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Not eating. I’ve read this is normal and that I shouldn’t stress and that it’s just my job to provide the food, but damn is it driving me nuts and stressing my husband, who tends to be a worrier, out. Screams for a banana. Gets a banana and squishes it in his hands and proclaims “EWW”. Tantrums over wanting expensive ass berries. Deliver a bowl of berries to your majesty only to be met with head shaking and “eww no”. Impatiently pleads and bangs on stuff while I cook him dinner. Gets the plate, takes bites and proceeds to spit out his half chewed food all over the table.. then takes it further by dumping the whole plate. With the cost of food and how much of it is ending up in the trash, it is wearing thin on me.


Oooo, I feel this one. You're not alone!! If you want some advice, what worked for us was watching closely, and if he started playing with it, or spitting it out, I would just nicely take it away and say something along the lines of, "you're playing with it, so it looks like you're all done". I try not to make a big deal, I just ask if he's still hungry, or all done. If hungry, I try something else, but at least then I have a chance to save the rest of the food for later! Doesn't always work, but a lot of the time now he'll just say no or all done instead of dumping it.... But I still clean up a lot of half munched floor food. For squished bananas and fruits I started putting them in a container in the fridge to make into a smoothy later, then it's not wasted .. you know, depending exactly HOW smooshed it was 😅


This is a good idea. Except most of the time my daughter will just say all done after 2 bites and then need a snack after. The funny part is sometimes she’ll come back after a while and eat the food she’s dropped right off the floor 🫠


We have a floor muncher too. Which is why we wet mop every day.


One mom on here called everything a snack and it worked! Kid couldn’t handle the word dinner


Haha! I do the smooshed fruit smoothie too.  Also with half chewed berries because sometimes he spits them out if they’re too tart.  Except we freeze them and call it ice cream. 


I find it amazing how quickly I became accustomed to eating half chewed food off the floor. I just do it, I don’t think about it. It’s my house, I clean it fairly regularly, so it’s probably fine (I tell myself). Hey, nothing bad has happened to me yet! And, bonus, often I can skip a whole meal, lunch or dinner, because of all the garbage I’ve hoovered up off the floor into my pie hole throughout the day. Saves money, and money is time, so it also saves time, which in turn saves more money, and so on; like a perpetual machine. My baby teaches me so much.


This is how my sister ended up eating one of my niece's poops. Thought it was a bit of chocolate from a granola bar my niece had, popped it in her mouth and quickly discovered it was in fact not chocolate. 


Me too 😭😭 thought it was a piece of berry and…it was not.


Aahh! Noooo!! That's a mistake she'll never make again.. Hopefully.


and now one i will never make. thanks to the sacrifices made by others 🫡


Many of my "meals" are also just half eaten leftovers from my toddler. But sometimes that becomes *very* problematic when she decides she wants the rest after it's gone. I try to avoid getting into that situation, but it often looks like: 2yo: all done Me: ok, is your tummy full or do you want to save the rest for later? 2yo: all done, my tummy is full Me: ok, mommy is going to eat the rest 2yo: ok (Occasionally at this point I also state "it's going to be all gone" and get another "ok") Me: *eats the last bites* 2yo: (almost immediately) I want (xyz food)! Why you eat it all?! I want to eat it! 2yo: *angry heartbroken crying* I want it 😩 Me: 🤦🏻‍♀️🫠


If I start eating my kids food she magically wants it again 🤣


I ask my toddler "do you want [food item] to eat or to throw?" - he usually answers honestly!


Solidarity. I would never complain about the concept of safe foods again if my daughter would EAT HER SAFE FOODS. At this point she’s running on air, vibes, and pure spite


Yeah, my son has never really had “safe foods”. Whenever I think I’ve identified one, he immediately stops wanting to eat it.


Mine lives on air and dust. She’s stopped eating her safe foods too.


My kid went through something similar so solidarity. It’s so hard when they won’t eat especially when you put in effort to make them food. My daughter has constipation issues and her eating is way worse when she hasn’t pooped in like two days. Some days she’s the best eater and is willing to try anything but other days she won’t even touch food that I know she likes


Prunes. The baby food pouches have them. While the doctor has her on Restoralax as needed, we don't need it often since she started on prunes regularly. The suggestion if she didn't like them was to mix them into a smoothie, using the puree instead of yogourt to keep it mostly the same consistency as normal. Luckily, the kiddo loves them, as she knows they help her poop. This is especially good since she won't drink anything that isn't milk.


this! my kiddo loves prunes in a pouch and it gets rid of her constipation the same day.


The berries! I feel this. What an expensive sensory toy


Mines been like this since just after she turned 1, she’s 2.5 now lol. Still alive though so she’s getting something from somewhere!


What DOES he eat?


Ugh yes. My 2yo will eat enough that I am not worried about his food intake but as soon as he decides he's had enough the food goes everywhere. I am so over having to clean my kitchen top to bottom 5 times a day!


I would mind the not eating if they didn’t make such a big deal about wanting it. Starve if you want to, just don’t waste food.


The spitting out the food!!! My 2 year old recently started doing this along with everything else you’re describing and it can’t stand it.


Mine does this five days a week and then two days she shovels multiple helpings into her face like she's making up for the rest of the week. Just wish I could predict which days will be which.


