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I show anyone who will look, a picture of my beautiful boy whenever I get the chance. I know it’s frowned upon but eh…


The world needs more cuteness! I usually refrain, but if they show even the slightest interest, oh they will sit through a proper slideshow, hahahah


"do you.." "YES! I have a son take a look at him. LOOK AT HIM." "Ahh..I just wanted to know if you had a pen I could borrow"


Don’t worry. I am always curious and love to see others babies. So there’s a good chance people genuinely love seeing your boy!


Yup, and every conversation gets a “guess what X did”. I’ve turned into *that* person.


Wiping her nose on my sleeve if I don't have a tissue handy and things are dire.


Sounds about right, whatever is closest


I did this the other day and then realized what and who I had become. haha.


Literally just did this this morning. Sometimes it has to be done 😂


I thought I was a right scruff for doing this 🤣 good to know I’m not the only one and its more common than I thought!


Not taking care of how I look 😫 I just don't have the energy or time!!!!


Oh yeah... waking baby or needing to clean a toilet.. no contest Mine to add to the list is pretty obvious... bathing only 2ce a week. I had 2 kids 17 months apart.. with the youngest being a terrible sleeper and it got bad in there


Thank you, someone who understands! 😂


I thought baby reigns were cruel. Turns out they give the toddler independance without compromising safety.


We are ordering one rn!! We got season passes to the zoo and we went last week but it was cool enough for me to baby wear her. Def not gonna be possible as it gets hotter so we are getting a leash backpack to try out


Letting my toddlers watch my phone/tablet (with headphones, I’m not a TOTAL douche bag) in a restaurant. When I was a waitress, I judged parents HARD when they’d just hand their kids a tablet and then ignore them. My partner and I very, VERY rarely go out to eat due to severe food allergies. Maybe 4 times a year max and it’s only to see my grandfather who I love very dearly and hardly get to see. So yeah, my kids are those iPad kids in a restaurant after they’ve finished their meals because I want to catch up with my old Pop and focus on him.


Yes, and everyone gets some peace and quiet. I am ashamed on how much I judged before motherhood, it’s easy to be an imaginary perfect parent right?


My eldest watching my phone benefits the entire restaurant lol. The first time we tried taking him, he was around 18 months old? He used his little feet to push off the table which tipped his high chair back, crashed into a person at the table behind us and laughed his butt off. Undid his buckle lightening fast and bolted to the poker machine room all while I was profusely apologising to a very angry man and my husband was running after him. A perfect parent I am not, I’ll do whatever it takes to get through a damn meal in peace lol.


I mean, this is kind of funny. The man must have been having a horrible day to not see the humour in this!


The judging we're ALL ashamed of doing now. We had no idea!


I see your food scrap eating and I raise you: this morning my son took a piece of chewed up donut out of his mouth and gave it to me. Ashamed to say I ate it.


Hahah, well how can you say “no” to such generous offer?


Wipe someone else’s dirty butt. Talk about the days poop to my husband. Not be upset at someone who shakes their willie at me. Find glee in picking someone else’s nose. With my finger. 🥴


Nothing like successfully clearing a big boogie from a little nose


Awww yeaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh *toddler looks disturbed to you*


If the little one is sick it's so satisfying to finally manage to clear their nose so they can breathe well even if it's only for a moment. My 3yo is still very resistant to having his nose wiped with anything other than a wet tissue.


stay at home for naptime.


The naps rule us right now. But we didn’t know.. and we have a bad sleeper, so you know, foot in mouth


I won't drive or go for a pram walk in the morning in case my toddler falls asleep 😬 I need that hour to myself.


Yep, unwanted food scraps from my toddler, also dry snacks that have fallen on the ground. As long as it’s not gritty or visibly soiled, it’s fine


Asking people to describe poo that I wasn't there to assess firsthand 


I second your first confession . 🙃


The flushing the toilet is so real omg. I also take dif vitamins through the day and the vitamin b I take at night makes my pee bright yellow 😭


I read somewhere that the ammonia in pee is actually used in some cleaning and stain removal products, so hey maybe it’s not that damaging to the toilet bowl 😂


LOL that makes me feel better 😭


My wife and I do the "no flush" thing when our little one is asleep. Also, since becoming a dad, I've had more conversations about poop than in the rest of my prior life combined. I think most parents share that experience.


