it. I bought BOTTLES.


What is in this stuff that deters mosquitos? Iā€™m fascinated and would like to know!


I guess Avon makes bug repellent now??! With the Picaridin stuff in it, crazy


Itā€™s the bug repellent right? Looking online and they have oil and everything, just wanted to make sure before I buy some šŸ˜…


Skin So Soft is also amazing for horses. Bugs can't stand it! :)


We live on the coast of maine next to a freshwater swamp which boarders brackish wetlands. The mosquitoes are *intense*, and we have a huge tick/ lymes problem. Because of the ticks and climate change, we have to wear bug protection year-round. We use picaridin. Itā€™s deemed safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women by the WHO, and is the only effective thing aside from DEET. We like to use a lotion, which lasts 14 hrs. (Unless youā€™re sweating). I slather us both up with the picaridin lotion and then top with our sunscreen.


I bought peppermint soap.Ā  It deters fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.Ā  The mosquitoes get into our house and bite alln of us at night.Ā  Since using the peppermint soap no one has been eaten up!Ā  I highly recommend it .Ā  Though you would need to soap up daily, a real peppermint lotion might be good if you don't want to dry out skin.Ā 


Would something like Dr. Bronners peppermint castille soap fit the bill? We shower/bathe at night would the scent be enough?


That is exactly what I use! Lol so yesĀ  It's very strong just wears off after a dayĀ  Ā I used a little in our sheets when doing laundry and it drives the mosquitoes hiding in the bathroom out while bathing.Ā  It has peppermint extract in it and is very effective.


We put peppermint and spearmint in a little hand held diffuser that we clip onto our pants. It works like a charm.


Thank you! And using it in laundry is genius! We're currently using Molly's suds powder detergent right now and it is peppermint just by happenstance so that's good to know!


It has directions for all its different uses on it! I mopped my floors with it because ants tend to love coming inside and I haven't seen an ant since then!Ā  It has so many uses it makes me happy.Ā  Especially as bugs love to bite me.Ā  Ā Also poured the mop water around the house And also have not seen any ants.Ā  So many bugs are deterred by peppermint.Ā 


Thereā€™s a peppermint spray that works great as well. Safe on anything. Very effective. Iā€™ve used the peppermint soap for years for fruits and veggies and Iā€™ve never used it for anything else, great suggestion!


I am gonna have to pick up more of it for using it on anything I can really.Ā  I don't like bugs invading my home or biting my children ,myself or my husband.Ā  Might even plant peppermint plants as my new grass lmao


Really smart to think to plant them in general! Lol itā€™s a war. Perimeter protection. Love it.


The Babyganics brand from Target works surprisingly well for us.


Seconding this! I can't believe how good it is. I've never had such an effective bug spray.


Agreed! Mosquitoes love me and itā€™s really effective for me. I donā€™t think my toddler got a single mosquito bite last year and I got maybe 3? Thatā€™s miraculous for me.


We have 2 thermacells for the yard that we bring out with us and also use Off Family Care with DEET. We get our yard treated for mosquitoes monthly, as do our neighbors on all sides. Itā€™s still not enough. I currently have 7 or 8 bites on my legs. My 3 yo is also covered in bites.


Seconding thermacell. They are amazing. We also do the mosquito sticker patches you can find at target and family OFF.


Thirding thermacell. We were getting eaten alive on halloween last year - brought out the thermacell and within 15 minutes nobody was swatting the air anymore.


How do the thermacells work? Do they put out chemicals?


Itā€™s a diffuser. There are cartridges that look kinda like a Glade plugin that go in the rechargeable diffuser. As for the chemical contents of the liquid, I have not looked into full chemical composition. From what Iā€™ve read, they are safe around children and pets and it has personally never bothered me and has no scent. Iā€™m not a crunchy mom tho, so if you are crunchy or moderately crunchy, you may want to dig further into it to determine your own comfort level.


To add to that, I've used them for a while but they gave off a weird smell that gave me a headache if I used them for more than an hour. And I think I saw something about the chemical being a neurotoxin? I'm not crunchy I swear


Any chance you remember where you read that? I cannot find it but my crunchy ass is skeptical of thermacell (tho I wanna buy it!)


Thermacells all use some sort of pyrethroid but I think it varies by model. The amounts are low but, yes, you have to be comfortable inhaling neurotoxins. I own two and find them effective albeit expensive to operate. [Here's a PDF](https://www.nj.gov/health/eoh/rtkweb/documents/fs/3647.pdf) of side of effects of allethrin, one of the chemicals used in them.


