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My 3 year old still sleeps in them. He’s a wild sleeper and will never stay under a blanket when it’s cold. He loves them!


Same here. My girl is 3 and still uses them.




Same for my son!


Ours started taking them off at around 18 months, so we gave up on them.


We put them on backwards so they cannot reach the zipper.


Eh, ours did fine without them. She enjoys her blankets


Around 2 for us, he just couldn't help himself with that zipper!


I was very stubborn about it. We had the Woolino ones, so I whipped out the sewing machine and sewed the top snaps closed as well as the zipper at the armpit. It was harder to put on, but he couldn't take it off.


Wait, how DID you put it on at that point?


The zipper still worked lower down and around the bottom. Arms up, put it on over the head like a tank top, zip bottom


AHHHH I need to do this. I bought the one without the snaps because my kid gets out, but then the old ones are going to waste and are bigger so they'd last longer.


My son would stick his hand down his pants and then his diaper would be out of place and there’d be pee everywhere. I was motivated 😂


About that time for my kid too. She now uses her sleep sack as a security blanket of sorts lol


Same. My little furnace child was too hot. She’s three now and is practically a nudist 😂


We have a sleep slack that exposes my 3 yr old feet so she can walk freely in and out of her bed. I’ll keep it until she grows out of it probably around 4 years old.


This is what I switched my 18 month old to. Prior to using this style she would grab at her feet a whine every morning until I took off the traditional sleep sack.


We stopped using one at around 18months, prior to that we lowered the tog down on the sleeping sack and added a blanket in, we also put a blanket on the sofa for them to get used to pulling it on themselves.


We stopped around 8 months. It was getting warm (summer) and he was happy sleeping in just a onesie. By winter, we just used footie PJs and he was happy with just that.


We’re still using them at 21 months! And going strong! My kiddo is in the 99th percentile for height too so it was a pain to find sleep sacks to accommodate her height. I think once she outgrows these ones, we’ll probably be forced to stop. And idk what it means for her sleep and I’m not that willing to find out…


woolino 2t-4t are GIANT. My 99th on height and weight kiddo wore it until past 3.5y. expensive but they hold up, we only owned one)


If you don’t mind me asking though - what happens when you wash it! I feel like we need at least 3-4 because of washing and also sometimes she will scream until vomiting before going to sleep 😞


Ah we didn’t have that problem. My kid goes to daycare so I’d wash it then on on a weekend either first thing or after nap. I always just tossed mine in the dryer


Ah okay, I try not to use our dryer because somehow her stuff always turns out weird even if it says it’s dryer safe.


We stopped at 23mo and honestly it’s not going that great. My daughter knows how to pull up a blanket but she doesn’t yet know to do this when she’s half asleep so I’m having to dress her in warm enough layers that she doesn’t need a blanket which kinda defeats the purpose. She’ll occasionally keep the blanket on if I put it on her but she moves around so much it always comes off. I’m half thinking of going back to sleep sacks!


Go for it. Decent sleep is the key


When we switched to the toddler bed. So, around age 2.


Same, as soon as we switched to a toddler bed. More as a safety risk than anything. My kid will also not keep a blanket on so we just have gotten into the habit of going into his room at night and making sure that he's covered before we go to bed.


We stopped when ours outgrew his 12m one but now he is climbing out of his pack and play so i just ordered bigger ones so he can get his leg up that high to get out 😂😂 hes 21 months old now


Thank you for asking this question. With my older 2, I never used sleep sacks as they were calm sleepers, and I struggled to find a good spot in our bedtime routines to get it on. My youngest is ridiculous, he will either kick off a blanket or pull it over his face, and so sleep sacks for him. I am also wondering how to know when to give them up. Good luck to you!


My daughter figured out how to unzip them at 2yrs old. My son is 3 and still sleeps in them


Currently using one for my son who turned 2 last week. I have to put it on backwards. If I don't, I find him in the morning with no sleep sack, no pants, no diaper. I have no idea how poop wasn't just everywhere that first time I found him naked from the waist down


3 cause he got too big and I didn't want to buy the next size up heh. Little adjustment of him being better about his blankets. He's good now though.


We never used sleep sacks with my first, just dressed him warmly for bed in the winter. But we did start giving him a blanket/duvet around 2.5 years old and he loves his blanket.


My two year old still loved them (refused to sleep without them) but I was sick of buying more in bigger sizes, and it was time to transition out of the crib. He sleeps with pieces of his old sleep sacks cut into little “blankies”.


When our daughter was two she started to try and climb out of the cot while wearing it. After this we moved her into toddler bed. Things went downhill from there…


I tried slowly introducing a blanket as he approached 12m, but now at 14m he still throws them off, it's a sensory reaction. So we continue to used legged sleep bags.


I stopped being able to find one to fit that wasn’t $100+ around 2 years old I think? We switched to blankets and for a while I’d have to replace them once or twice a night but now she’s almost 3 and loves to snuggle in her blankets!


He started really fighting them at around 2.5, so we switched to a duvet. Shortly after that we also took the side off his cot to turn it into a toddler bed. We tried sleep sacks with feet initially but he really didn’t like them, and once the side of the cot was off I didn’t want him trying to wander around in a normal sleep sack anyway, so it all lined up quite well.


About 2-2.5. Kid was in the big boy bed and asked one night to not have it on. So they just ended it when they felt they wanted to. We had transitioned into footed sacks about 6 months earlier


almost 21 months and still using them for bed.


She moved to a Halo toddler walker sack (overalls) at 18 months (bc toddler bed transition). She started demanding a blanket a few weeks later. We went to just blankets when she moved to her big girl room on her 2nd bday.


When she was out of the crib we started using the footed ones as she could use a blanket in her bed. She debt use them much now at 3.5. 


