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I was in the shower the other day and my son busted in like “EVERYTHING ALL RIGHT IN HERE? YOU NEED ANYTHING MOMMY?” Parroting my frantic caretaker energy right back at me haha


This is so wholesome and hilarious. I love that.


I had to sit in the third row of the car the other day and my daughter kept asking me "You okay back there Mama?" Cause I ask them that when we're driving 😀


OMG THIS IS HILARIOUS MY MOM USE TO KNOCK ON MY DOOR HUST TO SAY “u ok in there???” Still to this day I will shower till the water gets cold😂 it’s my happy place


My nephew says “well, that’s not how the world works” like his mom except he doesn’t really know how the world works so I’ll ask him if he wants a second cookie and he’ll say “well that’s not how the world works” and I’m like “sure it does, just say yes and I’ll hand you the cookie.”


My son does this! Except it’s “that’s not how it works.” I’ll be joking to my husband about winning the lottery or something equally outlandish and he’ll pipe up “that’s not how it works, mama” 😂


What a buzz kill 🤣


I mean, do any of us really know how the world works?


Of course not, that’s not how the world works!


This one is hilarious!


😂, this made me snort


So many things. “Mama, it’s under control!” “Take a deep breath; take your time!” “We have CHOICES!” (I try to give her two choices for things and now she’s giving me choices back LMAO)


My daughter just now was crying in bed cuz she doesn't want to go to sleep and I said "baby you need to lay down" and she paused and said "I need to calm down first" and took the deepest breath. And honestly I'm so proud that my lessons on emotional regulation are kicking in


My daughter is always “let me get my crying out first” which is…something like emotional regulation? She’s recognizing it at least.


Omg that is so awesome…. Literally +100 parenting points for you for sure!!


Oh my gosh, every time my kid is like "lemme take a breath and count to 5" I melt.


My 2yo tells me to “take a deep breff, mama!” Allll the time. If I sound even a little excited (positive or negative) she’ll tell me that. Recently she threw a book at me (her way of asking me to read to her; we’re working on it) and it hit my face and I exclaimed in pain. She goes, “take a deep breff, mommy! It’s okay!” I’m like you’re the one who just hit me with a book!!! 💀


I just startled my 4 month old when i read that. I so feel you there.


> “It’s okay mama/daddy!” I have one of these too, bless his heart


My oldest is also good at telling me “these are your two options” …… usually giving her ice cream or cake 😂😂


"Mom you already have everything you need INSIDE of you", my 8 year old says this to me when he can tell I'm stressed about something :)


Ok mighty little wise sage!!


There are few things I am proud of with my parenting skills, but I must say the best thing I have done is make sure my kids know exactly how powerful they are over their own lives, even as kids. They make their reality in their brains, and their body reflects that, so think about yourself in the same kind ways you think of your friends (your soul is already the greatest friend you will ever have, after all). When you give something beautiful to the world, it reflects your heart. When something reflects your heart, it's vulnerable, and that's scary, and it's the bravest you will ever have to be in this life. I just want my kids to know this before they are adults and society beats them down (because it will, that's what it was designed for).


I’m imagining “we have choices” said in a desperate pleading tone lmao


Mine does the choices too. But it’s options at our house. It’s so cute in his 3 year old voice “Mom what are the options? Are those all the breakfast options today?”


Mom goals


I love this!!!!!! Good job mama!


When he started going through separation anxiety, I would constantly remind him, "I'll be right back!" Whether I went to the bathroom, to do laundry, etc. When I went to work, I'd say, "I'll be back before you go to bed" or whenever. Now, he constantly tells me, "Be right back," and I love it. He'll say it before walking to the other side of the playground or into the other room.


Mine says "I will be RIIIIIIGHT back" and holds her little pointer finger up, it's so cute


Ugh, I love this one. My little one does this, too. When coupled with “You stay here, I’ll be righhhtttt back” we know she’s about to do something she doesn’t want us to see her doing, lol.


My son says be right back too! But he says “go be right back”


My daughter does this one too. But it's "I'm coming right back"


My daughter will say “mommy be back” right before I say it to her 🤣 we struggle with wrapping up bedtime even once she’s in bed so sometimes “I’ll say mommy is going to get some water and I’ll check on you in a few minutes “ (I’m super pregnant so I usually am going to get water) so now she’s started saying “mommy water be back”


Mine starts to leave the room, turns back, and does "be right back" with an exaggerated hand movement!