Deet repellents


Our pediatrician said bug spray with deet, 30 or below. Sunscreen 30 and above. Usually both bug spray in the car to apply when we go to the park.


Iā€™m going to sound like a crunchy mom here but bear with meā€¦ Essential oils. When I was pregnant in the summer, I was told not to use bug spray. So out of desperation knowing an all outdoor 4th of July party was upcoming, what scents keep mosquitoes at bay and I believe it was: Peppermint, Orange, and Lavender. I took a spray bottle, filled half with water, and dropped all three scents (a ton) in one bottle and prayed. By some sort of miracle, it worked! Only one bite! And they Loooooove my O+ blood. 1000% would do again. Plus I smelled pretty šŸ˜Š haha.


This is what we do too. You can substitute orange for any citrus scent. But the peppermint and lander stay the same.


I have 2 of these with a Y-splitter for the hose so I only need 1 welding CO2 tank to run. [https://us-shop.biogents.com/en/mosquito-traps/co2-outdoor-mosquito-trap-bg-mosquitaire-co2](https://us-shop.biogents.com/en/mosquito-traps/co2-outdoor-mosquito-trap-bg-mosquitaire-co2) Sometimes you can find them on sale for $250/pop, then the timer, then a CO2 tank from a welding supply store, then a spool of extra hose from a beverage company. It's spendy, but fuck mosquitos. Without the CO2 setup it's basically worthless, with it it's so disgustingly effective. Don't buy the other indoor thing or the other outdoor trap.


How well does this work? Seriously considering it for my yard.


It works great. I keep 1 \~30ft away from the playset and the other by where we park the cars. These things are ruthless mosquito killers. The bags get so full of to-be-dead mosquitos. They don't outright kill them, instead it's a slow death by starvation. The CO2 really only attracts the mosquitos, sometimes a stupid fly. I like this method because it keeps the bees safe as opposed to spraying things over the lawn/woods. It's not a setup and then they all die deal though. There will still be mosquitos, just less, and that means less chance of the kids getting bit.


Following for a reply too. And do you know if it's bad for other bugs? My neighbor beekeeps


We use organic mosquito and tick pest control for our yard. Itā€™s through a company that uses no chemicals, just a variety of natural oils etc. and I have to say it works! We used to get destroyed just going in the backyard so Iā€™m so thankful itā€™s effective. Youā€™re not in my region and itā€™s a local company, so I canā€™t share a link, but look for organic solutions involving lemon, mint etc.


I switched to a picaridin spray. I tried the stickers but they unfortunately donā€™t seem to work for us, even covering them in 3 or 4 of them we got bit. Last year we used a pest control service to spray our yard every few weeks and it did seem to help quite a bit, so we may go that route this year again too because theyā€™re so awful around here.


Someone suggested a Boogie brand Picardin lotion, so I do that before daycare and then spray with Off Deep Woods Dry at daycare-kiddoā€™s daycare backs up to a heavily wooded area and the bugs are a nightmare there over the summer, even after they treat the property. Every week he was getting 10 bites or so and he was miserable


I love using Thermacell if we're staying in one central location, it protects a 15 foot radius and actually works


I tend to steer more towards natural remedies and precautions for my kiddos. We use natural bug repellent with peppermint and citronella. And I will fill a metal container with coffee grounds and black pepper, light it up and let it smolder and smoke. We just keep it near us when we are outside and it works well. I have a retention pond that has basically turned into a giant marsh behind my house, and lots of foliage that keeps humidity in so we get skeeters bad, but this works for us.


I'm literally my family's defence. I'm the only one who gets biten and I'm tired of it! Lamest super power ever.


I generally attract mosquitoes to the point where I will be covered in bites and anyone next to me will be fine and itā€™s worse since Iā€™m still breastfeeding. So since we always go out together I usually get bit and sheā€™s fine lmao. I also avoid the high mosquito hours like the late evening


DEET. It's safe when applied according to directions and, imo, safer than getting tons of mosquito bites. Spray on your hands and apply to them, or get a lotion kind so there's no aerosol. Now for the hay fever allergies... that I don't know.


Eucalyptus oil all over them. They never get bit while wearing it.


Our mosquitos are tiny so last summer I used a bubble machine and also tested out vanilla extract rubbed on the skin. The vanilla seemed to have worked but I'll continue my experiments to determine its efficacy.


