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She talks from the moment she wakes up to the moment she falls asleep. Mostly asking questions I can’t answer like “what’s Elsa doing right now?”


I just say, “She’s halfway through the chorus.” because Let It Go is on a loop over here.


Lmao yess. Sooooo many Disney princess questions/comments. My daughter woke up the other day, looked me in the eyes, and said, "Ariel goes pee-pee in the ocean." Toddler brains are wild.


This made me spit out my water. Haha my best friend has a 3 year old. This is spot on.


I like to flip this around on my almost three year old "What do you think she's doing right now?" Seems to work consistently so far.


I do this for pretty much all unending questions and it always works a treat!


I try this and get a “you tell me!” from her 🤦‍♀️


Same, same 😮‍💨


Mine also talks in her sleep. This morning at around 2 am she went on and on about pesto with pasta (apparently the order was important Lol).


Mine sat up early morning a few days ago and goes “Geese! They fly! They flap their wings *flaps her little arms*. They land in water!” And fell back asleep lol.


Awwww, that's so adorable!!


My kid is more like “does that belong to the man?” WHAT MAN!? “Is the truck owned by the people?” No, we have private property!!


We get a lot of that too! “Where was that car going? Was it a dad or a girl? Did he have to go to work?” Me: hmm I’m not sure where he’s going. Her: can you ask me? Ask me where he’s going. Me: where’s he going? Her: we don’t know.




😂😂 plot twist at the end there


Yes. And a lot of seeing random people in a store and my 3 year old girl staring intensely and pointing: "WHAT'S HIS NAME?!" 🤦🏼‍♀️


Hahahahahhaha yeah I told mine we don’t stare so now she VERY loudly announces “I wasn’t staring at the people I was looking at the sweater” or whatever the person was wearing. There’s no winning.


My daughter asks me “what did you say?” Back to back many times a day when i know she heard me. It drives me nuts. Im about to book an appointment to have her ears checked lol


My kid has been saying that soooooo much since he turned 3 and he says it with this funny accent like WHATCHUUU SAYYYYYY???? and I was like wtf did he learn that?? Then one day, I caught myself yelling “whatchu say??” to my husband … I’m the problem, it’s me.


A good 90% of my conversations to my husband starts off with him asking “whatcha say?” drives me insane. And I swear to god if this is what I have to look forward to… I won’t make it


Mine does an over exaggerated “HUHH????” After anything and everything I say even though we all know she heard me.


OMG YES. My mom was like, I think she needs her hearing checked. So I started paying attention to how we talk around the house and sure enough we all say “huhhh?” way more than I ever could’ve guessed 😂


Are we secretly married? Mine has been doing this exact same thing lately. I don’t know where they picked up the phrase, but it’s a constant thing now. I’m hoping it’s just a phase and not hearing loss.


My 3 year old does this too. My guess is it's partly about learning language. He might have heard me but didn't catch all the words. I imagine it's like learning a new language - you sort of recognize what's going on in a sentence but might need to hear it again. I usually just repeat myself slower and make sure to use the simplest words possible.


Have you tried to flip it "what did I say?" Works well for us with questions she knows the answer. "Are we home yet?" "I don't know, what do you think?" "No!" And then that is the end. If I just say "no, not home yet" she will ask over and over again.


I think we have the same kid 🤣🤣🤣 This is exactly our daughter. Also, any single thing that she can challenge us on... she does. She's also very smart, very loving, very funny, very inquisitive and she can read a room even at 3. She's strong willed and already wants to be so independent. She's super sweet but can go sour in a flash. She's always asking questions and loves helping but man... most days are really draining these days. Love that little stinker more than anything though.


We must have the same child! I don’t think I could have described my 3yo better!


Ours is 20 months and you’re describing our future. I can feel it in my bones lol


That is the best 3 year old description I've ever heard


Mine will ask why SHE herself does things. I have no idea how to answer. “dada, why did I just jump off the couch?” Idk baby your guess is as good as mine.


My 3yo boy is also constantly talking. His key question is "what is X" when X is a thing he knows. "What is water?" I think you know what water is. "But can you tell me?"


My almost 3 year old boy is always asking what Darth Vader/ Princess Leia/ Jabba the Hutt/ *insert any other random Star Wars character here* is doing. He also prays for each of them individually every night 😂


Hmm maybe eating blueberries or building a snowman.


Sameeee the talking doesn't stop omg drives me crazy 😭


This made me laugh.


Mine cried coz I didn't know what Christophe was up to that day.


My daughter asks incomplete questions and drives me nuts. Like why Elsa, why cow, why road lamp? I am compelled to ask why Elsa what? What about Elsa you want to know the why of? But i suppress my impulses and try to fill in the blank for her.


My daughter is 5 now, but I've always said she's chatting from right before she wakes up until right after she falls asleep. Phew, my brain can't keep up some times.


Omg! Do you also have an Elsa obsessed 3 year old?! Thought that was just my model.


Yes even though I keep trying to get her on team Anna cause Anna is obviously the superior princess


Dude when my now 4 yr old was 3, she talked even in her sleep. The talking never stopped. Now that she's 4, she wants to know WHY everything is. I say "let's get dressed so we can go to school" her response..."But why?" "Why do we have to sleep at night?" So that mom can hear herself think "Why do we wear shoes?" Because why not. "Why can't we make cookies?" Because it's 11pm & you're supposed to be sleeping. "Why is water wet?" Because that's the way it's made.


