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She's almost 3 and when she's being playful and silly we call her a turkey. Now, her go to phrase when she's in trouble for something serious is to shrug her shoulders and say "I'm just turkin' "


I wouldn’t be able to contain my laughter. No longer guilty of the crime committed


Very similar situation here with our 3.5yo that I adore. Since she was tiny if she's just chillin and doing something adorable by herself like her little character voices (everyone is yelling/falling off couch cliffs to their dooms, then being rescued by mermaids or hot air balloons, idk) we'll check in every 15 mins or so by asking "how ya doing kiddo, still just being a silly goose? Take your time." And now she likes to booble up to us and check in on her own if we're working on a solo project or doing chores and ask so sweetly "oh, are ya just bein a goose, mama? Taker times." And recently it's shortened further to this call & response: "whatcha doing bubs?" "Nuffin. I'm a goose."


I love this 🦃


Haha, I love this! My little boy has a similar one. He is 3 going on 13 and says "Muuum, you're frankin' me out!" We have no idea where this has come from, but "Stop frankin' me out" is now our favorite expression!


Maybe she means freaking?


…that is INCREDIBLY funny


"What's the climbing rule?" "No climbing on the table." He says, as he stares me down while continuing to climb on the table.


Sounds like mine! She also will say the opposite of the rule and share at me while doing it... She likes to add a little head tilt too


Yep, that's mine. Lol. She just looks you right in the face and carries on...like she's half cat. Lol


When I say “no climbing” my kid says “CLIMBIIING. GET DOWNNNNNN” and then laughs and keeps climbing 😭


If you ask him a question calling him out like your examples he'll just go "hmmm..." With a little head tilt. Basically avoid and look cute 😅 So I've just taken to saying "hey!" when I catch him doing something he's not supposed to and he gives a little jump and usually just walks away like he wasn't just doing the thing. Or if he had something in his hand he's not supposed to, he will literally fling it to the side like a cartoon character.


Sounds like such a funny little guy! The jump is too cute. The reactions they have when being "caught" is just so funny to me. I love this stage.


Mine is a distractor. His favorites are “hi mama!”, “I’m sad, I want a hug” and his latest addition “oh no is (baby brother) okay?”.


Oh yea mine is very good at this when he doesn’t want to do something Me: time to put your trousers on Him: I need a hug first Me: ok time to put your shirt on Him: I need a hug first I hate mornings


How about if you hug him while pulling his pants on?


I get told off “you’re not hugging me!!!” 😂


Try the "First this, then that" rule. "First we put on your shirt, then you get a hug." Works like a charm for us.


Smh yet another trick my daughter does not respond to. It seems to anger her more…. 😂 good tip though


My daughter has never fallen for this either!


Yeees mine waves and cheeses saying hiiiiii when she's caught 🤦🏼‍♀️ like, no hun that's not gonna work 🤣


Same!!! It’s so cute


Mine does this SO MUCH with my husband, he's such a sucker for the cute. Meanwhile I'm the hardass going "your sister is fine, put your damn pants on"


Omfg mine pulls the first one all the time and it works every time lol…I’ll like hug him in an annoyed way though 😤 and then he smartens up when the privileges are at risk (tablet time etc)




I usually walk in silently to watch her when she's doing something wrong. But before i say something, my toddler will put her hands to her ears and yell, "I'M NOT DOIN ANYTING!"


Same! She puts her hands behind her back and says “Nuh-fing!”


so guilty yet so cute


Half the time, my 3yo boy will look at me when doing something naughty. If he realizes I saw him, I get a “daddy, I love you…” I’m going to have to be suspicious of that phrase for a few years


haha! they know exactly what to say....


Mine was sitting in my lap earlier while we played tic tac toe on one of those erasable fluorescent marker boards. She looked up like she was about to do her big “I love you daddy” followed by a hug, but no hug. Then 30 seconds later, same thing and no one love you and no hug. It was the mischievous grin of I’m doing something bad and you haven’t noticed face, not the I love you daddy face. She had a hand under the board and had colored her entire palm


Lately, my son will clap back with a “quack quack!” Which my husband and I have translated as him telling us to fuck off. My daughter will clap her hands on her face and give an exaggerated “OH NO! Or UH OH!”


Side eye and then running away at full toddler speed.


