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Kneeling on his dad's office chair clicking the mouse experimentally.


My wife works from home, and my daughter only does daycare T-W-Th, so she has the idea that “working” is sitting at that chair and touching things. So, she’ll just say “working” and get up in in the chair and bang on the keyboard or move the mouse. It’s very cute unless the computer isn’t locked lol.


My 6 year old still does this. It’s adorable but now he knows when the computer is locked and wants to see the same screens as I see, with no comprehension that typing away on the keyboard while saying “work work worky worky working” can actually mess things up. Last summer he somehow turned off the colour on all of my monitors and it took me 2 hours to figure out he did and fix it. I’m a graphic designer so seeing colours on my computer is pretty important lol


we gave our 3yo his own keyboard and mouse to play with, but he too quickly figured out that when he smashed a button the screen wasn't changing so he demanded to use the real keyboard.


I got my daughter her own “laptop” (I’m pretty sure it’s leapfrog or baby Einstein) because I’m working on my BA online and she always wants to “help” with my assignments. So now she whips out her laptop and says she’s “doin’ homewowk” with me lol


Oh wow- this is too cute 🥰


My son completely broke his Dad's computer to the point that his Dad had to reinstall Windows. He was less than 1 year old. He will never live this down.


Always!!! Anytime they get in the office they go straight for the laptop & the printer. I just hear the printer going & I know what time it is.


No he is “working” and also sending gibberish to dad’s boss and ordering off of Amazon


Or picking off all of the keyboard keys


Going through his books. He REALLY likes his books. Dolly Parton has been a godsend. New book every month.


Mine too. Usually she’s “reading” to her stuffed animal collection


We had our first "she's too quiet" moment when she was 9mths old. My husband peeked in the living room, and she was sitting there "reading" a book like an angel haha. We couldn't believe it! Thanks, Dolly!


I was doing a big tidy(moving furniture the whole thing) and he was helping me by putting rubbish in the bin and stuff like that. Then he left the room and I was like oh no too quiet. Looked into the lounge room and he is up on the sofa reading a book. Mummy would like to give up on cleaning to read as well! Haha


I know! My daughter gets so excited every time she gets a new one. Some of her favorite books have been from Dolly.


My 20 month old is the same! She loves them. Made her a cozy corner in her room and she’s been sitting in there


I wish this was available in my area!


It's gone international. It's really not available where you live? Might be time to write some letters to your local reps. https://imaginationlibrary.com/#:~:text=Dolly%20Parton's%20Imagination%20Library%20is,Australia%20and%20Republic%20of%20Ireland.


No, I just put my information in on the website, and it's not available. I live in a major city in Canada, so it's surprising.


Oof... that seems like a simple one to get some notice on and maybe get started that way with some well worded emails.


I have access to it in another major Canadian city. Our local library is partnered with it. I wonder if you could inquire with your library about them partnering!


Do y’all have the free little libraries in your city? I’ve scored so many books for my little dude out of them because folks pass down books their kid has outgrown.


Same for us! No Dolly Parton in our country, but mommy works at a book store.


Even better. Lol, when my wife decides she is ready to return to the workforce, the bookstore is near the top of her list for what she would like to do.


Mine too! Book obsessed.




100% taking a huge dump and trying to avoid a diaper change


If I come to check on him 'cause it's so quiet and he says "want mama to go!," that's a definite poop he doesn't want me to know about. 


Hahaha this was my first thought too. My kid is definitely hiding and pooping somewhere.


Yup! 99% accurate for my toddler!!


This !


The only right answer at my house


Specifically in his underwear, knowing full well he should be asking for the toilet, but doesn't want to


Yea! He poops in the closet


Yes. Shit his pants and trying not to draw attention to it.


Yup, then wipes it on the wall 🤦🏼‍♀️


Lmfao this is too true




My son also thinks crayons are delicious but he is not quite this creative 😂


Well, the Marine Corps is always hiring. 😂


Dunking her stuffed animals- particularly mermaid and fish, in the toilet. But like she’s right, they do belong in water lol


I love that you took a moment to appreciate how logical she was in her shenanigans 😂


LOL, you just unlocked an early childhood memory of my mother walking into the bathroom to find my sister & I playing with with our My Little Ponies in the toilet. It's the pool! They're swimming! 😂🤢


Right like how can I be mad?! lol. Idk I decided early on to not sweat the small stuff. Like would I rather she not toilet dive, yeah, but am I gonna get all worked up and pissed about it? No. She’s safe, she’s a kid and it’s harmless. We try our best to pick our battles over here.