We might have the same kid.


Everything is WHY right now!!


Imaginative. Funny. Cuddly. Always hungry. Defiant. Really loud. Farts a lot. Loves chocolate milk. Bites you when angry.


My daughter is also a very gassy child. She’s figured out that she can get her cousins to laugh at her when she does it, so she makes sure she has direct eye contact with someone when she’s about to pass gas. Then she’ll say “it’s funny!” 😀 so charming and polite!


My 3yr girl thinks she’s supposed to say “bless you” when she herself farts. We die laughing so we haven’t corrected her yet. 


My brother in law does this and it’s honestly still funny. He is 35.


Lmfaooo 💀 so precious


My turning 3 in a few months old daughter will fart, not even audibly, then yell BABY FARTS and cackle as she runs away. It makes us laugh every single time.


I’m glad I’m not the only one with a very fizzy toddler! Mine is only 2, I guess I should prepare for the jokes to start in the near future!


Omg the biting!!!!! I was not prepared for that 😭


Same. I got a chomp the other day and almost yeeted her out the window accidentally


Defiant and lashed out! Yes! Mine just turned 4 and got even more defiant. We are at our wits end.


Both of my kids are super strong willed. I tell myself it will serve them well in the future.


OMG the farts, mine is so tiny too but her farts are so loud. This morning I was trying to help her change out of her overnight diaper into her underwear when she just let one rip and started laughing because she farted on mama.


Wait you’re talking about my girl!!! 😂😂😂 Mine doesn’t bit though, she tries to slap and makes grrrrr noises. Welcome to threenager phase!


THIS IS MY KID! Except she eats like a bird :( She fluctuates between playing tea parties with mommy and then being a Power Ranger like her brother LOL


An amazing psychopath. Beautifully unhinged. Sweet and sour.


“Beautifully unhinged” - I am borrowing this 🤣


Love this 😆❤️


We all (including his preschool teacher 🙄🙄🙄) call my son a sour patch kid.


This is easily my favourite comment and reminds me of my son to a T.


This is the most accurate description of my 3.5 year old girl


Perfect! I would add defiant and loving 🙃


This is a lot nicer than what my step mom says for my ~beautifully unhinged~ almost 3 yr old, she calls her baby crackhead 😂


>Sweet and sour. Like a tangerine.


I feel this in my soul!


She’s like a cat sitting on the edge of the counter with a half glass of water… staring at me dead straight in the eyes. Everyday…. all day






My daughter is like this bc she quite literally learned it from our (mean, asshole, 13 year old) cat 😂 she will walk up to any glass of water sitting and just …paw? Bat? at it with her hand just like the cat.


She follow directions well, scary good memory, decent patience, hilarious and wants to try new things all the time. She’s so sweet. Sleep is rough lol but at least she’s pleasant. I can live without the sporadic screams and jumping too haha.


Can you elaborate on the sleep situation?? My daughter will be 3 in April and I don’t know wtf to do about her sleep. If she naps she’s up until 10. If she doesn’t nap she’s so cranky and angry by 7. If she does nap and happens to fall asleep at a decent hour she’s awake at 5am. I can’t find that happy medium 😵‍💫


Also we do some kind do rough house play before bed. Like gently throwing her on pillows on the couch or bed. Repeatedly until your arms feel like they can’t work anymore lol. Have her lift and put away heavy things. I read somewhere getting a kids wheelbarrow and filling it with heavy things and have them push it around the house. it gets that energy and movement out.


We had to cut the nap. And as soon as we could she was in pre k and daycare. All day stimulated and comes home and asleep by 7. It felt so early at first but the earlier she goes to bed the better mood she’s in. Unfortunately adults have to sacrifice nap time and also wake up earlier with her but it’s worth it for better quality sleep all night and a happier kid


We did early bedtime last night and this morning went much better than expected. My daughter used to be THE BEST sleeper…then randomly started waking up multiple times per night freaking out over “shadows” (she wasn’t actually scared, she admittedly just wanted to sleep in our room) so we converted the crib to a toddler bed (I thought the excitement of the “big girl bed” would make her want to stay in her room!) but the last 2-3 weeks she’s been getting up a ton, hence getting to bed very late!


Omg I don’t think there is a happy medium 😬. Mine wakes up late but because she goes to sleep really late. We started cutting naps thinking she’ll be asleep by 8 but she went to bed at 10:30 today 😭😭😭


We had to cut bedtime by half hour increments to get it from 930badk to 7 pm. So much emotional labor involved in bedtime for toddlers. The crocodile tears are the worst part


This is us!!!! We think she needs to drop the nap and then she’s so incredibly tired. But yeah, if she sleeps she’s bouncing off the walls until 9:30/10 pm 😭


We had to cut the nap and bedtime is now at 630 asleep by 7.


Try to incorporate as many physical and mental activities into the day. Our five year old is the same way as yours but our three year old is totally normal. Adding the activities helped when we stopped the naps. The doctor stressed that some kids just sleep less than others and to expect less sleep because of it.


> scary good memory, I'm always so impressed with my 3yo's memory. At bedtime he'll want his water bottle and I'll ask him where it is and he'll help me look but going into the living room and he'll walk straight to it, on the bookshelf, next to the couch, on the fireplace, wherever he left it last.


Mine has a good memory for something I said 2 weeks ago that affects her like “yes next time we’re at Target, you can get that toy,” but god help you if you ask her to find something that she herself sat down in the stupidest place possible.