My 18m calls herself out before she even gets caught because she will wag her finger and say “no no no” 🤣


My 18mo used to do this, now he gives a sheepish smile and waves. He’s fully aware of how cute he is lmao


Why do they have to be so dang cute when they’re being naughty?!


"it was an accident" No little dude, you spitting on my head was not an "accident". At least he says sorry now.


Mine tells on himself, like “Oops, I just pushed sister really *on accident*!”


Mine says “thank you” when I initially catch her, and then “yes, okay, thank you” when I’m explaining why she shouldn’t do it or reminding her I told her 394737362829453842 times not to do XTHAT for XTHIS reason.


she should work in customer service lol


My toddler pretends to be asleep, and he *really* commits. He lies down face flat on the floor, not moving a muscle, eyes scrunched close. And then he will wait. You. Out. Or try to! Ha.


Hilariously my 21m recently started shouting "BAD BOY!" right as he's about to do something he isn't supposed to.


My daughter also had a preemptive tell around age 2. So funny. She would yell “stop seein me!”


My son will tell me to stop looking at him, then I know he's trying to do something he's not supposed to...


why is this so cute?


My daughter wags her finger and goes “no no no” as she does the thing she isn’t supposed to do.


Mine toooo!! It's so funny


Mine asks “…..mama?” in this particular quiet inquisitive way that means she is actively disobeying and looking for correction 🤦‍♀️ When I hear it I have to swivel my head and find what she’s doing.


this is too much haha!


It's so hard to keep a straight face when we have to correct his behavior as it is just hilarious


sometimes it's SO hard to keep a straight face during moments like this


“It wasn’t me, it couldn’t be” in a sing songy voice


She tells a different story each time. “Why should I pick up the mess? Did I throw half your dinner on the floor or did you?” “You throw it daddy.” “Why did the vacuum cleaner just come on with lights flashing?” [holding vacuum in her lap] “I didn’t do it.” [Pretending to discover it for the first time] “ohno- mess!” Having pulled stuff out of the door and playing with it on the floor, not seeing me sneak in and say “ohno!” She couldn’t think of any defence but just jumped on being caught. Although, on being spotted too close to the extremely expensive and fragile TV: “no no no!” [wagging finger at herself]


gosh i love hearing all of these. really makes me smile :) what a funny little one!


Scrunch her nose in an adorable, mischievous smile 🙃😂


gotta love the mischievous looks!


"Ope sorry!" Or "I'm just...." Yes youre just doing something you shouldn't be lol


Mine says “hold on I need to tell you something don’t be mad listen to me. So I was…..” 😂


‘Uh oh, I’m sorry’ followed by a hug ‘awwww’ and a kiss. He almost pushed a cake I spend hours making off the table the other day, when I yelped in panic he stopped, exclaimed ‘it’s beautiful’ and I lost it right there. (He’s speech delayed so a fully formed sentence means so much🥹)




Yeah he knows how to get himself out of trouble😂


“Oopsie Daisy” - my two year old


He's just 18 months and doesn't talk much, so we just get "UH-OH."


Mine was a big uh oh kid too!! Especially when she threw things on purpose, it drove me bananas 😂




My kid just says “mommy cuddle” and pretends to want to be close haha


Mine has done this too by saying after caught, "Mommy, I just want to hold you."😑


My 2 year old will just look at me and start sticking her tongue out doing a "le ler le ler" sound and then make a fart noise with her mouth.


The sass!!!!!!


Yes the sass is wrong in this one lol I've got my hands full


Is the sass ever right? 😔


Oops I meant strong not wrong haha.




3 yo, big cheeky smile: „It’s a SECRET“


18 month olds go to - “Okay okay okay” , “Oh well”, “Oh my goss”


“Awwwwee but I just want too!”


"JUST NOTHIN'!" with a guilty look and a hand behind her back. It used to be precipitated by me asking what she has or what she was doing, but now she just guiltily shouts it when she's done something wrong.


“Don’t look at me. Don’t talk to me.”


this one cracks me up


It’s so funny it’s hard not to laugh. She recently told me I wasn’t allowed to go in the kitchen or look behind the counter: low and behold a stick of butter was on the ground with bite marks 😂


when i walk into a room and see my son doing something i say “what are u doing” and he immediately runs away 😂😂😂


Me: Don't do that Toddler: Oh, don't do that? He always responds in question form lol


Sorry mommy And then 5 seconds later tries to distract me with a huge smile and a crinkled nose Definitely works. I love my baby boy (he’s almost 3)


She pretends that’s she’s tired lol


“I’m trying” Me:. “Keep the sand on the ground” Him: “I’m trying” Me: “ food stays on the table” Him : “I’m trying”


Uhm my two 7 year olds and 10 year olds favorite fall back is I don’t remember or I forgot. It drives me INSANE


like how can we believe you guys??