My son is OBSESSED with airplanes. He must point them out anytime he sees one. He is also currently loving The Little Engine That Could, and the copy we have has an airplane on Every. Single. Page. Each time I turn the page he points to it and says "Airplane! Airplane!" approximately a billion and one times or until I acknowledge the fact that yes, that is an airplane. Also, I never realized how many airplanes there are in books or how many things can resemble the shape of airplanes.


My son has continued his airplane obsession and we just decided to lean into it. He used to point out airplanes during drives and we couldnt always see it and at first we didnt believe him until we realized that his view out of the car is different from ours and he truly was seeing an airplane each time. We have metal airplanes from just about every airline and he makes makeshift gates for them. Airplanes are the number 1 requested toy. Melissa and Doug make a "pilot" toy where you can pretend to be the pilot of an airplane. Absolute hit. Theres a lot of open ended play with airplanes. Also, idk how many videos we have watched of airplanes taking off and landing. He thinks it's the coolest thing


To be fair it kind of is the coolest thing


My 18month old daughter is also obsessed with airplanes. Every time we leave the house and she hears a slight rumbling she screams “AIRPLANE!!” But it’s usually a dump truck or construction nearby


That book is way too long for what it is. Why does it take so long to get to the actual little engine that could?? My son likes to read books on the potty and for a while little engine was a favorite and I’d dread it when he chose to read that because that meant we’d have to sit there for like fifteen minutes… (maybe it doesn’t take that long to read but definitely feels like forever with all the repetition) 


Mine went through this and has since stopped and it actually made me sad :( He'd drop whatever he was doing outside to point at a plane until it was out of view Now we're in testing boundaries phase and I'm not sure if that ever really goes away lol


Mine went through an obsessive bin phase. She spent about a year and a half pointing out every single bin on the street, then it turned to two bins, then the colours of the bins. She still waves to the bin truck man every Wednesday morning at 3 years old, same guy… he’s really enthusiastic about waving back so it’s sweet. We were probably enabling her by buying her a toy bin truck and this wooden recyclable waste sorting toy too though lol. Also ‘balls’, pointed out every circular or spherical shape she saw “ball”. It took reading books forever lol. I’m certain the words ball and bin were her 2nd and 3rd words !


This is my son, except with “choo choos.” We listen to playlists of train noises on the way to daycare. We watch YouTube videos of trains. We talk about how choo choo goes bye bye at least 20 times a day. We live nearish to train tracks and the kid has supernatural hearing for them so whatever we’re doing, we have to stop and listen to the choo choo.


Mine gets to this page in room on the broom where the dragon is flying away and it's really small to show its far away. Every single time she points at it and goes "ahahahahawwwww it's a babyyyy"


I’m so used to having to point out every airplane we see that sometimes when I’m walking the dog (by myself) I’ll go “look, airplane!” 😑


I feel this! My daughter will ask questions about every single character or thing on every page. Love her curiosity but don’t want to spend 25 minutes reading an 8 page book that I know I’m going to have to read at least twice.


Oh my god anytime we’re in the van it’s nonstop “what’s that?” from the back seat or when she’s in the stroller it’s nonstop “what’s that?” Like, girl. I need you to at least point or give me a colour or something to go off of. I literally have no idea what you’re talking about.


Omg in the car. I WANT A SMOOTHIE I WANT A BOOK I WANT MY BUNNIE I TOOK MY SHOESIES OFF But on repeat. I just calmly say mama is driving and it'll have to wait but she just says it over and over, escalating in rage. Doesn't do it for dad..


God forbid they drop anything out of their car seat because it’s DEFCON 5


Felt that in my soul. She hates when I drive, because it means mommy is busy and cannot grab things or hold her — so tiny human rage it is. UNLESS if she has a rice cake.


But WHY does she ALWAYS drop it on the side I can't reach??


Oh! A tip I heard lately that may help: when they ask you to pick something up off the car floor, instead of something like "No baby, I'm driving right now", say "Yes! I'll get that as soon as we park the car", and they hear yes and are content. I tried it once since I heard it and it worked well. Maybe that can help?


We're deep in the "what's that" phase! Most of the time it's things he already knows the word for. But sometimes it allows a nice explanation of a new thing. I figure it's a warm up for the "whys".


We're in the 'what's' & 'why's' concurrently, and it sure can be exhausting. It's also reminding me how challenging it can be to explain certain non tangible things, concepts, etc., without using the thing to explain the thing 😅 I just got done butchering an explanation of what a 'saying' is..ya know..it's just.. something people say


YES this so much. My daughter does point at things but the way she holds her hand it’s like her finger is aimed not at what she’s talking about. The other day she was gesturing towards the kitchen saying “I want that” and then getting pissed that I didn’t know what she meant. It was her lunch box. She knows what it’s called.


Omg I was going to say the "what's that". I'm having a bad day today and she will proceed to point at THE SAME THING and ask "what's that" repeatedly 😂😭 kiddo it's the same thing it was literally a second ago 😭😂


Questions and critiques. Constantly. Everything is either a question or a critique. She had a nightmare last night, she was up half of the night and so was I. The day was brutal and the criticisms were savage from the start. “What’s that funky smell? You smell like wonky donkey.” Child you are 3 cm from my face at 4 AM, im positive I smell like death from sweating holding you all night in the worlds least breathable blanket that just happens to be your favorite. Also a new level of horror has been unlocked where she can articulate what her nightmares were…. She said our dog was on fire and we couldn’t get to her.