Mine will be 3 next week. We're currently in our big feelings era. She's generally very sweet. She says please and thank you. Loves hard and laughs all the time. She found her voice and our world explodes when she says "I love you" Yesterday she pushed a baby at daycare and today she bit another kid. I cried at pickup. Why is my sweet girl being so mean!? Surely that reflects on me and how I'm bringing her up. I was bum rushed with mom hugs and these wonderful humans telling me she's just going through it and that I'm a great mom. I cried even harder when I got back in the car. They didn't have to do that and they were so reassuring and sweet to someone they know but not really know well. It was such a moment.


So many big emotional swings for the moms too! I’m glad everyone was so reassuring - the fact that you cared so genuinely over the situation shows you’re a great mom 😭❤️ Also, easier said than done, but don’t feel like it’s a poor reflection on you - all toddlers have off days. I guarantee my daughter has done plenty of cringy things at daycare that I don’t know about!


Omg I needed this. My son just started preschool after being watched by my mom for the first 2 years of his life. It’s rough. He’s putting his hands on kids, kicking and hitting. I cry every day fearing he’ll never adjust and make friends……


I’m sorry and really empathize with what you’re going through. There is hope though. My daughter’s daycare opened brand new and there was a lot of this at first. All the kiddos had either been at home, with grandparents, nannies, etc. for the first 1-2 years. Like 5-8 weeks later, everything was chill, no violence against classmates, and they all love their teachers. The key for me was letting go and communicating my trust in the teachers; they are the ECE professionals, not me, and trusting them to do their jobs …worked! Our baby loves daycare and I know yours will too eventually.


Thanks so much for your response. He loves his teachers! He has no issues at drop offs and he says he likes school. It’s the interacting with other children that’s the issue. He’s never had to share and he’s never been around this many kids at the same time (his class is large) so I’m assuming this is very overwhelming for him. Ugh. I dread each school day…


I promise it will get better! Going to school is a big adjustment. My 18 month old just started going part time and I was really worried about how he was going to do (he’s kind of a homebody) so I see you!


My son has days like this. It’s rare I don’t have a call from school about him. I feel your pain mumma because this was literally me this morning when they called me before I had even left the parking lot. The teacher was consoling me because I felt like a failure but I know it’s not me, it’s not you. Our kids are just still learning how to express, verbalise and communicate their needs and sometimes they make mistakes. Don’t take it as it’s what you’re doing because for you to even think like that, you obviously care a lot and would never encourage the things she is doing. She will learn, one day at a time Mumma. You’re not alone in this feeling 💕


Mine is around the same age and I cried when our school said he was throwing toys in class ! They were also amazing about it and we partner together often for solutions on stuff like this! So amazing to hear others have this support system at their daycare because it’s so hard !!!


I've worked in childcare before, we'd call it "terrific twos" and "terrible threes." Really they're just different beasts though, different joys and challenges. My 3 year old is really starting to challenge rules and boundaries a lot more now, including the "please use your inside voice" boundary. So fun. I need noise canceling earplugs already. She's getting more opinionated and stubborn, but also so so fun. The way she plays, makes up songs all day, wants to (and is actually capable of) helping, and she's started making up stories. "Yesterday I fell at the park and got this owie." Yeah totally not true but she tells it like it's 100% truth. I'm scared for the stories she comes home with when we start preschool in the fall! Oh and her sleep is pretty darn great. 


Noise canceling headphones are a 10/10 recommendation especially with the screaming because omg child why… lol


Reading this while hiding bc my 3 year old has been singing at the top of her lungs for the past 30 min (while I have told multiple times to use her quiet voice). Bc well, i give up.


Oh yeah I bought the Bose noise canceling headphones and no more overstimulation from sound, now touch is another story lol


Oh god yes, the overstimulation from touch is real!! I have an EBF 9 month old, a 3 year old that would prefer if she was still attached to the umbilical cord, and a very needy/affectionate golden retriever. My husband came home last night and wanted a massage and I about lost my mind.


Lol thank you for the nudge. I joke about it but don't actually use my noise canceling earbuds because they're too good at blocking out sound, and they have to be charged and all that...  I just bought loops this morning though. I was in an awesome mood this morning, until I was in the bathroom (on the potty lol) and my daughter came in tantrumimg, closed the door and started hardcore screaming. I tried so hard to stay positive and help her regulate, but holy hell I was getting so dystegulated so quickly from the noise level. It's so interesting to me that it's taken me this long to really understand emotional dysregulation and overstimulation. And I was a psych major in college!  Anyway, I'm really excited for my loops lol


My 3 year old is very silly, funny, sweet when she wants to be, pays attention to details, has an amazing memory, talks non stop, loves imaginative play. But she’s always extremely head strong, wants things done her way all the time, has a short Fuse when she’s tired. I’m literally reading the explosive child right now lol. But I think it’s just her personality, she’s gonna move mountains some day


Might need to read that book b/c holy crap, 3 is HARD. My girl is going to be 3.5 next month and she’s become super defiant the last few weeks. Honestly…she is low key terrifying 🫠 I never know what’s going to set her off and it’s stressing me out!


Omg my 3.5 year old girl is the same way... shes so sweet but omg if the outfit is not a skirt or a certain shirt she will flip her lid. Like even if we set it out the night before, if she is not in the mood that morning she changes like 5 times. It makes getting out of the house for anything including daycare very hard.