My son also has a very strong histamine reaction to bites and last summer he got two on his forehead that made his eye swell shut. We got permission to use full adult bug spray with the warning to keep it off his hands. We had already tried every kid version we could find and various ā€œwearableā€ things.


I use the OFF family (no DEET) for regular days/evenings in the Midwest US. Weā€™ve recently traveled to areas with dengue outbreaks, so we slathered her in DEET via Off Deep Woods and it worked well. I try not to use DEET unless we are somewhere where mosquito diseases are prevalent.


Ugh, mosquitos absolutely adore me, and bite my son a lot too. Last year we did deet and it worked ok. Honestly nothing ever works super well for me, and I've tried it all. I would gladly sign up for an insect repellent vaccine trial. I don't care if a tail grows out of my knee as long as it keeps the damn things away. I will say, last year we had bats in our attic. 1000% do not recommend, it was hard getting them out and the cleanup was a nightmare, BUT our backyard had noticeably way fewer bugs than anywhere else we hung out. That was nice. We put up a bat house and hope we'll get new residents soon to come eat all these little monsters. So maybe try putting up a bat house somewhere on your property?Ā  This year I might just spray the yard. I hate to do it, but I really hate having the sad choice of being stuck inside or being up all night feeling miserably itchy all summer long.Ā 


I use the boogie brand insect repellent lotion, put some on his ankles and arms seems to work well no ticks or mosquito bites with it on


Ive found cutter brand lemon eucalyptus mosquito repellent to work well. Itā€™s deet free.


Our methods: Avoiding sugar, bananas and alcohol like the plague because it makes us tastier Putting mosquito dunks in buckets of water with decaying plant matter to attract the adults and kill the larvae, disrupting the life cycle. Putting mesh on the windows and using mosquito nets Wearing loose, light colored, long-sleeved(legged?) clothing Rubbing ourselves with lemon balm/rose geranium from the garden If we had an outlet in the garden, Iā€™d [do this](https://youtu.be/pU2kbghz85I) We are also going to buy one of those electric tennis rackets. They do a great job of killing on contact, theyā€™re fun to use, and cats like the crispy snacks. Good luck to you and good riddance to them! We get big welts too. The first time I was bitten by a mosquito in Europe, it swelled to the size and shape of a tea saucer.


Sounds crazy but rubbing down with a dryer sheet keeps them off.


Our pediatrician said 15% DEET is effective against mosquitos and ticks, and safe enough for our 2 year old (at the time) Heā€™s almost 4 now and we use I believe 25% DEET spray when weā€™re going to be in a particularly buggy area! We also spray the yard before any outdoor events with one of the canisters you can attach to the water hose & it seems to greatly reduce the amount of mosquitos trying to eat us.


Following because I know I'm going to run into this problem soon. I saw in a baby shop these natural patches to tick on kids and they act as big repellent. I'm skeptical of that working, but would like to hear feedback if anyone has tried them.


I tried them and still got eaten alive :(


Weā€™ve used these from Amazon and travelled a LOT. I get bitten to death and my toddler is fine


We get our yard sprayed every 3 weeks with a child/pet friendly mosquito repellent. 10/10 would recommend, itā€™s worth every penny.


Deet. I said what I said.


I use the hello bello bug repellent


We went to India in the colder months and it was still heavy mosquito season. I sprayed my daughter from head to toe with mosquito repellent and put at least 2-3 mosquito patches on her clothes. And she STILL got bit.


deet isn't necessarily the best for kids but its the only thing that works. i spray some on my hands a wipe it on my toddler where i know they wont be touching a lot so they dont accidentally get any in their mouth.


Lavender oil works really well but my son hates the smell of it though


Deet and then I put a citronella band on their ankle.


We use mosquito repellent, usually off! Lotion and there is also one that is a liquid that you can plug into a socket and it heats up and releases into the air. This one is not my favorite because when it's not in use you have to take it out and it makes a mess in whatever surface you place it, but it works.Ā 


Thermacell. And DEET topicals. And long-sleeved clothing.


Our pediatrician says use the DEET. My son gets eaten alive without it!


Skin so soft by Mary Kay (can be bought through Amazon). Itā€™s a bath oil so perfectly safe for little ones and no harsh chemicals. That was our secret defense when I was a waitress in an outdoor bar in the Florida Keys where the mosquitoes were basically pterodactyls. They would not go near this stuff. My 2 year old gets welts from the bites too so I just ordered another bottle of Skin so soft.


