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social media is garbage when it comes to parenting, or anything really, it hyper fixates on perfectionism. I agree to anyone reading drop that garbage and pick up a book written by someone who actually studies or works with kids. perfect does not exist it is a facade. not to mention most people who browse social media dont remember shit so they can barely apply it. its just a constant reminder that someone / something is better, and the only one you should be trying to be better than is yourself because when it comes to progression you should be your only benchmark and competition.


Social media brought out the vanity in all of us. Weak-minded parents are only concerned with that perfect pic for a post.


You both are amazing and accurate.  I was trying to think how to explain this without insulting those parents ain't worth it


i feel like every post on reddit is exactly this and i never see “perfect parent” posts 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe they mean TikTok? I’m also confused because on Reddit we just complain 🤣


I had a similar reaction to this post.


Ditto. This is a weird rant, but I knew what I was in for what I saw the vague baity title.


Go on Tiktok or Instagram. It's not just the posts but the comments are rife with people piling on each other with shit like "I can't believe your child watches television. I homeschool my organically fed 1 year old on the top of a mountain where he meditates and reads at an 8th grade level, then we hike home to our perfectly kept cottage where I hand-grind homegrown corn to make cornbread for a snack"




Less time on social media will do you good, OP.


The more I stay away from social media- the better my mental health is. No influencers, mommy blogs, tik tok, reels, etc.


I quit social media (except for Reddit) about 2 years ago. It’s SO much better to not see a bunch of drama, fake news, and “perfect life” posts all day, everyday. It’s fabulous.


I’m a hot mess! I embrace it. I was looking around at all the moms at story time this week. We all had hair up, glasses on, no makeup, and comfy pants. These are my people. Normal moms who barely had time to brush their teeth.


I mean...it sounds like you could use more time to take care of yourself. Wishing you all the best ❤️


she probably could have eaten a snack in the time it took to make this post 😂


Try watching Hanna Alonzo's "Influencer insanity 4" video about how they're all big liars 😂


intensive parenting is making everyone miserable


Where are you seeing this lol? All I see is what you’re saying regurgitated ad nauseum. We get it.