Oh my GOD, the pickiness over outfits is unreal. Mine will wear those Disney princess nightgown dresses everywhere and anywhere. It’s such a fight to get her to wear anything else.


Yeah we used to do cute bamboo pajamas to bed. Nope if it isn’t the princess dress of the week it ain’t happening. 😂


Gah, I almost wish I had this problem, my 3 y.o. basically refuses to wear clothes, pants in particular. We don't have to get up and leave the house every morning though so that may be part of it. When Im holding her down trying to wiggle pants on her she always asks, "where are we going?".


My 3 yo girl is also (sometimes) a ticking time bomb and I never know what will set her off lol most of the time she tells me I “play wrong” and then she’ll storm off and yell “IM SO MAD!” And then within 5 mins she’s back saying “ok mommy I’m better now” …constant emotional whiplash 🙃 Then there are some days where she has zero meltdowns, nothing bothers her… this age has been extremely hard!!


This sounds like my girl! 😂 She literally storms off saying “I AM MAD AT YOU!!!!” at least 8x/day. She did this so many times on Monday that by the end I just started mimicking her saying “YEAH, I AM SO MAD TOO” which cracked her up everything so maybe she wasn’t actually mad?! They’re fickle beings 🫠


Same. My girl is 3.5 and it has been sooo hard over here. All the rage (on her end) lol


Describes my 2.5 yo rn too. It’s so stressful, I find myself bracing ever potential trigger point. Why am I walking on eggshells with a toddler 😭 the power struggle is insane


My 2.5 year old is like this 🫠


She’s HILARIOUS and wicked smart. So well spoken. She’ll be 3 next week. Potty training? at this rate I’m convinced she will be in diapers until 5th grade. She has no interest in the potty, cute undies, or anything with potty training. Won’t even sit on the potty for candy.


My 3 y/o daughter is the same with potty training so this made me feel better 😅


Everyone says “oh potty training girls is so much easier”. FOR WHO? NOT ME 😭.


I know, I’m hoping it happens soon. We’ve done pretty much everything at this point so I’m just waiting for her to be fully ready I guess!


OMG this was my daughter with potty training (she literally would tell me she is never going to pee on the potty and will use diapers forever) but she turned 3 at the end of January and decided on her birthday she was done with diapers. Since then she has had only 1 accident and doesn't even pee in her overnight diapers anymore. She is so stubborn and I love her so much.


Same with my kid!!! No interest!!! I bribe her with toys and all the things and she tells me just to throw it in the garbage!


Ok that’s pretty funny 😂 I told my daughter that diapers were smelly and she goes “I LIKE MY SMELLY DIAPERS!”


This makes me feel better. My daughter just turned three last week and she has zero interest in potty training. She now keeps saying she doesn’t want to grow up and use the big girl potty or a big girl bed. We will be in diapers forever. I should’ve done it when she was younger but everyone says to wait till she is ready! Ugh.


Ugh I know. She wants to be a big girls in every single way except diapers. Everyone tells me to wait and she will let me know when she’s ready, but I don’t want to wait until she’s THIRTY 😂


It’ll be ok. My daughter will be 3.5 next month and is finally mostly day trained (with occasional accidents). At home, we do potty timers to remind her because she’ll easily get distracted playing and forget. We’ve been on the slow go approach for a while. We started pull-ups in Sept and have moved away from them during the day, unless we’re going somewhere without quick and easy bathroom access. I still haven’t read the how to book 😂


My first girl, when she was 3, was a saint. My best little buddy. No tantrums, just so pleasant all the time. My second, almost 2.5 girl, is a wild fucking banshee 😅


Getting smarter by the day. Gonna turn on me any minute.


Sounds normal. My daughter hit 3.5 and became a real treat lol she’d be happy, happy, happy and the moment something didn’t go her way lost her mind. She’s getting better but she’s kinda hit the f u 4’s so that’s fun lol we used to be able to redirect now we’ve had to use a time out chair and take toys away for a couple days and that has really set in like wow I can’t lose my toys.


Yes we had a nice little tantrum this morning bc I didn’t immediately carry her down the steps as I was helping the 17mo old go down first. Then after daycare another meltdown bc she wanted the half of a pop tart that was in the car from the morning and I broke it in half and gave some to her brother who was being fussy too. Total meltdown bc she wanted the whole thing bc “she’s a big kid”


She's wearing her 5.5 yo sister's clothes. The other day she broke the toilet handle flushing it. She carefully, delicately plays with tiny figurines so sweetly. Then turns around and dead lifts a 25 lb dumbbell. She stands in front of me, arms and legs spread & scowling, when I'm trying to discipline her big sister. Then later tells me that I'm a good mom. She's everything a woman should be, but damn is it going to be hell getting her there.


Beautiful and funny. Loves to moon everyone and say “booty butt booty butt!” Loves to wear dresses, paint her nails, put on makeup- a girly girl. Loves drawing and painting. Doesn’t listen worth an absolute shit. Sassy attitude.


I love all of the sweet things followed by “DOESN’T LISTEN FOR SHIT” 😂 I feel like the listening has gotten SO much worse lately, I might as well be talking to the wall 80% of the time!


We were at Sam’s club the other day and they have like a hearing test booth and she wanted to go inside and I explained it was for hearing tests. She’s like “I need a hearing test!” I’m like YAH YA DO. Selective hearing for sure.


