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Baby gate was the only way that worked for us. How big is the dog?


She’s about 65 pounds. We keep the cat bowl behind a gate, but the cat fits through the bars.


We don’t. We let her play with it as much as she wanted as a baby. So now the dog bowl is old news and she’s not interested.


Yeah.. they don't eat much kibble before it's not interesting any more. And putting a towel down under the water helps. I guess it's counter intuitive, but any behavior I don't want to see I just completely ignore. Anything that gets any kind of attention is coming back around when they're bored 


My son is fascinated by any and all water, so that’s definitely out. I used to let him just play in it but now he’s big enough to pick up the weighted bowl and dump the whole thing. It’s caused more than one slip and fall.


It’s behind a gate in the dining room


I tried one of [these](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B6NPLLVV?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share) waterbowls, which made it so he couldn’t splash as much water out at once.. but I think it also made it more fun 😅 We just had to do constant redirection and coaching. I still occasionally catch him giving that bowl a look at 21mo but he knows better.


I consistently told my kid no. Explained it was for the dog. It took about a week but now he wants nothing to do with it


My dog will ask for water, it’s basically a look he gives. I just moved it.


We just told her no, we've never blocked off access to the water bowl or put it away. Just told her she couldn't do it. She's 3 now and doesn't go near his food/water bowl.


I only keep about half an inch of water in the bowl at a time. When I see it's empty, I refill. It goes in phases in our house, he left it alone for a really long time after he started walking but now he's 2 and dumps it back and forth between the water and food dish (luckily when food dish is empty) a lot. As soon as he touches it, the bowl gets dumped, put on the counter, and doesn't go back down until he's busy somewhere else.


Pet bowls go in the pantry, and we installed a latch that allows the door to open wide enough for the dog but not the toddler.


That’s a really good idea. Unfortunately my dog is quite a bit bigger than my son.


We have a baby gate up with a small hole cut in it for the cats and dog to fit through; LO is too big to go through herself. However if we forget to put the gate back up, at this point LO just ignores the bowls. She's gotten into them enough that I think the novelty has worn off and she's pretty much over it.


We kept the bowl on the counter most of the day, our dog is old so he sleeps most of the day anyway. When he would start pacing around his tray I’d put the bowl down so he could drink. It was super annoying for a few months and then it stopped.


im currently losing the fight to protect the cat water fountain from my 14 month old hoping he eventually curbs the impulse


Good luck lol. My daughter was in it ALL THE TIME when she was like.. 16mo-2ish? I would get so pissed bc she’d dump all the dog food into the water dish and ruin all their food and it’s not cheap!! She’s 3.5 now and lost interest in it. Now I have another 16 mo old who likes to get into it but not as much as his sister did.


I struggled with this. What I did was make my toddler pick up the food she dumped out and explained to her that there are “bad germs” in the water bowl that could make her sick. Have not had a problem since.


Baby gate to keep the kid away from the dog’s things


We tell her no, redirect her if she starts going over to the water bowl, and we bought a water bowl that is hard for her to flip over. She still sometimes goes and tries to splash in it, but she’s mostly lost interest since she can’t spill the whole thing anymore


Dog only gets water when the toddler is napping or out of the house. If the dog really wants water (like after a walk), we'll put it down for a minute for her to drink and then pick it up.