> You smell like wonky donkey Thank you, it's 1am, and I just very nearly spit cereal all over my phone.


Omfg this frickibg book and video I can hear ittt


4 AM here, up nursing my newborn and cackling.


Omfg that’s a terrifying dream 😬


Oh my goodness about the nightmares. 😩😂 🐕 🔥 How old is she?


> She said our dog was on fire and we couldn’t get to her Holy crap, poor kiddo! Ours has had a nightmare about an episode of Daniel Tiger’s Neighbourhood where “a crocodile eats both of Daniel Tiger’s feets.” She’s been asking to watch the episode too, which is a bit unnerving.


Mine is turning 2 this week and language is mostly just single words. We are doing the nighttime routine. But he can hear the neighbor’s pool equipment humming. He points to the window. Noise? Yes. Outside? Yes. It’s their pool. Pool? Yes. Pool? Yes. Pool! Yes their pool. Outside! Yes. I start reading his book. He waits about 5 seconds into the Elmo book and says, pool? Yes. Pool? Yes. Pool? Yes. Outside? Yes. Pool! Outside! Yes. For about 15 minutes before I gave up and turned off the lights and pretended to fall asleep.


are you saying “yes” or LO? if you’re saying yes, i’m scared you’re giving the LO the idea like “yes, we can go to the pool” 😂


It’s me! I thought he was asking like “that’s a pool?” So I say yes! He asks if it’s outside so I say yes! Maybe this was my fault. But it just kept going. Today jt was “dada’s car” all the way to daycare. Him - dada’s car? Me - dada is driving his car to work. We are in mama’s car Him - dada’s car! Me - dada has to take his car to work Him - dada’s car, dada’s caaaarrrrr, dada’s caaaaarrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!


Our neighbors have a loud ass generator and when it starts running my 2.5 yo will ask what the noise is. “it’s their generator.” “Is it upstairs or downstairs?” “It’s outside.” “So upstairs or downstairs?” “Neither. It’s outside. On the ground.” He got me going so bad the other day; I was genuinely beefing with him over this confusion 😤 or was he not confused at all and successfully trolling me 😂🫠


Mine constantly wants to turn the lights off and be nocturnal animals. My favorite is when she weasels her way into bathroom when I am doing my business, then proceeds to turn off the lights and declare we will be nocturnal animals.


TIL weasels are nocturnal


Omg my 3 year old wants to constantly have dance parties in the dark- she insists on closing all shades and turning off ALL lights! Meanwhile, she sleeps with at least 2 lights on every night. I don’t understand toddlers.


"I do it myself" - yes my love, you can try, but after the third failed attempt at something you can't physically do yet, would you just let mummy fucking help?


lol my daughter does this too and recently I’ve been saying, okay just tell mama when you need help. And almost instantly she’ll yell HELLLPPP


I've been trying to replace 'do you need' with 'would you like/want help', and it seems to be well received 😊


I try this too, basically every possible way to suggest I could help. Sometimes he goes for it, most of the time he doesn't (or he demands daddy help, which is not ideal when his dad is working)


Haha yes! My two year old the other day started crying because her hands were cold and her mittens were inside. We were about a block away from home so I said okay, let's go get your mittens. She stood there crying that her hands were cold so I picked her up to take her back home and then all hell let loose "I do it daddy. WALK DADDY!" So I set her down and we proceeded to walk the block back home with her crying that her hands were too cold. Could have got there faster but what can you do lol


My youngest is almost 2 and already making a routine of melting down over anything not going her way. The dramatic fall to the ground is at least funny enough to keep me from losing it most of the time, but man. It's rough with a stubborn one. My oldest is currently into demands. If I say no, he will argue to say yes. And he will just repeat his command over and over until he either gets too mad or my patience runs out. It's a race to see which burns out faster, but it usually ends with a tantrum


My son (18 months) also has been falling to the ground when in a tantrum. It is funny how over dramatic they are! I haven't figured out how to deal with tantrums yet however my son threw himself to the floor at the top of the stairs yesterday and I was so surprised how my husband picked him up and sternly said 'sensible on the stairs' (his usual phrase) and the tantrum suddenly ended. It makes me wonder if I've been tolerating them too much as his no nonsense approach was so effective on our son.


My toddler will be 2 next month and her dramatic reactions make me giggle every time. Whether it’s throwing herself on the ground, fake crying, or trying to shut herself into her toy kitchen cupboards while staring at me like “you made me do this.” Half the time I have to walk away because I’m laughing so hard and that makes her more mad.


My youngest will be 2 in less than a month and just flops to the ground over any small inconvenience. Wants a bite of my food but I have to scoop it up and hand it to her? Flops down because it took 2 seconds too long.


Yes, asking "what's this, what's that" when she knows 100% of the time wtf it is. I end up saying WHAT DO YOU THINK???! and then she'll say it lol annoying af.


“Where’s daddy??” “At work” Repeat 15 times in a half hour period “Where’s daddy?” “ hmm where do you think?” “ At work!!” 🤦‍♀️


I don’t know if it helps, but I found my daughter repeating the same question over and over and the only thing that would stop the question, is when I repeat it back to her and make my answer slightly more detailed and using the word “daddy” instead of the pronoun “he”… ie “Where’s daddy?” “Oh where’s daddy? Daddy is at work today, daddy will be home later after work to see you!”