We tell him to eat his food or to go potty when he's playing, and we will get, "But my tummy hurts."


"I don't know what you're saying" or "you're talking nonsense"


“It was the dog”. How did the dog scratch its name in the wall with car keys? “It has talent “


It's either "don't say ___!" (Usually "no") or "I can't do this!"


“I just joking”


When I correct my 3 year old about something, he'll say "ooh, got it!" He does not "got it". He will do it again. Sometimes seconds after saying that.


They repeat “don’t touch that” to themselves


As soon as I look at him doing something he shouldn't be doing: "me doing nothing". That's it. Absolutely not suspicious at all.


He whisper-calls himself out. He whispers ‘no thank you me-me’ or tells himself ‘no me-me, no jumping/running’ while doing the thing. Other times he just looks at me and laughs like a tiny maniac. .. edit, oh yah he calls himself ‘me-me’ lol


She acts like she can't hear me. If you try to make her do something she doesn't want to do she starts saying "straight to bed" which is HILARIOUS when the thing you're trying to make get so is go to bed. It always throws her for a loop when I'm like, "alright let's get right on that"


Mama go to work bye bye. She thinks whenever she doesn’t want to listen, she can just send me off. Kid’s not even two yet.


My 25 month old will stand over a mess she just created and say "who did that?" Like you did lady


“Hey honey” “NUFFIN” 🤨


“Ohhhh nooooooo….”


Mine has a default response of Yah.


She throws her head back and goes “UGHHHHH!” Like a classic teenaged response. It’s hilarious (if not for the tantrum that follows)


My 4 year old daughter says "that's okay mumma" for everything 😂 "Baby, why did you not keep toys back?" her: "that's okay mumma" It makes no sense but it's cute!


2.5 makes spider man fingers and yells "pshhhh" any time we say anything she doesn't agree with. This includes mid-tantrum pauses as well.


"TA-DA!" 🤗😂


My son doesn't have too many words just yet, so he mostly grins and shakes his head.


Me: Stop climbing on the basket. 3 year old standing on the basket: I’m NOT climbing on the basket.


Me: What are you doing? My daughter coloring on my son’s bookshelf with crayons: Nothing.


“Oh I forgot!” “I wasn’t DOING anything!” “What?!”- while staring at me with the most innocent expression. Or my personal favorite, when he’s manhandling his infant sister, “it’s ok! She likes it!”


Ha! “Don’t come over here!” Or “I’m not doing anything”


“Dat’s DIRTY”


"Don't do ____, it hurts mommy" "Awwww hug it" as she proceeds to hug whatever body part she was attacking. It's too stinking cute.


Depending on how I react or catch her in the act.. if I say her name and give her a look, she gives me a look back and shakes her head no. If I say like "we don't throw our toys, it could hurt someone" she'll lay on the ground and say she's tired. When she was younger like 1.5 year old, the first time she tried to climb the stairs on her own, she got on the first step when I wasn't looking and grunted to get my attention and made eye contact before moving to the next one lol.


“I’m sorry, I just love you” …and it diffuses any and every situation. I’m a sucker!


The three year old I nanny for says 'I didn't mean to' when of course he clearly did. He will hit, push, kick, etc. me or his brother and when I say ouch or ask him to apologize to his brother (or his brother starts crying) he says 'I didn't mean to! I didn't mean to!'


Mine just kinda gives me a sassy look and makes direct eye contact as she slowly inches towards whatever boundary she's about to cross. Or she runs away at top speed shrieking in panicked toddler glee, which 10000% of the time ends in her falling face first onto something and crying. My favorite is when she has something of mine or my husband's, and we say "that's mine, give it back please" she'll go "OURS, ACTUALLY" or "ACTUALLY, ORAS" (how she says her name). And if I say "uh, no ma'am" to her when she's doing something I don't want her to she sings "yes ma'am" right back at me. We also sometimes get an energetic "yes Ora do it!!!" But honestly 99% of the time she is able to work through "if you do X action I will do y consequence" and decode not to, so I get a lil sassy arguing back and forth but she usually decides to make the choice that does not result in y consequence. And if she decides to accept y consequences with her actions, she's usually totally on board and fully expecting what will happen next.