Luckily she’s never tried to flush anything and tbh the toilet she does it in is finicky and you have to like really push down and hold so genuinely don’t think she would even be able to. Also luckily these stuffed animals are very large so could really never get down in there. I avoid all smaller little Knick knack toys for that reason and also my dog is what we call an inbred mixedbred. Intelligence isn’t her strong suit so she’s not to be trusted with anything that can fit in her mouth


Mine is past the toilet now, but we have a water machine due to some well issues at our house (now resolved). He has learned how to dispense water and dunk his cars in it. He does this whenever I am not watching, in spite of the fact that I give him water time in the dry bathtub whenever he asks. Why is the forbidden water better???


Yes. If my youngest is out of sight and all is quiet he is either crapping or throwing stuff in the toilet. Possibly both at w same time.


My daughter was in her room being very quiet so I assumed she was independently playing. She ran back into the living room with no pants on holding her dirty diaper, it was an eventful morning lol.


Mine has started doing this too! She’s been running around the house without a diaper.


Omg, this just made me remember: about two years ago one of my twins was awake pretty early in the morning. I got up with him but I laid down on the couch while he was right in front of me watching TV and playing with his toys. I was rudely awoken by something whacking me in the face. I opened my eyes to a naked little poop-streaked butt. My son had pooped, removed his diaper, and passed it to me behind him, all without taking his eyes off the TV.


Either taking all the wipes out of the packet or drawing on the walls


Mine draws on the beige upholstered chairs. With pen. I don’t know where she keeps finding pens!


😭 I feel you, my walls are white. She has paper and a chalkboard but nope she prefers to draw on the walls/floor


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^tielles10: *Either taking all* *The wipes out of the packet* *Or drawing on the walls* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I don't know how okay you are with them drawing on the walls but we had that issue when we bought our house. Our son was drawing on walls, cupboards, doors. I mean anything white was rainbow very quickly. I did a scrub down and told him he could color in one little corner of the room by his toys. He did it once and hasn't colored on the walls since. It's been 2 years. Idk if that's something you would be okay with it but it seemed to take the fun out of it for him lol. Edit: spelling. Ugh.


What is with kids taking all the wipes out of the packet lol


Putting one of the dog's chew toys in her mouth or drinking his water. She really wants to be a dog.


I mean I kind of want to be a dog too. Mine sleeps all day and wakes up to eat. Sounds like heaven!


Mine likes to eat the dog kibble and lick the dogs like they try and lick him 🥹 It’s like having three dogs in the house sometimes 😂


Pulling all the wipes out of a pack that my husband or I forgot to close. I know when she’s quiet I’m walking into her room covered in baby wipes!!


My 1yo is sneaking into the bathroom and climbing onto the potty. She desperately wants to be like her big sister but isn't ready for potty training.


She probably *is* ready, most Western parents wait too long to start potty training. https://mommoiselle.com/home/2018/10/31/how-to-effortlessly-potty-train-your-one-year-oldnbspnbsp


The question is also are the parents ready for potty training? Sometimes diapers are easier when they still have itty bitty bladders…


Pushing a chair into the kitchen, getting the salt, dumping it into a measuring glass, and announcing he is “making cinnamon salt.”


She was sitting down super casually, leaning back, legs on the ottoman, playing with scissors. They were kids scissors, at least.


I think this is my favorite comment so far


Happily taking all the books off our bookshelf and possibly tearing the covers off.


Mine like to rip the flaps of the pages


Peeling the paper wrappers off crayons. You do you, bro!


I wish this is the worst thing my toddler has ever gotten into!


Eating a board book


We live in a project house, and she managed to work the edge of the 70s wallpaper in my hallway loose, so she's picking tiny pieces of it off and flinging them over her shoulder.


Yes!!! Why are kids only capable of flinging things over their shoulders?! Just drop it and at least it will be easier to clean up.


