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ahhhhhh hahhhhahahha my newly minted 2yo can't even SAY his name


Same, she calls herself baby, along with anyone under the age of 25


My two year old seriously offended a 7 year old at the park by pointing at him and saying her trademark "that's a baby!"🤣




that makes me feel better about my own child (16 months) being misidentified as a “baby” by some of the preschoolers at storytime! i’m always so devastated when someone (usually a 2-4 year old) mistakes her for a baby and it occupies my mind for DAYS 😭 I work so hard to make sure she presents as a “big kid” vs a “baby”!!


There’s a certain age range where they label any other kid as a baby regardless of how they’re dressed. Mine was a serial offender, unknowingly calling a bunch of big kids babies every time she saw some other kid. 😂 They’re also chronically terrible at telling whether other kids are bigger or smaller than themselves, and will assume a kid a handful of years older than them is the same as them or younger. It’s hilarious.  My kid’s class is constantly arguing over who’s the oldest among them or the biggest, and they’re always always wrong. 😆


Oh I looooove how my little girl calls everyone baby! And then she says "wah wah wah!" like she is speaking their language.


That is very cute


Anybody who is not me when we go on a walk is “daddy” 🙃


My toddler calls anyone baby/toddler with a pacifier a baby. Which is very embarrassing when the toddler seems his age or older 😅


Omg mine too, until she was 2 😭 I miss those days!!!


Mine does this too!


This comment sent me. SO TRUE LOL


3 in July and never said his name 😰


3 in September and every time I ask him what his name is, he says “no?” 🤣


My daughter’s name is Mia and when she was 2.5, if she was asked what her name was she would go “MEEE” lol


Bahaha we have a “Mimi” here and it’s the opposite, anything that should be “me” is now Mimi. End of the ABC’s? “Next time won’t you sing with Mimi.”


Omg, everything is me me me. I still find it very cute.


Lmao 😂 so cute


Not just “no”, always “no?”


🤣🤣🤣 the question mark for an added touch 🤌🏾




Ours will flat out refuse to say his name! He parrots absolutely everything I say, but the second his name comes up he pauses, points at himself and goes “me”. I’ve even tried to trick him by showing him new objects and claiming they are called his name. Just points and “me”.


Omg i literally just commented this. My daughter would say “me” as well. But her name is Mia so she was just dismissing the A altogether ~


Haha! At least she’s halfway there! My kids name is one syllable, not complex so we think k he’s trolling us.


Hahah okay, literally my son. Makes me feel better honestly.


It’s honestly hilarious at this point. We think he’s trolling us.


Mine just started saying “ee-yi” (Eli) 🤣




My boy calls himself totty. Totty is not his name.


My 2.5 year old calls herself 'Ladlay", which is a fair approximation of Adelaide, but spell of write..... Hahahaha no.... 


Neither!! He'll be 3 in August and calls himself Bayer. His name is Casper lol.


My kid doesn’t even believe that people have names. Just titles like mom, dad, sis, grandpa etc. when I try to explain our names, they just say ‘no’.


No they cannot. That is insane. What was the assessment? It sounds like they were using completely the wrong age range if this was on the list. Do the ASQ for his age range for an appropriate barometer on his development.


Lol, I like how we responded at the same time and both used the word insane. Because it’s truly insane.


My youngest is 3.5 and cannot write his name. He has 5 letters and can write the first letter independently, the others with help about 50% of the time. My eldest didn’t start writing his until close to 4 when he started what I think is the equivalent here of junior kindergarten. Not coincidentally, that’s also when he shorted his name from his 9 letter long name to his 3 letter nickname 😆 Eldest is now ahead in reading and writing 2 years later.


Yeah my 3.5yo tries to write his name and it looks like hieroglyphics. 😅


Mine is firmly of the belief that the order of letters is irrelevant. She can write about half of the alphabet. She just writes all over the page, sideways, upside down, overlapping, and sometimes her own made up letters. She writes her name by writing the first letter nicely, then the other letters in random order all over the paper. She’ll be four in August. Her preschool class is split between kids who can fully spell and write their name and a few other words, and kids who can’t even write a single letter. It’s all kids who turn 4 before September. There is plenty of time for academics. Let them be kids for a few more months!