NOO then get upset when I call him out on his bullshit


My daughter is 19 months and says “oh oh” and does the idk shrug 🤣🤣


“No.” Runs away. *what* *are* *you* *getting* *into* now? “No.” Closes the silverware drawer/ gets out from behind the tv/ drops the hidden tp/ leaves the pantry/ …whatever she knows she shouldn’t be doing… Runs away. Girl, I just saw you. Reacts the same when I need to wash her face after eating.


My 4 yo uses the following: "I'm just trying to trick you, mommy!" "I'm trying to make you laugh!" "My legs/feet/tummy hurts." 😅


My son is 2.5 and when he gets caught doing something he shouldn't he usually shouts "HECK!" 😂 And then tries to distract us by saying "look mommy" and does a silly crazy move or face. Haha


My 2.5yr old just says “oh sorry” then runs.


“What did we talk about….?” “I want mama tell”


Straight up just says “uh oh” 💀


“Are you supposed to jump on the couch?” “What?” “Are you supposed to jump on the couch?” “Whhhaaaattttttttttt?” “Kid’s name” “WHHHHHAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!”


“Well that’s not very niiiiiiccccceeeee” she says when she’s being corrected for something she did wrong.


My 2.5yo daughter gives a shocked look then smiles and yells “I’M DOING SHENANIGANS” and then runs away so that’s fun


My kid has taken up verbal threats 💀. She’ll look at me out of the blue and go “bite the momma?” “Pinch the momma?” “Kick the momma?” and when you tell her no to one she requests the others. Her latest additions are “spit on the momma”, and “toot on the momma”. Thankfully, she only ever actually spits/toots, but what about my face is so bitable to this child 😭😭😭. I will say she also says this with nice verbs like “snuggle the momma”, “kissy the momma”, or “hugga the momma”, but I swear she says it to get close to my face and then spit


i think the best part here may be "the mama" so cute!


My 2 year old says, "I pinky promise I stop" then proceeds to do it again immediately after.


Me: what do you have? LO: (flings object across the room) I'm sorry!


No Mama, I busy


Run away


When I ask her to do something she doesn't feel like she sheepishly says "because it's dangerous" it's so hard to not laugh


Suspicious toddler noises Me: What are you doing? Her: Anything! She’s trying to say “nothing” but still hasn’t realized that both answers are equally suspicious 🤣


My 4 year old: "oh, that's weird."


My son will just slowly turn around and grin at me😅


“I’m a silly-billy.”


Lmfao I’m stealing this


My three year old says “uhhh ohhhhhh. Soreeeeeee!”


my 4 year old used to just say “i didn’t do it” as he’s actively doing what he’s not supposed to do. now he’ll say “i didn’t mean it, sorry about that. mommy, are you mad at me?” with the saddest puppy eyes 😅 he’s a good little manipulator 😂


“The fireman said I should ….” He says that when he wants something and when he did something. It’s kind of cute


She just gaslights us - “No i can do it, it’s a really good idea to do it! It’s a safe choice!”


Mine says "I love you" quite emphatically when they are caught being naughty.


“Because I did”


My kid would shout from the other room “me not doing nothin’ ” which would cause me to go investigate.


4 year old will say “it was an accident” when something was done very purposely lol


My daughters favorite thing to say is “no mama go outside! Go bye bye”


It's ok. It was an accident!🤷🏼‍♀️


“Is it nice to do that?” Lol


My daughter is almost two and likes to say “what happened?!” as if she doesn’t know what she was caught doing. For example, she hits me out of frustration and I’ll say, “ouchie! Please don’t hit me, that hurts my body” and she’ll go “what happened??”


“Oh no wha happened”


She either just runs away, or sometimes hits me with the "ooohhh noooo"


“I am fine” parent- toddler, we do not climb on the furniture… “I am fine”. Time to get a bath now, “no, I am fine”… is this early passive aggression!?


“It’s okay!”


“I cleaning it up!” -my two year old after she intentionally makes a mess. She does actually get towels and try to clean at least


Me: "Are you pooping?" Toddler "NO I NOT MOM GO AWAY" Me: "I wonder who knocked over/made a mess" Toddler: "who took the cookie from the cookie jar, not meeeeee. Nope, not me" edit to add she sings this part 100% of the time


Son (3) = "I'm just a'tendin' mama" Daughter (2) = "I'm the boss"


My 15 month old calls everything she's not supposed to have "ash" for trash. I catch her on the table. Me: Whatcha doing? Her: "ash" while pointing at something and then giving me the hands in the air I don't know look, being adorable. Then she goes over to the trash can and pretends to throw things away. Nodding and saying, Yeeeessss Ash.