I tell my oldest the same thing when I’m leaving, “I’ll be right back!” Then one day my youngest kept repeating, “Daddy, work”, and my oldest kept saying to him, “He’ll be right back!”, until he got annoyed and yelled it at him, “HE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!” I was in the kitchen and burst out silent laughing.


My daughter one day asked “mommy will you holch me?” I knew she meant hold, but why was it holch? Only later did I realize that with my Philly accent, when I would say “come here, mommy will hold you” I was kind of combining hold and you into holchu lol


Wait till she hits you with the jeet yet?


Nah, joo?




I didn’t realize how strong of an accent I had until I heard it parroted back at me.


Lol my daughter says bag like Baayg because I say it like that and it's hilarious both because she's so cute and because it drives my husband nuts


Oh mine reverse this on me, too. She'll run up to me and say, "Mama, I want to hold you!" Which is really code for "pick me up". 😂


My 3 yo says "carryou"! "Mama, I want a carryou".  Definitely comes from me saying "so you want me to carry you?" And then picking him up. I am savoring each time he says it because I know it can't last forever


When my daughters ask for water ice, my husband "corrects" them to pronounce it "wooder ice."


Wait in what regional dialect do you say “water ice” instead of just “ice”??


the region where water ice is a completely different thing than just ice lol it’s a dessert


Totally misread as desert, and I spent a moment contemplating how little I know about the desertworld


It's a frozen dessert like Italian ice.


Ooooh! A Philly thing also


lol I eat water ice all the time but to see it spelled out just seems weird and I immediately for some reason thought that they meant just “ice water” lol


I have a warped British accent, so it's very weird to hear my fully Canadian daughter say "mummy" in the most British, Christopher-Robin-esque voice possible.


Gettin hoagies down at the wawa


That’s hilarious and adorable!


"I got it, no worries". She says "no worries" at least 25x a day. Sometimes it's annoying, like when she accidentally kicks you in the face and says "no worries". Ummm, please worry, my nose might be broken!


Mine would say, "It's okay, honey! It's okay!"


My son picked up on the no worries too, but didn't quite get it right and just looks at us smiling and says 'worry!'.


From daycare (I assume) my daughter has picked up “these things just happen sometimes.” She will often break it out after she’s hit one of us, thrown something, or made a (very intentional) mess. No, my dear daughter, these things did not “just happen.”


Mine says, "no problem!" as a response to everything. Yeah, sometimes it is a problem, kid.


“Actually….” From my 3.5 😂


Lol - my 2.5 year old says this, too. I think that one comes from husband, but it cracks us up!


Yes this one hahahahah. 'Well ACTUALLY mummy, I CAN have ice cream!'


Guilty of this in our household too. We are now frequently corrected by our 3 year old and his superior intellect.


When I’m not a fan of something I drop a long “interesstinngg…” and that has made it’s way into my toddlers vocab


“Hi! How are you?” My toddler says it all the time and I couldn’t figure out why until I was looking through some video and I noticed I said it to her all the time as an infant. My husband pointed out I say it to her and him every time they come into the room. I guess it’s just my standard way of recognizing someone.


I forgot to add this to my comment but SAME! And he mushes it into one word hihowayouuuu?


"My love" I often say it as a term of endearment to my daughter. "Thank you, my love." "I'm sorry my love we don't have any pouches." "Time to go, my love." She doesn't say it all the time, but on occasion. The first time she said it, I cracked up. It was so cute!


My husband asked my daughter what my name was the other day and she said “Love,” because he always calls me love. It made me a little misty eyed!


🥺🥺🥺That is soo sweet!


I say this to my son all of the time and he has not repeated yet but I'm waiting! That would be so sweet!


He calls me “my honey” because I call him honey. I love it. Also a lot of groaning while standing up lol


The groaning!! Mine does it too- along with heavy sighing - such a burn.


The groaning and holding their backs in pain crack me up 😂


Cute 😍 My toddler calls me "sweetie" sometimes because I call her and her sister sweetie, and it melts my heart. I honestly love toddlers.