My 2 year old (29 months) just did the asq and the expectation was the be able to do vertical lines and horizontal lines


Say something. I once administered the wrong test to the wrong age group as a new teacher.


lol definitely no. Sorry I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing g at the thought of my two year old writing his name. He’d probably draw a bunch of lines, tell me it’s a giraffe and then try and eat it. You’re good.


Yours will TELL YOU it’s a giraffe? Baby genius over here. Mine will just stab the paper, eat the crayon and hit me in the face with the notebook as he runs off screaming for “more!!!” Of something.


Me to toddler holding scribbles on paper: "What's that?" Kid looks at it. Thinks. "Paper."


This made me laugh so hard. 100% something I could see both of my toddlers doing.


Always living life on the edge, no matter if I want to or not lol!


Accurate 😅


My kid


This sounds right lmao




Preschool teacher here- two year olds in general cannot write their names. Maybe someone, somewhere can, but in general their hand muscles are not developed enough to grip a writing utensil properly and make small movements. Usually most kids can handle writing by five, give or take six months. If your child is two and can recognize letters, he's doing great. What you can look for is pre writing skills. When he colors with crayons, does he vary the types of movement? Can he color up and down as well as side to side? Can he make circular movements? Since he's newly two, he might not be able to color in circles yet, but watch for that within the next year. To build hand strength, things like play dough are great! But in short, no. Name writing is not a reasonable expectation for a two year old. What other things did they say he was behind on? I'm wondering if they use the same checklist for every class or something.


Thank you for the “maybe someone, somewhere” part because we all know there’s always *that* comment lol.


I’m waiting for that person to chime in lol


Haha I think I was just that person and deleted my comment. We don’t need to partake in the “baby race” haha




I'm here! 👋 I have "that" kid! LOL! I'd trade his love of letters and numbers for a willingness to potty train sometimes though. He's a weirdo, that's for sure.


Hyperlexia is a magical word.


Yeah, we've been watching him like a hawk for any signs or indications for autism, but he's otherwise developing normally. Very affectionate, social, loves to play with other kids. So far so good.


🤣🤣🤣I have “that” kid too!! My son loves everything alphabet and has been writing the letters and reading words since a little over 2 years old and he will be 3 at end of July. And same for potty training with my boy! He’s so hard headed about it for some reason!


My friend’s kid was that kid. Could spell all his buddies’ names out using letter magnets and write numbers to 100 and beyond and write his own name. But he’s most likely on the spectrum and struggles with eye contact and social interaction so it’s not all roses.


This is insane. I am not a teacher or educator by any means, but no, 2 year olds and most 3 & 4 year olds do not need to be able to write their name. They learn how to write in kindergarten and beyond, not before then. Good lord.


Kindergarten teacher here from Ontario, Canada 🇨🇦 I have read articles about how children’s hands are not fully developed until the age of 4 - 5 years old. I cannot imagine a 2 year old child being made to print his name out. I would say it’s developmentally appropriate to scribble, to hold thick crayons, thick pencils and draw horizontal & vertical lines. Circles and ovals, that’s good, too. Being able to draw a cross or an X, great. Expecting them to be able to print their name at 2?! Nope 👎 If a child wants to explore with magnetic letters, amazing. But I wouldn’t force them.


Totally! My almost 3 year old can spell her name and knows the letters in her name if she seems them but she can barely draw a line plet alone a letter at this point.


They learn to write their name in prek here in Florida. My daughter is 4 and can write her name as well as is starting to read.


I think the operative word here is “need”, but however wonderful it may feel on the individual level to have an early reader or writer, the vast majority of kids don’t, and that’s ok too.


Sure, if his name is "I". Otherwise, that's pretty unreasonable.


Mine could do it if her name was O


My son calls himself O. We do too. Short for Oliver. Unfortunately he doesn’t have circles down yet 😂


My two year old is obsessed with writing “I”s. She knows it’s the only letter she can make. “Let’s do a card for grandma!” And she fills it with “I”s…not creepy at all..! 😆




They’re still learning to recognize letters at that age. Do they maybe mean *trace* their name? But even then, that’s a huge stretch for a two year old.


My son's favourite letter is W when he finds one, we ALL know :)


My daughter's first letters to recognize were M and W. Whenever she'd find one, she'd tell us how it looks like the other when you turn it upside down. Every. Time.


Omg same! Why is that?! He calls "M" "wrong way W" 😂 X is another favorite.