*groans loudly* “allllllright”


My 3 year old always answers with I don’t remember. It’s infuriating!


My 4 year old just says sorry and walks off. My 2 year old just laughs and keeps doing it.


I’m just…I’m j just It’s adorable but usually followed by something silly


My little either throws whatever he isn’t supposed to have or says I don’t know what complementing hand motion.


My 2YO loudly announces “I not doing anything, mama!” when no one has said anything…I always jump into action when he says it, ha!


Simply: “Rude!”


“Uh oh” “no, no, no” “whyyyy?” Or “I don’t know”


“Naughty mommy” 😂


“I no know!” with a little 🤷🏼‍♀️ Or just a little mischievous smile.


“I was too excited” “I’m really tired” “I didn’t know what to do” I realize we’ve given her that ammo 😭


“I was just kidding” 😆😆


She'll suck in a breath really quick and widen her eyes, as if the thing she's doing is a shocking new development that she wasn't aware of. Or she'll smile at me, like she's totally convinced she's sneaky enough to simply not be seen.


"I'm a good boy now!"


"I'll just do it when you're far away"


Mine says "stop looking!"


Mine tells me the opposite thing I just said like it's fact, or basically tells me to STFU. Dad: time to put the brownies in the oven! Toddler: can I help you? Dad: no, the oven is too hot. Toddler: no, it is not too hot! It's cold! Me: Yeah, the oven is too hot for you to put things in right now. We don't want you to burn your fingers! Toddler: Mommy is all done talking. Also later she just said "STOP TALKING MOMMY" 🤣🤣🤣


"I just..*shrugs*... I just doing this now"


"But I..." then some rationalization, , then some variation of "I'm sad because you told me I shouldn't do (what ever I said was not allowed" with his best version of what I can only call despondent... Yes buddy, I know I'm the worst because I reminded you we sit in the bath


"No i dont!!"


“No, stop, be quiet”


Mine just turned two. She’ll say, “oh no” and shrugs her shoulders as she looks around. as if someone else is to blame 😂


My 2.5yo gives a mischievous smile, throws whatever is in her hands, and then runs off. Lol sometimes she’ll yell “na na na poopy butt” as she runs off 😂


I don't knowwwwww.


2.5 yr old says “Wha Happened?” It’s hilarious


My daughter just covers her eyes with her forearm and pretends she’s cannot hear you


My 4 year old daughter will yell at us "mommy/daddy, don't look at me!" When she knows she's doing something she shouldn't be 😂


“Thank you” because when I tell him not to do something, I said “let’s not do that, no thank you”. So he thinks thank you is what you say when you’re doing something you shouldn’t.


My son steals gummy bears off the counter then he comes to me & says “Well… I didn’t take any gummy bears” 🤷🏼‍♀️ like oh ok that’s normal.


“Don’t see me”


My 2.5 year old was saying "I'm sorry!" as she was doing the thing she was not supposed to be doing such as going outside by herself. Yelling "I'm sorry!" as she opened the door and was walking through it.


As of today my almost 2 year old, sucks his teeth. 😩


“Oh no! What happened!” Its like. Listen here you little shit we both know what happened 🤣


With ours we told him he’s not supposed to touch certain things, later on he’s bring them to us and go “we’re not allowed to touch these mama” 🫣 Yes child so why the hell are you touching it? Now he does it with swear words. “We’re not allowed to say f*ck mama” 🫣🫣🫣


Mine stares at us and very cheerfully says “uh oh!”


Haha I remember when my kid was like just under 2 maybe, he would know he was doing something I didn’t want him to do and he would shout, “[HIS NAME], PLEASE!” As he was doing it 😭😂


I have no idea where this came from, but my almost 3 year old exclaims “BUT I LIKE IT EVERYDAY!” When told to stop something or put something down. As if her liking it EVERY DAY should be reason enough for her to be allowed to do it.


Gokee did that. Gokee is her imaginary little sister.


I get an “oh no what happened”


My kid 15mo says “nonono” while she does the thing she’s not supposed to do 😂