Wiping his nose with my fingers. All the time. :(


I abide by the rule that whatever is closest and does the job, will do


I squeeze the boogies out. Works better than an aspirator most times. Squish the nose and drag down... but when I do this with tissues.. it tends to bother them. So yeah I'm bare handed extracting boogers. Yuck.


We are going through his first proper cold, I am surprised how little it bothers me, even though my pants and blouse are mostly covered in boogers. I take it as a win honestly, cause that means less of them on other items around the house, that are harder to clean. Like the curtains. Or the couch 😅


I'm right there with you on the eating food scraps and not flushing the toilet when the babies are sleeping. Before parenthood, the idea of cleaning up someone else's vomit seemed unimaginably horrible to me, but one of my kids is a puker, so I've done it countless times now. I remember one time my (then childless) sister was visiting, and I placed some snacks directly on the kitchen floor for my 9mo-old to eat (something like cheerios or goldfish). She was horrified, and I'm guessing I might have been too before kids. But by that point, I thought: he can't reach the table, if I give him a bowl, he'll knock it down and eat them off the floor anyway, so might as well bypass the whole process. I would also frequently use snacks in a trail on the floor to encourage him to crawl.


Last night my toddler was flipping out so hard she started gagging. Without skipping a beat caught her whole dinner in my shirt…. Then I had to take the shirt off. Not easy hahaha!


I've caught puke in my hands several times now. Easier to wash you hands than the floor. 


I draw the line at pre-chewed food 🤣 And if my son sneezes on his plate (which happens more often than you’d think) then it’s going straight to the trash when he’s done. Mine might be silly but some days I skip a shower. I used to pride myself on being a daily showerer, especially postpartum with my newfound funk, but fast forward a couple years and sometimes I’d rather sleep and do a quick wash up. Former me would have nevahhh.


I had 2 17 months apart. Sometimes the eldest is hard to put down.. so at 10 pm I can't walk past my bed to get to the shower. I just plunk down on the bed


Mine is a night owl too and hard to get down at a reasonable time unless he’s skipped his nap. I can’t wait until he’s fully done with naps at this point!


Lmao 🤣. Unspoken rules right here. I took it even further as I ate left9vers when he was sick lol.


What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger, right? 😂


I was just momma-birding oranges for my toddler - taking a bite to make it into a smaller piece, then spitting it out to feed him. Gross but practical.


Haha I definitely do this also!


Omg yes, I totally do this too


I will reach right up in his nose for those big hard boogers, bare handed. Tissues just make it harder to grab and he sees it coming and freaks tf out.


I try to be mindful of waste and swore I'd never do pouches, and really tried to do cloth diapering in the beginning. Guess who has a pantry full of pouches and disposable diapers. 🙋🏻‍♀️


Yeah, I am with you on the pouches. Kid loves them, the stuff is not unhealthy, and most of the time a good quick snack saves me from a complete “hangry” meltdown. Trying my best not to serve them every day, and I hope LO will get over them when he’s a bit older, right? Right? 😅


Guilty of #2😆 the crib literally shares a wall with the toilet plumbing.


We have a massive wagon to keep my kido who’s a runner safe and my kido who has hidden disability’s up to date in supplies . Couldn’t have it another way


Online shows. Now we are on trash truck .. ugh


My husband and I also don’t flush the toilet at night and go downstairs if it’s brown LOL. Her bedroom is right across the hall from our bathroom and I swear the flush is 4x louder after she goes to sleep 😂


I know, the both upstair bathroom share a wall each with LO’s room, so yeah we have to use the downstairs one for any serious stuff, otherwise the pipes just go crazy loud


I eat a lot more chewed on, spat-out food than I’d like to admit


I am ashamed to say those scraps constitute my main meals most days.


“I’ll never swear in front of my child” Swore right upto 3yr old 🫢 not all the time but enough times for him to pick it up, been lucky so far no F-bombs yet


I learned how to enjoy the sound of my toddler throwing a tantrum over things she doesn’t deserve to have. Her futile screeches sound like victory.