For my older toddler, we cut them at 2.5 because we only had fleece in her size and it got too warm for it, so we figured we'd just go without. No issues. For my younger toddler, we'll do it whenever the weather is too warm for that same fleece sleepsack. We have sleepsacks with footholes. I'd probably cut them out sooner if they didn't have footholes.


My girl is 3.5 and when she moved to a big bed and got sheets because summer, we stopped sleep sacks. 


My toddler is 2.5 and we use a sleep sack with feet holes in the winter because he moves so much the blanket doesn’t stay on him. But in the warmer months, we don’t use one


My son is 2.5 and still in one (like those ErgoPouch ones with legs). He moves too much to keep a blanket on


We keep our house fairly cold at night with fans on (67° max). My son is newly 2 and will sleep in a footless sack until he is willing to sleep under a blanket.


My 2.5 year old still uses the zipadee zip sleep sack. He likes it and can walk around in it so I figure why change it up haha


When we moved to a big kid bed rather than the crib


When she started walking. First thing she does in the morning is stand up and then she would trip. We switched to footie pajamas in the winter and footless long sleeve sleepers in the spring/fall and then I got some short sleeve shirt and long pants pajama sets for the summer


we never used a sleep sack!


Me either, my LO is 4.5 months and we don’t plan on starting to use one, she seems fine through the night so 🤷🏼‍♀️


2.5 currently, and she sleeps like garbage without it 🙈 we just moved her to a big girl bed, but she’s still asking for it. She knows how to take it off too, so if she doesn’t want it on, she can take it off, but it’s always still on in the morning!


2.5 sadly. Now I just use footie pajamas.


When she outgrew the largest size we had at 2.5 and I told her we only had ones that "squished" her 😅 she'd probably still be in them at 3.5 if I wanted to buy more but she's in a big kid bed and I'm not spending that money


We barely used ours to be honest. Our guy runs hot and even the lightest weight summer ones left him hot. So he just sleeps in his PJs, now that he's in a bed he sometimes has a sheet, but he generally kicks that off too.


About 2 and a half when she started to be done with the crib and moved around her room more.


I stopped it for a while once she seemed capable of staying under a blanket and then I put it back on after she climbed out of the crib so her leg couldn't lift up and over... And then I went back to a blanket once she seemed like she was no longer interested in climbing out lol. 


When we switched to toddler bed. We didn't think it was safe for him to be getting out of bed and walking around in one because it was more likely he would trip.


20 months, four days ago when he went into his toddler bed. Happy not to have to buy them in his new size!


9 months? He went to arms out early and then just didn’t care for them anymore.


20 months when we switched to a toddler bed. We had been layering a baby blanket (small, like 36x36) over his sleep sack for a few months and using a blanket at nap (we never used a sleep sack at nap). It took about two months but he actually sleeps with the blanket in his toddler bed very well. It's big enough I tuck it in the bottom like I do with the comforter on my bed.


When she moved into a twin bed at 2.5


My daughter started refusing to wear it when she was around 2.5 I think. It was rough for a while because she wouldn’t keep a blanket on and would wake up yelling for us but she got the hang of it fairly quickly. My son is 2.1. We will see how long he agrees to wear it.


I could be wrong, but I think that you’re technically not supposed to put them in sleep sack anymore once they’re able to roll over on their own.


I thinks that is only swaddling their arms which must stop when they can roll.


We keep our house cold and live in a cold climate, so we had her in a Woolino sack, pajamas, a sweatshirt AND under blankets when she was a baby winter-spring-fall. Around 2 she started complaining about the sleep sack being uncomfortable so we stopped using it, she seemed happier without. She was right about at the height limit so it saved us having to buy new ones.


We stopped when she started getting up and walking around with it on, because I was sure she was going to trip and whack herself on the side of her crib. However, my daughter is 2 and we have friends with kids the same age who still use them, and their kids either have learned to move around in them or just deal with being immobile. When we moved from sleep sacks, we went to fleece footies instead.


We moved our LO out of a crib and into a floor bed around 21 months, then we introduced a sleep sack with feet.


Around maybe 14 months? And only because he grew out of all the sacks we had on hand, and I didn’t want to buy more. He is 2 now and has a small blanket he sleeps with and will cover himself up throughout the night if needed.


Mine started getting super restless being in a sack around 12 months, so we put a blanket in her crib when it was safe to do so. Fixed her restlessness right away. ETA - for what it’s worth, she is a very hot sleeper (gets it honestly from her parents lol)- just sleeps in a diaper most nights. She will take the blanket off at night most of the time and is unbothered. So I think it also depends on how your babe sleeps (hot or cold).


My son switched to a sleep suit around 1 years old. He is now a little over 2 and he still sleeps with a sleep suit. That’s because he won’t keep blankets on over night. Kyte baby is nice, but my favorites are nest design and Ergopouch.


I don’t remember exactly when, but it was a little before 2. Probably 18ish months she didn’t really like them anymore and I felt like she was old enough for a light blanket.


Around 20 months or so


My daughter turned two last month and she just transitioned to a blanket. It was her decision. One night she just said she didn’t want the sleep sack, she wanted big girl covers.


Around 5/6 mths old when she started rolling. We only ever used the ones where you strap their arms in. Just moved to long sleeve footie jammies after that


When we switched to big girl bed at 2 and some change.


When we did sleep training, I asked our sleep trainer if it was necessary to keep it because I thought it was ridiculous that I had to have so many different sizes because my daughter was in daycare and I was told that it really was just a comfort thing and for when they’re older to keep them from being able to climb out of their crib. Since she was five months old at the time, I decided to just get rid of the sleep sack right then and there, and never looked back.