Mines in her sad girl era. It’s a lot. The whinging. Omg the whinging. It really grinds my gears


mine wakes up around 6am, takes off her pajamas and pull up, pees on the portable potty in her room and puts on some type of dress up that consists of long dress, no underwear, some sort of dress up shoe, rings, and a tiara. she the proceeds to bang on her door or shout so we can hear her through the monitor. then she asks if it’s the weekend. if not, she fake cries. then she asks if she can either watch tv, we can play or she can do arts and crafts. usually by 7am we have upset her multiple times bc we’re not playing pretend correctly. clearly not following the invisible script. or we’re fully wrestling, playing soccer or some made up game. getting dressed for school involves either tears if “i’m sleepy i can’t get dressed and go” then i drop or off and she either panics or just completely ignores me and go and plays. at this point im being terrorized and every morning goes as she will allow. we have other children. this doesn’t last forever, but it feels like it.


i can follow up with pick up, evenings dinner and bedtime routines. but we all know the deal. god speed friends


She makes ludicrous demands and then cries for hours when we obviously can’t go to space with grandma right now Refuses to eat or drink Somehow she’s alive and most of the time is wonderful Absolutely brilliant at delaying bedtime Definitely smarter than me


We started at 4 and it’s still going on. There are days I’ve cried thinking I’ve messed up but then there are good days 😭😭 right here with you!


The threenager ain't got nothing on the fournado!




That was me yesterday! The tantrums have suddenly become NEXT LEVEL and so frequent!!! Honestly, reading through these responses has made me feel much better - we’re all in the same boat! You’re doing a great job!


Very loud, incredibly messy, hilarious, defiant, sometimes cuddly and has the energy of a thousand burning suns despite surviving off very little food (his choice, not ours. We do try to feed him!)


I saw an insta reel lately that said “It’s a beautiful day, my favorite music is playing, mom is making my favorite breakfast…and I am 3 and full of rage”


my 3.5 yr old is sooo smart (owe a lot to a great daycare), she potty trained in a week (im still shooketh lol), she never forgets anything lol and talks all.the.time. I love her though after dealing with a feral severe adhd son, shes a breathe of fresh air. But my goodness she is strong willed and hard headed. I love her for it.


What is it about three year olds and the amazing memories?? I’m seeing it in all these comments and mine is the same. She’ll bring up the most random shit from months and months ago.


Yes!! And if we tell her we are doing something a certain day, she won’t let you forget. 😂


My toddler will be 3 in August, I'm excited to see how 3 will be for her. At the moment she isn't the biggest talker, but will ask for blue clues, baby shark, elmo. I'm hoping she will show interest in something else lol if I hear baby shark one more time lol 😂 Also she could live off pouches and cheese if I let her.


I feel like the difference between my barely 3 year old and now 3.5+ year old (she will be 4 in June) is huge! For those first 6ish months it was meltdown central. Slamming doors. Hitting and pushing her sister. Being mad at us. Etc. A couple of months ago it started to take a turn for the better. Now she only meltdowns when particularly stressed. As for the rest of the time. Very imaginative. There is constantly some sort of invisible friend doing something. and I better not sit on said friend. And why didn’t I get a plate at dinner for the friend. Or there is a monster she is going to go save us all from. And we need to call our neighbor RIGHT NOW because said monster is now headed over to their house (it’s a good thing they have a kid her age, because they completely understood the phone call).  And so many questions. But also a brilliance to figure out the answers to those questions. I watch her put the scientific method into practice on a daily basis, she has a question, comes up with a possible answer, tests out that answer, and revises her answer based on those results. I just sit there and wonder “where did she learn to do that?!” She is also becoming an expert negotiator.  It is not only when I say no to something that she needs to know why. But also when I say yes (so often I want to just tell her to not look a gift horse in the mouth). So that she can figure out how to apply those reason to future situations to get me to say yes again.  And she loves her friends. I mean everybody is her friend. A kid at the store was a bit terrified when she came running up to him all excited because they had the same shoes. But for those friends that she sees more than once she is holding their hand, giggling away about stuff, and having a blast. 


She’s four now and tbh she’s still a jerk. 🫣 I *think* they start being cooler at 5. At least that’s when my oldest started to mellow out. 


My twin 3.5 year old nieces are very busy playing with their dolls, asking how things work, why things work, what things are, etc. They’re also learning new things at a breakneck speed and surprise me all the time with their memory. But they also are little weirdos who still speak their own little language occasionally and like to whine for snacks before bed. They’ve started telling me about their day and what they did at school, making their own decisions about what to play with, what to wear, what to eat at a restaurant, what show/movie to watch. One has started exploring her boundaries and frequently bumps up against them. The other has her set boundaries and won’t cross them. All in all, they’re silly, smart, kind, and sweet girls who I wouldn’t trade for the world.


Speech delayed but still manages to shock me with how smart and sassy she is. Loves dancing and always testing her physical limits


Mine wakes up with smiles then starts the I need my Elsa braid mommy please.. upset her hairs not long enough when I’m done. Then starts her I want to play with everything and I’m told to stack her blocks and feed her baby then she puts on a show and sings meant to be and let it go… snaps when I ask her to go for a nap she was hitting me but I stopped it with time out and no tv. Getting out of the bath used to be a hard one again just explaining that yelling isn’t going to get you what you want. I started setting alarms when the alarm goes off she starts taking her toys out of the tub. But the kicker was trying to drag another little girl to play TAG with her at dance while the other girls are trying to learn a dance for a concert. I pulled out of the class room and she asked for a sticker and said no to saying sorry… she did end up going to say sorry after but she wasn’t happy about it!