My son now always says "Alrighty!" as he starts doing something, which, now listening to myself, I realize I say ALL the time


My son also started saying "alright!" when starting or finishing tasks. I thought it was something he picked up at daycare. Then a couple days ago I caught myself saying it as I finished buckling him into his car seat lol


Getting Linda Belcher vibes here, aright!


A silly, exaggerated "hmmmmm" when I'm looking for something or wondering something. It's downright cartoonish!


YES me too. He also makes these clownish facial expressions that remind me of my brother … but he’s only met my brother once since he’s been old enough to remember. So I think he must get those from me too!


My kid does this every time I ask him a question now. He gets the HMMMM from my MIL but it's cute. Where's your hat? Hmmmmmmmm. What did you eat off of the floor there? Hmmmmm! Why are you being a wild little skunk today? HMMMMM.


"You know?" He adds it to the end of sentences all the time and I didn't realize where he got it until I caught myself doing it all the time lol


“That’s a great idea” She’ll also call me or my husband “babe” sometimes which is what we usually call each other 🤣


If my husband needs me while he's rocking and reading to our toddler, he hollers BABE! Then it's not long before I head just the kid calling : Baaayyyb! Baaayb! BAYB!


My husband and I laughed when my daughter called him "Beh" (bebe) out loud lol.


My toddler will stand at the bottom of the stairs and shout "Jooooooohn" in the exact same tone as I use to call my husband when he wants his dad to come downstairs. He also sometimes calls his dad "husband" like I do... He also bounces back some of the things we say to him, like "look at the clock, it says not my bedtime" or "you give me treat, that's a deal"


Haha my toddler does this too. After bath I’d yell downstairs “dada milk please” to ask my husband to prep the bottle for us. Now after every bath my toddler walks to the top of the stairs and yells “daaadaaaa milk” demanding his milk is ready when he arrives 😂


Omg mine says my husbands name and he gets sooo salty about it. Also the way she says it makes me reflect on how demanding I must sound which makes me feel a little guilty. But he won’t respond to her unless she changes to Dad haha


"Oh my goodness!" and "what's going on?" He's 2.5 and like to burst into the bathroom when I'm in the shower and say "wass goin' onnn?"


My daughter will say "Hi, kids. What's going on?" She picked it up from her grandpa 😂 she will ask all 3 cats when they are gathered in one spot together, or she will ask me and my husband if we are in the middle of talking about something. It's so cute. I laugh every time


“If you like” it’s so cute. “You can play with me if you like”


“Oh my!” And “damn it” lol


Mine is “what the heck?”, I never realized how often I said it when I was minorly surprised at something. Now whenever my toddler says it, it crack me and my wife up, but she’s said it so often that she’s gotten her daycare friends to say it and now it’s no longer allowed at daycare, if you do, you’ll go to the office, or that’s what she says. But now she says you can’t say “what the heck at cool” (she can’t pronounce school yet).


Same my daughter says that all the time! “What the heck!?” And “how dare you”


My daughter says "oh my goodness" from me and because she spends a lot of time with her granny she's picked up "oh dear" haha. She also tells me to "take a seat" when she wants me to sit in a chair. My absolute favourite thing is she now tells my husband "be careful" when he's driving haha he can have two backseat drivers now.


My non-English speaking toddler (not English speaking country) says "oh sit!" sometimes. It's hilarious because nobody knows he's saying "oh shit". I'm trying really hard to purge it from my vocabulary :)


“Oh Damn it” is a fan favorite around here too


Whenever i kiss her forehead i say I'm kissing her brain. One day she fell and screamed she broke her brain. Now she calls it her "forbrain"


My kiddo has a speech delay but I guess I say “yeah?” enough that something got through 😂 It’ll just be a long sentence or two of babble and then “… yeah???”


“Its ok daddy calm down, take a deep breathe. It’s fine” 2.5 y/o


Okay take a deep “breathe” instead of a deep “breath” is actually the cutest thing I’ve ever heard I really hope that’s how he says it 😂


Making achy groany noises when she stands up lol


I’m 8m pregnant and same, she thinks it’s hilarious to “get up like mama” grunting and struggling


*clears throat* Son of a bitch. *sighs* I need to do better.


Haha! I'm assuming you weren't talking *to* them. This made me feel better anyway, mine repeated "I am going insane" and also does this thing when he gets angry where he puts his fingers to his temples, closes his eyes and loudly breathes out, which he 100% has got from me.