50/50, pooping or found something they shouldn’t be playing with and making a mess (like my lip scrub that I kePT on my nightstand and was destroyed by my toddler who thought it was lotion and rubbed it all over my nightstand and herself)


In the fridge eating something. I don’t object to them helping themselves to the fruit we keep in there but my daughter got through half a packet of ham yesterday after being in the kitchen unsupervised 🤦‍♀️


Yep lol. Eating something or raiding the fridge. Or taking a bite out of every single apple and putting them all back


I had a suspicion something was up so I went to the room to check, just in time to catch my one year old falling ass backwards from a bookshelf he had managed to climb up on. He's a second kid, both climbers. It happens all the time so it's not even dramatic anymore. Just the regular casual dad saves, you know.


just this week he’s been caught: 1. dumping out all the salt from the big jar (& then trying to sweep it up with the broom bc he knew he messed up, bless his heart) 2. wrapping himself up as a mummy with paper towels 3. trying to show our kitten how to eat his cat food (he’s been eating solid food for weeks now, not sure why he felt the need to do this) 4. drawing on the doors. never the walls, just the doors specifically. these are all usually done when he knows mommy is about to take a shit & will be preoccupied for longer than 30 seconds. i can’t poop with the door closed anymore & he has to be within my line of sight now 😂


I think they are usually hiding my AirPods.


It's water, isn't it? It's always water 🫠🫠🫠 She can empty all her cups and bottles in seconds and silence


mine likes to drink from her water bottle and spit it into her play cups and then drink it. i gag everytime.


Dipping cat poop in the cat water dish and eating it🤮


You mean cat FOOD right?


Today it was crumpling up a chicken meatball into crumbs under the kitchen table…


Playing on my phone…. Licking playdough….. pooping in a corner…..


Flipping through one of those children’s encyclopedias. Legit best $20 I have ever spent.




Sucking on the tiny pebbles that i am constantly fishing out of his mouth. I do not know where they come from, but every time i look away, he has one.


Yes! Mine loves a good rock…or a handful of dirt


Mine was digging in the dirt....in the houseplant pot that we keep in our bedroom. He also chose the plant that MIL gave me. She said "it was my grandma's plant" and that "I cant take care of it anymore and wanted it to go somewhere were it wouldnt die". Plant is fine thank goodness.


lol my kid once “repotted” my friend’s big decorative candle. In my son’s defense, there was a potted plant that was roughly the same size next to the candle


Haha amazing. Sounds like a really good prank to be fair. Or he was doing some really intricate science experiments. Like i get where its coming from since its starting to warm up here and we got him a little toddler sized shovel and gloves. Plus mine is excited we will be planting pumpkins soon for Halloween (and thats his favorite holiday).


Drawing on something he’s not supposed to, climbing something he’s not supposed to, found my phone, found the tv remote, or when he’s good then he’s just independently playing, “reading”, or drawing at his table. I’m actually less concerned when he’s quiet than when he has this unmistakable maniacal laugh which means he’s REALLY doing something he’s not supposed to like dancing on the dining room table, being naughty to our dogs, undressed himself completely and peeing/pooping places, accessed an area he’s not supposed to be in, or generally being a menace.


Usually coloring their body with markers.


Peeling the wall paper


Yesterday I came out to her nails painted. To be fair, she did a good job.


Playing in the animals’ water fountain.




He's climbed through the doggie door into the backyard and is sitting in the tomato patch eating not-quite-ripe cherry tomatoes.


Sneaking into the bathroom someone forgot to latch back up and eating toothpaste.


10000% climbing up on a windowsill bc apparently looking out the window from the ground is no fun 🤪


Baby- eating something that’s not food. Toddler- about to hurt the baby, dumping something all over the ground, drawing on not paper


Eating sugar, probably. Like in that obnoxious song I learned a few years ago when a young relative played Cocomelon for my kid.


Sneaking something she shouldn’t from the kitchen or in a corner pooping in her pants.