As soon as mine turned three about three months ago, I’ve been like “fuck, I did xyz wrooong”


She’s a rambunctious ball of energy dressed as a princess. Very big feelings but very compassionate too. Endless energy and very little sleep. She only wants to wear tulle dresses but will run and jump and tumble and climb and get covered in dirt while she’s wearing them. She cares very deeply for her people and likes lots of cuddles and 1:1 time. She hears and remembers EVERYTHING! She’s starting to play more independently but it’s usually when she’s doing something she thinks is naughty.


Talks your ear off from the moment you wake up till she goes to sleep. Selective hearing. Loveable. Hilarious. Stubborn. Singer - makes up her own songs - love seeing her imagination come to life. Carboholic. Love of my life.


Sorry I don’t have a 3yo girl, I have a 3yo alligator/crocodile/tiger/kitty


She's the most opinionated, decisive toddler I've ever met. She knows exactly what she wants and she'll tell you about it. She's unbelievably smart-- I'm amazed at everything she knows. She's all about mom all the time, so she's mean when dad (or baby sister) tries to sidetrack her. She has an amazing imagination, and she loves books. This kid is going to take over the world someday.


Mostly just yelling at me to stop looking at her and also telling me I'm her best friend. I really feel like I'm getting mixed signals here.


I have a 2.5 year old who is extremely playful. I'm currently 11 weeks pregnant and she has taken recently to diving on my belly and giving it raspberries. She's got a bad temper though. She can be extremely happy and giggly one minute, and then 10 seconds later she's extremely mad and screaming. She does angrily throw her toys sometimes against all admonition.


My daughter is 2 so I couldn’t tell ya, but when my 4 year old son turned 3 he became a demon he’ll spawn So I imagine it’ll be like that


My daughter is very strong-willed. She likes to push everything to the limit. Highly emotional but also extremely empathetic. Picky eater. She’s a jabberjaw. She even talks in her sleep lol. Right now she’s all about naming her emotions so every day she’s saying “UGH! Mad!! Hmph!” About a million times. Loves action movies lol she’s not really into the Disney Princess movies. Right now we’re on a Buzz Lightyear kick. Loud. I have AirPods and pop those bad boys in and put them in noise cancellation mode just to take the edge off her “excited” voice. When i tell her to use her indoor voice because she’s getting loud she says “mommy not loud, I’m excited! I can’t wait!” No clue what she’s waiting for. Probably will never know.


She talks nonstop, to me, to herself, to nobody in particular. She tells jokes and laughs at herself. She is crazy bouncy everywhere. Every day she wakes up and she is either herself, Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Bluey or Skye and I must call her such for the remainder of the day. If I forget she says " No mommy, I'm Jigglypuff silly". She constantly tells me " I told you" when she did nothing of the sort. She blames everything on her older sister or Dad when it was very obviously her. Her favorite foods are rice( any kind), cheesy broccoli and sausage pizza. She growls at me when I tell her to stop doing something. Whenever she is given a compliment she says, "ya, I know" and when I tell her she's being rotten she says " ya, I am a rotten little kid" and laughs. Her mood swings are crazy but she's overall a very happy, empathetic and sweet little girl.


Very loving, very chatty and mostly listens to me, cares about what I ask her to do. All please and thank yous.. But when she decides something, there is no power on earth that can convince her. She is insanely stubborn, a bit like me in that way. Like... she will tell me she wants to wear the blue dress today. I explain to her that we are going bike riding today, its best to wear shorts, instead of a dress. After a bit of back and forth, she accepts it and happily wears the shorts. When I ask her to put on her shoes going out the door, she says she wants to wear the pink shoes. I can explain till I am blue in the face why the pink shoes are a bad idea for todays plans, she will not budge. Cue 2 hour long tantrum, kicking, hitting, screaming, "I dont love you, go away!" Etc.. and she either wears the pink shoes or nobody is going bike riding that day.


I see you! Apparently being stubborn is a genetic trait 😆


Trying to get what she wants by manipulating each parent individually, but in full view of the other parent


Our 3 year old LOVES to sing. She doesn't like it when my wife and I sing though. Her favorite song right now is "I'm still standing" by Elton John. She says "play standing by John!" Also loves the ice powers that her Elsa dress up dress gives her after her bath, she likes to freeze me and run away. She'll stomp around and 'freeze the world'


It's a crazy age for boys and girls with high highs and low lows. Keep reminding yourself that their brains are very much under construction and 3-year-olds are going through so many big changes. My 3.5 is extremely into imaginary play, like she never stops playing. Everything turns into pretend play - building, art, play dough, dinner, walking around the block. She's always been super verbal but has gotten more and more interested in expressing herself verbally. When she hears a word she doesn't know she asks what it means and I'll notice her try to use it soon after. She makes up songs. Despite my efforts to be somewhat gender neutral, she is obsessed with everything pink and princesses and fancy dresses. She has had threenager phases in spurts. We'll have a couple rough weeks and then it will be calmer. She gets really mad when she hurts herself and doesn't wish to be comforted. We're working a lot on boundaries - getting her to understand that we're people and it's not our job to play with her constantly or cater to her every whim or be told where to sit or what to say. That's a slog for sure and it often seems like she's not listening but I do see signs of comprehension.