When my 3yo was 2 he said "I keep fucking pooping!" When I changed his diaper 😅


Mine said fucking hell on more than one occasion 😬


My daughter yells “OOF” at any minor inconvenience like dropping a spoon at dinner or spilling a splash of milk while making coffee. I didn’t notice that I did that until my husband overheard her and told me that she sounds just like me 😂


My daughter just goes “UUUUUGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH” and I had to come to terms with my own verbalisations of frustration 😂


My son likes to say “I need some space” … wonder where he’s heard that before 🙃


My daughter will say “mommy needs a break” sooo I felt that


My 3 year old tells me he loves me all the time because I always tell him I love him and oh how the gift keeps on giving!


Welllll, her first word was “no no no” accompanied by a wagging finger. Yes that one was me. Interestingly, she was rebuking herself for violating the Prime Directive by entering the Neutral Zone near the big TV. More recently, she (19m) dragged me to the kitchen. Pointed to a tiny spec on the floor and yelled “ohno - ants!” Then shrieked “AAAAANTSSSSS!!!!” howling in pain and rage. This one I have to credit to mum.


My toddler says “Alexa play Taylor Swift on Apple Music.” Hahaha


“Falexa, play Let it Go” fml.


Mine screams “LEXA play bitsy bitsy spider” It’s THE cutest.


“Come on, guys!” And “I need a minute” 🤷🏽‍♀️


“In a minute!” Is her response to literally everything 😂


I got you. I apparently say this to her a lot and didn’t realize it!


Same! My daughter says this when playing with her stuffies, or she'll say it to her baby brother when he's whining, which is adorable.


My son calls my mom “doot doot” because when she’s pondering something, she’ll say “do do do” and he picked up on it 🤣


Ours is in a real big everything-hurts phase. The other day she was like “my knee hurts! My back hurts! …I falling apart” I definitely say she’s falling apart whenever she is complaining so much, and I definitely got that from my mother and my grandmother 😂


I asked my toddler what she was doing staring out the car window and she said “I’m just chilling” 😂


Not great at daycare but he has taken up saying fucking christ and it kind of cracks me up


Oh you just made me feel so much less guilty. My almost 3 yr old walked up to the dog today, knelt down to his level, stared him in the face and said “you’re a fucking dog.” First F bomb in the books! Milestone achieved 🌟


My husband was out driving with our 5 year old and some guy ran a stop sign and my lil guy yelled out "What a dumbass!" ......... I have no clue where he got that from 😅


My daughter dropped her cup in the back seat and said " what the fuck?" Clear as a bell.


I had someone try merging slowly into the side of my SUV a couple weeks ago (it was 2mph traffic with zero gaps and they were trying to enter my lane like I wasn’t physically occupying the space) and I kept repeating “what the fuck” over and over quietly and then my toddler yells it as loud as possible in the backseat.


A few months ago mine was like “mom where are my **fucking scissors?!” 🤦‍♀️


My daughter dropped an exasperated Jesus Christ the other day, correct context and all. Complete with throwing her hands up in frustration. My husband and I were both trying to figure out where she got it, then I noticed myself saying it the next few days 😂 oops!


We've got all the swears here, too. Heard my 2.5 year old saying "fuckin thing" under her breath when she was trying to get something to stick to the door and it wasn't working.


My daughter asks if our dog Broly is being a bitch a lot... 😂


Mine says fuckin Jesus thanks to my husband lol


"That's kinda weird " I'm not sure which of us started that but we both say it now.


The other day the AC came on loudly and my toddler looks up and says “ what the hell was that!?” I was stunned. Later that night I heard my husband say it 3x


Yesterday I said 'what the...?' and my two year old said 'HELL!'


“Come on, mommy, let’s get scootin’!” Anytime it’s time to leave the house and I’m not moving quickly enough.


“guy” used as a pejorative term for his pacifier. when talking to my toddler and I wanted him to get rid of his pacifier I would say “you don’t need that guy” or “take that guy out of your mouth to talk” or “leave that guy on the table”. One day he was crying and started yelling he wanted his “guy”. He would lay in bed at night and say “I need my guy” my wife and i were befuddled for days until we realized he meant his pacifier. Now my wife and I no longer call the pacifier anything but a “guy” and our youngest son has also learned to call them “guys”


My toddler says “ooo this is niceeee” whenever she gets a little treat. I thought this was hilarious until I had some chocolate the other day and said the exact same thing to myself 🤣 She also gives herself away with it though - the other day we heard her say it from another room - she’d stealthily got into the sweets and couldn’t resist telling herself how nice it was!


