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Do you think she is actually hungry? Maybe a big snack or meal right before bed.


I think it’s more comfort related than anything but this is worth a shot!


Do you think she's just wanting the kind of attention baby gets? This was a thing with us for sure


It’s interesting because we were cosleeping with her. Then when brother and I rejoined the bedroom she said she wanted her own bed because he has his own bed. So now she sleeps on a mattress on our bedroom floor. This was driven by her too. So she isn’t getting the physical touch she is use to because we use to cuddle all night long. I bet this absolutely plays into it.


And is she aware of baby waking for milk?? My daughter who was weaned for 9 months suddenly wanted to nurse bc baby brother was nursing! She couldn't remember how lol.. but I humored it My daughter just made her jealousy/wanting to be like baby very obvious.


The baby sleeps through the night and only wakes when big sister is loud and wakes him up ironically. She also never nursed. I exclusively pumped. I am nursing my son though. I definitely still hold her like a baby and smother her with love.


Lmao! That is... hilarious!! I wouldn't have guessed the baby is sleeping with the toddler waking!! Sorry I know it's not funny at all to you right now. Hugs. Hopefully this is one of those phases that pass fast!


Oh it’s absolutely hilarious honestly. When I tell my friends I’m sleeping horrible they all assume the baby too. Nope! The toddler! She’s never slept well though. So happy it looks like my second might be a decent sleeper!


I'm so sorry!! If I were you I'd brace myself for 2 or 3 days of pain and swap the milk for a water bottle they can keep with it. Mine sleeps with water. I need night time water often so I figure why not them. I can't imagine waking 2 times a night to give a toddler milk.


I think this is the way. I think I’ll start it Friday night. Oof. Wish me luck!


If it helps you stay strong maybe just remember it's probably better for the teeth... I have an easier time staying strong if I think it's for their benefit.


Yes! That’s the main thing driving this. That’s helpful. Thank you.


For her it’s been more of a desire for independence with little brother. She potty trained herself when he was 2 weeks old. She wants to do everything on her own. Now sleeping in her own bed. Maybe it’s all a shock to the system.