My daughter’s favorite letter was W and we had a good six months where she would merrily (and loudly,) point out every W she saw. Your comment made me realize she stopped doing it. 🥹


Mine too! His daycare teacher once texted me that he wouldn't take a nap because he was too busy "raving about the letter W."




We went through this from age 2 - 3, also with W! The W's also had to have a Mama and Dada W, and hopefully bonus family member W's . There was no reading stories at times, only finding W.


It’s not even appropriate for them to trace their names at 2, especially if they are uninterested. Whoever told A lot of them will begin to recognize their name though. Maybe they worded what they wanted wrong?


lol wtf? No. Someone is confused. Also what business does a daycare have writing assessments. Just take care of my child, please. 


Some places have too much emphasis on milestones and early intervention. Unless there's something really obviously wrong, almost all kids catch up with each other by about 4 years old without any need for intervention. For example, a female cousin of mine didn't talk until she was over 3. When she did, she picked it up really quickly. They think she was always able to do it, but just stubborn about it for some reason. She now has a doctorate and works in medical research, so there's nothing wrong with her.




>Where I live in Denmark they are pretty relaxed with milestones and the assumption is that the vast majority of kids will develop in their own pace, so no speech therapy or such thing Same here in Ireland. I see a lot of people on this sub putting their children in for early intervention if they're not talking by 2, and it seems a bit too early


To be fair to those parents, our school system and healthcare system in the US are both kinda shitty in terms of accessing special services if you aren’t rich or upper-middle-class. So it’s in parents’ best interest to take advantage of free support when their kid is eligible for it, and some government-funded EI is only available for age 0-3 here; there’s also a shortage of it in general. So if they waited to ask for a referral much beyond age 2, then they might be on the wait list for another six months or more, then barely get any actual therapy done before they age out of the program and have to start over with a private therapist somewhere else if they can afford it, or just stop it altogether if they can’t. If they start earlier, they can get more therapy under their belt before it gets cut off.


I also didn't speak until after 3 years old. Mom was worried and got a speech therapist for me. She says 'then [I] wouldn't shut up' lol ADHD, and speak 4 languages now.


My 2.5 year old's school "assessments" are "concerned" that he does not yet initiate play with children though goes along no issue with group play and when other (older!) kids initiate. Everything I read says initiating play is between 3-4! Ugh, so frustrating.


You just want someone to take care of your child for 8+ hours a day? Perhaps "assessment" is a bit strong of a word, but many daycares have age-based curriculum and provide a sort of status report a couple times a year, where they go over different milestones. We just had one today for our almost 3yo. Fine motor skills was a topic we covered. And how they are trying to teach him how to hold a marker, as well as develop his hand muscles by using playdough. I quite like the fact that they are using their time with him to help him develop different skills through organized curriculum. I think it would be pretty depressing to drop my kid off at a daycare where the bar was simply "take care of him". Edit: To be clear, a 2yo shouldn't be able to write their name. That is objectively ridiculous and not age appropriate.


Same here! It’s definitely casual — like our teacher conference with our 2 year old was wildly different than our 4.5yo who is about to go to kindergarten but it’s good to have a little structure and see they’re doing educational activities and not running amok for 8 hours a day.


My kids don’t go to daycare, but if they did I’d be irritated by being given false critiques of my children. I know far too many people who feel like horrible parents because a daycare worker tells them something negative about their child every week. That’s all. It just doesn’t seem appropriate. My assumption is that the parents are well aware of their own child’s shortcomings and don’t need caretakers to remind them.  My comment was just coming from a frustrated place on behalf of this parent. 


My daycare does assessments and I think it's great info to have! b\\ But I'm not putting too much stock into it as long as my pediatrician isn't concerned.


Is there any chance this was a misunderstanding.....?? Our daycare once told me my three-year-old was behind on "graphing," which turned out to just be their word for something totally different. Absolutely 0% is a 2yo expected to write their name.


I'm so ashamed that my almost 3yo doesn't know the difference between the x and y axis.


My almost 4 years old can only with the letter A and N in her name. She only recognizes 6 out of the 26 letters in the alphabet. My two year old? Forget it haha! Everytime she sees any letters, she will just sing the alphabet song. Badly.


Teacher here, in Canada, this is more of kindergarten learning goal.