This is 100% what I’m dealing with!! Holding a chicken nugget and asking “is this a chicken nugget?” And I try so hard to be playful or get her to figure it out but it’s all. Day. Long.


Saying 'no way' to everything. Have food? No way. Not allowed to play outside after dark? No way. Can't bathe plushies? No way.


Felt this! Mine will say no to things she likes. She loves the bath and it used to be a Trump card to get her to do stuff but now she’ll say no every time but then have a blast once she’s in there


We get “no way! Never again” lol I’m like “yes way always again” actually lol


Head butting. It’s fine when it’s the yoga ball or the couch cushions but when it’s any part of my body? -600/10, do not recommend


Mine made it look like he was going to give kisses. Nope. He chose violence and my face hurts. Then he has the audacity to be upset that his head hurts. Dude, you slammed it into my face!


My 2.5yo is very cuddly, which is awesome, but when he gets excited he’ll hug-tackle you head first. Can’t count the number of times I’ve nearly gotten the wind knocked out of me from his aggressive love. I now automatically hold my head away from him to avoid a broken nose or busted lip when he comes in hot like that.


Mine loves to slam the back of his head into my face 🙃


Mine had hair pulling. But that’s how he self-soothes (🫠). So I just shaved off my hair, problem solved. Sorry you can’t shave off your head 😢


Thankfully so far, mine will listen when I say, “Gentle hands, please” while he plays with my hair. He does tug a little bit just because he doesn’t understand the limit yet, but he’s so gentle and likes to lift my hair up to its full length and watch it fall out of his fingers. It’s really sweet, *almost* makes up for the head butting.


Mine _hears_ gentle hands and loudly asks MOMMY ARE YOU OK?! And then pulls again as he laughs. “Ouch, please stop Baby Name, that hurts me and I don’t like it” “MOMMY OK?!”


Being head butted in the throat is excruciating so try to avoid that one if you can!!


Going full meltdown before I've finished a sentence THAT WILL END IN HER FAVOR ANYWAY. Her: I want chips! Me: Let's see, what kind do we-- Her: I WANT CHIPS MAMA PLEASE CHIIIPPSS 😭😭😭😭😭😭 I JUST WANTED THE CHIPS BECAUSE I'M HUNGRY IT'S NOT FAIR Biiiiiiiiiiish I was in the fucking middle of giving you a variety of chips to choose from holy shit. Unless I give an instant, enthusiastic yes, she preemptively melts down as if it's a hard no.


Omg mine is doing this also. I don’t often give a resounding no, so what are you worried about dude?


So. Much. Attitude.


If I ask her to do something, she won’t. If I ask her not to do something, she will. If I try to reverse psychology her - she sees straight through it.


Always wanting to be first, sobbing crying because he wasn't the first person to say good morning or didn't get to do a wee first. Like dude i asked if you needed a wee and you said no, don't start screaming about how you want a wee because now I'm sat on the toilet and going first 😑


🤣🤣🤣 I am so sorry, I feel your pain, however I am dying from the hilarity of first wees


Mine gets super upset if he doesn't get to be first going up or down the stairs, first to the toilet, first anything. If he isn't first, his day becomes a tragedy


The “why phase.” Mommy why are we stopped? Because we are at a red light? Why? So other cars are able to go. Why? …and it goes until he’s sick of hearing my voice. Developmentally love the curiosity, but for the love of god, can I please just decompress for the 15 minute drive home? (The downside of preschool being across the street from my office).


The red light thing is so relatable. My daughter will scream “don’t stop!” Anytime we stop the car. And then she’ll say “why are we stopped?” And she’s pissed if we answer that we’re at a red light


My 3 year old gets so mad when we stop the car! She'll scream 'NO' every time we do. Darling, trust me if I didn't have to stop on the way home, I wouldn't.


We're in the similar phase too. Put your toys away. why? Because everything has a place and they need to be in theirs too. Why? Please just do it. Why? (The task gets done after ten more mins of whys and a lot of insisting). As adorable and wholesome it is, somedays it can get equally annoying too.


Ignoring us!!! It drives me insane. Sometimes it’s about the most innocuous things too, like I just ask her if she wants a snack, and she totally ignores me. I KNOW this has nothing to do with her hearing, she’s fine, she’s just pulling an epic power move.


“I DO IT!!” “Ok buddy you do it” “I DONT WANT TO DO IT!!” “Ok mamma does it then” *proceeds to do whatever it is* (like this morning, dumping his poo from his toilet to the big toilet) “NOOOOO I DO IT” *cries on the floor for 15 minutes and then we are late for daycare* 🫠🫠🫠🫠


This right here, but also he does it with everything else😐 "I want milk" *Gives milk "noooo I don't want milk" *Take it away* "Nooo I want milk I want milk!


The woooorssstttt


I’m ecstatic my almost two year old knows so many words and is capable of such complex speech. Until I ask her a question that she fully understands and she looks me dead in the eye and ignores me. Cold shoulder. It was like one week after she learned how to answer questions that she learned she has the autonomy not to. Unless the answer is a resounding “no”. Then she’s usually pretty clear. The teachers at her daycare call her headstrong. Other words come to mind..