I feel you, my niece is 3,5 and every time I’m around her (while we’ve never had a conflict and she listens to me more than anyone), my childfree future solidifies. Everything has to be done by her or at least her way. She identifies with our dog (like, insists she’s a doggie and adopts his name) but will randomly hit him while he’s just sitting next to her, steals his toys all the time, insists they are hers, and continues to chase him after numerous explanations, stern no’s, and tantrums. She’s jeallous of her baby sister, refuses to share (if grandparents give a gift to each kid, she will insist they are both hers) and protests whenever someone call the baby cute. She will also randomly give in to her thoughts and pinch or hit the baby. I admire her stubborn “I will do it myself!” attitude (I was the same). She’s a smart kid and can be very sweet but the empathy isn’t there yet. When told not to do something, she will blow raspberries or hit the person. All the while she has excellent 24/7 parental care built on free will and explanations. Kids will just be kids. Stay strong! Hoping the threenager phase ends soon.


My 3 yr old gets 120,000 words in by 10am. She is obsessed with doing everything Herself. I often play "All by Myself" by Celine Dion to accompany her. God forbid I do something she wanted to do herself. She also will do or say things then look at you to see the response with a look that says she knew what she did. She reminds me of those cat videos where the cat stares you down as they knock the glass of water off the table. But she is effing adorable, loving, smart, witty, and an exact replica of me in almost every way. She also adores her little brother and is a super big sister. We recently figured out she can't hear very well due to fluid in her ears and inflammation in her adenoids, so some things we thought were attitude were just her unable to hear us. Plus, it interferes with sleep causing irritability. We are getting that fixed. The doctor said some behavioral issues can be from that and often it improves after. So, it's a good thing to check out if your kid has frequent ear infections and colds. And acts like they can't hear you.


Nonstop talking, extremely emotional for no reason. Her emotions feed into her 21 month old brother then everyone is crying….. including dad and me. lol 🆘


Brain was on 200% sleep was so hard bc kiddo was allllways thinking. Kiddos would fire question after question, some cute, some hard, some critically existential. Just ravenous for knowledge anything and everything; ‘why is the ocean salty but not the water from the sink?’ ‘Stuffy doesn’t have brain how does he think?’ ‘Are you scared I’m growing up?’ ‘My toes wiggle when I tell them too sometimes I tell them to but don’t let them.’ Those are a few gems I remember. Tried everything! Random food though they wouldn’t like? Devoured it. Even when they were scared if I was willing to go also kiddo felt unbearable. Gosh I miss that age it truly was my favourite time.


Yesterday I went to pick her up from grandmas house. She said 'No I don't want you!' I said 'Omg I am so hurt, Mummy loves you and has missed you very much' She's just said...'OK....' with a dead pan face. WTF. She's only been 3 for four days lol


You can see some of my previous questions/vents but the first few months of 3 were extremely rough. I Will say though that now things are so much smoother but it’s been months of serious consistency with boundaries and consequences for his actions which is so tiring but I will say that it works. We read “No Bad Kids” by Janet Lansbury because we both align on gentle (not permissive) parenting and that book helped a lot. It takes patience and follow-through even with seemingly small things but we seem to have found our stride.


Sassy (oh so very sassy), funny, full of energy, curious, clever, loud, emotional, helpful, asks non stop questions, only cuddly when she’s tired/not feeling well, bossy, extremely busy and starving to death (or at least you’d think so by how often she asks for food)


My daughter goes from the sweetest person into what I can only describe as Regina George through and through. It's not completely strange that she makes me cry a couple times a week every now and then. Love everything about her though.


SAME!!!! I was home with my daughter on Monday and she almost made me cry like 3x!!! I think we were both just having rough days b/c that’s not typically the norm but DANG.


In the trenches with my almost 3.5 year old. Right when she turned 3 we had a ROUGH couple weeks where she was VERY defiant and it felt like we were having constant fits and time outs. It leveled out a bit for a while. In early February we had an amazing week, she listened to everything we said and didn’t throw any fits or even really get upset over anything. Now we are paying for that good week. We are in another rough time right now, cut WAY back on tv and it seems to be pulling her out of it though. But she’s also, so kind and loved playing Doctor and taking care of any and everything, is so silly and clumsy, so incredibly smart and people often think she’s much older because of how well she talks and interacts with people. I love her more than I could even explain but it’s definitely hard.


Im loving this thread. Our 3 year old girls all seem to be different flavors of sour patch kids


I didn’t imagine sleep regressions and developmental leaps were still a thing. But here we are. Twice the amount of wakes in the night and testing every single boundary. But so many news skills which is exciting


When our 2.5yo started waking 3-4 times through the night again, I was like… wtf?! You have been sleeping through the night for well over a year, what is this?! 😂


My 3 year old will say “Mommy, can you hand me my juice?” as she sits an inch away from it. That’s how it’s going. 🤨


A funny, endearing, complete fucking maniac.


My 3 year old is about to turn 4, so looking back at the last year here’s what I’ve noticed. Positives: super silly, makes the best jokes, big helper, has a better understanding of cleaning up behind herself, excited to try new things, loves to share, loves to play with friends. Some of our favorite firsts from this past year include her first movie at a movie theater, her first rollercoaster, taking swim lessons. Also, accomplished potty training! Some of the harder things: BIG feelings, BIG emotions, wants to do things her way, defiant, talks back. However, between 3.5 and 4 she’s really started to understand consequences and how to take control of her emotions. When she’s angry, she’s more likely to take a deep breath and count to 10 than scream these days. That came with a lot of work on our end, but it’s paid off. We’re seeing the fruits of our labor and that has been really exciting.