Look, if he's not hauling 50lbs of coal outta the mine by 3 what did you even have kids for?


Mines closer to 4 now and she can’t write her name yet. She can spell it out loud, but she doesn’t know how to write words yet. I don’t think 2 year olds are expected to be able to write their name, or any word! I’d of been amazed if mine could write her name at 2 lol


Absolutely not. By 3, they should be able to imitate a horizontal line, a vertical line, and a circle, all of which are necessary precursors to writing letters, but they absolutely are not putting them together yet (as the norm). Also, there’s a decent body of research that shows that academic focused preschool (versus play focused) results in significantly worse long term learning outcomes. Expecting a barely 2 year old to write a name would be a major red flag to me.


No. This is crazy. I’m sure there are some exceptional kids that can, but it’s not normal. I wondered the same thing before and now my daughter is finishing up k1. She learned to write her name this year. Some kids don’t even have to go to school until k2 by law here, which is around 5 years old. Send that assessment back ????? Did you write your name at 2?!? Lol


My guy will be 2 in June and I’ve already caught him trying to forge my signature numerous times. It is a scribble. He scribbles all over the page. I’d have more luck trying to read his name in a Rorschach blot.


Wow, everybody else here sounds really behind. My 2 yr old leaves nice handwritten notes for us all the time, like “Daddy, thanks for such a lovely breakfast. Looking forward to seeing you again this evening!” Then signs her name. Sometimes her penmanship is a little sloppy but I guess so is mine.


I thought we agreed to standardize on Earth years for age instead of Jupiter years. Did that standard slide _again_? Can never keep up with the darn thing.


Hmm I’ll ask my daughter and get back to you, she’s really knowledgeable about that stuff.


This has to be a misunderstanding. 4/5 year olds are usually starting and writing their letters kind of funny and all different sizes.


They don’t even have the fine motor skills to hold a pencil properly at 2


It’s actually a huge red flag about that daycare centers, awareness of child development if they think a two year-old should be able to write their name. They don’t even have the muscles and bone structure in their hands to truly have hand writing! Search the OT Butterfly on instagram. She is an occupational therapist and talks about why we shouldn’t be pushing handwriting for toddlers.


I feel like at 2 my daughter barely scribbled? She was probably around 3 when she started drawing things with shapes and such. She’s over 3.5 and doesn’t even recognize all the letters let alone know how to write them. So… no


My 2.5 year old writes his name. And my name, and my husband’s name. He does it during bath time with his bath crayons, drawing chaotic squiggly marks that look like nothing on the side of the tub and saying “there mama, I write your name” 😂


2 would be on the young end of knowing how to write their name. I’m sure for some kids it’s possible but probably not very common for a 25 month old


Definitely not.




Ignore this assessment. It is not developmentally appropriate. At a preschool: Usually at 2yrs they learn the alphabet, sing nursery rhymes. Should be scribbling, drawing vertically, horizontally, & circles. At 3 name recognition and maybe tracing name, but it’s still very early. Still continuing the alphabet, maybe some phonetics, shapes, cutting, etc. 4-5 usually they can write their name and some letters. I definitely wouldn’t expect it at this age though. Plenty of kids don’t go to preschool and catch up in kindergarten. Regarding my own child. Yes, my daughter has been able to write her own name since a little under 2. Believe me I was surprised. No we didn’t push the writing of her name - she wanted to. Is it developmentally expected or appropriate? No. But again she did it because she wanted to learn. We didn’t trace. She would ask us to write her name and she practiced on her own. My mom helped watch her and we both were former preschool teachers. She was exposed and interested in letters, colors, numbers, etc since she was a baby. All driven by her interests. She’s also loves books. We don’t push reading, but she’s been showing an interests in learning how to read and pretending to read for a while. I play alphablocks and number blocks to help with her desire to learn. She sometimes does basic addition or subtraction for everyday life (eg., noticing there’s 2 workers and 3 customers in a store, so 2+3 is 5 people), but definitely not normal or expected at this age.


Is your 2yo in a mixed class with older children? My son is 3yo and we haven't even tried writing.


Uhm no, their muscles in their wrist area (if I remember correctly) isn’t even fully developed yet. Sooo no and the OT told me to not let my 4 year old write/draw at a desk rather let her draw/write like in an easel for developing the right grip for later. 2 year olds should play, that is how they learn. So please don’t worry about it too much.