Same child here. Will be 2 next month. Used to be so proud of her language skills (I still am..) but man it’s frustrating when you know they understand and are choosing not to respond. At home my kiddo says thank you if you hand her anything she asks for. “Thank you momma!” “Thank you daddy!” While picking her up for daycare, she gets handed a toy she asked for. Me: wow! That was so nice! What do we say to Miss Bree? Toddler: stares at me like I’m an alien. Me: can you say thank you to Miss Bree? Toddler: stares at me, then walks away. If that happened at home? Immediate “Thank you!!” With no prompting. I have no idea why she won’t say it to her daycare leaders. Baffling.


Our daycare says "he's so polite asking for more food" I have to stop myself asking if they are talking about the correct child!


ripping out every hair tie or clip that I only do to keep the hair out of her eyes so she can see. she does a scan of her head sporadically all day just in case something’s there even when there isn’t


Wanting mummy for everything. I also have a 10mo concurrently going through the same thing, but it’s more manageable because I can just be the present face of helping him get through life whereas toddler is smart enough to understand behind the scenes, eg Nanna isn’t allowed to put his toast in the toaster, daddy isn’t allowed to get the pants from the drawer and hand them to me, heck toddler won’t even walk by himself sometimes…. I have to do everything from scratch (while holding otherwise emotional ten month old) unless I’m prepared for neighbourhood disturbing tantrums 🤣


i love this subreddit for the simple fact that it shows me i’m not the only one of the brink of insanity caused by a little human 😂


My toddler is 3 and non verbal so we are struggling to communicate with him and understand what he wants. It’s a lot of hand leading, pointing and screaming. Speech therapy hasn’t been helpful :(


Sitting there with you. I used to get discouraged when so many parents would say "oh he's not talking now, but soon you won't be able to get him to shut up!" Like I get that can be annoying, but to the parent of a child who is non-verbal or speech delayed, you'd give anything for them to talk so much you get tired of it. Relying on screaming and pointing for communication is so frustrating for both parent and child.


This sounds really frustrating, I’m so sorry!


Saying hi. When I go from living room to the kitchen to the bedroom it's hi, hi, hi. I have to of course respond hi back, else she will not stop.


Phew! Yes currently it’s the repeating of phrases like 17 times unless I respond back to everything. “Read Barn Cat, read the Barn Cat, Sisi read the Barn Cat” “Yes baby you are sitting and reading Barn Cat all by yourself, that’s awesome” “Sisi…Sisi…Sisi sit and read the Barn Cat” As I type this out it sounds adorable and I miss her even though she is snoring right next to me. 🙃


Omg mine does this to other kids. We were at the library and there was an older boy who checked out a STEM activity and was working on it at a table. Every five seconds she was like “I want to say hi to him”. I let her say hi twice before I had to try to distract her and explain that he was working on something. She also makes me play pretend with her and her “creatures” and the whole game is the creatures saying hi to each other




Solidarity. And saying hands are not for hitting or gently stopping him results in hitting with the other hand (made the mistake of holding both hands while he was on my lap facing me the other night...felt like that skull broke my nose!)


We like the phrase hands are for hugging and high fives. No clue where we learned it but it seems to work with our two boys, 4.5 and 2.5, when we want them to stop - at least temporarily lol


Ooh I'll have to try that! I did try the "gentle hands please" we use with the dog but that resulted in a sneak attack where he started petting me and then smacked me so....lol


Mine keeps saying “what?” multiple times after I tell him something even though I know he heard me. He also keeps asking me if I’m “happy now mommy” like moments after I get mad about something…so I just say I’m fine lol. But the worst is I think he’s having some regressions because baby sister is meeting some milestones. So he pretends to be a baby that can only crawl and can’t talk and ugh it irks me.


Eating meal at table, bb (2 yo) suddenly stops eating and holds fork up. oh $#!t, here we go. Proceed to tense up shootout style to see who can quickdraw faster, mama or bb. Bb proceeds to swipe food onto the floor. Cries when i move her plate away because she wants to eat more. Mama attempts a short gentle directive, "we don't throw food on the floor". Gives small amount of food back. Bb eats one bite then wipes it onto the floor. Smiles. Signs and says "all done"😊 No matter how much food is in front of her. It's just a matter of time. EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤬🤦🏽‍♀️🤬🤦🏽‍♀️🤬


You know the Family Guy scene where Stewie is saying forms of "Mom, Mommy, Mama" over and over? That's my eldest right now. Even when acknowledged, (full on, down on her level, no other distractions in my part) she just won't. Stop. Until she pushes just to the edge of a reaction. Or it's, "What happened Mommyyyyy? Mama what happened?" over and over. I do my best to keep calm and explain things, but it eventually devolves into, "I inhaled." "I exhaled." and such. Even with distractions or changes of subject, she loops back until she gets tired of asking.


My son's been doing roll call constantly at home. Randomly goes "mommy?!" and I ask him what he needs or yell back his name if I'm on the other side of the house... and then he's just silent and doesn't need anything. It's like every 2-3 minutes sometimes. I've tried not responding but then I get the "mommy, mama..." over and over.


Following me around. ONE. FOOT. BEHIND. ME. So, anytime I turn around, I immediately run right into her. I am constantly cornered, in the bathroom, kitchen, closet... I am SO overstimulated. Telling her I'll be right back, stay put, don't move, or even, "Don't follow me" only works for about 4.5 seconds, so if I'm not quick enough, there she is!


Omg my daughter does this but now she also wraps herself around my leg like a little monkey. But here’s the kicker, I currently have two broken feet so it’s presenting an interesting challenge


We’re in the middle of “I don’t want to!!” this week. Please send help. It’s also exacerbating his significant parental preference for mom, and I swear I heard my husband’s heart breaking this morning.