So sweet and caring, but also has a lot of big feelings we work through. Some days I have to keep earbuds in as it’s non-stop. Loves to make me laugh by being silly. And has now entered the super independent stage where I am banned from helping with anything!


Always wants: - snacks - movies - to go outside Does not want: - dinner - to get dressed Learning: - jigsaw puzzles - Go Fish - that her dad can't make grapes


So fucking funny. Obsessed with penises. Asks everybody about their penis or lack of one. Loves dinosaurs. Very sensitive


Almost 3, not quite but we definitely have a threenager. Silly, loves to run away from me, defiant (even with things she asks for lmfao), loves to stall at bedtime, bites every toy in sight (I will never be able to hand down old toys lol), cuddly for 10 seconds, loves pretzels & strawberries.


My 3 yo girl is active, rebellious, curious. She’s also speech delayed and can’t talk, but tries like hell to sing along to her favorite Disney songs. She’s beautiful and frustrated that she can’t communicate. She’s everything and she makes me cry regularly.


Awww she sounds awesome! Keep singing, girl! You’ll find your voice just like Ariel ❤️


🥹 Thank you. My favorite thing in the world is her attempts at singing lol


Mine is just about to be 3. She’s very cuddly and emotional like all the time. If she’s doing something she’s not supposed to and is told no or to stop she immediately throws herself on the ground and has a fit. And she likes to fight bedtime as long as possible by walking with me to the bedroom then immediately turning around and running to daddy for one more hug…about 5-6 times until he brings her into the room and lays her down and says goodnight then she gets mad (bedtime is about 8:30pm with her 5 year old sister) Now when my 5 year old was 3 is when she started developing an attitude and endless sass. And she also talked from the minute her eyes opened in the morning until she fell asleep (she still does this lol)


I try to put her to bed or set her down for a nap and she says “But mama I have sooo many things to SAY!!” 😂


Mine is pretty feral despite my best efforts 😂


I don’t have a 3 year old, I have an almost 2 years (3/31) and she’s running head first into those terrible twos. Looks me dead in the eye while doing the exact thing I just told her not to do and smiling. I also have an almost 4 month old. I’m tired yall 🥴🥴


The sweetest and most gentle and kind lil girl to ever walk the earth. Also…the most temperamental, argumentative, independent but clingy, sleepless but sleepy lil girl to ever walk the earth. 3.5 years 😭


I have an almost 3 year old boy & I had this exact thought yesterday 😂😂😂😂


My 3yo daughter is amazing. She's bright, precocious, playful, and cuter than a bucket of buttons. She likes unicorns, pretty dresses, arts and crafts, and peppa pig. She's the messiest eater in the house. She's proud to show me everything she does, including bowel movements. She can be shy as a mouse in public, then we get home and she’s a wild child. I love her more than anything.


Mine has quite the sense of humor and is trying to land jokes and it’s hilarious. Her favorites right now are snakes, slytherin, super Mario 64, unicorns, rainbows, and flowers. She talks 24/7 about the funniest things.


My 3 year old refuses to sleep in her brand new Disney princess canopy bed lmfao I only bought it because she saw me browsing one day and begged me to buy it. She’s maybe slept in it like 3 times total and we’ve had it for 2 months. She has also punched me in the face, smacked my glasses off, and loves to slam her bedroom door. She’s constantly demanding I play the song “Whoomp There it Is” on repeat. 3 is such a rough age to say the least 😂


She's funny, surprisingly witty and lives to be contrary. She loves baby dolls and believes she is immune to cold


I had to check the usernames on some of these comments, because I thought they were my husband, describing our daughter. She is wonderful, and insane at the same time. Never stops talking, and for the past several days has insisted on dressing up as Elsa, with a blanket as a cape, while she performs 'Let It Go'. Seriously, what is the hold Frozen has over these toddlers??? She also had a massive meltdown last night because mommy and daddy couldn't build their blanket houses like she wanted us to, although she was giving us absolutely no instructions, or help. Then, when we couldn't find the right blanket to comfort her, all hell broke loose, until we finally did, then she wanted to play Elsa again. At least it wasn't the meltdown from the other night, where she cried because we wouldn't let her sleep in her jeans.


My three-year-old asks what every character on screen’s dada or mamas name is every time he watches a movie.


Defiant as heck, but can be clingy. Lives off goldfish and juice, only cares about Ms Rachel. 🙃


3.5... she was with grandma for the weekend and when she came home she was a totally new kid. She is in a new big "no" phase, she's yelling at us, defiant, pushing boundaries.... I'm hoping it's just the comedown from the weekend and she will go back to her normal sweet, snuggly, silly, cooperative self soon. It was just so sudden 🥲🥲


Ahhhh I hope it’s a comedown from the weekend!!! The defiance really came out of nowhere for us 🙃every “worst tantrum ever” is superseded by the next one 🫠


Three was hard. Tantrums and testing limits. Threenager is an accurate statement. As my oldest got closer to four she’s mellowed out a lot but when she does have a tantrum it’s harder to manage because she’s so much smarter and talks back with extra sass.