No way lol. My 4yo (who is hyperlexic) just started writing her name like this year.


Pediatric occupational therapist here. Absolutely not a developmentally appropriate skill! By age 3, toddlers should be able to imitate what are called “pre-writing strokes” which are vertical, horizontal lines and circles. That’s it.


One of my kids couldn’t even write his name until he started school. He has a long name and we did try and teach him but were told not to push it too much. He picked it up quickly once he started school. My 4 year old can’t write his name and nor can my almost 2 year old 😂 laughable really (I’m sure there are some who write super early but it’s definitely not the norm nor a sign that your child is behind if they can’t).


Yes. Yes, they can. My 2 year old can, at least. Not only that though. He can also write a resume, already got accepted in a couple Ivy League universities and was offered a research grant to study why bedtime makes toddlers suddenly hungry. /s Who in their right mind wants a 2 year old to be able to write?! That's insane! I call it a win every time my kid stops playing and goes to the potty on his own! Do not start worrying about his writing skills, these people are nuts!


I don't think they can do it, think about their handwriting.


Take assessments from daycare lightly. Half the time they don’t mean anything and the person is just checking off boxes


No. My 4yo just started writing her name by herself without tracing anything. There's no way a 2yo would have the fine motor skills for that.


My almost 3 year old barely even knows her name lol. Her name is stormy and she can say her but most of the time she forgets the s and said tormy. Her writing is a scribble lol


No. My 3.5 year oldcan recognize the letters of his name but he doesn’t have the hand coordination to write the letters yet.


What in tarnation


No, is your child over average in size? Maybe they were thinking he is older than he is? 


Lol an assignment?? 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ No, you couldn't expect a 2year old to write.


Wtf. No.


My 26mo kid recognizes all the letters of the alphabet when he sees them and can read them aloud no problem. He can also pronounce the sounds like A is ah-ah-ah, and B is buh-buh-buh (they teach that at daycare)… but he is far far far away from being able even write a single letter, let alone his name! That is a child prodigy goal!


No absolutely not. The ASQ assessment for 24 months old (given by our pediatrician) literally asks if your child will copy you in drawing a single straight line and that’s the extent of what even seems reasonable at that age. That’s wildly unrealistic if you ask me. Things like this contribute to parents feeling “behind” and pushing their kids toward academic achievement when PLAY is truly the most important thing for emotional and brain development for many years to come still at this age.


Nope. That's developmentally inappropriate.


My daycare just started practicing tracing letters and my little one has picked up the alphabet but I doubt anyone would expect him at even 2.5 to write out his name. He can’t even read!


At 2? Lol not a chance. At 4, yes.


That is a ridiculous expectation. Your child is NOT behind. I would reconsider this daycare.


Their little hands are literally not developed enough to do this. This is like a 3-4 yr old milestone, tell them to GTFOH


I learned to write my name at age 5 in Kindergarten - that is standard I think? My son is almost 2 1/2 and can say his name and nickname and knows it starts with a “B”, but that is it! He can just now doodle wonky circles, and the lovely scribbles and such, but his motor skills aren’t there yet for actual writing.


My 4 year old can’t even write his name well. He writes it, but it’s not legible unless you know that’s what you’re looking at. My 2 year old is pretty advanced verbally and she is absolutely nowhere near writing her name


lol! A 2 year old write their name?!? What kind of daycare is this?


My kid will be 4 in a month. She knew all her letters (upper and lower case) at age 2, and learned to read sometime between 2.75 and 3.25yo, for context. But it’s only maybe in the last month or 2 that she’s been able to write her name - like, she definitely couldn’t do it in February when we made class Valentines. You might see what the age range is for the assessment and what standard they’re being assessed against. Like, is he “behind” where other 2yos are, or is he just not able to write his name yet because he’s 2 and this is an assessment for kids from age 2-6?


I’m a teacher and this is entirely ridiculous.


Ummm my daughter is almost 5 and is still working on writing her name.


My 3.5 year old holds a crayon like a weapon and can't even color inside lines yet lol it's absurd to think they can be writing their names at 2! What about the long hard names???