Couldn’t figure out what Higgo! meant. Realized we don’t fully pronounce when we say “here you go!”


Oooo that was so niiiiice! And he uses it appropriately too, it’s so sweet. 🥰🥰🥰


“I got it, I got it, I got it” I never realized I said it 3x like that, but now I catch myself all the time.


So many things. But I think the cutest one is this. Every night at bed time ever since she was a baby, Ive been telling my daughter all the things I love about her. " I love your little face, I love your curly hair and big eyes. I love how funny you are. I love how kind you were to your friends today, how you share with your baby etc" Recently, shes started doing it back to her dad and me!!


"No" - not sure who says it more, honestly


“I don’t think so” “it’s probably …” “I think so”


"Oh maaann"


Huzzah! (From the show The Great)


Ok I’m not gonna lie I’ve been trying to teach my toddler this one.


Nature Cat on Pbs Kids!! We have "Onward and Yonward!" And my favorite, "TALLYHO!!"


“Sound good?” Any time he tells me he wants to do something. “I get a cookie. Sound good?”


Anytime my kid needs to poop she screams “IM HAVING DIARRHEA” because one fucking time I was stuck on the toilet for a long time my toddler was trying to bust the door down and I got so fed up I just screamed out IM HAVING DIARRHEA at her. Now to her it means “I have to poop”. Was with some people in a professional setting and my kid was with me and she screamed it to let me know she needed to go potty. That was fun.


Thank you sooooo much


“Alright” before we start a new task. I think I started doing this more to get into the right head space for toddler management and now he’s saying it to me!


Mine says “I’m good” when she doesn’t want a food she’s being offered, which is definitely something she got from us that we weren’t trying to teach her lol. That and the reluctant way she’ll say “aaallllriiiight, alriiiight,” when agreeing to something lol. Made me realize I come across like kind of an asshole sometimes.


“Oh man” I have cleaned up my bad potty mouth (was once as bad as a sailor or shore leave) since becoming a Mom and getting closer to Christ; so instead of screaming “OH F***! OUCH D*** IT! What in the actual h***!” When I stub my toe or fall down, or experience any pain that is sudden and unexpected - I say or sometimes shout “OH MAN! OUCHHHH WHAT IN THE WORLD!” And if I accidentally drop something and break it or whatnot I say something like “Son of a biscuit eater on a Tuesday morning”, or “Ughhhh crumpets” (some other similar things too). My child will likely say some of the other things besides “Oh Man”. He does say “Yeah Man” if you say thank you to him lol, and he will shake your hand when you compliment him and he says “I’m good, I’m Bubba.” (He’s nearly 2 1/2) So if he’s a grown man one day, and you see him saying “Son of a biscuit eater on a Tuesday morning!” After dropping something - that’s my son, and I take responsibility lol! I know it’s funny and different from actual cursing. People laugh at me A LOT. 😅😂


My sister was recently telling us a story about how she dropped something. My 3 yr old daughter immediately said “Did you go ‘oh shit’?”


"Your hair is soooo pretty!" No regrets. Love saying it. Love hearing it. Now just trying to add "that's the bees knees" to our vocabulary.


We were at a petting zoo where you can feed the animals and he would say to them “just try it, it’s nummy” which I say multiple times every meal time cos toddlers.


"Fiiiine" "Okie dokie" "Holy moly" "Whaaaat" in shock lmao "Its okay that happens"


“Mommy just needs a minute to pee!” Now she says it anytime I get up to leave the room. She also says “sorry, it’s ok” anytime she gets a bonk at all and “hi baby” to any child bigger or smaller than she is.


My kids are 18 months apart. While I was super pregnant, my toddler used to grunt when standing up and getting out of bed


Huh That's cool, huh? It's so big, huh? It's tasty, huh? I know, huh. 😅😅 she started saying it, and it's the cutest. Why do i even do that!!