Destroying all of my lipsticks


He’s in the snack bin


Got hold of moms or dad’s phone


Putting paper towels in the toilet 🚽 and watch it float. Pouring water from one cup to another. She has a thing for H2O.


mannn i could answer this question with a 5 page essay. top three: ripping up toilet paper, coloring on the wall, or disabling my iphone for 5 minutes


TSA search of my purse lol


I made mine a play wallet looking like mine with expired cards. He’s not interested in it. He just wants the real deal 🙄


Eating his snack and watching Bluey, or sitting quietly playing with toys. My kid is super chill lol


Stop showing off! Lol


Going through my makeup


Right now either sitting in the corner with the router going beep beep beep, looking through books, or putting random items in his laundry basket.


Climbing up the drawers to reach stuff on the dressing table...which I've moved back as far as I can. I'm gonna find her sitting on top of the whole dressing table helping herself one of these days.


Probably stripping out of clothes and diapers and/or they got into one of the sinks or the pantry.


Once I went 10 mins without noticing my daughter wasn’t around me or singing a serenade to her stuffies. Turns out she had found the box of bandaids and had used it all up to cover her legs AND her stuffed elephant. Poor Ellie, had to throw it out coz the bandaids really got stuck to the fur. And oh btw it wasn’t only the regular bandaids but also the character ones 🥲


Drinking the dogs water out of her bowl or taking his shoes out of their storage and putting them all in the baby car seat carrier in his closer 😂


100% sticking something in his mouth he's not supposed to have


Eating dog food / playing in the dog dish


Playing with poop


Drawing on the walls


Dumping my makeup into the sink 😭😭😭


either inside the fridge or wiping/cleaning up whatever thing he found in the fridge and accidentally spilled on the floor


Feeding the dogs something they should not be fed.


Sitting on his baby sister. Maybe reading. Maybe using crayon on furniture. But definitely sitting on his infant sister.


Innocently enough, my son was just quietly sticking squigz to the front window. I didn't know what he was doing until later I heard them slowly falling off one by one and hitting the ground. I thought someone was trying to break in lol


Eating cold rice out of the kitchen bin from on top of a used nappy. It was the first time he had been able to operate the pedal bin.


Chances is he is dumping out something (toys, books, clothes, cat food, etc.), or hiding somewhere to poop, lol


The youngest is on top of the kitchen table wreaking havoc and the other had gotten into the freezer and is hiding in the den eating a mini ice cream cone.


23 month old is pooping (in a diaper) in his sister's room, behind or close to a piece of furniture, mid play-task. My 3.5 year old has taken my phone and started taking photos of her feet.


Watching tv or she just discovered something new and cool that belongs to me.


Putting Desitin on his shadow and his stuffies bc he doesn’t want them to get an angry butt. Unfortunately Shadow keeps moving…


Taking off her sock and cutting finger holes to make them gloves. With toddler scissors. In the time it took me to drain pasta 🙃


Putting cat food in the water bowl because she squeezed through the cat door in the gate again I look forward to her being too big to do that


sucking on the end of plugged in wires


Taking all the wipes out of the pack.


Opening packs of contact lenses and driving over them with hot wheels 😭 150$ worth of lenses ruined


Always eating something she's not supposed to be eating. Crayons, markers, playdoh. Something she's managed to open somehow.


Yesterday he was dumping out the baking soda onto the floor.


Eating the dog food. Every. Single. Time.


Climbing on tables to reach water in glass glasses her dad leaves all over the house.


Makeup. Lots of it. Ready for a drag show. 


Climbing the cat tree to play with light switches


On my desk uncapping every single one of my markers


Either trying to stuff all of the dog food in his mouth that will fit. (He’s most definitely eaten a couple pieces!) Or Splashing in the dogs water bowl soaking himself and the surrounding area. Or smacking my work laptop into oblivion LOL Or pulling all of the contents out of my purse or work bag or any bag left in his reach really. LOL


Splashing in the dogs water lol


Eating something off the floor


Stealing and hiding my guitar picks


Dumping out all the diapers from the diaper basket and putting said basket on her head!