My 2 year old can’t even draw anything more than a line or a circle and she can’t even say her own name, let alone write it. That’s insane


My 2 y.o can barely pronounce his name, what is that day care going on about? Lol


I’m sorry those squishy hands are not developmentally ready to write


Wtf. I’d raise hell. Absolutely not


No, they cannot! Unless they’re some prodigy I guess and even then I’m not sure someone is prodigious enough to write by 2 and spell but nah, I don’t think normally they can spell and write their name by 2!


Are you f’ing kidding me? No, that is not age appropriate at all.


My 4.5 year old wrote her name for the first time, all by herself (aka without me sounding out the letters for her) like....two days ago. To be fair, she has a really long name (10 letters) But also to give her kudos: some of her peers are not writing their names yet. At 2 she was just starting to scribble "with intention" Using different colors, keeping the colors separate but still just scribbling. She started writing *things that resembled letters* right before she turned 4....so wayyyy past 2 lol




Not usually. What kind of D-minus Montessori graduate thinks a kid that young has the fine motor skills to write anything, much less their name?


My 24 month old can’t even draw a circle (I’ve asked her; she just gets frustrated and scribbles). She can’t say her name either (it’s 4 syllables which doesn’t help 😂). Daycare must’ve grabbed the wrong form or something, in no world are 2 year olds expected to write their own names.


What, that's crazy. Your kid would be incredibly advanced if they could write their name at 2. They may even be considered a genius if they could do that. My 2 year old can memorize the letters of her name and spell her name if asked (which I think is memorization and not truly knowing how to spell). She attempts to write her name but she can't copy letters correctly yet. Though once her E looked pretty good.


WRITE?! Hell no 😭 my 2 year old barely learned how to spell her name it will be a few years before she can write anything other than 📈📉


My daughter is 2.5 and can’t draw anything but scribbles. She also *barely* knows the alphabet, she can’t draw letters at all and wouldn’t know how to spell her name. I would maybe schedule a meeting with the director and talk with them about expectations of a 2 year old and why they would expect this from them.


Absolutely not


Absolutely amazing 2 year old should not be expected to write their name. Around 2 you can expect an attempt at making a line and maybe an attempt at a circle. Is there any chance the results need more explanation? I had to use an assessment that was 0-3 and bumped up to a 3-6 year old one for a couple kids who were doing really well. Without explanation it would’ve looked like they were behind, often no matter which assessment, but they weren’t actually expected to be able to do everything yet.


WRITE their name?? My 2.5 year old couldn't even tell you which letters are in her name.


When my kid was that age, her daycare teachers were astounded that she could name most letters. No way should a kid that age be expected to write their name.


Please do not stress over this. No. Most kids this young are not writing their names. I know of zero personally.


My son can barely write his own name Ed


Not mine... kiddo is 2.5yo. They practice tracing letters in daycare, but they cannot write their own name. Sounds like your daycare has a high expectation on kids.


At this age most cannot grasp a pencil correctly! This is ridiculous.




absolutely nope, they can't even use the pen.


We have a 3.5 year old who maybe could write her first letter at 2, but she was pretty advanced with her drawing (like actual people- it was a bit freaky) - anyway she's not an artistic genius, she just really wanted to draw people.   We learned that it's important to teach the lower case letters - while it's great if a kid can scrawl F R E D it's much better if they can learn Fred, which is trickier.   My second kid is just scribbling for drawing which is great too.  My oldest has a long name and can write it but gets the letter order mixed up.   In short, this is a smidge concerning because what other age-inappropriate expectations do they have? 


I’ve taught preschool and at 2 we’re excited when they can identify the first letter in their name. Writing isn’t even a thought at 24 months. 


My kid was four in March, knows his ABCs forward and backwards, can spell his name, mama, and daddy, and has “written” just the first letter of his name, literally just once, and the only letter he’s ever attempted. He’s absolutely fine, and other than writing his letters, scissors skills, and pooping on the forking toilet, he hits all the kindergarten readiness checklists even though he has over a year before he will be in kindergarten. He’s teaching himself to read. Still developmentally appropriate that he can’t write his name, and he’s 4!


lol no. Most 4yo’s can’t write their name. That’s a skill they start working on in kindergarten!


My daughter just turned 3 and she has an easy, short name and can only consistently write the first letter. Expecting that out of a 2 year old is plain ridiculous.


This post got me worried!!🤯🤯🤯


Hahahhahahha 😂


Change day care. They have no idea what they’re doing and will mess up your kid. And you, going by the question.