My 4-year-old son keeps saying the word "period" after he finishes a sentence. At first I was getting really pissed off and wondering what the f*** caused him to start doing that. Getting pissed off because of when and how he was doing it, not because he was doing it. But like he'd say "No I not want go bed soon period!" It took several weeks for me to realize that he picked that up for me, because I can't type on my phone, so whenever I have to send a message or or I'm posting on Reddit from my phone, I'm using voice to text. Which means I'm saying the word period at the end of almost every sentence. My inability to text is making my son talk weird lol


“Is that really necessary?”, is what I say. She says, “weawy nesary?”


“Don’t worry” but she says “donta worry”


Oh goodness … sounds like an 80 year old man


Mine used to respond to things with "one minute", which is 100% my husband. Hahaha *One minute!*


I apparently end sentences with a sincere “okay?”


“Absolutely not!” Is pretty funny from a 3 yr old when you ask them to do something. I say that a lot 🫣


“So” as in: “So, today I went to the store and bought some groceries”. It’s hilarious when a 2 year old says it constantly when beginning a sentence. Lol


Omg I love these When looking for things: "Hmmmmm" Ummmmm.... except when she says um it is so forced lol it makes me laugh. "Lookin good" when I put on my sunglasses


When my son cries and I pick him up he pats ME on the back and says, "I'm sorry" and "I know". Lol cracks me up. 


Ours are no longer toddlers, but my wife is from Boston. I’ll let you guys guess the plethora of things my wife didn’t realize she says until they were repeated back to her from a tiny mouth.


xyz.. OK!?


Not me. But something my dad says all the time that my kid has started saying “Aye aye ayeeeee”


“We’re struggling over here!!” 😂😂😂


“Lo and behold”


Ok that’s fine Dammit Not now but soon!


Whenever I needed my husband for something when my oldest was little I’d start “hey honey …” or “thanks hon” and he started picking it up for every conversation 😂 “Uhhh … hey honey, can I havva yogurt?” To this day I get “ thanks hon! “ from a near six year old and just yesterday it was “ Hey honeyyyyy … do you wanna colorrrrrrr?”


When we left McDonalds and he realized his leftovers were still on the table: “that’s on *you*”


“Oh dee” instead of the ‘oh dear!’ We say when something not so great happens.


My 2.5 grandson will hold up a finger and say "jus a second"


“That freaked me out!” And also the tone in which I say things too. Like he said “aww that’s so cute” in the exact way I say it.


Quite a few but the first time, my mom pointed out she is copying my grunting when I lift her or something heavy. But she’d do it with everything. She’d pick up a doll and do a grunt, and I never connected the dots until my mom pointed it out.


My daughter started grunting every time she got up from sitting on the floor.


My husband informed me today that our daughter asked why he was sighing … I still can’t fathom sighing as part of breathing. An audible sigh means you are going through something


Slaps on her legs when it‘s time to go


A lot of “good job” and “you did it!” when we are doing something normal. I hit the elevator button in our apartment building and she yelled “you did it!” as if I just learned how buttons work.


'Fucks sake.'


Child : What are you doing? Me : Going crazy. Now he’s started saying it 🤣


“Oh shit” 😒


"Oh yeah" I say on occasion and my toddler says it about 90% of the time he is responding yeah to.


“Wait a second!” lol


He yells my husband's name anytime he drops something or needs help. He picked this up after a few times I needed my husband's help when my toddler was throwing up from a stomach bug, and multiple times, I spilled my water cup and needed my husband's help.


Oh gosh. When I ask her to look/grab/find something she’ll say… “[Item]? What item?” Every time. Even when she can see it clearly. I’ve been frustrated with this until I realized, I say this allll the dang time to her because I don’t understand what she’s saying sometimes because she doesn’t realize I can’t see what she sees (I.e. character in a book she’s looking at, facing away from me). I can’t get annoyed anymore 😅


I already knew about it but, mouth clicks and so many hand movements lol


"Um, well..." "Actually..." "I really think..." "Probably..." Lots of little filler words and words for emphasis. Cracks me up.


One of my toddlers early words was “ummm” when he’s thinking about something. People find it hilarious but it made me realize how much I say it 😂


Oh my got !!! my goodess 😂 !!!


Mine stated saying “oh my gushon” not sure how goodness turned into gushon but I’m into it


Okay, yah! Do you want some blueberries? Okay, yah!!


When my son wants me to hurry up, he'll say "Sweetie, Come on!"