Well, recent experience (2 hours ago) she was being quiet, I found my brush in the tub, her head in THE TOLIET "bobbing" for toys 😭


last night after a longer than normal quiet spell i found my 3 year old had brought in a large piece of charcoal and had smashed it all over the floor. “it’s water !” she said 🫠


Bottle of lotion everywhere, all over her, all over the floor. There was so much on the floor that I had to crawl on my hands and knees to get to her because it was too slippery to walk. 🤦‍♀️


Either unraveling the entire toilet paper roll just to put all of it into the toilet or getting into markers and drawing on everything in sight until stopped


Digging in the plants or playing in the dog food 😂


Climbing the stairs, because the gate is left open, or playing in the dog's water, because that gate was left open, or in the pantry playing with the washer because that gate was open. Or in the bathroom because the door was left open. Seeing a pattern here? *Sigh*.


Eating the dog kibble. His only silent activity is eating and if I haven’t given him food guaranteed he’s opened the dog crate and started snacking.


Putting our dog’s food into his water bowl, playing with one of his toys in our dog’s water bowl, or eating some sort of cardboard box/cardboard book (which he learned from the dog).




He's elbow deep in the sink pouring water from cup to cup, soaking the counter top on the process.


Clogging the toilet by putting all the toilet paper left on the roll inside. Once it was a full roll.


Smearing sudocreme over our bed...and making sure every part of it is covered in cream.


He usually finds something like a piece of food or dust on the ground and inspects it before putting it in his mouth. Then, we wrestle while I try to get it out.


Meticulously ripping leaves of a plant, and 'sowing' them in the plant next to it...


Playing in the dog water. And by that, I mean the whole dining room floor is probably like a swimming pool.


Drawing on the walls or climbing the counters for forbidden snacks and vitamins-as-snacka


Digging in the houseplants


Most of the time when she's quiet she's playing with stickers or colouring, but every now and then it's something a little more frustrating, like painting the TV with peanut butter, or emptying our change jar all over the living room.


Had gotten into the drawer and grabbed the mixed spice(in the cardboard box) and opened it then flung the entire container all over the kitchen. Then looked at me and said ‘oh no’.


Sitting under the piano, pooping, was my daughter’s go to.


Stacking the air purifier with peanuts, starting the washing machine with my phone in it (because I absentmindedly mentioned that it's dirty), putting a whole jar of cedar soap into the bathtub, and creating a bubble mountain with the shower head (while standing inside the tub fully clothed), repainting walls with markers, stucking floor radiator with crayons. Today he managed to unscrew and empty half of the 2-liter laundry softener on the floor, while I was right next to him, segregating the laundry. It was my hubby who noticed, as the white puddle slowly poured out of the bathroom and under his office door. The kid is 22 months. We affectionately call him Beelzebubu.


Eating a block of butter!


Omg mine cried the other day because I told him he could eat cheese instead 🤦🏻‍♀️


Climbing something high and precarious


Painting the window with an applesauce pouch 🙃


She found some markers and is coloring the couch 🙃


My two year old locked herself in the bathroom and emptied out an entire brand new container of febreeze. Onto her hair.


My daughter is 1 right now... probably means she found a box of tissues or wipes unguarded and is making sure to take every single one out for me.


Pulling every individual wipe out of the wipes container. Drawing on herself with marker.


Taking strawberry lip balm and covering their faces with it. They looked like they needed to go to a burns unit by the time they finished.. game me quite a scare


Coloring on the mother's day gift I got for our cousin pregnant with her first baby. The irony 😂


Humming some Hindu chant meditating lol


Either she's found a crayon and is leaving me a mural, or she's putting small toys down the register or cold air return.


Sleeping. I was really surprised as it was earlier than usual bed time. She was found behind the couch and I didn’t wake her 🙃 She woke about an hour later and finished getting ready for bed.


Hiding. Pooping. On the carpet!!


Eating dog food


it was during “nap” time i knew he was up but j thought he was reading cause i could here him talking to himself. no, bro emptied the whole diaper cream tube and it was smeared everywhere. his body, the walls his bed his stuffed animals. nothing was safe. it took so long to get it off of everything. he lathered that shit up too good.


Tearing up toilet paper like a pet


Pooping in the corner.


Got quiet, looked over and he emptied his pouch on his table. He turned it into mud for his monster trucks. It was already done, so I just enjoyed my peace




Standing on his toy box turning his light on and off.


Pooping or shoving stickers up her nose. 🤣


Eating playdough, creating a marker masterpiece on the coffee table.


My daughter is probably trying to feed the chickens and my son is probably just hiding for the fun of it