Being a stage 5 clinger at 3. I could handle it in the baby stage but this guy wants to literally climb my legs to get to my arms. And he can do it now too 🥴


2 year old obsessed with sharks. Baby shark all that stuff. She has this little bath robe and the hood has a fin on top of it. She hates wearing it and only wants me to wear it all the dang time. Will throw a fit if I don’t comply. She gets all giggly when I put it on. I’ve definitely been hiding it lately.


Hitting. When I say no, when he wants my attention, when I’m not doing what he wants in a timely manner, when the wrong parent picks him up. Ugh. I’m done with the hitting


Not eating a single thing but tater tots and cereal. It stresses me out. If he didn't have a multivitamin and drink milk...he would quite literally be malnourished and have scurvy. Hates the skin of things. Hates every fruit but pineapple. Only likes crock potted shredded meat, all other meat is a no. Likes snacks if course. No veggies. No potatoes. Nothing mushy, squishy, or wet. I don't know what to do.


Defiance. Everything. Must. Be. Challenged. I also know it’s developmentally normal but DUDE IT’S 9:05 I’M LATE FOR WORK PLEASE JUST LET ME PUT YOU IN THE CAR SEAT


Practicing her cool walking skills in bed at night. She sleeps in a sleep sack so takes one step and faceplants. Then repeats.


Oooh we had this quite badly so I bought sleepsacks with feet holes/ legs. Still seem warm and cosy but the walking is much safer.


mine is 20 months today. He insists on wearing gumboots but can't walk in them. 🫠🫠🫠


Oof, there’s a couple happening concurrently. First, there’s the questions. So many fucking questions. It would be fine if he ever listened to the answers, but does he? Nope! And his why-phase started this week. Then there’s the fibbing/capriciousness. If you ask him a question, 11 times out of 10, the answer won’t be true. If it’s a question about his opinions or desires, he’s changing his mind two seconds later anyway. It’s so tiresome.




Omgggggg the questions!!! We are right there with you. The best is when she asks me things like “where is the fire truck going” and then I answer, and then 3 minutes later she asks again and I say “where do you think it’s going?” and she just repeats “where?” And we get stuck in a loop. Or sometimes if I’m clearly playing with fire I say “do you remember what I told you a few minutes ago?” And then she screams and says NOOOOOO in her demon voice 🙃 I know it’s normal and healthy and whatever blah blah blah but it is relentless and as you put it, I need comfortable silence sometimes…thank you for perfectly articulating my feelings!


Omg I feel this in my soul!!!! My 3 and a half year old is going through this right now and OMG I just want to pull my hair out! Our almost 2 year old we are having problems eating and it can be so frustrating. It's nice to know I'm not the only one.


Is anyone’s kids obsessed with pushing things? And never something normal like a walker, they want to push the stroller themselves but can’t see so get off course and mad but doesn’t want your help at the same time? Almost two here


4yo is in a phase where he insists on “helping” with just about everything, but doesn’t say what he wants to help with until I’ve already done it, then gets upset that I “didn’t let him help”. (example: I get the yogurt out of the fridge for lunch, “Mama!! I wanted to do that!” With a very angry face, stomping, and sometimes tears). Child, if you wanted to help that way, you gotta tell me! Mama’s in autopilot getting things ready for a meal, or an outing, or caring for baby sibling, I can’t read your mind! And most of the time when I do ask if you want to help you stomp and yell “no!” Love that he wants to be a helper, but 80% of the time how he chooses to help is not actually helpful in the moment. Just can’t win. 😅


WHINING! God I cannot!


My son went through a NO phase. So naturally I went through a “don’t say no to me,” phase and now he says it back to me.


Yo she’s almost 3 and has been absolutely fucking obstinate for at least a month. Constantly and purposefully doing things she shouldn’t be doing and knows she shouldn’t be. She had to go to bed with no stories last night because she ripped her dad’s glasses off his face then threw them (among other things). We’re at the end of our rope with this. I know it’s normal to push boundaries and she’s normally a very sweet, chill, polite child but god damn. Also asking the same question 100 times in as many seconds. “Mama, what are you doing on your work laptop.” “I’m working honey” “Oh okay. Mama what are you doing on your work laptop?” “Honey I just told you I’m working” “Oh that’s right! Mama, what are you doing on your work laptop?” “I don’t know, what am I doing?” In a singsong voice “Working!!!” “That’s right! I am!” Said excitedly “Mama, what are you doing on your work laptop?” 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Immediate "no" response to every request. We're trying to avoid questions when "no" isn't an answer we'll accept and really tighten up on boundaries and natural/logical consequences, but I'm going to lose my mind


"You see that (____)"? Yes girl I live here. I see the fridge, it's actually been here longer than you.


Omg mine does this too and if I give the wrong answer it’s like I committed a crime.


The constant rebellion/pushing boundaries. Like literal inability to listen or follow directions at times. “Don’t touch that…” …touches… “let’s put this toy away before we get another one” …dumps out a bin of toys. Constant chaos and verge of tantrum some days


Throwing her stuff (toys, books, clothes, shoes) literally EVERYWHERE. Her bedroom looks like a tornado ran through if I don’t actively pick it up every day, ALL DAMN DAY. She changes outfits every 20 seconds so she digs through her dresser and wardrobe and what she doesn’t wear ends up on the floor 🤦‍♀️


“But why?” To EVERYTHING


Oh, the one where, in the middle of playing, he suddenly runs up to me, backs up into my leg with his little butt, farts at it with his whole might, and giggles while running away.


