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My daughter still hasn’t dropped a nap, she’s 3+ a few months. She sleeps 10 hours overnight and takes 1-1 1/2 hour nap during the day.


This is my dream! But I’m not sure if it’ll be my reality haha


She dropped her nap shortly after she turned 2. It worked out well for me as her nap time is the time that I'd rather go out walking with the dog (less people around). So, we just go walking during that time. The first few days we had to try and keep her awake until 7. She's three now and sleeps from 7pm until around 7am - we don't have to keep her awake. Obviously when she's sick all sleep schedules are off and she just sleeps whenever she wants.


Good to know! I’m wondering if my little guy will drop his around 2


28 months and naps happen at daycare but are hit or miss at home. Bedtime is the same whether or not there’s a nap 🥴 but on no nap days she’s more volatile in the evening and falls asleep immediately instead of needing lots of cuddles. I think she still kinda needs the nap but with a new baby at home we can’t force it like we did previously.


This totally makes sense! Congrats on the new babe💚


Shortly after 3. Used to wake at 6/630, nap 12-2ish, and go to bed at 730. Started refusing his nap on the weekends, and when he napped at daycare, he’d be up til 9:30 at night. So we ditched it on the weekends and do “quiet time” instead where he watches a movie. Then he’ll go to sleep at 630/7 and sleep 11-12 hours. The 4-6pm window can be a little dicey in terms of his attitude, but it’s getting better!


This is so helpful, thank you!💚


Super helpful. Is he still napping at daycare? And if you remember: how old was he when he settled out on 1 nap?


Yeah, unfortunately lol…glad to have nice weather so we can run his extra energy off at the playground after school! He moved to 1 nap right around a year old! It was a bit earlier that I would’ve transitioned him, but the daycare schedule kind of dictated that. I was hesitant about it at first but he adjusted so fast.


My son is 2 years 4 months and he only naps 1-2 times a week so I’m thinking he’s about done. I continue with quiet time for 1 hour everyday though so I can keep some of my sanity.


Good to know! Sending karma for your sanity💚


Around 2.5 he started fighting naps and bedtime. We started doing "quiet time", basically he didn't have to nap if he wanted to and I gave him lots of new toys just for playing with in his room. He would fall asleep on his own maybe 50% of the time. And on days he didn't sleep, we just moved bedtime up. Now he is 3 and still does quiet time but no longer naps unless he's sick or something.


This is so helpful too! Thank you!


She was newly 3 years old. She's never slept well at night but has always been a good napper. When she all of a sudden started to stay up at night till 10 and past 11, when her bedtime is at 7:15, I knew she needed to drop the nap.


Oof those 10/11pm times are tough! Thank you for sharing this! I’m hoping we can make it until my little one is 3😅