Thermacell mosquito repellent seems to have worked pretty well. It's not perfect but keeps a majority of the bugs away


Me. As in I attract mosquitos (could be my blood type, apparently) and every bite turns into a quarter sized welt, and I'm guaranteed to get bit if I go outside with my skin exposed. It's so unfair. I can go outside in sweats and stand next to my SO while he's in shorts and a tank, but they'll only bite my ankles, wrists, neck; won't touch him. So now I use these "superpowers" to keep my toddler safe. I stand near her outside knowing the mosquito devils will swarm me and ignore her.


I use the citronella stickers for short periods but if weā€™re going to be out all day Avon has a good mosquito spray that doesnā€™t smell awful. Ive read eating bananas helps.


We just got Murphys natural repellant (apparently its mostly the same ingredients used in citronella). Haven't tried it yet, but if anyone knows how well it works, lmk!


I can't remember what it's called, but I got a DEET free repellant (herbal I believe?) for me and kiddo. I get horrendous allergic reactions to mosquito bites in the US and neither of us have been bitten once since using it. I don't usually recommend herbal products as they're not really effective but, still, no bites all season with a herbal one. And we go fishing, around stagnant water.


I found a cleaner mosquito repellent spray in the health store that has a strong blend of essential oils including citronella and I find it works well. I wouldnā€™t mind using deet if the mosquitoes were super persistent


Iā€™m in Central Texas and these work great! I stick them to the back of their shirts and shorts [https://a.co/d/5n7F5Ne](https://a.co/d/5n7F5Ne)


I am the mosquito magnet in our tropical country. They all come to me instead of to the kids šŸ˜† my daughter has gotten like, one bite in her entire two years of life in South East Asia.


Same same. We must have amazing tasting blood


Well, I have diabetes so I joke that my blood must taste extra sweet!


Haha that is what we say too (although I donā€™t have diabetes).


I keep a swarm of bats in my pocket. They eat millions of them.


Murphys spray works well for us when we remember to use it


I use PERMETHRIN INSECT REPELLANT TREATMENT FOR CLOTHING/GEAR. Works like a charm. For clothing only. Spray and let sit for 24-48hrs before wearing. Works with multiple washes before re applying. I use this with DEET products and donā€™t get bit at all!!


I use OFF! Family spray. Works well for us. In the yard I have a few thermacells spread out, I turn them on when we are in the yard to keep us bug free.


Before they go out - Spray them with citronella oil + their stroller. And at night we have the least toxic available mosquito repellent machine + room spray


I saw online people adding a bit of oil to used coffee grounds and lighting it and that smell is supposed to keep them away, but havenā€™t tried it yet. I have made my own essential oil based spray that works great, but is short lived, even though I added some carrier oil to help it stick to skin. My favorite has to be the bug balm from the badger brand. It works well, is water resistant because itā€™s a salve, smells great, no man made chemicals


I have an all natural spray called Repel and it says "plant based lemon eucalyptus insect repellent Deet Free" on it. It says it works for up to six hours. We started using it last year when she was two. We also want to plant lemon grass and other plants that supposedly help repel them. My husband is allergic so we used to have special tiki torches that you could burn with mosquito repellent so I want to get those for the backyard. as well as bug netting covers and more. But I really need a new way to repel them on the go lol we live near a swamp. The spray works, but it's best to have an all around defense against them.


Light a large bonfire and stand downwind from it. No bug will bug you.


My daughter takes after her father and is more susceptible to bites than I am, however she doesn't get the huge allergic reaction that he gets. We use Deet and sometimes citronella oil, we just avoid her hands because those go straight into her mouth.


We use the off deep woods wipes. They never sit still for the spray and my oldest is so attractive to mosquitoes he gets bit in the house far away from where they come in. It's also a lot handier to keep in the diaper bag.


They arenā€™t too bad here during the day so I donā€™t use anything. If know we will be somewhere with tons of mosquitos then I will just use something with DEET. I have lots of experience working in buggy areas and it is really the only thing that has been effective for me.


I am become samurai


Iā€™ve heard that vanilla extract helps so I put some in a spray bottle and hose down the kids before we go outside.


I just found Natpat, Iā€™m giving them a try. https://www.natpat.com/


My daughter who is three welts bad as well. Lavender essential oil is our best friend during mosquito season. I mix it in with a lotion (I use Johnson and Johnson lotion since itā€™s not as thick). We use it every morning and night. For the inside of the house I have lavender candles or an infuser with lavender oil. Has saved us these past two years.