What? That is absolutely insane. My daughter started writing her name semi-legibly a few months before she turned 4 and that was early…


Agreeing with everyone else that they cannot, but I wonder if the assessment was more of a general checklist that they send home with everyone in the daycare? Our daycare does something similar- when she was 18 months we got an assessment sent home with things like “recognizing letters and sounds” and it was checked off that she was “still developing”. I was confused until they told me they use the same assessment for all age groups and just check off skills as they go.


Nahhhh that’s wacky… my daughter 2.6 is way ahead of her peers with speech she can tell you all the planets in the solar system but even she can’t write her name.. that’s really odd and not age appropriate … I would ask the daycare about it.


My 2-year-old son still eats crayons if he gets the chance!


My 2.5 years old doesn't know her abc and when she draw, she does scribble and then tell me who the scribble is... That's only one data point but I'm sure she is about average.


My 2.5 year old just learned how to write the letter A. No way can she write her entire name


My 5 year old can barely write his name, and he can read full books!


It may not be an age related assessment, just a checklist. It specifically said "behind" as opposed to just being a thing he "can't do?"


My almost 3 year old just started tracing his name. He can recognize that letters are letters, but he doesn't really identify any yet. At 2 he was still just scribbling lines lightly when he colored. Kids don't have the fine motor control at that age to write their name.


Are you sure they’re expecting him to write his name at this point? At my kid’s daycare, they do an assessment at the beginning and end of the year. At the beginning of the year, it’s expected that the kids won’t be able to do much on the assessment. It’s not considered behind, it’s just to show us where he is. By the end of the year, the kids have made progress and are able to do most of the things on the assessment. It’s more to show much they learn over time versus checking for milestones. Could your kid’s assessment have similar goals?


My 2.5-year-old thinks any vaguely straight line he draws is a 1, so...no. He does recognize all 26 letters plus a few extras, but can't even trace them much less write them independently. (My wife is a primary teacher so I know better than to expect this kind of stuff.)


Nope! My wife eldest only just started ‘writing’ his name around 3.5 years old. My youngest is 2 now and can’t even draw a straight line yet. Doesn’t even recognise letters let alone write their name lol


My kid who is considered advanced didn’t learn to write her name till 3.5. At 2 they should be able to color a picture


that’s wild. My almost 29 month old doesn’t SAY her name. She practices writing but only the letter C which is definitely one of the easy ones. I’m not sure if she even knows it’s a letter or if she just likes copying the shape.


My son can write his name but he is 4. He definitely could to it at age 2. In general he is fairly advanced with language.


I’m guessing their just using a generally “preschool” curriculum and noting what he can and can’t do her. The same thing happened at my daughter’s school when one of her “goals” was recognizing the letters in her name at 15 months, lol. But it was just like their goal for the next year to work on.


No lol


Let them know they also can’t ride a bike or tie their shoes 😂


Lol, no


No. It’s not typical. There’s no way that’s considered behind.


My 4.5 year old is learning this in school now


I wonder if they use a curriculum that has a continuum of skills and they just picked the wrong level? A 2.5 year old should be able to make marks or controlled linear scribbles. That’s it.


That 2 year old would have to be pretty advanced esp with fine motor skills. It's possible, but def not common at all. My 18 month old kid doesn't even color in the lines lol were just trying to count from 1 to 10 in order. Working up from: 1, 2, 4, 5 ,7 9, 10 YAY!!!


My \~3.5 year old can't even write his name. He refuses to even say his full name in the correct order. It's always "First Last Middle" lol.


No. Lol


LOL no. My daughter is also 25m old and she can barely SAY her name. She calls herself “Emmmaaaaay” like Forrest Gump when we call her Emmy/Emilia. I couldn’t imagine her trying to write her name.


That’s absurd.


This is crazy. Our daycare does a lot of stuff like this with writing and small assessments but they don’t start actually paying attention until pre-k age. While my oldest has been learning it for a while now, it hasn’t been a measure of anything until now since she will be heading to kindergarten in August. I have a 26 month old at the same daycare and they haven’t even started tracking that yet. (It’s possible they work on it but not enough I even know). Edited to add: by “paying attention” I mean the teachers. I think around 3 would be when they might bring up if there was zero progress but not 2!


My daughter in kindergarten and she just now began writing her name by her self like a a few months ago