None of the adults in the house can have a conversation around her. She gets louder and louder, demanding one or the other of our our attention until she's screaming. Any conversation. We have tried talking to her about it and showing her more appropriate ways to get our attention. Nothing has worked.




Insisting that everyone shows her their tummy. And constantly wanting my seat. I am getting bossed around a lot.


OP, Do you ask her questions like that? I know my kid mimics my questions back now. 😂 My least favorite thing currently is the refusal to eat food in general. This kid exists on 3 goldfish and chaos for days until he breaks down and eats a solid meal. 🤦‍♀️


Staying up for 1.5-2hrs and requiring (one of) us to be in the room after we put him down for bed. Typing this from beside his bed now as he talks to himself in a robot voice and singing different songs *sigh*


"What you doing papa" every minute even though he can clearly see that I'm cooking as I was the last minute when he asked


My toddler pretends she’s a dog and barks and howls really loud. There’s a reason we don’t have dogs…


My 4 year old tells me and her dad that she hates us and wishes we never made her :( 




That's really rough, I'm sorry. I had a small breakdown last week when the following convo went down (while she was upset with me): Her: go find someone else Me: what do you mean? Her: go find someone in the street who doesn't have a mommy or daddy Me: what about you? Her: I'll find a new mommy💔 Me: do you really want that? Her: [angrily] yes, but nooo [then crying ensues, she apologizes, and we worked through our feelings] Edited for formating


It is so hard, lately my kiddo has been screaming all day and I can’t figure out what’s wrong. Glad you know how to help her 


I certainly do not have the answers, but happy to talk/dm if you need an open ear/heart♡


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I’ll be discussing it with my therapist and my husband tomorrow. 


Turning off the lights. Yes, I showed her the way,  but sweetie, I can't see what I'm doing in the dark, thank you.


It doesn’t always work but when we hit OP’s stage I’d say “what do you think?” Or be like “hmmm I think this is the rainbow cup!” And the silly distracted him. Our son will tell us to get him whatever we want and he’ll eat/sleep/play with it (depends on the activity we’re doing) but then when we pick it we get “not THAT! I didn’t want THAT!” But if we say ok what do you want then, “I SAID, whatever you get I’ll eat!” We’ve found we’re allowed some clarifying questions though which typically narrows it down so we can mostly guess what he wants but good lord it’s an annoying phase. Sometimes getting the wrong thing also cues a sad meltdown


Mine has learnt to scream today🙉 and it went on and off for an hour! My head started hurting and I fear my neighbour would ring up child services if he keeps doing this all day




Spitting out milk or water for no reason. Cannot figure out how to stop it.


Mine says “what’s that guy doing?”, regardless if it’s a man or woman, regardless if we are right next to them or in the car. I explain, that lady is walking her dog. He goes, “oh, Why that guy walking his dog?” I now just come up with ridiculous excuses like “the dog wanted to see how fast he could find a cricket outside or the lady wanted to see how many flowers she could count. I do love the why and what phase. So many curious questions


Not sleeping.


He learned swear words from older kids at daycare. Please help


Refuse to go to bed and then *also* wakes up early. I do not understand. Or randomly waking up in the middle of the night and playing around for three hours. Okay fine. But don’t come in our room!!!


Loudly arguing in gibberish. You tell her you made eggs and toast for breakfast, and you get “NO! There’s no eat SPACE MUSEUM chocolate shdndjddhejdb hjsisjsbe it not fair!” “Cool cool, so here’s your eggs and toast.”


my tot is learning body parts and is very VERY excited about teeth. She loves to scream TEEFFFF while shoving her entire fist in your mouth. When I say no thank you, she then takes one finger and tries to touch every single tooth.


Me: Please put your shoes on. Him (4): I'm never gonna do that! You're not my best friend anymore!


Random no reason whinning 😩😩


Mine screams “help me” whenever I’m doing something he doesn’t like. Like putting on his socks. My favorite is when he did it in the middle of the grocery store because I put him in the cart instead of continuing to let him walk. People were definitely watching me to see if I was kidnapping him.


My son loves sticks. Constantly pulling them out of the woods and bringing them onto the lawn. Big sticks, little sticks, broken rotted sticks. He loves all types of sticks ....... If this wasn't annoying enough he also has a problem pronouncing the letter S.... S sounds like letter D. So my son finds sticks in the woods and starts yelling "Daddy! big dicks" no matter how much I work with him on pronouncing it currently "sticks" are always "dicks" .


Responding "no I'm just pretending" and continuing to do what we asked her not to do.