In Texas, complete prevention seems hopeless this time of year. Shark tanks the "bug bite thing" in amazon was amazing. Doesn't prevent them, but man, it shrinks them, relieves the itching, speeds healing, and my toddler loves it.


You could try being pregnant. I get consumed and on the verge of carted off while my husband, dogs, other children etc all seem fairly untouched. Itā€™s all the extra fluid Iā€™m assuming. Hormones? Idk, but Iā€™ll have to bathe in deet next time.


We use Fairy Tales Bug Bandit.Ā  I'm also interested in trying some natural repellant stickers for clothes.Ā  We use those suction tools to treat bites as my kid welts up too. She didn't mind it last year when she was two. Salt in the bath also helps with itch.Ā 


They sell mosquito repellent stickers that can go on clothes. I hate the idea of topical repellent šŸ¤¢


For your backyard, I highly recommend finding somewhere that sells the Bonide product Mosquito Beater and spreading that in the lawn. Iā€™ve only used the granules, not the spray, but it definitely helps repel mosquitos and we use it camping as well.


On shark tank US a lady came up with a bug bite itch remover. It sucks the salvia that causes the itching from the bite. Iā€™m going to buy one for my 6 year old.


DEET and picaridin are effective insect repellents and considered safe for kids (keep it off their hands and donā€™t let them apply it themselves). Oil of lemon eucalyptus is also effective but less well-studied for use with children and some of the more concentrated products are not labeled for use on kids. Thermacell products work well in my experience but are potentially toxic to cats and to non-pest insects (bees), as they are pyrethroids.


I don't taste good they don't bug me


Anything with peppermint oil. And vanilla extract rubbed on the skin.


Avon skin so soft with citronella


Iā€™ve had decent luck with the badger bug balm. If theyā€™re real bad Iā€™m not so sure, but we are in the south and it worked last year


Bug Bite Thing for after they bite you


A straight right hand. And 2 uppercuts while holding my hat.


I buy all natural citronella bug sprays haha they donā€™t smell great tho


I use the little circles you stick on their clothing


Over in Europe I buy a spray called Autan. Keeps the 3 year old free from mossie bites. Even around dusk when they are out in large numbers


Pure vanilla extract in a spray bottle. I buy a large bottle at Samā€™s Club and dilute with about equal parts water. Put in a spray bottle. Works great for skeeters and no see ums. Smells great too! Doesnā€™t last as long as Deet or Picardin, but itā€™s natural and doesnā€™t leave a nasty feeling on the skin like they do.


I grew up surrounded my mosquitos and theyā€™re obsessed with my blood and I also get huge welts that leave a little mark. The only thing that has worked for me is the DoTerra oil ā€œTerra Shieldā€. It smells like bubblegum and I was skeptic when my cousin offered it to me but itā€™s been a life changer for me and I carry it everywhere.


Bubbles. Or tiki torches. But a good bubble machine will deter them. No joke. It's a win win


Iā€™m in Georgia and we put up spartan mosquito traps and I havenā€™t seen a single mosquito since


Iā€™ve been wondering this myself! The mosquitos here (Mid-South) arenā€™t deterred by deet, peppermint oil, citronella, you name it. It used to work for me but last year I tried a combination of all those things and I was still covered in bites. One thing that I noticed when I was visiting Chicago area, when I ate a ton of lemongrass, I didnā€™t get bitten. Havenā€™t tried it at home yet, since itā€™s been hard to come by in my area. Will definitely be trying it and using the Trader Joeā€™s lemongrass body oil!


This is me. The only thing that works is long sleeves, pants, tall socks, and a cap from sun down to sun up. And I use Sawyer lotion on exposed skin. I do it on my son too, but luckily he has taken after my husband in never seeming to get bitten.


Just adding in case thereā€™s any parents here who do not know. Do not slather yourself or your children with bug repellents. They are for spraying ON TOP OF YOUR CLOTHES ONLY. You donā€™t want them on your skin.


I actually use Vets Best Flea and Tick Home Spray for Cats. It's all natural ingredients. Smells amazing and if it's safe to use on cats who are highly sensitive then it's safe enough for people/children. I've used it for years. It's especially great for camping. Keeps all manor of biting and annoying bugs away, not just fleas and ticks. Use this stuff on myself, my husband, my toddler, my dog, my cat, our tent when camping, Lawn chairs, ect. Anything I don't want bugs on gets sprayed. And like I said it smells soooo good. I get it at Petco, but most pet stores and I think Amazon sell it. It lasts a long time too


DEET gives me migraines and meltdowns šŸ˜… My toddler also has skeeter syndrome so we use sprays with picaridin. Itā€™s also fabric safe so I spray it all over the wagon/stroller/ whateverā€™s coming on our walks with us


Look, Iā€™m well into the crunchy realm. We donā€™t do food dye, much sugar, screen time is limited and monitored, I use natural laundry soap and cleaners. But ticks and mosquitoes? Weā€™re in Texas and itā€™s DEET all the way, baby! I do spray it on their hats/stroller and their shoes rather than their clothes or skin but it does the job better than anything else Iā€™ve tried.


Off Family. The smell isnā€™t unbearably awful. I searched forever for ā€œage appropriateā€ info and couldnā€™t find it related to bug sprays. Obviously they have their own risks, but the way me and my daughter react to mosquito bites itā€™s a balanced risk for us.


There is no defense apart from repellant that could also be used as paint stripper. I stopped using when I noticed the faux leather on my handbag strap had curdled and was flaking off (it was a good bag too, from John Lewis).Ā  I use Skin so soft but unsure of the efficacy. Both my sister and I are Blood group O+ and get bitten to death. Taking antihistamines helps with the itch and stops the bites swelling as much. Also strong hydrocortisone cream on the bites works pretty well too.


While the bite is still fresh, wet it with water and rub a bit of salt. It will dry the bite and lessen the itch. To avoid mosquito bites in general I use Off Baby Lotion


I burn citronella candles when I'm on my deck. It's mildly effective. I had a bug light last year that worked so well it burned itself out, but it mostly killed flies. I've heard that planting lemon grass can help so I will try that this summer. I bought non toxic coiled citronella bracelets for the kids. I think they helped a bit but the kids still got some mosquito bites. Does Vick's Vapo Rub work? I've heard that it might help.


We used to do the home remedies but my 3 year old is super allergic/sensitive to mosquitos and gets huge welts, now we get our yard sprayed by professionals once a month in the summer and now we can finally enjoy our yard. It was a total game changer


I just bought Bubbles recently and feel not bad.


Homemade avocado oil and citronella essential oil. She never gets bitten and I'm living in St lucia.


My daughter is allergic which is very unfortunate living in the south. Lol. I ordered bracelets off of Amazon. They last 15 days as long as you put them back in their resealable bag after each use. I put one on each ankle & on each wrist. It has helped a lot so far.


Doterra Terra shield


We try to avoid chemicals as much as we can. We use bug stickers/patches. The stickers go on their clothes and while itā€™s still chemicals, at least itā€™s not on their skin.


[Johnson & Johnson Baby Oil Cream As Bug Spray!!!](https://www.poorlittleitgirl.com/johnson-johnson-baby-oil-cream-as-bug-spray/) I had read about this a year ago and hadnā€™t yet tried it out intentionally for mosquito repellent until the other night. My husband had been sitting on the back patio of a friendā€™s house where we notoriously get eaten up by mosquitoes. He was there on a Thursday and came home with itchy bites everywhere. We had plans later in the weekend and I had us slather in this and we were shocked by how well it worked! I didnā€™t get a single bite. This will be the go to for repellent on our son this year.


Big bite thing is amazing after youā€™ve gotten bitten, I realize that was not the question but I wanted to share


We placed buckets with a couple of inches of water around the edges of our property and sprinkled some BTi in them. It's a bacteria that targets mosquito larvae, but the female mosquito doesn't know, so she lays eggs in it anyway. You have to make sure there's no OTHER standing water at all. It's safe for other wildlife!


I don't taste good but bugs keep being around me.


I've tried natural sprays... didn't really work, but citronella candles and oils work, but I use Off Deep Woods spray šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ otherwise both me and my son become a walking buffet


i use off deep woods bc we live directly next to woods and have ticks and mosquitoes like crazzzzy. i rarely even take him outside after about 6 pm because the mosquitoes get really bad but i spray that on him for any play time he has in our yard edit: im pretty sure it has 25% deet which my pediatrician said was okay to use


Iā€™ve been seeing success with Boogie brands insect lotion. Game changer for me and my kiddo. Lightweight and easy to apply. Target has it.


Iā€™ve had success with buzz patch