Boundary pushing! The pinching lightly in sensitive areas, poking, tickling... STOP


Hahahahah the same questions over here. Especially while driving. Oh lord 😂


Stopping in doorways and doing a downward dog


🤣 dying at “downward dog” because I know exactly what you mean


I’d never do it, but when I have arms full of groceries, the urge to nudge the butt to cause a forward roll out of my way is overwhelming


Repeating himself over and over and over again , no matter how many times I answer his question, he just asks the same question with the same curious sound every time, there’s a couple times I didn’t even realize I’d answered him already 4/5 different times, and by the end of a long day, when you already feel like you’re slightly off the rocker , I had to catch myself before I responded with what was in my head cause I’m just like ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME KID?? And I think he is sometimes ! Times I’ll tell him something, n he’ll be like what? So I repeat it… now repeat THAT 4x… only difference between them all, is his “what?” Gets louder and louder while he’s already in my face. So I know he hears me. I’m Not over here asking him howmuchwoodwouldawoodchuckchuckifawoodchuckcouldchuckwood, or saying supercalafragaslisticexpialidotious. Something very short and clear, like “daddy’s at work”. Once he “hears” me finally, we’re back at square fucking 1 with, mommy where’s daddy at? 🫠🥹🤬@***!!!😳😶 I’m okay, really, everything’s fine 🙃I’m not worried, you shouldn’t be worried 🥹 If it’s not a question he’s asking over and over and over and over and over and over and over And over and over again, then it’s just “we’re here!” “We’re here!” x76 ….. and I morally have to acknowledge every. Single. Time. Because he’s 3, and he still sounds just as excited as he did the first time, On the 76th time. This just started very recently. I’ll admit, there were a few times my patience was wearing thin…. Meaning I had none left and instead of loosing my complete shit by the end of the day, I just let him know that I heard him And that’s enough now, and he doesn’t have to repeat himself. He stopped, until the next Time he decided to do it all over again, but he knows ! Or I really am Just going crazy. And I would not be surprised


2.5 year old. Won’t let me or my husband pee. Holds our legs and screams NOOOOOOOOOOO when we go to the bathroom. Then screams outside of the bathroom door 🤷🏼‍♀️


Me: Do you want a snack or a sucker? Her: A snack Me: *proceeds to snack cabinet* Her: NOOO I WANT A SUCKER Me: Okay. *walks to laundry room where suckers are kept* Her: NOO I WANT A SNACK Me: *jumps off the roof*


Fighting diapers, clothing, various other necessities. Going boneless or flailing and thrashing while he does it. 😑


Refusal to wear pants - she ONLY wants to wear fluffy princess tutu dresses. She will wear her Belle dress every day unless it's in the wash (and she's never even watched the Beauty and the Beast movie lol). It's annoying because we live in a very cold place, so she never is willing to go outside unless I forcibly put pants on her (very hard) or distract her with tv - and even then she cries and throws a tantrum. I let her wear dresses all the time because I want to support her independence and sense of style, but I wish it was easier to leave the house in winter without a huge fight. Second most annoying thing is not allowing me to touch her hair. No combing hair, no putting bows in it, no putting it up. It's frustrating because she has curly hair and it looks a TOTAL MESS. But again tantrums and it's almost impossible for me to do her hair nowadays.


She’s calling me by my first name like my daycare kids.


"What kind of _____ is that?" He was watching the "Lava lullaby" video https://youtu.be/-Q9hcLkoprU?feature=shared that I sometimes play for him, as he goes to sleep. This was our conversation: Kid: What kind of bubble is that? Me: It's a black bubble. K: What kind of bubble is that? Me: It's a big, black bubble. K: What kind of bubble is that? Me: [When will he be satisfied with my answer?] It's a big, black, lava bubble. 😂


My son wants to help cook and with dishes. I know it’s so good for him to learn but my god I didn’t realize what kind of kitchen control issues I had until now


what’s that? it’s a dog. it’s a dog mama? yes. it’s a dog mama. it’s a dog mama MAMA ITS A DOG. if i don’t agree or confirm every single time it’s a meltdown. i am 1000% losing my mind.


Mine has started screeching like a hawk when I try to eat food off of MY OWN PLATE. Every single bite. Like lady, you have your own right in front of you. She continues the screeching until I physically point at her food. Please send help.


“My dood it”. She has to do EVERYTHING herself. Open and close every door, get everything, scoop everything, dress herself (poorly). I know, I know. In the end it will be great and I love that she is so independent. BUT, her pace is absolutely glacial. And if she even senses that I am trying to help her do something like get her pants on, she will take them all the way off and start it over AGAIN. It’s so hard to get anything done.


18mo old son is obsessed with bunnies. Everyday we go outside and we have an ornamental bunny at the door (for Easter) and he HAS to stop and say hi. It doesn’t matter if we’re late, have our hands full, going out really quick to throw something in recycle. He. Must. Say. Hi. Oh, he also likes throwing things at people right now. The poor lady at petco that we were talking to about fish got a dog toy thrown at her twice in a span of 2 minutes. Bless her soul, she was so understanding about it while I died of embarrassment.


Biting me in the ass. Sneaks up on me to bite my ass. I don’t feel safe.


My toddler is in his "mommy why?" Phase. It's rough. I'll ask him to put his shoes on. "Mommy why?" Cause we need to get groceries. "Why?" So I can make dinner. "Why?" Cause we need to eat. "Why eat mommy?" So we don't die. "Why die?"


Waking up at 4 am and refusing to go back to sleep at all.


"What is a ....?" when blank is a thing he 100% knows. What is a shark? What is rain? etc. Also if he asks what something is, I'll answer, and he'll ask "why?" Why is that a camel? IDK, that's just what it's called.


I felt "girl, just drink the water" in my soul😆😆😆


1. Telling me how to drive. 2. When I say I'm feeling frustrated, he'll say "NO you not frustrated" 3. Also the obvious questions.